GoFundMe acct started to help 'Sweet Cakes' fight off Gay Nazi's and state

I think Pops had a great idea.

When you run a Christian business, and don't want to cater gay weddings, then just inform the couple that you would be happy to cater their wedding, and that all the profits of that event will be donated to a traditional wedding group, opposed to homosexual marriage.

The law would have no power to do anything, and that would stop teh gheys (old school) from doing stupid crap like this.
I think Pops had a great idea.

When you run a Christian business, and don't want to cater gay weddings, then just inform the couple that you would be happy to cater their wedding, and that all the profits of that event will be donated to a traditional wedding group, opposed to homosexual marriage.

The law would have no power to do anything, and that would stop teh gheys (old school) from doing stupid crap like this.
Yeah, just tell them the whole business actually supports lobbyists against homosexuals rights.
its a good idea but the cake maker ends up eating the cost when / if they end up doing the catering .
If this goes anything like the Memories pizza thing did, ordinary Americans will once again rip those extremists a new one.

How exactly did making Memories Pizza owners millionaires hurt anyone supporting gay rights in any way?
I don't know if it hurt them at all, unless psychologically, in showing that a great number of people, with money are willing to support the rights of others to believe how they want, and serve who they want.

Money that came from individual people as opposed to businesses and government, I think it showed a huge flaw in the GLTB coalition, in that, the opposition can raise a lot of money, in a little time, where they cant raise very much in a long period of time.

Trust me. There is no psychological damage done. You did supply a little amusement though. I'm sure you actually feel good about it, but to anybody else, it seems like just more silliness, and another example of how the right wing mind can fool its self into thinking they are doing something wonderful, when they aren't. You raised a wad of money for a couple of people in a fairly short time. The LGBT community changed the thinking of the majority of the country in a very short time. There is no way your little stunt can compare in any way.
If this goes anything like the Memories pizza thing did, ordinary Americans will once again rip those extremists a new one.

How exactly did making Memories Pizza owners millionaires hurt anyone supporting gay rights in any way?
I don't know if it hurt them at all, unless psychologically, in showing that a great number of people, with money are willing to support the rights of others to believe how they want, and serve who they want.

Money that came from individual people as opposed to businesses and government, I think it showed a huge flaw in the GLTB coalition, in that, the opposition can raise a lot of money, in a little time, where they cant raise very much in a long period of time.

Trust me. There is no psychological damage done. You did supply a little amusement though. I'm sure you actually feel good about it, but to anybody else, it seems like just more silliness, and another example of how the right wing mind can fool its self into thinking they are doing something wonderful, when they aren't. You raised a wad of money for a couple of people in a fairly short time. The LGBT community changed the thinking of the majority of the country in a very short time. There is no way your little stunt can compare in any way.
Didn't change my feelings.
If this goes anything like the Memories pizza thing did, ordinary Americans will once again rip those extremists a new one.

How exactly did making Memories Pizza owners millionaires hurt anyone supporting gay rights in any way?
I don't know if it hurt them at all, unless psychologically, in showing that a great number of people, with money are willing to support the rights of others to believe how they want, and serve who they want.

Money that came from individual people as opposed to businesses and government, I think it showed a huge flaw in the GLTB coalition, in that, the opposition can raise a lot of money, in a little time, where they cant raise very much in a long period of time.

Trust me. There is no psychological damage done. You did supply a little amusement though. I'm sure you actually feel good about it, but to anybody else, it seems like just more silliness, and another example of how the right wing mind can fool its self into thinking they are doing something wonderful, when they aren't. You raised a wad of money for a couple of people in a fairly short time. The LGBT community changed the thinking of the majority of the country in a very short time. There is no way your little stunt can compare in any way.
let's do the math, shall we?
1. The business will have enough money to support itself for the next decade by the end of tomorrow.
2. The homosexual couple will not get a cake from the business.
3. The business got tons of free exposure, thanks to the couple.
4. The businesses business will probably increase.
5. The LGBT community angers more people, with stunts like these, and turn those people against their way of thinking.
It looks like a win to me, but if it makes you happy, you keep telling yourself that it's not.
If this goes anything like the Memories pizza thing did, ordinary Americans will once again rip those extremists a new one.

How exactly did making Memories Pizza owners millionaires hurt anyone supporting gay rights in any way?
not looking to hurt anyone , just looking to defeat the lefties and rub their noses in their defeat . Just a symbolic poke in the eye with a sharp stick is all it is Bulldog !!

Right. You be sure to tell me when you think you have given enough money till I'm supposed to feel defeated. I'm not sure I will be able to recognize that on my own.

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