Glenn Beck; "God"-Sent??

Beck is an admitted alcohol and drug addict.

He says he is clean.

What is it about the cons that make them choose "ex" addicts for leaders?

You would prefer current addicts?

Once again, TM, I know this is a toughie but give it a try....

Beck is NOT NOT NOT a "leader of the Republican Party". He's an entertainer on a right wing talk show. There's a difference, I swear there is.

Let's just say that an enormous number of people "take their lead" from the words that pour from Glenn Beck's mouth. He has now surpassed even Limbaugh (also an ex-addict) in that regard. Get it now?
McCain didn't make a big deal of it because honestly, i dont think it's a big deal. That and they ran a completely weak campaign.

McCains campaign was totally flaccid.
of course he was at a major disadvantage trying to distance himself from Bush.

That's because McCain is politically expedient. He doesn't stand for anything and the people saw right through him. Obama was much better at masking his agenda through generalities.

If McCain had remained the clear-thinking renegade he once was (a true conservative-leaning independent thinker), he probably could have beat Obama. Instead, he chose to do completely the opposite and denigrate Obama and the others by running a dirty campaign. I always got the impression that McCain's biggest problem was the fact that Obama was younger and less experienced and therefore HOW DARE such a whippersnapper think he could do a better job than a seasoned veteran? It was McCain's ego that did him in, more than once.
Fox is the mouthpiece of the right.

They are inseperable
Liberal media is the mouthpiece of the wrong.

What liberal media? Other than the self-professed liberal pundits on cable television, the so-called "liberal" media takes its cues from the right wing noise machine. The whole mosque situation is a perfect example. You really had to listen hard to hear any other news for the past 72 hours.
At least Fox viewers can spell.

And spelling counts for what?

I have never understood why a medium of communication such as writing has people more concerned with the means instead of the communication.

Yes I spell for shit and always have, it just doesnt matter to me and never will.

I am far more concerned with content and always will be.

You just keep being the fucking spelling and typo police , it suits you and your level of thought.
the point is, if you had a functioning brain you would know there are spell check programs you can use to assist you
FireFox has one builtin and the vBB software usually has a link to an IE plugin that gives you a spell check

As far as I can tell, there was only ONE word in this thread that was misspelled which is the topic of conversation. There are other threads where even if someone has a spell-check program, he/she would have to spend 10 minutes just correcting the post, it's that bad.

Some people have a mental block about certain words. Mine are the words weird, seize and ignore. When I type, I've been at it so long that my fingers automatically type entire words, not letters, and sometimes those will still come up wrong with the 'i' before the 'e' (which is the general grammatical rule) and I still don't want to put an 'e' on ignore. Don't know why this is. It just is.

I usually just use my main search bar, plug in the word followed by - definition and don't bother with a spell check at all. It's much faster.
Beck is an admitted alcohol and drug addict.

He says he is clean.

What is it about the cons that make them choose "ex" addicts for leaders?

Ask Mr Obama who admits to using Cocaine and others. Dumbass
Ask him what.....why he's "runnin' the show".....and, Beck can only manage a FAUX-sideshow???



Shaman, if you have points to make, no one will take you seriously until you stop your childish cartoonery and coloring. You're just wasting your time, at least with me, since I never actually read anything you post because of it.
It counts for a lot. People that misspell words show themselves to be either careless, ignorant or both. How a person speaks, writes and spells tells just as much about that person as what they wear or where they live. Improper spelling can lead to confusion and gives the impression that the person isn't smarter than a fifth grader.



Video: Glenn Beck: “OLIGARH” was on purpose, you can’t spell “OLIGARCH” without “CZARS” or something | Mofo Politics


If you're gonna hammer someone, Mr Stupid, I suggest you get your fucking facts straight before you do, otherwise it is too damned easy to hand you your ass on a plate.

Damn, I really loathe stupidity.

Ohhhh, I've missed you, CG. Seriously. Where have you been?
Yeah, I used to say this too Maggie. Until the Journolist scandal.

The JournoList Scandal - Politics - The Atlantic

So you don't think conservative pundits have their little e-mail groups? Puleeze... Guys like Rupert Murdoch and Matt Drudge establish the talking points du jour every morning for the right wing Internet outlets and blogsites. They will put out just enough with tittilating headlines that generate interest among the MSM, and they're off and running for the day/week/month. Grover Norquist still holds court over right wing pundits every Wednesday. Just because they don't have a formal "name" for their groups hardly means they don't exist.
I'd be willing to bet there are far fewer of these cozy little email groups since the Journolist scandal broke, but that is not my point. Almost all reporters and journalists seem to flaunt their bias these days. It is rare to see anyone trouble themselves to try and be objective.

Some newspapers do it (Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, NY Times) but no tv networks, IMO. And even the papers I named seem to favor their left sides.

I can't say this often enough: There's a vast difference between reporting the news and commenting on it, or there should be. I miss Edward R. Murrow and his kind.
Even Edward R. Morrow couldn't sit by and watch as Joe McCarthy began rising to fame with a bunch of trumped up charges because no one had the balls to challenge him.
and likely more so than to HIM

I don't know that. you don't know that. i figure just let God handle it.

He has said that He will judge people by the judgments they judge others with.

Whatever happens will be both just and merciful. Repentence can always happen before the Day of Judgment.

So why be in a hurry to repent?

1) Don't know when we are going to die
2) To be happier in this life.
I don't know that. you don't know that. i figure just let God handle it.

He has said that He will judge people by the judgments they judge others with.

Whatever happens will be both just and merciful. Repentence can always happen before the Day of Judgment.

So why be in a hurry to repent?

1) Don't know when we are going to die
2) To be happier in this life.

Aww man some church baserd sins are fun.

Do we have to repent for church based sins or only biblical based ones?
When I was little and in church it was a sin to go to a movie or dance.
Some how now in the same church it is not a sin. Sins do not come and go like fashion.
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So why be in a hurry to repent?

1) Don't know when we are going to die
2) To be happier in this life.

Aww man some church baserd sins are fun.

Do we have to repent for church based sins or only biblical based ones?
When I was little and in church it was a sin to go to a movie or dance.
Some how now in the same church it is not a sin. Sins do not come and go like fashion.
those are not sins
i dont know what church you went to that told you that, but i wouldnt stay there very long if they taught lies like that
1) Don't know when we are going to die
2) To be happier in this life.

Aww man some church baserd sins are fun.

Do we have to repent for church based sins or only biblical based ones?
When I was little and in church it was a sin to go to a movie or dance.
Some how now in the same church it is not a sin. Sins do not come and go like fashion.
those are not sins
i dont know what church you went to that told you that, but i wouldnt stay there very long if they taught lies like that

The Assemblies Of God.
Same one as Palin, Jim Baker, and Swaggarts church.

I had no choice, it was get whipped and go to church or just go to church.
Aww man some church baserd sins are fun.

Do we have to repent for church based sins or only biblical based ones?
When I was little and in church it was a sin to go to a movie or dance.
Some how now in the same church it is not a sin. Sins do not come and go like fashion.
those are not sins
i dont know what church you went to that told you that, but i wouldnt stay there very long if they taught lies like that

The Assemblies Of God.
Same one as Palin, Jim Baker, and Swaggarts church.

I had no choice, it was get whipped and go to church or just go to church.
dang, tough family
Could there possibly BE any-better-example of the long-term-effects of alcoholism???? :cuckoo:

"Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally, with former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin among the scheduled speakers, will take place on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, 47 years to the day after Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech there.

Responding to the criticism on his show June 28, Beck said he believes it was "divine providence" that the rally was scheduled on the anniversary of the King speech. He said he had initially planned the event for Sept. 12 and then realized it was a Sunday. "I'm not going to ask anyone to work on the Sabbath," he said. He rescheduled the rally for Aug. 28 because it was the best day for the schedules of the people involved, he said.

"It was not my intention to select 8-28 because of the Martin Luther King tie. It is the day he made that speech. I had no idea until I announced it and I walked offstage and my researchers said, New York Times has already just published that this is [the same day as the King speech] -- and I said, 'Oh, jeez.' "

He went on to say: "I believe in divine providence. I believe this is a reason [the date was chosen], because whites don't own the Founding Fathers. Whites don't own Abraham Lincoln. Blacks don't own Martin Luther King. Humans, humans embrace their ideas or reject their ideas. Too many are rejecting the Founders' ideas. Too many have forgotten Abraham Lincoln's ideas and far too many have either gotten just lazy or they have purposely distorted Martin Luther King's ideas of judge a man by the content of his character. Lately, in the last 20 years, we've been told that character doesn't matter. Well, if character doesn't matter, then what was Martin Luther King asking people to judge people by?"

Asked for further explanation of the remark, Beck's spokesman said, "No comment."

Sure, he didn't realize what day that was. Bull crap. He just loves busting chops. That's his style.
Actually, if the critics weren't afraid of what Glenn Beck might have to say at this rally, there would probably be nothing said about it. Seems like that the more the truth is exposed, the louder the critics become. Stop beating up the messenger and begin to hear what is actually being said. The truth will set you free.

Actually, if the critics weren't afraid of what Glenn Beck might have to say at this rally, there would probably be nothing said about it. Seems like that the more the truth is exposed, the louder the critics become. Stop beating up the messenger and begin to hear what is actually being said. The truth will set you free.

Picture of you down by the flop house hoping for a cot?

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