Glenn Beck; "God"-Sent??

At least Fox viewers can spell.

And spelling counts for what?

I have never understood why a medium of communication such as writing has people more concerned with the means instead of the communication.

Yes I spell for shit and always have, it just doesnt matter to me and never will.

I am far more concerned with content and always will be.

You just keep being the fucking spelling and typo police , it suits you and your level of thought.

If you cannot bother to be clear and concise in your writing, why would anyone assume you would do so in your thoughts?

She makes it clear in her posts that she isn't concise in anything. I wish she would be. It be nice to see that energy doing something productive.
Ya, I saw that Avatar. I didn't know about it (the cocaine use) until today. Kinda astounding.

Honestly, It doesn't bother me. I know lots of addicts. Most of them aren't bad people. They just have created problems for themselves that they need to overcome.

I think anyone overcome addictions, or even if the uses arent addictions yet, is something to be happy about. I am glad the President realized that Cocaine wasn't good for him and cleaned himself up on that.

My best friend overdosed on Heroin twice before he woke up. He has totally cleaned up his life and i sincerely hope he never falls back into it. But I also hope people don't hold his past against him for no reason. He is a good guy. Just took him alittle longer to clean up his life than some people take.

I think we all have issues in life to deal with. We all have our trials and weaknesses. Our weaknesses are there to make us humble people. To realize we aren't all that. It's only when we are honest with ourselves and see ourselves for who we really are that we can overcome our weaknesses and reach our full potential.

If anyone has found Redemption and turned away from a bad past, I'm fully supportive of that person. And I think anyone foolish enough to disregard someone for that is simply ignorant of the true power of humanity.
You're a good guy, Avatar. But cocaine scares me. It wasn't around until I was a Mommy and I have never used it, though of course I know people who did. In my mind, it's a "hard drug" and messing with it is a serious Life Choice.

I guess what is most surprising to me is, if Obama admitted this, why didn't the McCain campaign make a bigger deal about it? Seems like a better issue for them than all this Bill Ayers, born in Kenya bullshit they were giving off.

Oh well, water under the bridge.
McCain didn't make a big deal of it because honestly, i dont think it's a big deal. That and they ran a completely weak campaign.
McCain didn't make a big deal of it because honestly, i dont think it's a big deal. That and they ran a completely weak campaign.

McCains campaign was totally flaccid.
of course he was at a major disadvantage trying to distance himself from Bush.
McCain didn't make a big deal of it because honestly, i dont think it's a big deal. That and they ran a completely weak campaign.

McCains campaign was totally flaccid.
of course he was at a major disadvantage trying to distance himself from Bush.

That's because McCain is politically expedient. He doesn't stand for anything and the people saw right through him. Obama was much better at masking his agenda through generalities.
McCain didn't make a big deal of it because honestly, i dont think it's a big deal. That and they ran a completely weak campaign.

McCains campaign was totally flaccid.
of course he was at a major disadvantage trying to distance himself from Bush.

That's because McCain is politically expedient. He doesn't stand for anything and the people saw right through him. Obama was much better at masking his agenda through generalities.

McCain probably upped his vote count by 25% by picking Palin as a running mate.
Esp for the pic of her in her running shorts and stockings ;)

I suppose he was looking for a cure for a flaccid campaign.
Fox is the mouthpiece of the right.

They are inseperable

At least Fox viewers can spell.

And spelling counts for what?

I have never understood why a medium of communication such as writing has people more concerned with the means instead of the communication.

Yes I spell for shit and always have, it just doesnt matter to me and never will.

I am far more concerned with content and always will be.

You just keep being the fucking spelling and typo police , it suits you and your level of thought.
the point is, if you had a functioning brain you would know there are spell check programs you can use to assist you
FireFox has one builtin and the vBB software usually has a link to an IE plugin that gives you a spell check
Could there possibly BE any-better-example of the long-term-effects of alcoholism???? :cuckoo:

"Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally, with former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin among the scheduled speakers, will take place on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, 47 years to the day after Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech there.

Responding to the criticism on his show June 28, Beck said he believes it was "divine providence" that the rally was scheduled on the anniversary of the King speech. He said he had initially planned the event for Sept. 12 and then realized it was a Sunday. "I'm not going to ask anyone to work on the Sabbath," he said. He rescheduled the rally for Aug. 28 because it was the best day for the schedules of the people involved, he said.

"It was not my intention to select 8-28 because of the Martin Luther King tie. It is the day he made that speech. I had no idea until I announced it and I walked offstage and my researchers said, New York Times has already just published that this is [the same day as the King speech] -- and I said, 'Oh, jeez.' "

He went on to say: "I believe in divine providence. I believe this is a reason [the date was chosen], because whites don't own the Founding Fathers. Whites don't own Abraham Lincoln. Blacks don't own Martin Luther King. Humans, humans embrace their ideas or reject their ideas. Too many are rejecting the Founders' ideas. Too many have forgotten Abraham Lincoln's ideas and far too many have either gotten just lazy or they have purposely distorted Martin Luther King's ideas of judge a man by the content of his character. Lately, in the last 20 years, we've been told that character doesn't matter. Well, if character doesn't matter, then what was Martin Luther King asking people to judge people by?"

Asked for further explanation of the remark, Beck's spokesman said, "No comment."

I believe in divine karma.

And for Glenn Beck, it's going to be a bitch.
I believe in divine karma.

And for Glenn Beck, it's going to be a bitch.

I am confident that the Lord is going to be alot more merciful to Glenn than you would like.
and likely more so than to HIM

I don't know that. you don't know that. i figure just let God handle it.

He has said that He will judge people by the judgments they judge others with.

Whatever happens will be both just and merciful. Repentence can always happen before the Day of Judgment.
Beck is an admitted alcohol and drug addict.

He says he is clean.

What is it about the cons that make them choose "ex" addicts for leaders?

Ask Mr Obama who admits to using Cocaine and others. Dumbass
Ask him what.....why he's "runnin' the show".....and, Beck can only manage a FAUX-sideshow???



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