God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

And at the same time, the funky Massachusetts Bay Colony tried to establish a theocracy.

They were all hostile to one another.
In the early years Quakers, Hugenots, Dutch Reformed and Anabaptists couldn't get along . Didn't you have American History in school?
This Amendment was two fold - the Establishment clause was to make sure we never had a requirement that you had to belong to a particular church in order to hold office, like they did in England. The freedom of religion clause is to prevent persecution for having a particular religious belief - think the Pilgrims.

Neither of them was intended to stifle public expressions of faith, either by the public or by lawmakers.

Do you think these groups for lawmakers should be banned? How about the the Black Caucus? Banned? LGBQT+ Equity caucus. Banned?
1. I can't think of any reason for a Speaker or President for that matter to expound on their personal religious beliefs. Biden claims to be a Catholic, but never promotes Catholicism from the lectern. The Church of England was a requirement because some king wanted a divorce and the pope said "no". So King _____ started his own church. The Founding Fathers didn't want that to happen here.

2. I don't see the need for public officials to express any of their personal religious beliefs. There is no positive value in it since there is no "state" religion to espouse.

3. The black caucus isn't a religious group. LGBTQ+ needs to be banned from contaminating the public square and school systems from their depraved behaviors. I equate them to people who eat shit, its a disgusting behavior that I don't want my kids being exposed to. Traditional family and religious values need to be respected.
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You think the Bible effectively explains the creation of the universe? Ok.... 😄

Noah's Ark is my favorite.

You really like telling people what they believe, don't you? Sad.
I know what you say you believe, you know God exists, but Romans talks about those who suppress the truth, and worship the creation, instead of the Creator. You refuse to admit it because you believe sin to be better and are given over to your reprobate mind!
LOL! Hit the fucking nail on the head! See what the spooks tell you.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, was the top donor to Rep. Mike Johnson during his most recent campaign, chipping in $25,000 between 2021 and 2022, according to an OpenSecrets analysis of his political contributors.
You miss the point.
Please look to Any Where in the world where ANY religion HAS OR DOES controls the population.
And you will find problems, Problems most of us DONT want here in AMERICA.
I didn’t miss any point. And the point you seek to “make” is flatulent.

We have a first Amendment designed to keep religion out of our government and our government out of religion. It does not suggest or require that any of our representatives should be denied their own religious beliefs.
No it really doesn't, it is implied that the Government stay out of Church business, not that everything should remain Godless
True. In God We Trust. Under God...a generic God is fine. I don't think we need to drill down into which specific religious beliefs or religions are "state approved" and should be promoted.

I also support the concept that the atheists pushing for no references to God anywhere is wrong too. Atheism is a "religion", a belief in no God, so that concept needs to be pushed back on since it offends believers.

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