Glenn Beck; "God"-Sent??

I am confident that the Lord is going to be alot more merciful to Glenn than you would like.
and likely more so than to HIM

I don't know that. you don't know that. i figure just let God handle it.

He has said that He will judge people by the judgments they judge others with.

Whatever happens will be both just and merciful. Repentence can always happen before the Day of Judgment.
true, but i doubt he is the type to do so
I think he may have admitted he used cocane when he was much younger.

Heck I tried coke in the past. Was just burn your nose speed stuff. I never saw the attraction, but then I do not try and be with the in crowd.

Sounds like you paid Coke-prices for "bathtub"-METH!!!!! (....Another reason why young-kids shouldn't be using drugs.
Hey truthmatters, what is it about dimwit libs that choose idiots for their leaders? You idiots are scared of Palin and Beck otherwise you would not be attacking them so much.

Hell, I think they're a laugh-RIOT!!!!!!!

[ame=]YouTube - PALINSPEAK: The Complete Collection, Sarah Palin Gibberish[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck's Fake Crying Photoshoot[/ame]​
And spelling counts for what?

I have never understood why a medium of communication such as writing has people more concerned with the means instead of the communication.

Yes I spell for shit and always have, it just doesnt matter to me and never will.

I am far more concerned with content and always will be.

You just keep being the fucking spelling and typo police , it suits you and your level of thought.

It counts for a lot. People that misspell words show themselves to be either careless, ignorant or both. How a person speaks, writes and spells tells just as much about that person as what they wear or where they live. Improper spelling can lead to confusion and gives the impression that the person isn't smarter than a fifth grader.



Video: Glenn Beck: “OLIGARH” was on purpose, you can’t spell “OLIGARCH” without “CZARS” or something | Mofo Politics


If you're gonna hammer someone, Mr Stupid, I suggest you get your fucking facts straight before you do, otherwise it is too damned easy to hand you your ass on a plate.

Damn, I really loathe stupidity.
You are truly a vile and loathsome scumbag

I have no hidden agenda

and I am a better, more decent, more civilized person than YOU are.

you are merely maggot crap

Maggot crap, sounds pretty civilized to me.:cuckoo:

"maggot crap" is far more civilized than "now go fuck yourself jerkoff"

"maggot crap" is far more civilized than threats of violence

It's subjective. But why does fucking yourself have to be violent?
Cannot help you with that question, Lonestar. What does Mrs Lonestar say?

I have no idea she died 19 years ago giving birth to my fifth child. However judging from your description of what a bitch is, which I'm not fully convinced is accurate, but if it is then I must be a bitch and proudly so.
Could there possibly BE any-better-example of the long-term-effects of alcoholism???? :cuckoo:

"Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally, with former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin among the scheduled speakers, will take place on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, 47 years to the day after Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech there.

Responding to the criticism on his show June 28, Beck said he believes it was "divine providence" that the rally was scheduled on the anniversary of the King speech. He said he had initially planned the event for Sept. 12 and then realized it was a Sunday. "I'm not going to ask anyone to work on the Sabbath," he said. He rescheduled the rally for Aug. 28 because it was the best day for the schedules of the people involved, he said.

"It was not my intention to select 8-28 because of the Martin Luther King tie. It is the day he made that speech. I had no idea until I announced it and I walked offstage and my researchers said, New York Times has already just published that this is [the same day as the King speech] -- and I said, 'Oh, jeez.' "

He went on to say: "I believe in divine providence. I believe this is a reason [the date was chosen], because whites don't own the Founding Fathers. Whites don't own Abraham Lincoln. Blacks don't own Martin Luther King. Humans, humans embrace their ideas or reject their ideas. Too many are rejecting the Founders' ideas. Too many have forgotten Abraham Lincoln's ideas and far too many have either gotten just lazy or they have purposely distorted Martin Luther King's ideas of judge a man by the content of his character. Lately, in the last 20 years, we've been told that character doesn't matter. Well, if character doesn't matter, then what was Martin Luther King asking people to judge people by?"

Asked for further explanation of the remark, Beck's spokesman said, "No comment."

I believe in divine karma.

And for Glenn Beck, it's going to be a bitch.

Only the exceptionally arrogant (and terminally stupid) think they know how others will be judged. Personally, I tend to figure that - as a human being - I don't know what is in another person's heart - so I'll leave the judging to He who does.
I am confident that the Lord is going to be alot more merciful to Glenn than you would like.
and likely more so than to HIM

I don't know that. you don't know that. i figure just let God handle it.

He has said that He will judge people by the judgments they judge others with.

Whatever happens will be both just and merciful. Repentence can always happen before the Day of Judgment.

So why be in a hurry to repent?
and likely more so than to HIM

I don't know that. you don't know that. i figure just let God handle it.

He has said that He will judge people by the judgments they judge others with.

Whatever happens will be both just and merciful. Repentence can always happen before the Day of Judgment.

So why be in a hurry to repent?

Why does an atheist care?

Oh that's right you're not an athiest you just play one on the message boards.
I don't know that. you don't know that. i figure just let God handle it.

He has said that He will judge people by the judgments they judge others with.

Whatever happens will be both just and merciful. Repentence can always happen before the Day of Judgment.

So why be in a hurry to repent?

Why does an atheist care?

Oh that's right you're not an athiest you just play one on the message boards.

Inquiring minds want to know.
So why are you always talking about liberals if you are not one?
Ohh right you just play a conservative on message boards.
wasn't springer the guy who always had white trash trailer folk on, and it would always end up in a fight which some big bald dude would break up?

how does that compare to what glenn beck does?

both tickle the same parts of our emotional psyche.
they both depend on emotional responses not logical ones.

would you argue there is no difference between the format of the springer show and beck? what about rachel maddow? keith olbermann? anderson cooper? bill o'reilly?

Glenn Beck makes Bill O'Reilly look saintly. I recently caught the O'Reilly segment where he interviewed Glenn Beck. Having watched Bill off and on for many years, his body language was saying the same thing a lot of us feel about Beck: The guy's an unbelievable provacateur with a lit fuse about to blow. And when he does, it's very apt to be a Howard Beale moment, with Beck stripped naked for all the world to see his insanity, including his die-hard supporters.
I think he may have admitted he used cocane when he was much younger.

Heck I tried coke in the past. Was just burn your nose speed stuff. I never saw the attraction, but then I do not try and be with the in crowd.

Obama relates experimenting with drugs in his first book, Dreams from My Father, in which he explored personal issues of race and identity, and where he fit in (being half white/half black). Of course he has been highly criticized for being honest, but hey, par for the course...

If he were actually "addicted" to cocaine, we would know it. I had a boss once, back in the mid-80's when doing coke was the "in thing" among the elite and I can't count the number of times I actually wrote legal briefs, forged his signature, and got them filed by the deadline so that he wouldn't lose a case by default. When the guy was awake, he was WIDE awake and talked a blue streak, but when he crashed, even a California earthquake couldn't revive him. The in-between times were spent on the phone trying to clean up his own messes with clients. (Needless to say, I was paid very very well. :lol:)
At least Fox viewers can spell.

And spelling counts for what?

I have never understood why a medium of communication such as writing has people more concerned with the means instead of the communication.

Yes I spell for shit and always have, it just doesnt matter to me and never will.

I am far more concerned with content and always will be.

You just keep being the fucking spelling and typo police , it suits you and your level of thought.

If you cannot bother to be clear and concise in your writing, why would anyone assume you would do so in your thoughts?

Okay, where are all these grammar cops in all the other threads? Shall I waste time finding a few just from yesterday that were so full of truly ILLITERATE spelling and sentence structure, posted by cons, that it breaks my heart that even those people are not getting a basic education?

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