God Help Us All: Captain America Is Now A Negro!

I tell the truth and back it up...

You haven't "backed up" your moronic "subhuman" comment with anything more than your infantile imagination and pathetic cowardice.

There you go!..good one.."moronic", "infantile" "pathetic" and "cowardice"..Got four in that time, scooter.

The most advanced races have neanderthal DNA.

Africans (negroids) have no neanderthal DNA.

Africa is the most backward country in the history of the world.

Now, don't address any of those points...Just call me some more names so you can feel better about yourself. It doesn't bother me and it seems to be therapy for you, scooter. Carry on.
You deny DNA..you deny heredity...you deny genetics...You think the only difference in the races is skin color...you believe that anything you don't "like" is wrong...You think labradors can have chihuahuas...you think great danes can have kittens...you think negro couples can have chinese babies...you think white people can have negro babies...

Yeah..you have a clear picture of reality. :cuckoo:

You think Neanderthal DNA is a advancement. :lol:

Negroids don't have it. That's a fact.
Africa is the most backward continent in the world. That's a fact.

Draw your own conclusions.

What's the difference anyway?
You already said that if you don't "like" something it it isn't true, so there's really nothing to discuss. There isn't anything I could say about negroes that you would "like" anyway...because I tell the truth and back it up...and you hate that. :lol:

Actually I find you amusing. Its hard to hate someone you cant see. You are correct though. There is not much you say that I can take seriously. You have shown me you have less than stellar logical skills. I simply cant get over how you conclude Neanderthal DNA makes you more advanced when they were inferior and died out? Its a mind boggling concept that fails the logic loop.
More pointing out reality to someone who clearly isn't in touch with it. Go ahead and say something reasonable if you can, then watch a real conversation ensue.

Oh..you want to be reasonable and polite now?...

No, I don't. I was educating you on why you aren't taken seriously, moron. Learn from it, or stop bitching about the inevitable, you idiotic fucking coward.

You're in no position to "educate" anyone, scooter. The idea is comical.

Hey look!..more name calling! How cute! ..and original! :doubt:

Projecting your own inadequacies and insecurity.
It's ok..

It says a lot more about you than it does me. Carry on, scooter.
You think Neanderthal DNA is a advancement. :lol:

Negroids don't have it. That's a fact.
Africa is the most backward continent in the world. That's a fact.

Draw your own conclusions.

What's the difference anyway?
You already said that if you don't "like" something it it isn't true, so there's really nothing to discuss. There isn't anything I could say about negroes that you would "like" anyway...because I tell the truth and back it up...and you hate that. :lol:

Actually I find you amusing. Its hard to hate someone you cant see. You are correct though. There is not much you say that I can take seriously. You have shown me you have less than stellar logical skills. I simply cant get over how you conclude Neanderthal DNA makes you more advanced when they were inferior and died out? Its a mind boggling concept that fails the logic loop.

I didn't say that or imply it. You did so you'd have a strawman to knock down.
Here's what I said 10 or 15 times now. Spin it, stretch it, distort it or deny it...doesn't matter. It's the truth.

The most advanced races have neanderthal DNA.

Negroids do not.

Africa is the most backward continent in the world.
Oh..you want to be reasonable and polite now?...

No, I don't. I was educating you on why you aren't taken seriously, moron. Learn from it, or stop bitching about the inevitable, you idiotic fucking coward.

You're in no position to "educate" anyone, scooter. The idea is comical.

Hey look!..more name calling! How cute! ..and original! :doubt:

Projecting your own inadequacies and insecurity.
It's ok..

It says a lot more about you than it does me. Carry on, scooter.

You have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that practically everyone is in a position to educate you. I'm starting to think you may be right. Maybe you got more than the 4% allotment of neanderthal DNA?
I tell the truth and back it up...

You haven't "backed up" your moronic "subhuman" comment with anything more than your infantile imagination and pathetic cowardice.

There you go!...

And there you still haven't backed it up, moron. Need some help? First you need to prove there is any such thing as "subhuman," then you need to prove that having some trace of "Neanderthal DNA" (as you keep chanting, like the mindless drone you are) bestows some sort of superiority. If you could do that (which you can't), you'd also have to indisputably prove causation rather than correlation. Are you following any of this? No? It doesn't matter because your entire premise is idiotic nonsense anyway.

Negroids don't have it. That's a fact.
Africa is the most backward continent in the world. That's a fact.

Draw your own conclusions.

What's the difference anyway?
You already said that if you don't "like" something it it isn't true, so there's really nothing to discuss. There isn't anything I could say about negroes that you would "like" anyway...because I tell the truth and back it up...and you hate that. :lol:

Actually I find you amusing. Its hard to hate someone you cant see. You are correct though. There is not much you say that I can take seriously. You have shown me you have less than stellar logical skills. I simply cant get over how you conclude Neanderthal DNA makes you more advanced when they were inferior and died out? Its a mind boggling concept that fails the logic loop.

I didn't say that or imply it. You did so you'd have a strawman to knock down.
Here's what I said 10 or 15 times now. Spin it, stretch it, distort it or deny it...doesn't matter. It's the truth.

The most advanced races have neanderthal DNA.

Negroids do not.

Africa is the most backward continent in the world.

I already showed you via scientific evidence the negroid "race" is the most "advanced". Thats were all homo sapien sapiens came from. Black people. In Africa. It wasn't until they went to Europe and interbred with Neanderthals that your concept of "advanced races" came about. Having neanderthal DNA is a step back not forward.
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the award for the most bigoted, race bating and putrid thread goes to : God Help Us All: Captain America Is Now A Negro!

the OP should be impaled

I already showed you via scientific evidence the negroid "race" is the most "advanced". Thats were all homo sapien sapiens came from. Black people. In Africa. It wasn't until they went to Europe and interbred with Neanderthals that your concept of "advanced races" came about. Having neanderthal DNA is step back not forward.

You're as stupid as he is. You really are. And every bit as much a cowardly, ignorant weakling.
I already showed you via scientific evidence the negroid "race" is the most "advanced". Thats were all homo sapien sapiens came from. Black people. In Africa. It wasn't until they went to Europe and interbred with Neanderthals that your concept of "advanced races" came about. Having neanderthal DNA is step back not forward.

You're as stupid as he is. You really are. And every bit as much a cowardly, ignorant weakling.

I'm hurt. :lol:
Actually I find you amusing. Its hard to hate someone you cant see. You are correct though. There is not much you say that I can take seriously. You have shown me you have less than stellar logical skills. I simply cant get over how you conclude Neanderthal DNA makes you more advanced when they were inferior and died out? Its a mind boggling concept that fails the logic loop.

I didn't say that or imply it. You did so you'd have a strawman to knock down.
Here's what I said 10 or 15 times now. Spin it, stretch it, distort it or deny it...doesn't matter. It's the truth.

The most advanced races have neanderthal DNA.

Negroids do not.

Africa is the most backward continent in the world.

I already showed you via scientific evidence the negroid "race" is the most "advanced". Thats were all homo sapien sapiens came from. Black people. In Africa. It wasn't until they went to Europe and interbred with Neanderthals that your concept of "advanced races" came about. Having neanderthal DNA is step back not forward.

You showed no one anything. Negroids, lacking neanderthal DNA, are the previous branch of the hominid tree and remain stunted and backward and they are less developed than humans. As such, they are not the progenitors of civilization, nor can they function as its stewards.

Negroes have to have these lies about being superior though, because the historical truth is too horrible for them to accept.
Now how could one explain to these childlike creatures they do not nor will they ever have, the means to function at the same levels as non-negroes while words like "equality" drip from the lips of social engineers trying to keep them inflamed?

Typically, to them if they don't "like" something, it simply isn't true...as you pointed out earlier.

How do you answer the question, "Who is the negro Da Vinci, Edision, Disney, Gutenberg, Tesla, or Magellan?"

Generally, negroes, with their inability to process predicate logic and their minds incapable of accepting something that "feels bad" as truth.

Since it "feels good", Negroes continue the trend, stealing the historical accomplishments of others to fuel the need to feel pride in themselves.
A simple lie becomes a laughable fairy tale, and all the while Negroes believe it as truth.
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The only "almost humans" are those who think they are superior to other humans.
I didn't say that or imply it. You did so you'd have a strawman to knock down.
Here's what I said 10 or 15 times now. Spin it, stretch it, distort it or deny it...doesn't matter. It's the truth.

The most advanced races have neanderthal DNA.

Negroids do not.

Africa is the most backward continent in the world.

I already showed you via scientific evidence the negroid "race" is the most "advanced". Thats were all homo sapien sapiens came from. Black people. In Africa. It wasn't until they went to Europe and interbred with Neanderthals that your concept of "advanced races" came about. Having neanderthal DNA is step back not forward.

You showed no one anything. Negroids, lacking neanderthal DNA, are the previous branch of the hominid tree and remain stunted and backward and they are less developed than humans. As such, they are not the progenitors of civilization, nor can they function as its stewards.

Negroes have to have these lies about being superior though, because the historical truth is too horrible for them to accept.

Now how can one explain to these childlike creatures they do not nor will they ever have, the means to function at the same levels as non-negroes while words like "equality" drip from the lips of social engineers? Typically, to them if they don't "like" something, it simply isn't true.

How do you answer the question, "Who is the negro Da Vinci, Edision, Disney, Gutenberg, Tesla, or Magellan?"

Typical negroes, with their inability to process predicate logic and their minds incapable of accepting something that feels bad as truth.

Since it feels good, Negroes continue the trend, stealing the historical accomplishments of others to fuel the need to feel pride in themselves.
A simple lie becomes a laughable fairy tale, and all the while Negroes believe it as truth.

I thought you said you were not implying that Neanderthal DNA made you more advanced? :lol:

How do you answer the question, "Who is the negro Da Vinci, Edision, Disney, Gutenberg, Tesla, or Magellan?"

You dont. Those were white guys that based their discoveries on knowledge taught to them by Black Africans. A better question would be Who is the white Imhotep, Hatshepsut? Who conquered fire. Who developed the first carbon steel? Who was the first to use antibiotics? Why was Europe first country several millennia behind Egypt?

Typical insecure caucasoids such as yourself stole everything. You didnt even invent your own written language.
I already showed you via scientific evidence the negroid "race" is the most "advanced". Thats were all homo sapien sapiens came from. Black people. In Africa. It wasn't until they went to Europe and interbred with Neanderthals that your concept of "advanced races" came about. Having neanderthal DNA is step back not forward.

You're as stupid as he is. You really are. And every bit as much a cowardly, ignorant weakling.

Name calling from you is as predictable as sunrise.
A sure sign of an immature, undeveloped mind.
One whole person told you this? Maybe we should hear Poets side of the conversation before we believe you. Irregardless I fail to see how what one person thinks means that all people that voted for the POTUS feel the same way. Can we say ad hominem?

no Dean has said this .....Lakota has said this....Luddy has said this.....should i go on?...and hey i answered what you said above.....you said it must have been something they said indicating they were racist....no they did not....they just had the gal and audacity to say they were against an Obama policy......

I simply dont believe your claims to be honest. How about quoting their posts? I have read most of those posters sentiments and never saw them express the idea that someone who disagrees with the politics of the POTUS is racist. i don't agree with all his politics and i am Black. You obviously said something racist or something that can be construed as racist.

I simply dont believe your claims to be honest. How about quoting their posts? I have read most of those posters sentiments and never saw them express the idea that someone who disagrees with the politics of the POTUS is racist.

all those people i mentioned?...you go through the 70 thousand posts between them.......anyone here who is HONEST and not one of their fellow far lefties will back me up on them saying what i said they said....because im sure they were also called bigots for having the gall to disagree with the President.....

You obviously said something racist or something that can be construed as racist.

yea i obviously did...."hey Poet a question.....can one be against the President without it being racial?"......you tell me,was that racial?............you have been in many a thread with me and i bet you cannot find me being racial in any of them....i even said i have Moors blood in me...why the fuck would i admit that if i am a racist?.....
I already showed you via scientific evidence the negroid "race" is the most "advanced". Thats were all homo sapien sapiens came from. Black people. In Africa. It wasn't until they went to Europe and interbred with Neanderthals that your concept of "advanced races" came about. Having neanderthal DNA is step back not forward.

You're as stupid as he is. You really are. And every bit as much a cowardly, ignorant weakling.

I'm hurt.

You sure are.

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