God created a man

Well...Santy doesn't have the power to completely transform lives and God does.

And which of this god/ gods has the power to "transform" Lives?

The God of the Bible. He's done it millions of times, and done it to me personally.

I m sure you believe it but it took place no where in reality, it only took place in your mind.

With over 1200 Christian organizations, the USA has a greater number of Jesus fan clubs than any other country in the world. The proliferation of variegated brands of Christianity in America is so extreme that it acquires a comic dimension. One might discern only a subtle difference in name between, say, the "Evangelical Congregational Church" and the "Evangelical Covenant Church", or the "Church of God in Christ" and "Church of Christ" but miss a gulf of doctrinal distinction.

But then, who is bothered about doctrine anyway? Denominations, a source of so much anguish and bloodshed in the past, have diminishing importance in the era of evangelical psychosis, mega-churches and apocalyptic blockbusters. The important thing is to "have religion". "With religion" you are a patriot, defending the American way of life; without religion you are a subversive radical, an enemy.

Christianity USA is all show business and emotional razzmatazz. Organised as international corporations, with a globalised "mission" of subsidiary offices, its product is propaganda, pouring in prodigious quantity from a network of TV and radio stations and publishing houses. The intent is to draw further millions into the mass of devotees.

In choreographed extravaganzas Pastor whips up mindless love of Jesus and serious fund raising, and then retreats to his opulent sanctuary, content in knowing that he is a tireless servant of the Lord.

Collecting Cash for God!

"So what did God do? He GAVE the very thing He needed – His only begotten Son, the best gift heaven could give! What did God receive? Yes, we know – billions of sons and daughters! God lives by His own law – you GIVE if you expect to RECEIVE!"

– Paul Crouch of the Trinity Broadcasting Network espouses the "theology" of fleecing the sheep on behalf of a needy God.
Those children that are part of their families are produced by uniting a male an a female. When same sex marriages are physically able to do that, than I will accept it as equal.

Fortunately for all of us, you are NOT in charge of anything beyond your personal life. And that's a GOOD thing!

And man could not multiply and fill the earth alone and he saw a need to create a companion which means a compliment to him and he took a rib from man and he created a wo-man. Meaning from man. Each had a place in the marriage arrangement and after 6,000 years it has not changed. the purpose of the marriage arrangement, Ms. Soto mayor, is still procreation. Many of our lenders complain because Americans are not producing enough children. And many women have children way beyond the age of 50 and beyond the age of reproductions. Even though Sarah gave birth to Isaac way beyond her years of reproduction. God’s plan was that at some point in life the reproduction process was to cease. Not a reason to support same sex marriage but a reason to oppose same sex marriage.

It is because of traditional marriage that life continues on. Even gay couples need the assistance of the opposite sex to produce a child that becomes a part of their family. It took a male and a female to create that child.

If Sotomayor is gay, she should recuse her self from the argument of same sex marriage. How many issues so far as she recused herself from?


Using that logic, heterosexuals also ought to recuse themselves.

While i dont agree with her logic, i dont see that your conclusion that hetrosexuals ought to recuse himself necesarily flows from her claims.

Her only claim is that -- as a judge HAS a sexual orientation -- they are therefore biased.

As far as I know every judge sitting on the SCOTUS has a sexual orientation.

If we followed her logic (again I don't) then a homosexual would have a major stake in the cases, but countless heterosexuals have demonstrated that they don't care about the gay marriage issue.

Don't let her logical canard become YOUR logical canard.

If a homosexual necessarily has a bias, (an unproven assumption at best, but let's accept it on its face) then it must ALSO fall to her to prove that a heterosexual does NOT have a "sexual orientation" bias.

According to their position, they have no stake in the matter and wouldn't be biased by remaining on the court.

Nonsense logic based mostly on begged questions leads to nonsense conlusions.

It's a silly point though. Even if she recused herself, we would still need 5 justices to sustain Prop 8 because a 4-4 Court decision doesn't do jack.

Oh it's much more than a silly point.

Her point is entirely based on her own prejudice about homosexuals (based on her FAITH based POVs about the world)

To assume that a homosexual is biased, but that a heterosexual is not is biased, is based on nothing BUT on her own faith-based PREJUDICE.

She didn't prove the point she BEGGED the point by stating it WITHOUT proving it...except by the circular logic of most RELIGOUSLY supported arguments.
And which of this god/ gods has the power to "transform" Lives?

The God of the Bible. He's done it millions of times, and done it to me personally.

I m sure you believe it but it took place no where in reality, it only took place in your mind.

With over 1200 Christian organizations, the USA has a greater number of Jesus fan clubs than any other country in the world. The proliferation of variegated brands of Christianity in America is so extreme that it acquires a comic dimension. One might discern only a subtle difference in name between, say, the "Evangelical Congregational Church" and the "Evangelical Covenant Church", or the "Church of God in Christ" and "Church of Christ" but miss a gulf of doctrinal distinction.

But then, who is bothered about doctrine anyway? Denominations, a source of so much anguish and bloodshed in the past, have diminishing importance in the era of evangelical psychosis, mega-churches and apocalyptic blockbusters. The important thing is to "have religion". "With religion" you are a patriot, defending the American way of life; without religion you are a subversive radical, an enemy.

Christianity USA is all show business and emotional razzmatazz. Organised as international corporations, with a globalised "mission" of subsidiary offices, its product is propaganda, pouring in prodigious quantity from a network of TV and radio stations and publishing houses. The intent is to draw further millions into the mass of devotees.

In choreographed extravaganzas Pastor whips up mindless love of Jesus and serious fund raising, and then retreats to his opulent sanctuary, content in knowing that he is a tireless servant of the Lord.

Collecting Cash for God!

"So what did God do? He GAVE the very thing He needed – His only begotten Son, the best gift heaven could give! What did God receive? Yes, we know – billions of sons and daughters! God lives by His own law – you GIVE if you expect to RECEIVE!"

– Paul Crouch of the Trinity Broadcasting Network espouses the "theology" of fleecing the sheep on behalf of a needy God.
And which of this god/ gods has the power to "transform" Lives?

The God of the Bible. He's done it millions of times, and done it to me personally.

I m sure you believe it but it took place no where in reality, it only took place in your mind.

With over 1200 Christian organizations, the USA has a greater number of Jesus fan clubs than any other country in the world. The proliferation of variegated brands of Christianity in America is so extreme that it acquires a comic dimension. One might discern only a subtle difference in name between, say, the "Evangelical Congregational Church" and the "Evangelical Covenant Church", or the "Church of God in Christ" and "Church of Christ" but miss a gulf of doctrinal distinction.

But then, who is bothered about doctrine anyway? Denominations, a source of so much anguish and bloodshed in the past, have diminishing importance in the era of evangelical psychosis, mega-churches and apocalyptic blockbusters. The important thing is to "have religion". "With religion" you are a patriot, defending the American way of life; without religion you are a subversive radical, an enemy.

Christianity USA is all show business and emotional razzmatazz. Organised as international corporations, with a globalised "mission" of subsidiary offices, its product is propaganda, pouring in prodigious quantity from a network of TV and radio stations and publishing houses. The intent is to draw further millions into the mass of devotees.

In choreographed extravaganzas Pastor whips up mindless love of Jesus and serious fund raising, and then retreats to his opulent sanctuary, content in knowing that he is a tireless servant of the Lord.

Collecting Cash for God!

"So what did God do? He GAVE the very thing He needed – His only begotten Son, the best gift heaven could give! What did God receive? Yes, we know – billions of sons and daughters! God lives by His own law – you GIVE if you expect to RECEIVE!"

– Paul Crouch of the Trinity Broadcasting Network espouses the "theology" of fleecing the sheep on behalf of a needy God.

I won't deny that organized religion has gone badly off the rails, especially in the United States. It's become big business, too many of which are fleecing the flock shamelessly.

But, that's religion and religion is man-made. The object of our faith remains true and real, though far too many people can't separate their faith, religion and politics.

You're faulting God for the actions of His followers, not all of who are faithful.
Yes, but that does not mean they were real, does it?

They were all at least as real to their own adherents as the current believers claim that theirs is real.

Yes, that's true. But, those fake gods had no power. They could do nothing. The real God does have power and does do exactly what He promises for those who believe.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me

above is not real in the sense of a command but real in essence .... there is God and there are gods - keep in mind which is which - the message given and exampled by the death of Satan.

The Mythological's all exist - kick one if you ever make it to the Everlasting.

and if you are on one day going to espouse the truth then you might consider the quality of doing so on more than one occasion.

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