God created evil for his pleasure. Do you recognize the pleasure of creating and doing evil?

The inquisition gets an undeserved rap. Gnostics we’re reprehensible. Their practices were reprehensible. They were the aggressors much like the OP is an aggressor.

The inquisitions actually raised the bar for requiring trials and evidence. Something we still do today.
God created evil for his pleasure. Do you recognize the pleasure of creating and doing evil?

Rev 4;11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Some people have what has been termed, the problem of evil. Many cannot fathom why, if god is good, he would create evil. Yet the scriptures are clear that god created evil for his pleasure.

It may be due to my criminal mind and delinquent attitude, but I think I know why. I wondered if you ands others had also dithered out a reasonable answer to show why sin and evil are required for god’s plan and our mental and moral development.

This fact is likely why the ancient Christians determined that sin was necessary for our development. They sing that Adam furthered god’s plan by his sin.

To them, even as Christianity and I clash, and the intelligent position, is that to not sin or do evil, is to derail god’s plan.

In this, issue, I happen to agree with the scriptures and Christians who say the sin and evil is good and necessary to god’s plan.

Do you?

If God created only good, we'd all be robots and there would be no point in creation.
Everything God created is good. Evil is not extant. Evil is the absence of good. You know this. Maybe what you mean to say is if God only allowed man to do good things we would all be robots. This I would agree with.
That God is punishing others for Adam’s sin.

That we suffer physical death because of Adam’s sin.

That we have weeds in our garden because of Adam’s sin.


It's more a one time occurrence where A&E became flesh and blood and the off springs of them are flesh and blood. That's the physically dead part.

I think what is more important is to recognize you are spiritually dead due to Adam's sin. Thus, one has to be born again of the water to be saved.

You're right about the rest, but why aren't those allegory, too?
Didn’t the gods make a list of what was allegory vs. what was literally true? Seems pretty careless to leave that up to interpretation.
That God is punishing others for Adam’s sin.

That we suffer physical death because of Adam’s sin.

That we have weeds in our garden because of Adam’s sin.


It's more a one time occurrence where A&E became flesh and blood and the off springs of them are flesh and blood. That's the physically dead part.

I think what is more important is to recognize you are spiritually dead due to Adam's sin. Thus, one has to be born again of the water to be saved.

You're right about the rest, but why aren't those allegory, too?
Didn’t the gods make a list of what was allegory vs. what was literally true? Seems pretty careless to leave that up to interpretation.
Why don’t you ask this guy?

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That God is punishing others for Adam’s sin.

That we suffer physical death because of Adam’s sin.

That we have weeds in our garden because of Adam’s sin.


It's more a one time occurrence where A&E became flesh and blood and the off springs of them are flesh and blood. That's the physically dead part.

I think what is more important is to recognize you are spiritually dead due to Adam's sin. Thus, one has to be born again of the water to be saved.

You're right about the rest, but why aren't those allegory, too?
Didn’t the gods make a list of what was allegory vs. what was literally true? Seems pretty careless to leave that up to interpretation.
The more Israel begins behaving like you, the sooner their light will be removed. You might want to give that some thought.
That God is punishing others for Adam’s sin.

That we suffer physical death because of Adam’s sin.

That we have weeds in our garden because of Adam’s sin.


It's more a one time occurrence where A&E became flesh and blood and the off springs of them are flesh and blood. That's the physically dead part.

I think what is more important is to recognize you are spiritually dead due to Adam's sin. Thus, one has to be born again of the water to be saved.

You're right about the rest, but why aren't those allegory, too?
Didn’t the gods make a list of what was allegory vs. what was literally true? Seems pretty careless to leave that up to interpretation.
Men wrote the Bible.
Perhaps they added to the Bible. Today it seems the youngest of us is victimized by our selfishness and the oldest can be taken to task for anything by many and victimized also. An older person gets loud over something perceived and he/she gets it back in droves at times. Youth and middle age people need to remember they will get old.
The Gnostic Christian reality.

How many truths are out there?

Christians and logic tells us there can only be one truth -- the Bible.

Today, logic told us that those who believed in Jesus Christ were saved and hit the jackpot. We were able to see what happens to us in the future. We have the evidence of the empty tomb. Instead, for you it may as well be Easter as you don't mention Jesus as our Savior. You may as well join the other non-believers.
spirit, soul and body.

Spirit is life, the body is our form.

Describe what you mean by soul. Not woo I hope. If you say you have a soul, you should know what it is, otherwise it is just a hunch on your part.

I think it falls into the realm of the unknowable god concept, unless you have suffered your apotheosis like the very few of us have.

I can't give you an answer about a soul. I don't know, really.

The conception of soul can be easily explained based on dualistic worldview. And there was the time when I was leaning towards it. But now not that much.

You seem to be contradicting yourself.

What explanation, duality wise? What is the Yang to go with the Yin/soul? What is the antonym?

The Yang - physical body (instincts and sin)
The Yin - spiritual body (morality).

We were talking of the soul.

You seem to have dropped that word from the discussion.

What issue would you like to move to?

I can rewrite what I wrote above:
The Yang - physical body (instincts and sin)
The Yin - soul (morality).

Is it more appropriate?

Can you answer my previous question? About the world of animals.

Everything I say of humans applies equally to animals. We are animals and just hapen to be able to use more sofisticated words to express our animal natures.

On the duality that you see, I cannot agree due to how I interpret how the words you use are applied.

Instincts to me, produce our morals and notions of sin as sins have moral implications and are judged by it.

Yin would our physical and Yang, it's compliment, would be our mental. Both are dependent on each other to make a whole human.

Humans think in duality with examples like hot/cold, asleep/awake, hunger/satiation.

The same would apply to all animals with nervous systems.

This is the moral law of nature at work. Morals can’t be just anything man wants them to be. Nature has a preference.

You promote a genocidal and infanticidal god as good.

What does nature and it's moral code say of those?

Christians and logic tells us there can only be one truth -- the Bible.

A book that begins with a talking serpent and later also has a talking donkey.

Yep, a lot of truth there. Right?

You say Jesus is your savior.

What did you do bad enough to earn hell when your own book of truth says that justice is close to an eye for an eye, meaning that the punishment should suit the crime or sin.

You earned hell, purposeless and death so must have killed someone. Right?

Have you ever looked at the morality of you abdicating your responsibility for your sins?

Justify substitutional punishment for us. That should be easy given your high moral standards.

This is the moral law of nature at work. Morals can’t be just anything man wants them to be. Nature has a preference.

You promote a genocidal and infanticidal god as good.

What does nature and it's moral code say of those?

It’s says you don’t know what you are talking about. It’s says at best you are a troll and at worst you are a subversive.

I bet you are a socialist. Am I wrong?
spirit, soul and body.

Spirit is life, the body is our form.

Describe what you mean by soul. Not woo I hope. If you say you have a soul, you should know what it is, otherwise it is just a hunch on your part.

I think it falls into the realm of the unknowable god concept, unless you have suffered your apotheosis like the very few of us have.

I can't give you an answer about a soul. I don't know, really.

The conception of soul can be easily explained based on dualistic worldview. And there was the time when I was leaning towards it. But now not that much.

You seem to be contradicting yourself.

What explanation, duality wise? What is the Yang to go with the Yin/soul? What is the antonym?

The Yang - physical body (instincts and sin)
The Yin - spiritual body (morality).

We were talking of the soul.

You seem to have dropped that word from the discussion.

What issue would you like to move to?

I can rewrite what I wrote above:
The Yang - physical body (instincts and sin)
The Yin - soul (morality).

Is it more appropriate?

Can you answer my previous question? About the world of animals.

Everything I say of humans applies equally to animals. We are animals and just hapen to be able to use more sofisticated words to express our animal natures.

On the duality that you see, I cannot agree due to how I interpret how the words you use are applied.

Instincts to me, produce our morals and notions of sin as sins have moral implications and are judged by it.

Yin would our physical and Yang, it's compliment, would be our mental. Both are dependent on each other to make a whole human.

Humans think in duality with examples like hot/cold, asleep/awake, hunger/satiation.

The same would apply to all animals with nervous systems.

so in your world morals can be anything man wants them to be?

interesting. To you morals are just opinions.
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A book that begins with a talking serpent and later also has a talking donkey.

Yep, a lot of truth there. Right?

You say Jesus is your savior.

What did you do bad enough to earn hell when your own book of truth says that justice is close to an eye for an eye, meaning that the punishment should suit the crime or sin.

You earned hell, purposeless and death so must have killed someone. Right?

Have you ever looked at the morality of you abdicating your responsibility for your sins?

Justify substitutional punishment for us. That should be easy given your high moral standards.

The Bible is true because it's God's word. It's his autobiography.

Christians know animals can't talk, but supernatural beings can use them to talk through. I'm still waiting for a monkey to walk bipedal though. A bear was able to do it full-time after hurting his front paws. In 2017, it was proven that the chicken came before the egg. Eggs are too complex to develop on its own.

One gets the Lake of Fire for not believing Jesus is the savior. No flesh and blood can inherit the kingdom. Jesus showed up that through resurrection that one gets new flesh and bone. Thus, he makes it possible. Not an eye for an eye. An eye for an eye is let the punishment fit the crime. I think for the the non-believers or those who are wrong, then they reap what they sow. The ceiling for one who isn't a believer could be what we have now except no one to save you. Thus, you end up dead again eventually as flesh and blood.

You mention those who killed somebody, so they'll get some worse level of punishment. Your brought false witness against me in your post, so there should be some punishment for it. It does seem Jesus' justice system is a bit different from our justice system. If one believes in the lies of Satan, then maybe that's what they get. What they thought was going to happen doesn't. I can see someone who believes in evolution watching a monkey to see if it will walk for millions or even billions of years. The monkey doesn't, so maybe they'll have to start watching it from the beginning again.

The rest sounds like crazy talk of those who end up believing in false things.
God created evil for his pleasure. Do you recognize the pleasure of creating and doing evil?

Rev 4;11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Some people have what has been termed, the problem of evil. Many cannot fathom why, if god is good, he would create evil. Yet the scriptures are clear that god created evil for his pleasure.

It may be due to my criminal mind and delinquent attitude, but I think I know why. I wondered if you ands others had also dithered out a reasonable answer to show why sin and evil are required for god’s plan and our mental and moral development.

This fact is likely why the ancient Christians determined that sin was necessary for our development. They sing that Adam furthered god’s plan by his sin.

To them, even as Christianity and I clash, and the intelligent position, is that to not sin or do evil, is to derail god’s plan.

In this, issue, I happen to agree with the scriptures and Christians who say the sin and evil is good and necessary to god’s plan.

Do you?

Satan is the author of SIN and EVIL. These are the result of distancing one's self from the will of GOD. GOD's will is that we love HIM and seek a close relationship with HIM. Evil seeks to ignore GOD and supplant HIS will for that of its own.
Unfortunately, and historically the answer is No.

The religious have been the vasy majority for the last 5,000 years of our history of almost non-stop war.

Only really stupid people will think the small minority of atheists manipulated the religious to fight all those wars, but hey, if you want to thing theists that stupid, go ahead.

I see that you do not argue against the modern statistics that show atheists are a lot more moral than theists. Smart that as you look foolish enough already.


And the history of Christendom is the most violent of any group despite the fact that they claim they are following Jesus who taught us to love our enemies.(Matthew 5:44)

Those of my religion do not go to war (Isaiah 2:2-4)

Christianity uses Jesus as their scapegoat so they can abdicate their own responsibility for their sins, so it is quite natural for them to blame everyone but themselves.

Inquisitions and jihad are all they have since they cannot argue for the goodness of their genocidal and ever so good god.

They call evil good and good evil and blame atheists for everything they can.

That is why they run for the hills whenever one tries to have them look at their vile morals.


We call them Christendom - they are not true Christians because they do not follow what Jesus taught.

As I posted above, Christendom has the most violent history of any group - thank you for noting the inquistions. (Jihad is Islam btw). As Lutheran pastor Niemoller noted after observing the evidence of the holocaust:

"IS God to blame for the wars fought by humankind? “No, God does not want war.” That is how Martin Niemöller, a well-known German Protestant clergyman, answered this question shortly after the end of World War II. His comments were published in 1946 in a book called Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein—Sechs Predigten (O God, Look From Heaven—Six Sermons).* The book states:

“Whoever wants to blame God for [wars] does not know, or does not want to know, God’s Word. Of course, it is a different question whether or not we Christians bear a good measure of guilt for the incessant wars. And we cannot escape this question so easily. . . . It can also be accurately recalled that Christian churches have, throughout the ages, repeatedly given themselves to blessing wars, troops, and weapons and that they prayed in a very unchristian way for the destruction of their enemies at war. All this is our fault and the fault of our fathers, but by no means is God to blame. And we Christians of today stand ashamed before a so-called sect like the Earnest Bible Students [Jehovah’s Witnesses], who by the hundreds and thousands went into concentration camps and [even] died because they declined service in war and refused to fire on humans.”

That's just plain ridiculous, God used people in the bible to start wars against his enemies on earth . In fact Lucifer never killed anyone in the bible.

Sure lucifer made people like Job miserable, but God didn't let him kill him

Not Job, but Satan did kill his children and others. All under god's permission.

God is like a don who sends out his hit man. God is more culpable for those murders than Satan.


Most people who are familiar with the Bible recognize that Satan the Devil was/is in opposition to Jehovah.

Devil = Slanderer
Satan = Resister
Christians and logic tells us there can only be one truth -- the Bible.

A book that begins with a talking serpent and later also has a talking donkey.

Yep, a lot of truth there. Right?

You say Jesus is your savior.

What did you do bad enough to earn hell when your own book of truth says that justice is close to an eye for an eye, meaning that the punishment should suit the crime or sin.

You earned hell, purposeless and death so must have killed someone. Right?

Have you ever looked at the morality of you abdicating your responsibility for your sins?

Justify substitutional punishment for us. That should be easy given your high moral standards.


The Bible does not teach the false doctrine of eternal torment in Hell Fire. Ecclesiastes 9:5 says the dead are conscious of nothing at all.
That God is punishing others for Adam’s sin.

That we suffer physical death because of Adam’s sin.

That we have weeds in our garden because of Adam’s sin.


It's more a one time occurrence where A&E became flesh and blood and the off springs of them are flesh and blood. That's the physically dead part.

I think what is more important is to recognize you are spiritually dead due to Adam's sin. Thus, one has to be born again of the water to be saved.

You're right about the rest, but why aren't those allegory, too?
Didn’t the gods make a list of what was allegory vs. what was literally true? Seems pretty careless to leave that up to interpretation.

The Bible interprets itself - studying the Bible by subject shows this. And some illustrations are also true literally while others are not. E.g. Jude 12,13 and the example of sheep knowing the voice of their master.

The same is true of which definition of a specific Hebrew or Greek word in the original Biblical text is meant in any specific verse. Sometimes more than one definition is meant. An example is Hebrew chiyl in Proverbs 8:24,25.
Christians and logic tells us there can only be one truth -- the Bible.

A book that begins with a talking serpent and later also has a talking donkey.

Yep, a lot of truth there. Right?

You say Jesus is your savior.

What did you do bad enough to earn hell when your own book of truth says that justice is close to an eye for an eye, meaning that the punishment should suit the crime or sin.

You earned hell, purposeless and death so must have killed someone. Right?

Have you ever looked at the morality of you abdicating your responsibility for your sins?

Justify substitutional punishment for us. That should be easy given your high moral standards.


The Bible does not teach the false doctrine of eternal torment in Hell Fire. Ecclesiastes 9:5 says the dead are conscious of nothing at all.


If anything about hell has to do with GreatestIam, then we end up discussing the worst of the worst. It is what Jesus described as Gehenna and the false one God didn't like was the Canaanites' (Phonecians) Moloch.

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