God Help Us All: Captain America Is Now A Negro!

In your mind the fact that dogs of the same breed have different colored hair proves that the laws of heredity and genetics don't exist?

ok..therefore these must all be "white" people, right?.. :doubt:


No they are all people.
You continue to prove your own argument wrong. :lol:
You cant possibly be that this dumb. You must be pranking us.
Thanks for posting that. Proves albinos exist in every "race".

No. It proves that color of hair has nothing to do with race.
All three of those dogs are labs..therefore they are the same breed...

Precisely. Is the light starting to come on upstairs?
Great. I say you are a dimwit, a weakling, and a coward. Your idiotic musings here bear this out. Fuck off, coward.


Nice debate tactics you have there.

"Debate"? Do you really think your asinine comments here rise to the level of "debate"? Do you think there is anything there worth taking that seriously? Get over yourself, coward. You're nothing but idiotic comic relief.

Whatever you say, scooter. Did you have to look up the word debate to see what it means?. I notice the entire content of your posts are insults and snide, snarky comments....This is like your little personal anger management class, isn't it?
You get to come on here and call people names and insults that you'd never get away with anywhere else.

Like I said;

As you struggle through life angry and bitter, maybe during one of your fleeting moments of lucidity you'll remember that my life is as good as I can make it and I'm ok.

Your displays of contempt/petulance/insecurity/, however, are obvious reflections of the unhappiness that you have with the nature of your own character.
Of course they are making a statement, thats why unlike in the past, nowadays they have big press releases to show the world how diverse they are. Notice how its always a white male being changed? Name the last time they replaced a woman, a black person or gay person, with a hetrosexual white male... and if you can think of an example of it, was there a big press release about it? Yeah, I didnt think so.

OF COURSE THEY ARE MAKING A STATEMENT!!!! How can you not see that?

"Unlike in the past"?

Marvel and DC have released press releases every time there's a major change for decades. There's nothing new or remarkable about it.

As for your example, John Stewart (black guy!) was replaced by Kyle Rayner (white guy!) as Green Lantern.

The only people who care what race the new Captain America is are those who have a problem with it.

OY! you know nothing of comic books. Stewart replaced Jordan(white guy), who replaced Alan Scott(white guy), and by the way, there are pink, purple, yellow, and red Green Lanterns as well.

Your example basically says, well the black guy took over so now if a white guy takes it back from him, that's racist. Well, That's a stupid comment.

I know plenty about comic books. You missed at least three main Green Lanterns.

As for my example, Godboy asked for an example of a black guy being replaced by a white guy, so I did. I didn't imply anything close to what you're claiming.
No they are all people.
You continue to prove your own argument wrong. :lol:
You cant possibly be that this dumb. You must be pranking us.
Thanks for posting that. Proves albinos exist in every "race".

No. It proves that color of hair has nothing to do with race.
All three of those dogs are labs..therefore they are the same breed...

Precisely. Is the light starting to come on upstairs?

Your 3 dogs angle was flawed and exposed as such...now you try to change sides?..LMAO..that might work with some people but not me.

Human is a species, not a race and there are physical and biological differences between the races.

The color of the hair on 3 dogs of the same breed doesn't "prove" anything.
My mom and I had different colored hair...that doesn't make her or me a negro or an asian.

You're purposely trying to muddy up the water...I doubt many are fooled by that tactic.
Did you have to look up the word debate to see what it means?

Why? Do you consider "debate" to be a 'difficult' word? It seems it is a difficult concept for you since all you've done here is show your ass then whine about being called the fool you are.
No. It proves that color of hair has nothing to do with race.
All three of those dogs are labs..therefore they are the same breed...

Precisely. Is the light starting to come on upstairs?

Your 3 dogs angle was flawed and exposed as such...now you try to change sides?..LMAO..that might work with some people but not me.

Human is a species, not a race and there are physical and biological differences between the races.

The color of the hair on 3 dogs of the same breed doesn't "prove" anything.
My mom and I had different colored hair...that doesn't make her or me a negro or an asian.

You're purposely trying to muddy up the water...I doubt many are fooled by that tactic.

The only thing that has been exposed is your confusion and apparent lack of understanding on how genetics work. You are getting made a fool of and you are doing most of the damage yourself. :lol:
This child is not an albino. How did this happen?

Showbiz Gossip0Celeb De'la Cream Boutique Fashion & Style


Post all the unattributed photos you like. That doesn't change the fact that human is a species, not a race and there are physical and biological differences between the races.

To answer your question; Whatever it is, it isn't caucasian.

....Or are you now saying that chinese couples can give birth to negro offspring and negro couples can have korean children..White couples can have negro children......LMFAO...

I guess next you'll say that those labrador retrievers could breed and have pomeranian puppies...or chihuahuas can give birth to great danes..So, I guess it's all just random chance and genetics, heredity, breed or race don't exist.... LMFAO....
You get to come on here and call people names and insults that you'd never get away with anywhere else.

Oh, you're just dying to make a little 'tough guy' comment, aren't you precious?

Not really. You're projecting your own deficiencies and insecurities onto me. Obviously.

Call me some more names, why dont you?..You'll look SOOOO wise and clever... :lol:
This child is not an albino. How did this happen?

Showbiz Gossip0Celeb De'la Cream Boutique Fashion & Style


Post all the unattributed photos you like. That doesn't change the fact that human is a species, not a race and there are physical and biological differences between the races.

To answer your question; Whatever it is, it isn't caucasian.

....Or are you now saying that chinese couples can give birth to negro offspring and negro couples can have korean children..White couples can have negro children......LMFAO...

I guess next you'll say that those labrador retrievers could breed and have pomeranian puppies...or chihuahuas can give birth to great danes..So, I guess it's all just random chance and genetics, heredity, breed or race don't exist.... LMFAO....

You have taken quite the intellectual beating. Probably one of the most epic I have seen to date on these boards. Your inability to see that race is merely a label and there is only one race dooms you to irrelevance.
This child is not an albino. How did this happen?

Showbiz Gossip0Celeb De'la Cream Boutique Fashion & Style


Post all the unattributed photos you like. That doesn't change the fact that human is a species, not a race and there are physical and biological differences between the races.

To answer your question; Whatever it is, it isn't caucasian.

....Or are you now saying that chinese couples can give birth to negro offspring and negro couples can have korean children..White couples can have negro children......LMFAO...

I guess next you'll say that those labrador retrievers could breed and have pomeranian puppies...or chihuahuas can give birth to great danes..So, I guess it's all just random chance and genetics, heredity, breed or race don't exist.... LMFAO....

You have taken quite the intellectual beating. Probably one of the most epic I have seen to date on these boards. Your inability to see that race is merely a label and there is only one race dooms you to irrelevance.

Reality says otherwise. I understand your need to deny anything unfavorable about negroes. It says a lot about you...Actually, you said it yourself..If you don't "like" something it isn't true. Declare "victory" all you like. It doesn't change the facts.

Human is a species, not a race and there are physical and biological differences between the races.
Oh, you're just dying to make a little 'tough guy' comment, aren't you precious?

Not really.

It's pretty obvious you are. You might as well go ahead, you couldn't look like any more of an idiotic asshole here than you already do.

Nice..More name calling and insults.
You have a deep seated inferiority complex you just can't contain and it's leaking out in every post.

Call me some more names, scooter... :doubt:
Albinism is a genetic defect, genius.


Your boy said that since dogs of the same breed have different colored hair therefore genetics and the laws of heredity aren't valid.

So, how does the laws of genetics and heredity apply to your argument that black people are 'sub-human'?

We're all still waiting.

There is only one of the three main races that doesn't have neanderthal DNA.

The least advanced of the three.

Genetics and heredity.

Your boy said that since dogs of the same breed have different colored hair therefore genetics and the laws of heredity aren't valid.

So, how does the laws of genetics and heredity apply to your argument that black people are 'sub-human'?

We're all still waiting.

There is only one of the three main races that doesn't have neanderthal DNA.

The least advanced of the three.

Genetics and heredity.

You're making no sense now. A 'main' race is no less advanced than the others.

Enough of the buzzwords.
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Your boy said that since dogs of the same breed have different colored hair therefore genetics and the laws of heredity aren't valid.

So, how does the laws of genetics and heredity apply to your argument that black people are 'sub-human'?

We're all still waiting.

There is only one of the three main races that doesn't have neanderthal DNA.

The least advanced of the three.

Genetics and heredity.

You just keep stepping in it. Your theory is broken. Do you need some super glue?
You cant possibly be using a failed branch of hominid to pretend their genes gained certain people superiority. :lol:

Science Shows Why You?re Smarter Than a Neanderthal | Science | Smithsonian

Neanderthals never invented written language, developed agriculture or progressed past the Stone Age. At the same time, they had brains just as big in volume as modern humans’. The question of why we Homo sapiens are significantly more intelligent than the similarly big-brained Neanderthals—and why we survived and proliferated while they went extinct—has puzzled scientists for some time.

Now, a new study by Oxford researchers provides evidence for a novel explanation. As they detail in a paper published today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a greater percentage of the Neanderthal brain seems to have been devoted to vision and control of their larger bodies, leaving less mental real estate for higher thinking and social interactions.

Basically what this says is whites and asians should be better at basketball.
Forgive an outsider for offering his opinion, but I think this latest outrage deserves closer examination.

What we see here is a typical example of White angst going critical. The United States was founded by White men and women, and Captain America represents the strength of America, and White people expect that expression of power to be represented by them, as a people. Some might say that Marvel Comics is within its rights to alter the character's appearance, and legally speaking they are. But morally speaking they're in violation of their moral pact with America's demographic majority. They make money by exploiting America's feelings of pride concerning their world dominance, said dominance being achieved by White America, so they should be morally obliged to honour their unspoken deal by expressing that pride and sense of achievement in the form of the race that achieved it: a White man.

Us white males are awesome, aren't we ! (no need to answer)
So, how does the laws of genetics and heredity apply to your argument that black people are 'sub-human'?

We're all still waiting.

There is only one of the three main races that doesn't have neanderthal DNA.

The least advanced of the three.

Genetics and heredity.

You're making no sense now. A 'main' race is no less advanced than the others.

Enough of the buzzwords.

There are three main races. Negroid, caucasian and mongoloid. 2 of those 3 have neanderthal DNA. It isn't even disputable.
That's what we were talking about.

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