Go Ahead, Remove Roe V. Wade

Since most women are smarter than you (not hard) you aren’t going to get overwhelming support from women for killing babies. Seems you’re delusional. Then again I don’t care about your mental issues.
This is a lie.

No one advocates for ‘killing babies.’

“Abortion rights have strong support in a variety of national polling. An ABC News/Washington Post survey from last month found that 60% of Americans say Roe v. Wade should be upheld. Only 27% said it should be overturned. But that advantage, consistent through the years, has not always been reflected at the ballot, as the fervor of abortion rights opponents has outstripped that of its supporters.

Democrats now are banking on a backlash fueled in large part by voters who back abortion rights, or are at least passively support a right to choose, but had not considered it a top issue in recent years due to the protections granted by Roe v. Wade.”

That backlash will also have the benefit of removing Republican majorities allowing states to defend voting rights, ensuring every American has an opportunity for political participation.
This is irrelevant. Woulda Coulda Shoulda. Take it down the road ignoramus. Stay on topic or get the fuck off of the thread.

The topic is RvW, which deals with abortion. We are on topic. You are just pissed because you got caught showing you do not really view the baby in the womb the same as the baby outside of the womb
The topic is RvW, which deals with abortion. We are on topic. You are just pissed because you got caught showing you do not really view the baby in the womb the same as the baby outside of the womb
It is a shame we do not get true stats on abortions. If there are women who get multiple abortions, why do I owe them? Why does anyone else owe them? I would support forcing their tubes tied of any woman with multiple abortions of a certain amount if they abuse the abortion system because of pure laziness in using products made to stop a pregnancy.
What you describe has been happening for a couple decades now.

Ever since Casey allowed states to put regulations on abortion.

Red states have used that to regulate clinics out of existence. Some red states only have one clinic and it's nearly impossible to get an abortion.

I have been contributing to an organization that does exactly what you describe for a couple of decades.

We will see more women and some men contributing more to help women trapped in those red states.

I think that if abortion is going to be outlawed, the man who made that woman or girl pregnant starts automatically getting their wages garnished to pay for prenatal care, birth and the support of that child. When the child is born, the child is automatically signed up on that man's insurance and stays on that insurance until that child is at least 26 years old or out of college.

With no way to stop the garnishment until that child is out of college and a contributing member to our society.
Closing down those slaughterhouses is a good thing. Plannrd Butcherhood Sells aborted Babies to Labs for Stem Cell Harvesting. Dr Mengele would be proud. As far as SUPPORT ,the burdon should be shared 50-50. And the Woman should wear a Scarlet Letter.
Only if she's from Saturn. You're a moron. Of the 60 million aborted children since Roe V Wade, how many are you talking about. Three? BTW, there are exceptions made in these cases. Try living in reality for a change.

I don't care if it's one.

A 13 year old victim of incest should not be required to carry a pregnancy to term. You say there are "exceptions" made in these cases. If abortion is banned would you support such exceptions?
I don't care if it's one.

A 13 year old victim of incest should not be required to carry a pregnancy to term. You say there are "exceptions" made in these cases. If abortion is banned would you support such exceptions?
Change the Law. Abortion for Convenience ON DEMAND should be Banned 100%. The ONLY exception should be rape.
Change the Law. Abortion for Convenience ON DEMAND should be Banned 100%. The ONLY exception should be rape.

I have no interest in changing the law. As disgusted as I am by the practice of abortion, I'm equally disgusted by the idea that the government wants to play a role. If they can play a role in that, that can pave the way for them to play a role in other decisions people will make of a highly personal nature. Now, maybe you need that. Maybe you're unable able to care and think for yourself. Thankfully, you're in a majority.

I've yet to see a compelling argument for banning abortion...
I have no interest in changing the law. As disgusted as I am by the practice of abortion, I'm equally disgusted by the idea that the government wants to play a role. If they can play a role in that, that can pave the way for them to play a role in other decisions people will make of a highly personal nature. Now, maybe you need that. Maybe you're unable able to care and think for yourself. Thankfully, you're in a majority.

I've yet to see a compelling argument for banning abortion...
Let us see. Maybe because it is barbaric? Maybe because it is MURDER? Those are compelling reasons.
Let us see. Maybe because it is barbaric? Maybe because it is MURDER? Those are compelling reasons.

I agree it's barbaric, which is why I'm against it. I'm more against the government deciding it can play that intimate a role in someone's life.

I don't agree that it's murder.

So, my statement stands. So far as I can tell, there's no compelling reason to ban it...
I agree it's barbaric, which is why I'm against it. I'm more against the government deciding it can play that intimate a role in someone's life.

I don't agree that it's murder.

So, my statement stands. So far as I can tell, there's no compelling reason to ban it...
There is also no reason to FINANCE it. Planned Butcherhood is Gov't financed as well as being for PROFIT. That makes it Murder. State Sanctioned Murder. Ever seen a Sonogram?
There is also no reason to FINANCE it. Planned Butcherhood is Gov't financed as well as being for PROFIT. That makes it Murder. State Sanctioned Murder.

No, it doesn't make it "murder".

It's pretty obvious you're far too emotionally unstable to have this conversation.

I agree that Planned Parenthood (calling it "Planned Butcherhood" is simply juvenile and stupid) should not receive a dime as long as they provide abortions...

Ever seen a Sonogram?

Yeah. What of it?
This is a lie.

No one advocates for ‘killing babies.’

“Abortion rights have strong support in a variety of national polling. An ABC News/Washington Post survey from last month found that 60% of Americans say Roe v. Wade should be upheld. Only 27% said it should be overturned. But that advantage, consistent through the years, has not always been reflected at the ballot, as the fervor of abortion rights opponents has outstripped that of its supporters.

Democrats now are banking on a backlash fueled in large part by voters who back abortion rights, or are at least passively support a right to choose, but had not considered it a top issue in recent years due to the protections granted by Roe v. Wade.”

That backlash will also have the benefit of removing Republican majorities allowing states to defend voting rights, ensuring every American has an opportunity for political participation.
This is a liar. ^^^^ Your fantasies about Republicans being removed is just laughable considering the mood of the country. Feeding the family, heating the house, putting gas in the car, all things people care about much more than your desire to kill babies.
No, it doesn't make it "murder".

It's pretty obvious you're far too emotionally unstable to have this conversation.

I agree that Planned Parenthood (calling it "Planned Butcherhood" is simply juvenile and stupid) should not receive a dime as long as they provide abortions...

Yeah. What of it?
the in womb BABY has arms ,legs ,eyes ,and a heart. That makes it HUMAN. To kill it is Murder.
No one is "pro abortion". That term's stupid.

If "pro-life" means that every pregnancy should be carried to term, then "pro-abortion" means that every pregnancy should be terminated.

Those who use the term "pro-abortion" in a debate or discussion are those who are too stupid to have an actual dialog on the subject, as they're just too fucking stupid...
STFU moron. The coward who thanked you is too scared to debate. Considering how bad you looked on Rittenhouse, now here, perhaps you should just remain in your corner. Peons like you are too stupid to understand facts.
No one advocates for ‘killing babies.’
That is a blatant lie. Abortion is about killing children as a birth control method for the sake of convenience and it is sure as hell advocated by the filthy Left.

The fact is that these Moon Bats are so ignorant of Biology that they don't know that a fetus is a human being.

Either that or they are doing the Nazi thing of trying to dehumanize their infanticide victims.
It is a shame we do not get true stats on abortions. If there are women who get multiple abortions, why do I owe them? Why does anyone else owe them? I would support forcing their tubes tied of any woman with multiple abortions of a certain amount if they abuse the abortion system because of pure laziness in using products made to stop a pregnancy.
You don't owe them but you can't then turn around and have the government tell them what to do.
STFU moron. The coward who thanked you is too scared to debate. Considering how bad you looked on Rittenhouse, now here, perhaps you should just remain in your corner. Peons like you are too stupid to understand facts.

Maybe you should eat a nice, big steamy pile of shit.

Yes, the coward is to scared to debate.

If does "pro-abortion" not promote the termination of every pregnancy if "pro-life" means carrying every pregnancy to term?

Never mind. You're too fucking stupid, too...

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