Glenn Beck?

Zona, here's how not to be a hypocrite, I shall use myself as an example:

Wicrapedia is a chitty source of info, however I acknowledge that sometimes there is an accurate page.

When I use it as a "source" I state very clearly that it's just because I am too lazy and all the sources I do know agree with it, however, if someone points out a flaw in it I concede.
THESE ARE BLOGS! Are you serious?

Have you already forgotten Rathergate?

Blogs killed Dan Rather's career!

Run and hide, Zona, run and hide...

Ok..then I started one that destroyed McCain/Palin.

Blogs are credible? Are you serious?

Run and hide indeed :lol: You guys are funny. Fox news is more credible than blogs...well, almost. :lol:

... and here you are Zona, claiming blogs are not credible. ;)
Oh and link me to where I said I NEVER use a blog.

I'll type slower so you can keep up...

You said blogs are not credible, yet your proof of the whole sponsor bullshit was sourced by you from a fucking blog...

That would make you a flaming hypocrite...

Is this clear now?

Yup. In hind site, you are correct.

Of course I am...

("hindsight", btw...)
Perhaps you can use Photo shop again?

Maybe, but I'd rather save them for appropriate moments....

It was funny the first time you did it. You got pwned...:tomato:


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