God given rights. Do you really have any?

God given rights. Do you really have any?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

When a right is given to us by governments, they assume and have a duty to ensure that they are never taken from us. If governments do not accept and do this enforcement duty, then citizens have a corrupted government.

If a right is given to a soul, by god, he would have a duty to ensure that they are never taken from us. The fact that they often are, indicates that he is shirking his duty.

To me, rights are like laws, completely useless and worthless unless they can be enforced by a given power when they are breached.

Do you have any real god given rights, or are god given rights just a feel-good lie that we tell ourselves we have so as to ignore that we have none?


It's a philosophical view point.

I rather prefer to say that all people are born with inherent rights not "god given".

If you deny that all humans are in possession of rights simply because they are alive it becomes easier to condone slavery, human trafficking, murder, genocide etc.

We know that government cannot be trusted to decide what rights people do or don't have.
How is that fucked up? Adam got heaven for all time, everything he wants, and then he does the one thing he was forbidden to do, i.e. disobey God. It didn't take very long for him to fuck up. That gave Satan domain over the world. He became "the god of the world and prince of the power of the air." This is why our world is doomed and everyone must die.

Okay, that's a lot of wonderful mythology, not really reflected anywhere in the Bible.

Point was, God put the tree right where Adam could get at it, really gave him no basis for understanding, and then let the talking snake into the garden. God has the morality of a Batman Villain.

Today, Noah's descendants get the same but many don't do the one thing they are supposed to do. All of Adam's descendants didn't make it. Maybe a few made it, but were killed by the majority of the wicked. I'm not sure how things play out this time around because the end isn't spelled out as it was with Noah's Flood.

The scary thing is you think these bronze age fairy tales really happened.

Now, you're denying Satan. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Lucifer became Satan and in the Bible it states that he tempted Adam to want to be like God.

It really didn't matter where the tree was nor that Adam was tempted. He did his dastardly deed out of free will because he wanted to be like God.

It's all spelled out in Isaiah 14:12-18:

"How you are fallen from heaven,
O Day Star, son of Dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground,
you who laid the nations low!

You said in your heart,
‘I will ascend to heaven;
above the stars of God
I will set my throne on high;
I will sit on the mount of assembly
in the far reaches of the north;

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.’

But you are brought down to Sheol,
to the far reaches of the pit.

Those who see you will stare at you
and ponder over you:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms,

who made the world like a desert
and overthrew its cities,
who did not let his prisoners go home?’

All the kings of the nations lie in glory,
each in his own tomb;"

You claim that it's a metal age myth, but it's you and your fellow atheists who can't ignore God's word. Otherwise, why do these threads go on for so long? It even continues in Science and Technology forum haha.
So why did god give us covid?
Welcome back. How long were you gone? 6 months?

Life is full of ups and downs. Do you have a problem with that?
6 months and it's just the same fucking imbeciles spouting the same fucking bullshit as before, lol.

But no, I have no problem with god giving us covid. He's always been a bit of a prick.
Make sure to remember to tell God that when you discover everything you believed was wrong.
Tell god when?
... when you discover everything you believed was wrong.
When will that be?
It varies for each person. You’ll know when you know. Until then ignorance is bliss.
So you have no idea. Got it.
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises. There's your idea. When those predictable surprises manifest themselves is anyone's guess. But they will come eventually. Error can't stand eventually error fails. It's just a matter of time. Be patient and think of me when they do. Fair enough?
So what's supposed to happen to me?
Logical things. You live in a logical universe, don't you?
Like what?
Like if you touch a hot surface you will get burned.
Ah! Mr Go Around In Circles. We've met before.
I would say that you are the one going in circles since you keep expecting me to care that you don’t believe God exists.
See? You still have me wrong. I said God hasn't been proven yet, not that it doesn't exist. It might exist but we have yet to find it, just like it took a while to figure out gravity...
If that were the case you would be making equal amounts of arguments of why God might exist, but you never do. You only make arguments why God doesn't exist.

So spare me your BS.
It’s like multiple universes or more dimensions. Good theory, but I’ll wait for real proof. What’s wrong with that?
Exactly what I said. It’s bullshit. I don’t have you wrong and you know it.
What's bs, that I'm waiting for real proof?
Your position that you aren't an atheist.

You are. A militant one at that.
"God given rights" is a typically overblown American concept which does not bear much scrutiny.
In the first instance why would God single out a country based on slavery and genocide for any special status ?

In the second instance this concept was born 250 years ago and would have seemed revolutionary at the time. However the world moves on and some of your rights have not dated well.
You have a right to own a machine gun but no right to water or shelter ? Which diety would think up that shit ?
"God given rights" is a typically overblown American concept which does not bear much scrutiny.
In the first instance why would God single out a country based on slavery and genocide for any special status ?

In the second instance this concept was born 250 years ago and would have seemed revolutionary at the time. However the world moves on and some of your rights have not dated well.
You have a right to own a machine gun but no right to water or shelter ? Which diety would think up that shit ?

You'll notice the Constitution does not say Americans have inalienable right but rather that all people do.

The fact that your government doesn't recognize the rights inherent in all people is more a critique of your own government
"God given rights" is a typically overblown American concept which does not bear much scrutiny.
In the first instance why would God single out a country based on slavery and genocide for any special status ?

In the second instance this concept was born 250 years ago and would have seemed revolutionary at the time. However the world moves on and some of your rights have not dated well.
You have a right to own a machine gun but no right to water or shelter ? Which diety would think up that shit ?

You'll notice the Constitution does not say Americans have inalienable right but rather that all people do.

The fact that your government doesn't recognize the rights inherent in all people is more a critique of your own government
So its pointless word soup. Rights are defined by governments,morality, religion and even geography.
How is that fucked up? Adam got heaven for all time, everything he wants, and then he does the one thing he was forbidden to do, i.e. disobey God. It didn't take very long for him to fuck up. That gave Satan domain over the world. He became "the god of the world and prince of the power of the air." This is why our world is doomed and everyone must die.

Okay, that's a lot of wonderful mythology, not really reflected anywhere in the Bible.

Point was, God put the tree right where Adam could get at it, really gave him no basis for understanding, and then let the talking snake into the garden. God has the morality of a Batman Villain.

Today, Noah's descendants get the same but many don't do the one thing they are supposed to do. All of Adam's descendants didn't make it. Maybe a few made it, but were killed by the majority of the wicked. I'm not sure how things play out this time around because the end isn't spelled out as it was with Noah's Flood.

The scary thing is you think these bronze age fairy tales really happened.

Now, you're denying Satan. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Lucifer became Satan and in the Bible it states that he tempted Adam to want to be like God.

It really didn't matter where the tree was nor that Adam was tempted. He did his dastardly deed out of free will because he wanted to be like God.

It's all spelled out in Isaiah 14:12-18:

"How you are fallen from heaven,
O Day Star, son of Dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground,
you who laid the nations low!

You said in your heart,
‘I will ascend to heaven;
above the stars of God
I will set my throne on high;
I will sit on the mount of assembly
in the far reaches of the north;

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.’

But you are brought down to Sheol,
to the far reaches of the pit.

Those who see you will stare at you
and ponder over you:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms,

who made the world like a desert
and overthrew its cities,
who did not let his prisoners go home?’

All the kings of the nations lie in glory,
each in his own tomb;"

You claim that it's a metal age myth, but it's you and your fellow atheists who can't ignore God's word. Otherwise, why do these threads go on for so long? It even continues in Science and Technology forum haha.
So why did god give us covid?
Welcome back. How long were you gone? 6 months?

Life is full of ups and downs. Do you have a problem with that?
6 months and it's just the same fucking imbeciles spouting the same fucking bullshit as before, lol.

But no, I have no problem with god giving us covid. He's always been a bit of a prick.
Make sure to remember to tell God that when you discover everything you believed was wrong.
Tell god when?
... when you discover everything you believed was wrong.
When will that be?
It varies for each person. You’ll know when you know. Until then ignorance is bliss.
So you have no idea. Got it.
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises. There's your idea. When those predictable surprises manifest themselves is anyone's guess. But they will come eventually. Error can't stand eventually error fails. It's just a matter of time. Be patient and think of me when they do. Fair enough?
So what's supposed to happen to me?
Logical things. You live in a logical universe, don't you?
Like what?
Like if you touch a hot surface you will get burned.
Ah! Mr Go Around In Circles. We've met before.
I would say that you are the one going in circles since you keep expecting me to care that you don’t believe God exists.
See? You still have me wrong. I said God hasn't been proven yet, not that it doesn't exist. It might exist but we have yet to find it, just like it took a while to figure out gravity...
If that were the case you would be making equal amounts of arguments of why God might exist, but you never do. You only make arguments why God doesn't exist.

So spare me your BS.
It’s like multiple universes or more dimensions. Good theory, but I’ll wait for real proof. What’s wrong with that?
Exactly what I said. It’s bullshit. I don’t have you wrong and you know it.
What's bs, that I'm waiting for real proof?
Your position that you aren't an atheist.

You are. A militant one at that.
No, I leave the door open for someone to bring me real proof either way. So far I haven't seen any, but the door is still open. Seems pretty fair to me.
How is that fucked up? Adam got heaven for all time, everything he wants, and then he does the one thing he was forbidden to do, i.e. disobey God. It didn't take very long for him to fuck up. That gave Satan domain over the world. He became "the god of the world and prince of the power of the air." This is why our world is doomed and everyone must die.

Okay, that's a lot of wonderful mythology, not really reflected anywhere in the Bible.

Point was, God put the tree right where Adam could get at it, really gave him no basis for understanding, and then let the talking snake into the garden. God has the morality of a Batman Villain.

Today, Noah's descendants get the same but many don't do the one thing they are supposed to do. All of Adam's descendants didn't make it. Maybe a few made it, but were killed by the majority of the wicked. I'm not sure how things play out this time around because the end isn't spelled out as it was with Noah's Flood.

The scary thing is you think these bronze age fairy tales really happened.

Now, you're denying Satan. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Lucifer became Satan and in the Bible it states that he tempted Adam to want to be like God.

It really didn't matter where the tree was nor that Adam was tempted. He did his dastardly deed out of free will because he wanted to be like God.

It's all spelled out in Isaiah 14:12-18:

"How you are fallen from heaven,
O Day Star, son of Dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground,
you who laid the nations low!

You said in your heart,
‘I will ascend to heaven;
above the stars of God
I will set my throne on high;
I will sit on the mount of assembly
in the far reaches of the north;

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.’

But you are brought down to Sheol,
to the far reaches of the pit.

Those who see you will stare at you
and ponder over you:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms,

who made the world like a desert
and overthrew its cities,
who did not let his prisoners go home?’

All the kings of the nations lie in glory,
each in his own tomb;"

You claim that it's a metal age myth, but it's you and your fellow atheists who can't ignore God's word. Otherwise, why do these threads go on for so long? It even continues in Science and Technology forum haha.
So why did god give us covid?
Welcome back. How long were you gone? 6 months?

Life is full of ups and downs. Do you have a problem with that?
6 months and it's just the same fucking imbeciles spouting the same fucking bullshit as before, lol.

But no, I have no problem with god giving us covid. He's always been a bit of a prick.
Make sure to remember to tell God that when you discover everything you believed was wrong.
Tell god when?
... when you discover everything you believed was wrong.
When will that be?
It varies for each person. You’ll know when you know. Until then ignorance is bliss.
So you have no idea. Got it.
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises. There's your idea. When those predictable surprises manifest themselves is anyone's guess. But they will come eventually. Error can't stand eventually error fails. It's just a matter of time. Be patient and think of me when they do. Fair enough?
So what's supposed to happen to me?
Logical things. You live in a logical universe, don't you?
Like what?
Like if you touch a hot surface you will get burned.
Ah! Mr Go Around In Circles. We've met before.
I would say that you are the one going in circles since you keep expecting me to care that you don’t believe God exists.
See? You still have me wrong. I said God hasn't been proven yet, not that it doesn't exist. It might exist but we have yet to find it, just like it took a while to figure out gravity...
If that were the case you would be making equal amounts of arguments of why God might exist, but you never do. You only make arguments why God doesn't exist.

So spare me your BS.
It’s like multiple universes or more dimensions. Good theory, but I’ll wait for real proof. What’s wrong with that?
Exactly what I said. It’s bullshit. I don’t have you wrong and you know it.
What's bs, that I'm waiting for real proof?
Your position that you aren't an atheist.

You are. A militant one at that.
No, I leave the door open for someone to bring me real proof either way. So far I haven't seen any, but the door is still open. Seems pretty fair to me.
The universe being created from nothing and evolving intelligence is your proof.


Now prove my assertion correct by arguing it's not proof.
"God given rights" is a typically overblown American concept which does not bear much scrutiny.
In the first instance why would God single out a country based on slavery and genocide for any special status ?

In the second instance this concept was born 250 years ago and would have seemed revolutionary at the time. However the world moves on and some of your rights have not dated well.
You have a right to own a machine gun but no right to water or shelter ? Which diety would think up that shit ?
It goes back to the time of Locke actually.

Are you a socialist or a communist?
How is that fucked up? Adam got heaven for all time, everything he wants, and then he does the one thing he was forbidden to do, i.e. disobey God. It didn't take very long for him to fuck up. That gave Satan domain over the world. He became "the god of the world and prince of the power of the air." This is why our world is doomed and everyone must die.

Okay, that's a lot of wonderful mythology, not really reflected anywhere in the Bible.

Point was, God put the tree right where Adam could get at it, really gave him no basis for understanding, and then let the talking snake into the garden. God has the morality of a Batman Villain.

Today, Noah's descendants get the same but many don't do the one thing they are supposed to do. All of Adam's descendants didn't make it. Maybe a few made it, but were killed by the majority of the wicked. I'm not sure how things play out this time around because the end isn't spelled out as it was with Noah's Flood.

The scary thing is you think these bronze age fairy tales really happened.

Now, you're denying Satan. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Lucifer became Satan and in the Bible it states that he tempted Adam to want to be like God.

It really didn't matter where the tree was nor that Adam was tempted. He did his dastardly deed out of free will because he wanted to be like God.

It's all spelled out in Isaiah 14:12-18:

"How you are fallen from heaven,
O Day Star, son of Dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground,
you who laid the nations low!

You said in your heart,
‘I will ascend to heaven;
above the stars of God
I will set my throne on high;
I will sit on the mount of assembly
in the far reaches of the north;

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.’

But you are brought down to Sheol,
to the far reaches of the pit.

Those who see you will stare at you
and ponder over you:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms,

who made the world like a desert
and overthrew its cities,
who did not let his prisoners go home?’

All the kings of the nations lie in glory,
each in his own tomb;"

You claim that it's a metal age myth, but it's you and your fellow atheists who can't ignore God's word. Otherwise, why do these threads go on for so long? It even continues in Science and Technology forum haha.
So why did god give us covid?
Welcome back. How long were you gone? 6 months?

Life is full of ups and downs. Do you have a problem with that?
6 months and it's just the same fucking imbeciles spouting the same fucking bullshit as before, lol.

But no, I have no problem with god giving us covid. He's always been a bit of a prick.
Make sure to remember to tell God that when you discover everything you believed was wrong.
Tell god when?
... when you discover everything you believed was wrong.
When will that be?
It varies for each person. You’ll know when you know. Until then ignorance is bliss.
So you have no idea. Got it.
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises. There's your idea. When those predictable surprises manifest themselves is anyone's guess. But they will come eventually. Error can't stand eventually error fails. It's just a matter of time. Be patient and think of me when they do. Fair enough?
So what's supposed to happen to me?
Logical things. You live in a logical universe, don't you?
Like what?
Like if you touch a hot surface you will get burned.
Ah! Mr Go Around In Circles. We've met before.
I would say that you are the one going in circles since you keep expecting me to care that you don’t believe God exists.
See? You still have me wrong. I said God hasn't been proven yet, not that it doesn't exist. It might exist but we have yet to find it, just like it took a while to figure out gravity...
If that were the case you would be making equal amounts of arguments of why God might exist, but you never do. You only make arguments why God doesn't exist.

So spare me your BS.
It’s like multiple universes or more dimensions. Good theory, but I’ll wait for real proof. What’s wrong with that?
Exactly what I said. It’s bullshit. I don’t have you wrong and you know it.
What's bs, that I'm waiting for real proof?
Your position that you aren't an atheist.

You are. A militant one at that.
No, I leave the door open for someone to bring me real proof either way. So far I haven't seen any, but the door is still open. Seems pretty fair to me.
The universe being created from nothing and evolving intelligence is your proof.


Now prove my assertion correct by arguing it's not proof.
What's your empirical proof that the universe was created from nothing? But at least you agree with the concept of evolution, that's a step in the right direction.
How is that fucked up? Adam got heaven for all time, everything he wants, and then he does the one thing he was forbidden to do, i.e. disobey God. It didn't take very long for him to fuck up. That gave Satan domain over the world. He became "the god of the world and prince of the power of the air." This is why our world is doomed and everyone must die.

Okay, that's a lot of wonderful mythology, not really reflected anywhere in the Bible.

Point was, God put the tree right where Adam could get at it, really gave him no basis for understanding, and then let the talking snake into the garden. God has the morality of a Batman Villain.

Today, Noah's descendants get the same but many don't do the one thing they are supposed to do. All of Adam's descendants didn't make it. Maybe a few made it, but were killed by the majority of the wicked. I'm not sure how things play out this time around because the end isn't spelled out as it was with Noah's Flood.

The scary thing is you think these bronze age fairy tales really happened.

Now, you're denying Satan. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Lucifer became Satan and in the Bible it states that he tempted Adam to want to be like God.

It really didn't matter where the tree was nor that Adam was tempted. He did his dastardly deed out of free will because he wanted to be like God.

It's all spelled out in Isaiah 14:12-18:

"How you are fallen from heaven,
O Day Star, son of Dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground,
you who laid the nations low!

You said in your heart,
‘I will ascend to heaven;
above the stars of God
I will set my throne on high;
I will sit on the mount of assembly
in the far reaches of the north;

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.’

But you are brought down to Sheol,
to the far reaches of the pit.

Those who see you will stare at you
and ponder over you:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
who shook kingdoms,

who made the world like a desert
and overthrew its cities,
who did not let his prisoners go home?’

All the kings of the nations lie in glory,
each in his own tomb;"

You claim that it's a metal age myth, but it's you and your fellow atheists who can't ignore God's word. Otherwise, why do these threads go on for so long? It even continues in Science and Technology forum haha.
So why did god give us covid?
Welcome back. How long were you gone? 6 months?

Life is full of ups and downs. Do you have a problem with that?
6 months and it's just the same fucking imbeciles spouting the same fucking bullshit as before, lol.

But no, I have no problem with god giving us covid. He's always been a bit of a prick.
Make sure to remember to tell God that when you discover everything you believed was wrong.
Tell god when?
... when you discover everything you believed was wrong.
When will that be?
It varies for each person. You’ll know when you know. Until then ignorance is bliss.
So you have no idea. Got it.
Normalization of deviance leads to predictable surprises. There's your idea. When those predictable surprises manifest themselves is anyone's guess. But they will come eventually. Error can't stand eventually error fails. It's just a matter of time. Be patient and think of me when they do. Fair enough?
So what's supposed to happen to me?
Logical things. You live in a logical universe, don't you?
Like what?
Like if you touch a hot surface you will get burned.
Ah! Mr Go Around In Circles. We've met before.
I would say that you are the one going in circles since you keep expecting me to care that you don’t believe God exists.
See? You still have me wrong. I said God hasn't been proven yet, not that it doesn't exist. It might exist but we have yet to find it, just like it took a while to figure out gravity...
If that were the case you would be making equal amounts of arguments of why God might exist, but you never do. You only make arguments why God doesn't exist.

So spare me your BS.
It’s like multiple universes or more dimensions. Good theory, but I’ll wait for real proof. What’s wrong with that?
Exactly what I said. It’s bullshit. I don’t have you wrong and you know it.
What's bs, that I'm waiting for real proof?
Your position that you aren't an atheist.

You are. A militant one at that.
No, I leave the door open for someone to bring me real proof either way. So far I haven't seen any, but the door is still open. Seems pretty fair to me.
The universe being created from nothing and evolving intelligence is your proof.


Now prove my assertion correct by arguing it's not proof.
What's your empirical proof that the universe was created from nothing? But at least you agree with the concept of evolution, that's a step in the right direction.
Red shift, CMB, FLoT, SLoT, Quantum Mechanics, E=MC^2

The evidence that God exists is... That the universe was created from nothing. That the laws of nature existed before the universe was created. That the laws of nature were so finely tuned for intelligence to arise that it is obvious that intelligence was predestined by the laws of nature. That the only thing that could have existed eternally is something beyond energy and matter such as consciousness without form and that therefore this consciousness with out form is responsible for the laws of nature which predestined intelligence and was responsible for creating the universe such that beings that know and create would arise.
Last edited:
Our universe is made of four kinds of elementary particles: neutrons, protons, electrons, and photons, which are particles of radiation. The first three particles also exist as antiparticles. The positive and negative electric charges that divide particles from anti-particles are perfectly symmetrical. When matter comes into contact with anti-matter they mutually annihilate each other, and their masses are instantly turned into radiation according to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, in which E is the energy of the radiation, m is the annihilated mass, and c is the speed of light.

So the quantum tunneling event which led to the creation of the universe, should have had equal numbers of both particles and anti-particles, and they should cancelled each other out leaving only radiation. But it didn't, because for every 1 billion anti-particles, there were 1 billion and 1 particles. So that when all the mutual annihilation had happened, there remained over that one particle per billion, and that now constitutes all the matter in the universe -- all the galaxies, the stars and planets, and of course all life.

That's miracle #1.

Red shift, CMB, FLoT, SLoT, Quantum Mechanics, E=MC^2
"Red shift, CMB, FLoT, SLoT, Quantum Mechanics, E=MC^2"
These are elements of the universe, they don't show that everything came from nothing. Please try again.
Our universe is made of four kinds of elementary particles: neutrons, protons, electrons, and photons, which are particles of radiation. The first three particles also exist as antiparticles. The positive and negative electric charges that divide particles from anti-particles are perfectly symmetrical. When matter comes into contact with anti-matter they mutually annihilate each other, and their masses are instantly turned into radiation according to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, in which E is the energy of the radiation, m is the annihilated mass, and c is the speed of light.

So the quantum tunneling event which led to the creation of the universe, should have had equal numbers of both particles and anti-particles, and they should cancelled each other out leaving only radiation. But it didn't, because for every 1 billion anti-particles, there were 1 billion and 1 particles. So that when all the mutual annihilation had happened, there remained over that one particle per billion, and that now constitutes all the matter in the universe -- all the galaxies, the stars and planets, and of course all life.

That's miracle #1.

So now it takes miracles to make the universe. You've officially run out of attempts at logic. And anyways, it's only a theory by some guy with a website from 1992. There's no actual proof of what he claims. "Should be"?
Our universe is made of four kinds of elementary particles: neutrons, protons, electrons, and photons, which are particles of radiation. The first three particles also exist as antiparticles. The positive and negative electric charges that divide particles from anti-particles are perfectly symmetrical. When matter comes into contact with anti-matter they mutually annihilate each other, and their masses are instantly turned into radiation according to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, in which E is the energy of the radiation, m is the annihilated mass, and c is the speed of light.

So the quantum tunneling event which led to the creation of the universe, should have had equal numbers of both particles and anti-particles, and they should cancelled each other out leaving only radiation. But it didn't, because for every 1 billion anti-particles, there were 1 billion and 1 particles. So that when all the mutual annihilation had happened, there remained over that one particle per billion, and that now constitutes all the matter in the universe -- all the galaxies, the stars and planets, and of course all life.

That's miracle #1.

So now it takes miracles to make the universe. You've officially run out of attempts at logic. And anyways, it's only a theory by some guy with a website from 1992. There's no actual proof of what he claims. "Should be"?
You are still proving my point. Thanks.
Our universe is made of four kinds of elementary particles: neutrons, protons, electrons, and photons, which are particles of radiation. The first three particles also exist as antiparticles. The positive and negative electric charges that divide particles from anti-particles are perfectly symmetrical. When matter comes into contact with anti-matter they mutually annihilate each other, and their masses are instantly turned into radiation according to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, in which E is the energy of the radiation, m is the annihilated mass, and c is the speed of light.

So the quantum tunneling event which led to the creation of the universe, should have had equal numbers of both particles and anti-particles, and they should cancelled each other out leaving only radiation. But it didn't, because for every 1 billion anti-particles, there were 1 billion and 1 particles. So that when all the mutual annihilation had happened, there remained over that one particle per billion, and that now constitutes all the matter in the universe -- all the galaxies, the stars and planets, and of course all life.

That's miracle #1.

So now it takes miracles to make the universe. You've officially run out of attempts at logic. And anyways, it's only a theory by some guy with a website from 1992. There's no actual proof of what he claims. "Should be"?
You are still proving my point. Thanks.
I'd ask what you're talking about, but I don't really care.
Our universe is made of four kinds of elementary particles: neutrons, protons, electrons, and photons, which are particles of radiation. The first three particles also exist as antiparticles. The positive and negative electric charges that divide particles from anti-particles are perfectly symmetrical. When matter comes into contact with anti-matter they mutually annihilate each other, and their masses are instantly turned into radiation according to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, in which E is the energy of the radiation, m is the annihilated mass, and c is the speed of light.

So the quantum tunneling event which led to the creation of the universe, should have had equal numbers of both particles and anti-particles, and they should cancelled each other out leaving only radiation. But it didn't, because for every 1 billion anti-particles, there were 1 billion and 1 particles. So that when all the mutual annihilation had happened, there remained over that one particle per billion, and that now constitutes all the matter in the universe -- all the galaxies, the stars and planets, and of course all life.

That's miracle #1.

So now it takes miracles to make the universe. You've officially run out of attempts at logic. And anyways, it's only a theory by some guy with a website from 1992. There's no actual proof of what he claims. "Should be"?
You are still proving my point. Thanks.
I'd ask what you're talking about, but I don't really care.
"God given rights" is a typically overblown American concept which does not bear much scrutiny.
In the first instance why would God single out a country based on slavery and genocide for any special status ?

In the second instance this concept was born 250 years ago and would have seemed revolutionary at the time. However the world moves on and some of your rights have not dated well.
You have a right to own a machine gun but no right to water or shelter ? Which diety would think up that shit ?

You'll notice the Constitution does not say Americans have inalienable right but rather that all people do.

The fact that your government doesn't recognize the rights inherent in all people is more a critique of your own government
So its pointless word soup. Rights are defined by governments,morality, religion and even geography.

And that government can be based on the premise that people have inherent natural rights simply because they are alive.

You don't live under such a government as you are not a citizen but rather a subject of the queen and your acceptance of that means you have abdicated your natural rights.

No wonder you think you don't have any rights but what your queen says you do. You have been brainwashed.

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