God given rights?

Senator Paul Ryan. Senator, GOP leader, writer of budgets.

In this little interview he says rights come from god and are not given by governments. That may be true but God is incredibly bad at keeping those rights for his people and never once has he intervened, personally, to lend a hand. It has always been our job to raise the armies, take the casualties and shoulder the burden while God sits idly by without even a muted cheer.

Even the founders knew better. The declaration states that, "to secure these rights governments are instituted among men". I guess there is no need for those first ten amendments to the constitution either. With god on our side who the hell needs a Bill of Rights?

Being an atheist god and I have a tenuous relationship and if Ryan does not mind I prefer a rule of law to a theocracy.

Ryan is here

Paul Ryan: Repeal health law because rights come from God | The Raw Story

The declaration is here. (Although our patriotic and learned rightwingnuts should have no need of verification. This holy text should be burned into their memory if not their soul)

Declaration of Independence - Text Transcript

You atheists would call them Natural philosophical rights, the founding fathers of the United States of America indisputably believed in these rights and thats why they created the Constitution in order to safe-Guard them.
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Servant? Fuck you. I am not a servant to my kids. The fact you have that type of outlook on kids means you shouldn't be a parent.

Every parent who had sex did it voluntarily? Again fuck you and good job at insulting every rape victim who carried they fetus to term. You are a real piece of shit.

Yes having sex means you could become a parent,and in the end that result is none of your concern should they choose to remove said issue.

Don't have children,it would be insulting to us parents.

1) We do serve our kids... taking care of their every need (not every want)... and it is the responsibility of a parent
2) Notice that I used the words PURPOSELY HAD SEX, idiot
3) If you are a parent, being that liberal and that stupid, there is nothing I can really say to demonstrate my despair... just, facepalm
4) The result IS a concern as the result is a human.. just like when someone tries to murder any other human

1) I will never "serve" my kids.
2) the rapist is purposely having sex....
3) i am a parent, and being liberal or conservative has little to do with whatever point you are talking about.
4) its not murder, and its not a human being, and its none of your business. Nanny state losers like you are whats wrong with this nation. Your willingness to expand government to control people is anti-freedom.

1) Then I feel sorry for you
2) The victim is not
3) Being liberal and teaching liberal ideals to children is no different than teaching them it is ok to steal or be a burden and letting others steal for you
4) It is a human being, the DNA shows that... idiot
5) And YOU of all people calling someone a 'nanny stater'.. THAT is hilarious... what next, complaining that the government expands to 'control' people when they protect against, punish, and prosecute others who murder?? Protecting innocent human life is protecting innocent human life
This country was founded on the principle of God given rights. If there are no God given rights, then just dissolve the country right now, it has no more reason to exist than cotton candy.
wherein the bible are the *god given rights *as in he constitution mentioned
life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that the *right* to vote the *right* of free speech where are they mentioned ???? man gave us those rights
other (god believing )nations dont have them

Man, I've seen some ironic posts by the idiot liberal that makes me laugh, but this might be one of the all time greats.

The first thing you mention in the Constitution is the right to life. #6 in the Ten Commandments: Thou Shall Not Kill :lol:

Yeah, you're right - absolutely no where to be found in the bible :lol:
im not a liberal or a bigoted right wing wacco either
ok you twisted that to suit you
so if we aquate life with the 6th commandment why do have capital punishment and start wars ?? now where are the others *rights mentioned
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So true !
George Washington was one of the biggest of believers from the experiences he encountered during his battles. How many times did he say he was saved from bullets and that he would not have survived without divine intervention? :D
Every single one of them believed we won the war with God's help.

So where was God on Nine-Eleven?

helping the First responders rescuing people. Im sure if you google 9/11 miracles you will find countless accounts of God helping people.

Too bad the miracles started right after the planes crashed and not a minute before. A very convenient happenstance for your argument.
1) I will never "serve" my kids.
2) the rapist is purposely having sex....
3) i am a parent, and being liberal or conservative has little to do with whatever point you are talking about.
4) its not murder, and its not a human being, and its none of your business. Nanny state losers like you are whats wrong with this nation. Your willingness to expand government to control people is anti-freedom.

Im sorry to hear that your children will starve to death.
So where was God on Nine-Eleven?

helping the First responders rescuing people. Im sure if you google 9/11 miracles you will find countless accounts of God helping people.

Too bad the miracles started right after the planes crashed and not a minute before. A very convenient happenstance for your argument.

Who said they started only afterwards?

There were plenty of miracles all day, before and afterwards.

You're expectation that God has to eliminate all negative things that happen in the world is illogical.
so sperm has DNA is that a person too ????

Sperm does not have a unique DNA. It is just cells from the man's body. The fetus has DNA unique unto itself. It is a seperate human being.

Uh no. The male carries half the dna and the female carries the other half...

Basic info people....basic info...

Once it is mixed, it is unique. That is basic biology. It is a seperate human being. That is a hard fact. I don't deny reality simply because it is inconvenient.
I don't WANT to pay for the damages I do to your property

I don't WANT to be convicted of manslaughter for the actions that I took that cost you your life

I don't WANT to pay for that which I signed a legal and binding contract to purchase

And sorry, you are still responsible for your kids until they are relieved from you and put into the care of another or made a ward of the state... and if you do not, you may not WANT to be held responsible for what happens to them, but you are indeed held responsible.... regardless of whether that child is 4 months from birth or 4 months after birth

And if the woman involuntarily was forced to commit the act that led to her pregnancy, you would have a point.. a point that I would concede as a real head scratcher in the decision to terminate a pregnancy...

But in this world, you live with the consequences to your actions, even if it is a burden to you and even if you don't WANT to

Again, if you file bankruptcy then you don't have to pay for the first and third example you gave.

As to the second, do you really equate sex with crime and pregnancy as punishment?

Forcing someone to place their person in the service of another is involuntary servitude. That is the definition. Perhaps you are able to justify that in your own mind, but I cannot in mine.

Perhaps you should understand that every parent is a servant... and every parent who purposely had sex did it voluntarily... and that we are indeed responsible for the consequences of our actions.. a consequence of sex is the very possible creation for a life that you are indeed responsible for

Even bankruptcy has consequences.. INCLUDING the confiscation and sale of most property/possessions... or in the case of a chapter 13 you are put on a schedule for payment while you keep your possessions.. .and then just try and cheat on your bankruptcy and see what consequences come from that

Responsible or not, it is involuntary servitude and we don't impose that upon anyone, for any reason, except pregnant women. This has nothing to do with responsibility or they would not be singled out.

A right given only by man or the created government of man could subsequently be taken away.... when you deem a right as inalienable and given by a power or authority higher than man, you are basically saying that no matter what man may do, deep down all of mankind still should have that right

Every child should have a warm bed, a solid roof and three hot meals a day. Every child should have an education as far as they can go. Every child should have adequate medical care. Every human being should have shelter and food. There are all sorts of shoulds. Any of those you could say are inalienable rights. But none of them exist unless human beings provide them. You have no rights unless the society in which you live acknowledges them. You can say you should as much as you like, but it matters not at all.

Shoulds are not rights

And the protection of an inalienable right is so that it is protected from government.. and by stating that this comes from a being or higher power beyond what man is, takes it away from the man made government which is by human nature fallible... your right to live the way you choose, by your actions, and without being murdered does not come from government.. we were indeed created to live and act on our own.. and that creation did not come from government

No, it did not come from government. Government comes from man. Laws come from man. Rights come from man. "Inalienable rights" is a phrase which has meaning only so long as man says it has meaning. You can toss in God if that makes you feel better, but that changes nothing.
Wow -- I thought only free-market defending, knuckle dragging Cons believed in the law of the Jungle and "Might makes Right". Another reason I wouldn't want to march with you in civil disobedience..

I didn't know it was that easy to dismiss a concept like Natural Rights.. Here -- lemme try.

There's no such thing as The Social Compact.. I never signed up... Wow -- I feel better now..

Sorry. You didn't have to sign. It's imprinted in your genes. Tough luck.

Please show any evidence of social compact in our genes or DNA... and please show this in any other animal as well, or where it stemmed from in DNA evolution or mutation

Take a look at any herd or pack animal. When threatened, the herd will form a circle with the males to the outside and the females and calves in the center. This isn't planned, it is in the genes.

All human beings are social animals. We work together in cooperation. Otherwise, we die. We do not hatch from an egg on our own, like an alligator. We require years of rearing. Gravid females require assistance and protection. We learn through being taught by the clan, knowledge being passed down. A human child on its own almost certainly dies.

In every human society above the level of small clan you will find two organizations. Government and religion. No exceptions to this. They vary in nature, but they are always there. They are survival mechanisms to allow human beings to operate in complex social structures. Without that structure, the individual human is helpless. But that structure requires rules or we tend to start killing each other. Thus government and religion.

So you are part of the social compact whether you wish it or not. You have no choice in the matter because otherwise you die. Without the society, you never learn how not to die. You are not born with the capacity to survive outside of the society. It is in your genes.
so sperm has DNA is that a person too ????

Sperm does not have a unique DNA. It is just cells from the man's body. The fetus has DNA unique unto itself. It is a seperate human being.

Now don't go around giving facts! Don't you know liberals hate facts?

No. Reactionaries hate facts. Whether on the right or left, they insist the world is the way they wish it to be and are not interested in the way it is.

The difference between a liberal and a conservative is only in the approach to how to deal with facts. That is why they can work together. Reactionaries can't work with anyone.
Again, if you file bankruptcy then you don't have to pay for the first and third example you gave.

As to the second, do you really equate sex with crime and pregnancy as punishment?

Forcing someone to place their person in the service of another is involuntary servitude. That is the definition. Perhaps you are able to justify that in your own mind, but I cannot in mine.

Perhaps you should understand that every parent is a servant... and every parent who purposely had sex did it voluntarily... and that we are indeed responsible for the consequences of our actions.. a consequence of sex is the very possible creation for a life that you are indeed responsible for

Even bankruptcy has consequences.. INCLUDING the confiscation and sale of most property/possessions... or in the case of a chapter 13 you are put on a schedule for payment while you keep your possessions.. .and then just try and cheat on your bankruptcy and see what consequences come from that

Responsible or not, it is involuntary servitude and we don't impose that upon anyone, for any reason, except pregnant women. This has nothing to do with responsibility or they would not be singled out.

No it is not.. you voluntarily placed yourself in the situation.. and the situation has consequences that you are then responsible for.. it is really not a hard concept, except to those who try and avoid responsibility on a regular basis
Every child should have a warm bed, a solid roof and three hot meals a day. Every child should have an education as far as they can go. Every child should have adequate medical care. Every human being should have shelter and food. There are all sorts of shoulds. Any of those you could say are inalienable rights. But none of them exist unless human beings provide them. You have no rights unless the society in which you live acknowledges them. You can say you should as much as you like, but it matters not at all.

Shoulds are not rights

And the protection of an inalienable right is so that it is protected from government.. and by stating that this comes from a being or higher power beyond what man is, takes it away from the man made government which is by human nature fallible... your right to live the way you choose, by your actions, and without being murdered does not come from government.. we were indeed created to live and act on our own.. and that creation did not come from government

No, it did not come from government. Government comes from man. Laws come from man. Rights come from man. "Inalienable rights" is a phrase which has meaning only so long as man says it has meaning. You can toss in God if that makes you feel better, but that changes nothing.

But I did not toss in God... you want me to, in order to make your anti-religion argument for you....

We are indeed created to live and act on our own.. and that creation did not come from government...
Sorry. You didn't have to sign. It's imprinted in your genes. Tough luck.

Please show any evidence of social compact in our genes or DNA... and please show this in any other animal as well, or where it stemmed from in DNA evolution or mutation

Take a look at any herd or pack animal. When threatened, the herd will form a circle with the males to the outside and the females and calves in the center. This isn't planned, it is in the genes.

All human beings are social animals. We work together in cooperation. Otherwise, we die. We do not hatch from an egg on our own, like an alligator. We require years of rearing. Gravid females require assistance and protection. We learn through being taught by the clan, knowledge being passed down. A human child on its own almost certainly dies.

In every human society above the level of small clan you will find two organizations. Government and religion. No exceptions to this. They vary in nature, but they are always there. They are survival mechanisms to allow human beings to operate in complex social structures. Without that structure, the individual human is helpless. But that structure requires rules or we tend to start killing each other. Thus government and religion.

So you are part of the social compact whether you wish it or not. You have no choice in the matter because otherwise you die. Without the society, you never learn how not to die. You are not born with the capacity to survive outside of the society. It is in your genes.

Otherwise known as you have nothing to back up your statement.. there is no social compact in our genes...
Perhaps you should understand that every parent is a servant... and every parent who purposely had sex did it voluntarily... and that we are indeed responsible for the consequences of our actions.. a consequence of sex is the very possible creation for a life that you are indeed responsible for

Even bankruptcy has consequences.. INCLUDING the confiscation and sale of most property/possessions... or in the case of a chapter 13 you are put on a schedule for payment while you keep your possessions.. .and then just try and cheat on your bankruptcy and see what consequences come from that

Responsible or not, it is involuntary servitude and we don't impose that upon anyone, for any reason, except pregnant women. This has nothing to do with responsibility or they would not be singled out.

No it is not.. you voluntarily placed yourself in the situation.. and the situation has consequences that you are then responsible for.. it is really not a hard concept, except to those who try and avoid responsibility on a regular basis

Forcing someone to place their body in the service of another is involuntary servitude. Your reasoning is only a justification for it. It changes nothing. Further, you only apply it to this situation and no other.
Please show any evidence of social compact in our genes or DNA... and please show this in any other animal as well, or where it stemmed from in DNA evolution or mutation

Take a look at any herd or pack animal. When threatened, the herd will form a circle with the males to the outside and the females and calves in the center. This isn't planned, it is in the genes.

All human beings are social animals. We work together in cooperation. Otherwise, we die. We do not hatch from an egg on our own, like an alligator. We require years of rearing. Gravid females require assistance and protection. We learn through being taught by the clan, knowledge being passed down. A human child on its own almost certainly dies.

In every human society above the level of small clan you will find two organizations. Government and religion. No exceptions to this. They vary in nature, but they are always there. They are survival mechanisms to allow human beings to operate in complex social structures. Without that structure, the individual human is helpless. But that structure requires rules or we tend to start killing each other. Thus government and religion.

So you are part of the social compact whether you wish it or not. You have no choice in the matter because otherwise you die. Without the society, you never learn how not to die. You are not born with the capacity to survive outside of the society. It is in your genes.

Otherwise known as you have nothing to back up your statement.. there is no social compact in our genes...

If that makes you feel better.
15 pages of this has convinced me of only 1 thing, we are living in the Book of Revelation, and soon enough...

"Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess..."

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