Go Ahead, Remove Roe V. Wade

Most women support abortion rights in America. That is a fact that you cant deny.
Actually it’s more an even split. Your Dem heavy polls mean jack and shit to educated people. People don’t support you ghouls (read: pretty much all leftards here) who want abortion up until the moment of birth. Run along boy.
You said it's murder. It's not, and you've failed to demonstrate how it is.

It doesn't become what you want it to be based on someone else's definition of something...
I described how it IS murder. Obviously YOU are stuck on stupid. Conversation Over.
Actually it’s more an even split. Your Dem heavy polls mean jack and shit to educated people. People don’t support you ghouls (read: pretty much all leftards here) who want abortion up until the moment of birth. Run along boy.
Pretty soon the Libs will want the Aborted babies on their Pizza.
Maybe you should eat a nice, big steamy pile of shit.

Yes, the coward is to scared to debate.

If does "pro-abortion" not promote the termination of every pregnancy if "pro-life" means carrying every pregnancy to term?

Never mind. You're too fucking stupid, too...
Triggered asshole? Run away coward. You’re brave enough to kill an unborn baby, but run away when confronted with facts. Now go fuck yourself since I just shoved your face in your piles of shit you disgusting POS. No “pro-abortion” doesn’t mean what your pea brain believes it does. Try again. And get beaten down again.
You said it's murder. It's not, and you've failed to demonstrate how it is.

It doesn't become what you want it to be based on someone else's definition of something...
Your support of baby murdering is known you POS. No need to double down on your stupidity.
Actually it’s more an even split. Your Dem heavy polls mean jack and shit to educated people. People don’t support you ghouls (read: pretty much all leftards here) who want abortion up until the moment of birth. Run along boy.
Less than 1% of abortions occur after week 24 (that's 6 months, dipshit) and those are for medical reasons. Are you actually saying you want women to die just to give birth or give birth to a baby without a skull that cant survive? You're a sick piece of shit.

Show me one poll that shows the majority of women are fully against abortion rights.
Less than 1% of abortions occur after week 24 (that's 6 months, dipshit) and those are for medical reasons. Are you actually saying you want women to die just to give birth or give birth to a baby without a skull that cant survive? You're a sick piece of shit.

Show me one poll that shows the majority of women are fully against abortion rights.
I don't give a shit. Perhaps she should have NOT got knocked up in the first place. Ever heard of Abstinance?
Triggered asshole? Run away coward. You’re brave enough to kill an unborn baby, but run away when confronted with facts. Now go fuck yourself since I just shoved your face in your piles of shit you disgusting POS. No “pro-abortion” doesn’t mean what your pea brain believes it does. Try again. And get beaten down again.

You're fucking stupid.

You and I are in agreement with regards to abortion. It's disgusting and we don't want it to exist.

You're just getting your panties in a wad because our reasons differ.

Well, get used to it. You didn't shove my face anywhere. You're too weak and timid. Your pussy hurts because someone disagrees with you on the reason for something. OH MY FUCKING GOD! How fucking horrible.

And you're inability to explain why "pro-abortion" doesn't mean what I say it means is noted. I never figured you for being smart enough to handle tat, anyway...
Your support of baby murdering is known you POS. No need to double down on your stupidity.

Well, then you're iputting your ignorance is on fuckin' parade here, as I've stated, numerous times, that I am against the practice of abortion.

Why is that so difficult to understand?
Retard Americans have been worshiping baby killing and Yankee baby killers for over 100 years. When Americans were happily fireboming whole cities of their German relatives, did they believe that the bombs only killed "bad guys"?
And ever since all or most of their baby killing prenatal and post natal has been done in service of the Richman and those anti-Christs pretending to be Biblical Israel.
You're fucking stupid.

You and I are in agreement with regards to abortion. It's disgusting and we don't want it to exist.

You're just getting your panties in a wad because our reasons differ.

Well, get used to it. You didn't shove my face anywhere. You're too weak and timid. Your pussy hurts because someone disagrees with you on the reason for something. OH MY FUCKING GOD! How fucking horrible.

And you're inability to explain why "pro-abortion" doesn't mean what I say it means is noted. I never figured you for being smart enough to handle tat, anyway...
Keep crying moron. Weak and timid? Okay internet tough guy. You aren’t capable of intimidating anybody. Learn how to spell “that” before insulting anybody. If you don’t need know what “pro-abortion” means in this context you’re too stupid to understand it anyway.
No. The bitches should stop whoring around. Or at least use CONDOMS. And the BABY is NOT their bodies. It has a life of its own.
Oh here comes your inner incel rage again. Sounds like you have some woman issues. Sounds like you are upset they wont have sex with you. So any woman that has sex out of wedlock you consider a bitch and a whore? Man you have some real psychological problems. Like Gary Ridgeway issues. Maybe you should get some help for that.

Condoms arent 100% foolproof. Neither are birth control pills.

A clump of cells isnt a human. A fetus is not viable outside the womb until week 22. And even born that early, they will have severe medical issues like cerebal palsy or worse.
Keep crying moron. Weak and timid? Okay internet tough guy. You aren’t capable of intimidating anybody.

The fact that you're a pussy and timid doesn't not automatically make me an internet tough guy. It just makes you a pussy...

Learn how to spell “that” before insulting anybody. If you don’t need know what “pro-abortion” means in this context you’re too stupid to understand it anyway.

The problem with the use of the term "pro abortion" is that it's only used when an intelligent, well thought out point can't be offered. Instead, you go for the emotional outburst of "pro abortion".
Oh here comes your inner incel rage again. Sounds like you have some woman issues. Sounds like you are upset they wont have sex with you. So any woman that has sex out of wedlock you consider a bitch and a whore? Man you have some real psychological problems. Like Gary Ridgeway issues. Maybe you should get some help for that.

Condoms arent 100% foolproof. Neither are birth control pills.

A clump of cells isnt a human. A fetus is not viable outside the womb until week 22. And even born that early, they will have severe medical issues like cerebal palsy or worse.
Being 71 , and a Widower ,I don't care any more. Who wants sex with an old lady? Or what woman wants sex with an old man? Once a month I take a trip to Sparks ,Neveda. That is plenty.----And a BABY ,with arms ,legs a beating heart ,and a head with EYES is indeed a PERSON. The Tramp could always put it up for adoption.---PS--When ya catch AIDS ,let me know so I can laugh.

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