God created a man

Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

Where did original matter and energy come from? The Big Bang just spontaneously created them? Out of what?

The lack of scientific knowledge at this point of what caused the big bang does not default to a sky fairy for an explanation and cause:eusa_whistle:

I didn't ask what caused the Big Bang. I asked where the energy and matter from it came from. If there was nothing before the Big Bang, why was there something after?
You know, except Creation, the Holy Spirit, the Natural Laws of the Universe, the Testimonies of all those who God has revealed Himself to, the Holy Scriptures, and all the other evidence you pretend doesn't exist because you don't find it credible.

Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

We don't have "gods".....we have ONE God. Shows how much you know....

Not so, even biblically. There is but one, True God, but many "gods" Whatever you trust in is your "god." Money, for instance.
We have no evidence of any gods. That includes your gods, competing conceptions of gods or gods to be announced at later date.

We have overwhelming evidence that man evolved from an earlier ape-like ancestor. To preemptively counter the expected screeching, whining, hysterical wailing, man is not, never was an "ape".
Lies from liars. Go is God who created the earth and every living thing. Get over it.
Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

We don't have "gods".....we have ONE God. Shows how much you know....

Not so, even biblically. There is but one, True God, but many "gods" Whatever you trust in is your "god." Money, for instance.
So, all other gods other then the one true God are figments of mans imagination, false gods.
We have no evidence of any gods. That includes your gods, competing conceptions of gods or gods to be announced at later date.

We have overwhelming evidence that man evolved from an earlier ape-like ancestor. To preemptively counter the expected screeching, whining, hysterical wailing, man is not, never was an "ape".
Lies from liars. Go is God who created the earth and every living thing. Get over it.

Liar? Gee, I would have thought that when hurling such a charge, you would accompany your silly, bellicose charge with something to substantiate your claim. Not just goofy invectives.

So, here's your chance. Prove your gawds and prove me a liar.
Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

We don't have "gods".....we have ONE God. Shows how much you know....

Not so, even biblically. There is but one, True God, but many "gods" Whatever you trust in is your "god." Money, for instance.

There were many gods which were claimed to have existed prior to the invention of your gawds.
You know, except Creation, the Holy Spirit, the Natural Laws of the Universe, the Testimonies of all those who God has revealed Himself to, the Holy Scriptures, and all the other evidence you pretend doesn't exist because you don't find it credible.

Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

Where did original matter and energy come from? The Big Bang just spontaneously created them? Out of what?

We don't know. We can guess. We can believe. But that does not change the simple fact that we just don't know.
Your anecdotal "feelings", claims to have heard voices from the gods, etc., are not evidence of anything. They are your anecdotal claims, utterly bereft substantiation.

What rational connection can you make between the natural laws of the universe and your gods? Immediately, you dismantle your own argument when you hope to make make some absurd connection between the natural universe and supernatural gods.

Where did original matter and energy come from? The Big Bang just spontaneously created them? Out of what?

We don't know. We can guess. We can believe. But that does not change the simple fact that we just don't know.

Is it possible it might have been deliberately created?
I kind of enjoy Lilolady's daily sermon. It reminds me of why I stopped going to church when I reached the 6th grade.

Im sure most high school drop outs feel the same thing about education in general.

I wouldn't know anything about that. I don't know any high school drop outs, although I know a lot of church drop outs.

There is a big difference between Chruch and Religion. Schools and Education.
Those children that are part of their families are produced by uniting a male an a female. When same sex marriages are physically able to do that, than I will accept it as equal.

What about heterosexual marriages that are unable to produce children because one or both is infertile?
Not so, even biblically. There is but one, True God, but many "gods" Whatever you trust in is your "god." Money, for instance.

There were many gods which were claimed to have existed prior to the invention of your gawds.

Yes, but that does not mean they were real, does it?

the OuterWorld of the Everlasting is replete with gods ... purity is the least ingredient.

And man could not multiply and fill the earth alone and he saw a need to create a companion which means a compliment to him and he took a rib from man and he created a wo-man. Meaning from man. Each had a place in the marriage arrangement and after 6,000 years it has not changed. the purpose of the marriage arrangement, Ms. Soto mayor, is still procreation. Many of our lenders complain because Americans are not producing enough children. And many women have children way beyond the age of 50 and beyond the age of reproductions. Even though Sarah gave birth to Isaac way beyond her years of reproduction. God’s plan was that at some point in life the reproduction process was to cease. Not a reason to support same sex marriage but a reason to oppose same sex marriage.

It is because of traditional marriage that life continues on. Even gay couples need the assistance of the opposite sex to produce a child that becomes a part of their family. It took a male and a female to create that child.

If Sotomayor is gay, she should recuse her self from the argument of same sex marriage. How many issues so far as she recused herself from?

If the only argument against gay marriage by believers is that the purpose of marriage is "pro-creation" then they have no clue what marriage is actually all about.

Marriage is about wanting to spend the rest of your life with your soul mate.
Marriage is about loving and supporting one another through the rough times.
Marriage is about a partnership where each compliments the other and together they are a team.
Marriage is about companionship.
Marriage is about caring for the one you love.
Marriage is about making a comfortable place for both of you to share.

All of the above can be found in any long term relationship between devoted couples irrespective of their genders.
Not so, even biblically. There is but one, True God, but many "gods" Whatever you trust in is your "god." Money, for instance.

There were many gods which were claimed to have existed prior to the invention of your gawds.

Yes, but that does not mean they were real, does it?

They were all at least as real to their own adherents as the current believers claim that theirs is real.
There were many gods which were claimed to have existed prior to the invention of your gawds.

Yes, but that does not mean they were real, does it?

They were all at least as real to their own adherents as the current believers claim that theirs is real.

Yes, that's true. But, those fake gods had no power. They could do nothing. The real God does have power and does do exactly what He promises for those who believe.
They were all at least as real to their own adherents as the current believers claim that theirs is real.

Yes, that's true. But, those fake gods had no power. They could do nothing. The real God does have power and does do exactly what He promises for those who believe.
So does Santa Claus.

Well...Santy doesn't have the power to completely transform lives and God does.

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