God Help Us All: Captain America Is Now A Negro!

Welcome Africans to the Neanderthal family - Los Angeles Times

I’m not saying the New York Times headline writer — and others who referred to people with Neanderthal DNA as “we” or “you” or “us” — were racist or captives to white privilege. But they were careless.

But stop the presses! It now appears that some sub-Saharan Africans do have Neanderthal-derived DNA nestled in their genomes. An article this week in New Scientist magazine reports that some members of Khoisan tribes in southern Africa turn out to have genes in common with southern Europeans.

Some of those genes may be traceable to modern Eurasians making whoopee with Neanderthals. Apparently some Eurasians migrated to eastern Africa 3,000 years ago, in what New Scientist calls “humanity’s unexpected U-turn.” Their descendants later migrated south.

This latest report doesn’t mean that all or even most sub-Saharan Africans have Neanderthal ancestry, nor does it alter the fact that humans can be roughly divided into geographical groups (or races, to use the politically incorrect term).

Whoops! The Khoisan are among the most ancient people on earth. Makes sense.
I think its stupid to replace him, particularly when its soley a race based decision, but if he doesnt have the super soldier serum running through his veins, that is fucking gay. You cant be captain america if you dont have his powers.

What makes you say it's "solely a race based decision"?

This isn't the 70s anymore. Black superheroes aren't "shocking" any more, except to those few still obsessed with race.

it depends.......if a certain hero has been a white guy for 70 years....you just dont turn him black just because.....if you do call him something else.....they are doing another FF4 movie and Johnny Storm has been cast with a black actor??.......i bet blacks would have something to say if they made the Black Panther a white guy or Bishop.....just because....

This is actually the second time Wilson has been Captain America.
Welcome Africans to the Neanderthal family - Los Angeles Times

I’m not saying the New York Times headline writer — and others who referred to people with Neanderthal DNA as “we” or “you” or “us” — were racist or captives to white privilege. But they were careless.

But stop the presses! It now appears that some sub-Saharan Africans do have Neanderthal-derived DNA nestled in their genomes. An article this week in New Scientist magazine reports that some members of Khoisan tribes in southern Africa turn out to have genes in common with southern Europeans.

Some of those genes may be traceable to modern Eurasians making whoopee with Neanderthals. Apparently some Eurasians migrated to eastern Africa 3,000 years ago, in what New Scientist calls “humanity’s unexpected U-turn.” Their descendants later migrated south.

This latest report doesn’t mean that all or even most sub-Saharan Africans have Neanderthal ancestry, nor does it alter the fact that humans can be roughly divided into geographical groups (or races, to use the politically incorrect term).

Whoops! The Khoisan are among the most ancient people on earth. Makes sense.
Name calling from you is as predictable as ....

Aaaaaaaaaand you still haven't backed up your claim.

My claim is that negroids [sic] don't have neanderthal DNA.
My claim is that africa [sic] is the most backward continent on earth.

Those are both proven, established facts.

You stated a conclusion, remember? Something about "subhuman"? Remember, boy? Now follow the steps I taught you and support your claim or SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.
Welcome Africans to the Neanderthal family - Los Angeles Times

I’m not saying the New York Times headline writer — and others who referred to people with Neanderthal DNA as “we” or “you” or “us” — were racist or captives to white privilege. But they were careless.

But stop the presses! It now appears that some sub-Saharan Africans do have Neanderthal-derived DNA nestled in their genomes. An article this week in New Scientist magazine reports that some members of Khoisan tribes in southern Africa turn out to have genes in common with southern Europeans.

Some of those genes may be traceable to modern Eurasians making whoopee with Neanderthals. Apparently some Eurasians migrated to eastern Africa 3,000 years ago, in what New Scientist calls “humanity’s unexpected U-turn.” Their descendants later migrated south.

This latest report doesn’t mean that all or even most sub-Saharan Africans have Neanderthal ancestry, nor does it alter the fact that humans can be roughly divided into geographical groups (or races, to use the politically incorrect term).

Whoops! The Khoisan are among the most ancient people on earth. Makes sense.

I think Rotatillas head exploded. :lol:

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Whatever....list the top 10 negro inventors.
here you go...Nazi boy...
Top 10 African American Inventors - Listverse[/QUOTE]

Oh good!

Let's go one by one;

Madame C J Walker 1867 – 1919

Invented: Hair Lotion for black women

Well, THAT'S hugely important. Where would the world be without hair lotion for negroes? Truly earth shaking

Frederick McKinley Jones 1893 – 1961

Frederick McKinley Jones was one of the most prolific Black inventors ever. Frederick Jones patented more than sixty inventions, however, he is best known for inventing an automatic refrigeration system for long-haul trucks in 1935 (a roof-mounted cooling device). Jones was the first person to invent a practical, mechanical refrigeration system for trucks and railroad cars, which eliminated the risk of food spoilage during long-distance shipping trips. The system was, in turn, adapted to a variety of other common carriers, including ships. Frederick Jones was issued the patent on July 12, 1940.

That's a damned LIE!
He didn't "invent" anything.
He (arguably) adapted something already in existence...if one is to believe negro revisionist nonsense.

Dr. Willis Carrier built the first system capable of cooling indoor air and controlling its humidity. He received the first of many patents in 1906 (US patent #808897, for the "Apparatus for Treating Air"). In 1911 he published the formulae that became the scientific basis for air conditioning design, and four years later formed the Carrier Engineering Corporation to develop and manufacture AC systems.

Trucks with mechanically refrigerated cargo spaces appeared on the roads at least as early as the late 1920s. Further development of truck refrigeration was more a process of gradual evolution than radical change.

It's not hard to find websites proclaiming that Jones changed the American consumer's eating habits by supposedly making possible the long-distance shipment of perishable goods. The truth is that refrigerated ships and railcars had been moving perishables across oceans and continents even before Jones was born. See refrigerated transport timeline.

The Refrigerated Railroad Car
Beginning in the 1840s, refrigerated cars were used to transport milk and butter. By 1860, refrigerated transport was limited to mostly seafood and dairy products. The refrigerated railroad car was patented by J.B. Sutherland of Detroit, Michigan in 1867. He designed an insulated car with ice bunkers in each end. Air came in on the top, passed through the bunkers, and circulated through the car by gravity, controlled by the use of hanging flaps that created differences in air temperature.
History Magazine - The Impact of Refrigeration

George Edward Alcorn 1940
Physicist George Edward Alcorn, Jr. is best known for his development of the imaging x-ray spectrometer. An x-ray spectrometer assists scientists in identifying a material by producing an x-ray spectrum of it, allowing it to be examined visually. This is especially advantageous when the material is not able to be broken down physically. Alcorn patented his “method for fabricating an imaging x-ray spectrometer” in 1984.

He didn't "invent" anything.

X-ray spectrometry
US 2619600 A
Inventors Hamacher Edward A
Filing date Jul 13, 1950

Lewis Latimer 1848 – 1928
Invented: Long life lightbulb

more afrocentric lies.

English chemist/physicist Joseph Swan experimented with a carbon-filament incandescent light all the way back in 1860, and by 1878 had developed a better design which he patented in Britain. On the other side of the Atlantic, Thomas Edison developed a successful carbon-filament bulb, receiving a patent for it (#223898) in January 1880, before Lewis Latimer did any work in electric lighting. From 1880 onward, countless patents were issued for innovations in filament design and manufacture (Edison had over 50 of them). Neither of Latimer's two filament-related patents in 1881 and 1882 were among them, nor did they make the light bulb last longer, nor is there reason to believe they were adopted outside Hiram Maxim's company where Latimer worked at the time. (He was not hired by Edison's company until 1884, primarily as a draftsman and an expert witness in patent litigations).

Granville Woods 1856 – 1910
In 1885, Woods patented an apparatus which was a combination of a telephone and a telegraph. The device, which he called “telegraphony,” would allow a telegraph station to send voice and telegraph messages over a single wire. The device was so successful that he later sold it to the American Bell Telephone Company. In 1887, Woods developed his most important invention to date – a device he called Synchronous Multiplex Railway Telegraph. A variation of the “induction telegraph,” it allowed for messages to be sent from moving trains and railway stations. By allowing dispatchers to know the location of each train, it provided for greater safety and a decrease in railway accidents.

A lie.
Here is the truth;
The earliest patents for train telegraphs go back to at least 1873. Lucius Phelps was the first inventor in the field to attract widespread notice, and the telegrams he exchanged on the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad in January 1885 were hailed in the Feb. 21, 1885 issue of Scientific American as "perhaps the first ever sent to and from a moving train." Phelps remained at the forefront in developing the technology and by the end of 1887 already held 14 US patents on his system. He joined a team led by Thomas Edison, who had been working on his "grasshopper telegraph" for trains, and together they constructed on the Lehigh Valley Railroad one of the only induction telegraph systems ever put to commercial use. Although this telegraph was a technical success, it fulfilled no public need, and the market for on-board train telegraphy never took off. There is no evidence that any commercial railway telegraph based on Granville Woods's patents was ever built.

Patricia Bath 1942
Invented: A form of eye surgery using lasers
Dr. Patricia Bath, an ophthalmologist from New York, but living in Los Angeles when she received her patent, became the first African American woman doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention. Patricia Bath’s patent (no. 4,744,360), a method for removing cataract lenses, transformed eye surgery, using a laser device making the procedure more accurate

No...She didn't.
Here's the truth.

Use of lasers to treat cataracts in the eye began to develop in the mid 1970s. M.M. Krasnov of Russia reported the first such procedure in 1975. One of the earliest US patents for laser cataract removal (#3,982,541) was issued to Francis L'Esperance in 1976. In later years, a number of experimenters worked independently on laser devices for removing cataracts, including Daniel Eichenbaum, whose work became the basis of the Paradigm Photon™ device; and Jack Dodick, whose Dodick Laser PhotoLysis System eventually became the first laser unit to win FDA approval for cataract removal in the United States. Still, the majority of cataract surgeries continue to be performed using ultrasound devices, not lasers.

Garrett Morgan 1877 – 1963
Invented: Gas mask, and a type of traffic light

Garrett Morgan was an inventor and businessman from Cleveland who invented a device called the Morgan safety hood and smoke protector in 1914.

First the "gas mask";
The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I.

Now the "traffic light";
The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920.

Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light.

Otis Boykin 1920 – 1982

Invented: Improved electrical resistor, and a control unit for pacemakers

He didn't "invent" anything. He (allegedly) improved a previously EXISTING device.

Your afro centric "source" is a pack of lies, generally.

If you two racist douchebag idiots had the character necessary to experience shame, you'd be up to your asses in it right about now!
Aaaaaaaaaand you still haven't backed up your claim.

My claim is that negroids [sic] don't have neanderthal DNA.
My claim is that africa [sic] is the most backward continent on earth.

Those are both proven, established facts.

You stated a conclusion, remember? Something about "subhuman"? Remember, boy? Now follow the steps I taught you and support your claim or SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

I supported my claims.

Negroids don't have neanderthal DNA. That's a fact.

Africa is the most backwards continent on earth. That's a fact.

All of your cursing and name calling don't change those facts one bit.
I understand it makes you feel tough and manly...enjoy the internet.
It's the one place you can do that and maybe fool a few people, scooter.

If you two racist douchebag idiots had the character necessary to experience shame, you'd be up to your asses in it right about now!

More profound, intelligent and classy comments...
Can you type a sentence without cursing or calling someone names?

How old are you, anyway, scooter?
My claim is that negroids [sic] don't have neanderthal DNA.
My claim is that africa [sic] is the most backward continent on earth.

Those are both proven, established facts.

You stated a conclusion, remember? Something about "subhuman"? Remember, boy? Now follow the steps I taught you and support your claim or SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

I supported my claims.

Negroids don't have neanderthal DNA. That's a fact.

Africa is the most backwards continent on earth. That's a fact.

All of your cursing and name calling don't change those facts one bit.
I understand it makes you feel tough and manly...enjoy the internet.
It's the one place you can do that and maybe fool a few people, scooter.

No you didnt support anything except maybes someone elses jock.

Some negroids do have neanderthal DNA. Thats a fact.

Your opinion of whats backwards is just that. An opinion. not fact.

I noticed you pretended not to see or address the invention of steel and use of antibiotics. Can you explain why you are avoiding these things?
I'll admit to being a racist, if we can go back to talking about comic books...:D

More comics, less racism, more comics, more comics, more comics, less racism, more comics, more comics, more comics, more comics, more comics, more comics, more comics, less racism...See how that works.

See my avatar, signed by Herb Trempe. like I say, more comics.
My claim is that negroids [sic] don't have neanderthal DNA.
My claim is that africa [sic] is the most backward continent on earth.

Those are both proven, established facts.

You stated a conclusion, remember? Something about "subhuman"? Remember, boy? Now follow the steps I taught you and support your claim or SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

I supported my claims...

You most certainly have not, idiot.

If you two racist douchebag idiots had the character necessary to experience shame, you'd be up to your asses in it right about now!

More profound, intelligent and classy comments...
Can you type a sentence without cursing or calling someone names?

How old are you, anyway, scooter?

His response was very mild compared to the appellations the two misogynistic racist anti-American scum deserve to have inscribed on their tombstones.
I'll admit to being a racist, if we can go back to talking about comic books...:D

More comics, less racism, more comics, more comics, more comics, less racism, more comics, more comics, more comics, more comics, more comics, more comics, more comics, less racism...See how that works.

See my avatar, signed by Herb Trempe. like I say, more comics.

Do you remember this? Got this from a board member just now.

Superman vs. Muhammad Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


If you two racist douchebag idiots had the character necessary to experience shame, you'd be up to your asses in it right about now!

More profound, intelligent and classy comments...
Can you type a sentence without cursing or calling someone names?

How old are you, anyway, scooter?

His response was very mild compared to the appellations the two misogynistic racist anti-American scum deserve to have inscribed on their tombstones.

misogynistic? Your vocabulary clearly exceeds your education.

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