Go Ahead, Remove Roe V. Wade

Keep YOUR words in YOUR mouth, moron. Show me where I even intimated that. Typical fucking democrat--when all else fails, just LIE!

The punishment you want for a woman paying someone to kill her baby in the womb is forced sterilization.

Unless that is also the only punishment you would ask for a mother that paid someone to kill her baby after birth, then you do not view them the same.

So, if a mother paid someone to kill her 1 month old baby, would forced sterilization be your punishment of choice?
The whole premise of you baby murderers is “my body my choice”, yet you fully support forcing experimental vaccinations into people. Get bent.
Who has forced you to take a vaccination?

I certainly dont want someone like you taking a covid vaccination.
Ok, essentially it is all on the woman but choice. Typical, supporting forced gestation and a free pass for the male who got her pregnant.
You know and I know, that the male is responsible for the support of that child until adulthood. Please don't be so disingenuous as to suggest that you didn't know that.
The punishment you want for a woman paying someone to kill her baby in the womb is forced sterilization.
You conveniently left out the part of my post where I called for prison for the doctor that performed the procedure--which makes garbage of your contention that the contract murderer of the post birth murder goes free. Just STFU, you are disingenuous POS that has lost this debate. Of course, anyone who advocates murder is a POS on their face.
In ancient times the Priests of Baal & Molech killed many many babies.
Ancient Israel accepted that, practiced that and loved it. They were brought down by other nations for it. And, since America, ostensibly a Christian Israel nation is in love with murdering babies for Baal & Molech, America is going down too.
Enjoy the ride into the pit of death & permanent obvlivion.
Hmmm…yet again, a double standard When it comes to women.
Please don't lie. There is no double standard other than no one has a say whether the child lives or dies except the woman. (Kind of invalidates your point). If the man has an equal say, then he is subject to the same penalties as I proposed in this scenario. The only double standard that shows in your example is that the murderous mother is given complete say so. It takes two to tango which is completely irrelevant in the case of the murder of the unborn under current law.
You're truly delusional if you think accomplishing a goal is going to get more repubs out. What you're going to get is a bunch of women out to vote, many whom probably never voted in their life. Probably also galvanize the young voters as well. But then again I really dont care what you think.
Since most women are smarter than you (not hard) you aren’t going to get overwhelming support from women for killing babies. Seems you’re delusional. Then again I don’t care about your mental issues.
Sure, castrate him too--if he agrees to the abortion. But the last time I checked, the father doesn't have a say in that decision. You can't have it both ways--you enjoy talking out both sides of your mouth.
Sad that she thinks it’s funny that these pro-abortion people want the father to have zero say in the decision (my body my choice), yet the first thing they do is demonize the male while ignoring any of his input into this major decision. It took two people to make the child, but only one gets to decide the child’s ultimate fate as far as being born? And the left sees nothing wrong with that....
Again, what of a 13 year old CHILD who's raped and gets pregnant?

Would you consider her "promiscuous"? Are you one of those pieces of shit who believe that rape victims are just "asking for it"?
Once again. Try to read SLOWLY. Lip read if ya must. Here goes. 999 out of 1000 baby murders are for convenience. Shoulda used Condoms. Or just not whored around. Promiscuous behavior can lead to AIDS ,the Clap ,Syphilis , Crabs ,and other scourges.
Once again. Try to read SLOWLY. Lip read if ya must. Here goes. 999 out of 1000 baby murders are for convenience. Shoulda used Condoms. Or just not whored around. Promiscuous behavior can lead to AIDS ,the Clap ,Syphilis , Crabs ,and other scourges.

I'm not refuting what you say, dumbass.

What I'm asking YOU is this: Do YOU think a 13 year old victim of incest be forced to carry pregnancy resulting from that incest to term? It's really a yes or no question.

This has nothing to do with promiscuity...
Sad that she thinks it’s funny that these pro-abortion people want the father to have zero say in the decision

No one is "pro abortion". That term's stupid.

If "pro-life" means that every pregnancy should be carried to term, then "pro-abortion" means that every pregnancy should be terminated.

Those who use the term "pro-abortion" in a debate or discussion are those who are too stupid to have an actual dialog on the subject, as they're just too fucking stupid...
You conveniently left out the part of my post where I called for prison for the doctor that performed the procedure--which makes garbage of your contention that the contract murderer of the post birth murder goes free. Just STFU, you are disingenuous POS that has lost this debate. Of course, anyone who advocates murder is a POS on their face.

So, let me get this straight....a mother hires a killer to kill her one month old baby and the only punishment you think the mother should face is forced sterilization...

is that correct or not?

A simple yes or no will do.
In many ways, I want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe V Wade.

Not because of my personal beliefs. I believe in choice. I can make that choice for myself only. Not every woman in the nation.

Because it will create such a backlash, republicans won't be able to be elected dog catcher in most places.

There has never been a time in our nation that the majority wanted to outlaw abortion.

The gap between those who want to outlaw it has been growing too.

So while many women will die and be harmed very badly for a while in red states only, it will guarantee that either republicans are thrown out of office for a very long time or they will wake up and stop pandering to a small margin of our nation.

Either way, abortion and women's health care will stop being a political weapon.

It never should have become a political weapon in the first place.

I don't think the Supreme Court has the guts to overturn Roe V Wade. They aren't as stupid as the minority who want it outlawed. They know what the political consequences will be.

How will political "consequences" affect supreme court justices?

Even if what you're saying is true about republicans and reelections, we still have impotent democrats in charge. What's the real difference? We've never been more in need of a third party in this country
I'm not refuting what you say, dumbass.

What I'm asking YOU is this: Do YOU think a 13 year old victim of incest be forced to carry pregnancy resulting from that incest to term? It's really a yes or no question.

This has nothing to do with promiscuity...

I would be very surprised if you got a reply from that poster.
How will political "consequences" affect supreme court justices?

Even if what you're saying is true about republicans and reelections, we still have impotent democrats in charge. What's the real difference? We've never been more in need of a third party in this country
There’s a world of difference between Democrats and Republicans.

The notion that Democrats and Republicans are ‘the same’ is a ridiculous lie.

Among the many differences is that Democratic state lawmakers will continue to respect the right to privacy and not enact measures intended to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.
Because it will create such a backlash, republicans won't be able to be elected dog catcher in most places.
For nearly 50 years voters who support privacy rights and choice could vote for Republican candidates for state offices knowing that although those candidates want to ‘ban’ abortion, that wouldn’t happen because of Roe.

When Roe is overturned next June, voters who support privacy rights and choice will find it much more difficult to vote for Republican candidates – most likely deciding not to.
The conservative justices lack the guts to uphold Roe – that’s the problem.

The conservative judges want to reverse Roe.

It's not a lack of guts. That suggests they want to uphold it.

They don't.

This is conservatives judges happy there's enough of them on the court to overturn Roe.

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