Glenn Beck; "God"-Sent??

I agree. Eventually, with his daily fomenting of violence (something must be done NOW against the Marxist/fascists led by Barack Obama who will seize your guns and transfer white wealth to blacks and Hispanics...) Beck is eventually going to be responsible for getting people killed. His constant drumbeat inciting the tribe to guns and revolution isn't even political in nature anymore. It's downright seditious and right at the edge of treason.

I'd rather raise up in arms to take my country back, which is my patriotic duty, against the kind of radical, socialist, tyranny you shit stains on the left have in mind for this country, than just idly sit by and watch you destroy America. To just let you people continue with your agenda is suicide all on it's own. We won't have a country left, for anyone, period.
so far as I can tell "the truth" and beck are NOT on speaking terms

And of course you can readily point out all the LIES Beck tells... so let's have them... :eusa_eh:

There are several sites that make it their business to collect the lies of Glenn Beck. If there were none, or even if they were few, why would that be necessary and why would these sites be so well sourced PROVING the lies? Here's one, but something tells me the Blechlovers won't even look.

Glenn Beck Lies | The Glenn Beck Report
You take it however you want. I don't give a fuck. Just so long as you people lose your power. That's what matters.

So you would do ANYTHING to keep a certain segment of Americans from having power?

Heres an idea Go fuck yourself and shove up your ass your veiled threats you internet mangina asshole.

Now Im sure you will tell me how many fucking guns you have to replace your tiny penis.

And that post above is exactly why I will be dancing in the streets when you people have been kicked to the curb. You're more vile than a fresh, steaming pile of cow shit. You are the cancer on America, and the sooner you no longer have any power, the better.

Now fuck yourself you wretched, ignorant, brain dead pile of vaginal scabs.

you are truly scum.

you are vile and loathsome

you are a dangerous lunatic
Well personally, Beck has blurred the line between journalist and entertainer too many times for me. So has Limbaugh. (So have many others, left and right...anyone recall the "Journolist" scandal?)

We've had yellow journalism in the US before. T'aint new and trying to refute the claims made by all the pissy little girls on both sides claiming the sky is falling by attacking their personal lives ain't helping. Unless it is somehow relevant (e.g., gay bashing shill found in torrid gay romance) I just don't see why, e.g., how someone treats his ex-wife should add to or detract from his POV on, e.g., global warming.

Read the Op again. Beck wasn't aware the August 28th is the day MLK gave his "I Have A Dream" speech. I'm good with that. Beck thinks MLK is an American hero, and any American can bask in his memory. Works for me.

WTF did Beck SAY that you object to? Either answer that, or admit that all you want is to rumor-monger against the man because you don't like his "politics".

FTR Beck isn't a journalist and he's never claimed to be.
so far as I can tell "the truth" and beck are NOT on speaking terms

And of course you can readily point out all the LIES Beck tells... so let's have them... :eusa_eh:

"Good for you, you have a heart, you can be a liberal. Now, couple your heart with your brain, and you can be a conservative."

stating that liberals don't have brains. THAT is a lie,
just because we don't see things the same way does NOT mean we don't have brains.

and even someone as STUPID as you should understand that....

"I am a conservative, but I am not a zombie. "

I've heard him. He IS a moron.
so he lied

"I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words. "

fearmongering. essentially telling his morons that good and decent liberals, who are well intentioned even if they ARE wrong, are EVIL.

THAT is a lie.

"If you have a priest that is pushing social justice, go find another parish. Go alert your bishop. "

same as above. fear mongering with lies.

"No one is guaranteed happiness. You can pursue it, but if you happen to find success along the way on that road to happiness, Conservatives believe you should not be demonized or penalized for it. "

says the man who demonizes liberals and democrats

"Not a single time have we gotten a right from Congress or from the President. We get them from God. "

I don't care that he believes it, it STILL isn't true. we get our rights from mutual consent and agreement.'s a lie.

"Political Correctness doesn't change us, it shuts us up. "

says the man who is working to shut up liberals and democrats

"Would you kill someone for that?...I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore...I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it,...No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong? I stopped wearing my What Would Jesus — band — Do, and I've lost all sense of right and wrong now. I used to be able to say, 'Yeah, I'd kill Michael Moore,' and then I'd see the little band: What Would Jesus Do? And then I'd realize, 'Oh, you wouldn't kill Michael Moore. Or at least you wouldn't choke him to death.' And you know, well, I'm not sure. [3]
The Glenn Beck Program, May 17, 2005"

so....he wants to kill liberals....
nice YOU want to kill liberals, too?

built any ovens yet?

"Only those afraid of the truth seek to silence debate, intimidate those with whom they disagree, or slander their ideological counterparts. Those who know they are right have no reason to stifle debate because they realize that all opposing arguments will ultimately be overcome by fact.
Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government"

says the man who works to stifle the voices of liberalism

"Al Gore's not going to be rounding up Jews and exterminating them. It is the same tactic, however. The goal is different. The goal is globalization. The goal is global carbon tax.…You need to have fear. You needed to have the fear of starvation. You needed to have the fear of the whole place going to hell in a handbasket. Which — do we have that fear now with global warming?…Then you have to discredit the scientists that say 'That's not right.' And you must silence all dissenting voices. That's what Hitler did. That's what Al Gore, the U.N., and everybody on the global warming bandwagon [are doing]."

says the man who works to silence the voices of liberalism

"You cannot take away freedom to protect it, you cannot destroy the free market to save it, and you cannot uphold freedom of speech by silencing those with whom you disagree. To take rights away to defend them or to spend your way out of debt defies common sense.
Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, pg. 17"

says the man who works to silence the voices of liberalism

"You pinhead. You think we would actually be sitting here and saying "well, look at the way she was dressed?" If she were Joan McCain, stop it. You self-centered self-righteous socialist out of control dangerous man-hating bitch. Shut your mouth."

I know you are a complete moron so the evidence will be lost on you....but...

when he says "SHUT UP" he is TRYING TO SILENCE the voices of his enemies...

something that in so many of his (lies) statements he says he opposes...

obviously what he REALLY means is..."liberals SHUT UP!...conservatives...SPEAK UP!"


did I mention that I KNOW you are scum?

and THAT is the TRUTH!
If you object to Beck's speech, you could:

* Write to his employer, FOX, to complain.

* Boycott the products of his sponsors, and write them to announce you are doing so.

* Never watch his show again.

* File a lawsuit, if you think his speech is actionable.

* Gather others with the same complaint to join you.

I don't see how rumor-mongering about an entertainer's personal life advances the cause any, but apparently behaving like an asshole is popular this morning.

Apparently ^.
WTF, Pale? "Take my country back"? "We won't have a country left"?

Are you advocating we ditch this democracy shtick and get with a fascist dictatorship?

Nope. I'm advocating we turn against this radical, socialist tyranny were under now, and get back to the constitution, and the way America is supposed to be, a republic.
so far as I can tell "the truth" and beck are NOT on speaking terms

And of course you can readily point out all the LIES Beck tells... so let's have them... :eusa_eh:
something that in so many of his (lies) statements he says he opposes...

obviously what he REALLY means is..."liberals SHUT UP!...conservatives...SPEAK UP!"


did I mention that I KNOW you are scum?

and THAT is the TRUTH!

Holy fuckin' shit... I don't believe I've ever read a bigger bunch of horse shit. In all that crap above, there isn't one lie, yet there's quit a bit of opinion and commentary, and I must say, I agree with 99.9% of it.

You liberals don't have shit on Beck, and he exposes you people for the shit stains you are, and you hate it, and that's precisely why I do like Beck so much. He exposes you people and your hidden agenda's.

Now go fuck yourself jerk off.
Read the Op again. Beck wasn't aware the August 28th is the day MLK gave his "I Have A Dream" speech. I'm good with that.
He's a bullshitter....plain & simple.

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck Tries to get out of Defining "White Culture"[/ame]​
WTF, Pale? "Take my country back"? "We won't have a country left"?

Are you advocating we ditch this democracy shtick and get with a fascist dictatorship?

Nope. I'm advocating we turn against this radical, socialist tyranny were under now, and get back to the constitution, and the way America is supposed to be, a republic.

So vote already. WTF does gun play have to do with advancing your political aims?
So you would do ANYTHING to keep a certain segment of Americans from having power?

Heres an idea Go fuck yourself and shove up your ass your veiled threats you internet mangina asshole.

Now Im sure you will tell me how many fucking guns you have to replace your tiny penis.

And that post above is exactly why I will be dancing in the streets when you people have been kicked to the curb. You're more vile than a fresh, steaming pile of cow shit. You are the cancer on America, and the sooner you no longer have any power, the better.

Now fuck yourself you wretched, ignorant, brain dead pile of vaginal scabs.

you are truly scum.

you are vile and loathsome

you are a dangerous lunatic

Get with the program you ignorant sons a bitch.

"I GIVE WHAT I GET"... and don't forget it ass hat.

Now let's see that same FAKE disgust at your fellow pile of crap TM for the way she talks.... yeah... I won't hold my breath.

Take a hike moron.
so far as I can tell "the truth" and beck are NOT on speaking terms

And of course you can readily point out all the LIES Beck tells... so let's have them... :eusa_eh:

There are several sites that make it their business to collect the lies of Glenn Beck. If there were none, or even if they were few, why would that be necessary and why would these sites be so well sourced PROVING the lies? Here's one, but something tells me the Blechlovers won't even look.

Glenn Beck Lies | The Glenn Beck Report

Oh yeah... I'm really going to believe anything written on a partisan hack website like that when it starts out like this...

Sorry to disappoint, but liberal atheist socialists get a vacation, too.

Sheeeezuz.... :lol:
WTF, Pale? "Take my country back"? "We won't have a country left"?

Are you advocating we ditch this democracy shtick and get with a fascist dictatorship?

Nope. I'm advocating we turn against this radical, socialist tyranny were under now, and get back to the constitution, and the way America is supposed to be, a republic.

the way America is SUPPOSE to be?


you must be the smartest man in the world (all evidence to the contrary) if YOU are the one person who REALLY KNOWS how America is SUPPSED to be!

so tell me, you insignificant pile of maggot crap, just EXACTLY HOW is America SUPPOSE to be?

besides all those ovens you want to build to toss liberals into...
and all those liberals hanging from trees....
Pale, if you only accept news, facts and opinion from those who agree with you, you risk being badly misinformed...and this is true whether you lean right or left. Are you seriously telling me you don't think Beck has ever deliberately lied a la "massaging the truth" or "leaving out that part"? Hell I can recall watching Beck in the winter of 2008, talking about Mexico, border violence and illegal immigration...all of which were underreported issues then.

However, he went on to predict that this was a "perfect storm" and we'd all be fighting for food and taking up residence in our bomb shelters PDQ. I concede wholeheartedly that a prediction is not a fact and therefore, cannot be a "lie". But his hyperbole is so extreme at times, it clouds the few facts he does provide and IMO, is deceptive and deliberate.

I think it's a shame, as Beck is most likely a pretty good reporter....but nobody can be both a reporter and an entertainer.

This country is headed for some sort revolution, because things are going to get worse, MUCH worse, no matter WHO is in power....
Actually, if the critics weren't afraid of what Glenn Beck might have to say at this rally, there would probably be nothing said about it. Seems like that the more the truth is exposed, the louder the critics become. Stop beating up the messenger and begin to hear what is actually being said. The truth will set you free.
Afraid of Beck? Absolutely. Anytime a nut case has the ear of millions, any sane person should be.
Beck doesn't scare me. I think there are plently of lefty chicken littles as well, and I'm not so sure people are as enchanted by bullshit as the media outlets seem to think.

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