GoFundMe acct started to help 'Sweet Cakes' fight off Gay Nazi's and state

s called GET THE F**K OVER STUPID SHIT and stop taking away people's rights.

So, how did these bakers take away their rights? They can still get married, and they can simply go somewhere else. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

The Kleins are well on their way to raising enough money to pay the fine, and you sir, must find the will to get over it.
I know, how horrible is it to treat people equally under the law? Whoever came up with that is a liberal commie hippie.

Oh save it, freak. I'm as sick of you progressive assholes as I am homos

I know, these horrible people trying to be treated as equals under the law are sickening. Because we all know over time, bigotry wins out.

Go away, freak.

Aww, I made SassyIrishLass mad. Its okay girl, I got a secret remedy for your consistent anger. It's called GET THE F**K OVER STUPID SHIT and stop taking away people's rights.

Here is an analogy. You "Christians" claiming to be "under attack" would be like Japanese getting mad at America for attacking them after Pearl Harbor. YOU TOOK THE FIRST SHOTS and now gay rights supporters have taken Midway and you're mad at them for fighting back? GTFO.
That couple chose to be gay and the other couple owning the store chose to not serve to gays. It's a violation of the freedom of that business. This is communist China now apparently.

Who the hell chooses to be gay? Family disowns you, laws created to demean and degrade you, and constant bullying? Yeah someone "chooses" that. Please.
And they are called ANTI-DISCRIMINATION laws. If you are accommodating the public, you accommodate the ENTIRE PUBLIC.

Yes there are anti-discrimination laws, but there is also the 1st Amendment. Your tactics are making people angry. Each time you attack someone for expressing their faith, more and more people rise up against you. If you want to fight fire with fire, our fire is bigger than yours.
Why are you against State's rights?

This is a case of the State of Oregon having laws, which this couple does not agree with.

If you don't like the law in the State of Oregon- well then you of course can work to change that law.
So you supported state laws against sodomy? You fucking hypocrite.

You are fucking bigot and idiot.

Meanwhile if you don't like the laws- change them. That is what persons did who were arrested for private consensual sex and charged with sodomy. That is what gay couples did who were denied marriage.

And this couple can challenge the law the exact same way.

But no- there is no special "I am a Christian so therefore the laws don't apply to me" exemption.
And it's news stories like this that get the laws changed, the GLTB alliance keeps shooting themselves in the foot by trying to force their will on others.
Oh save it, freak. I'm as sick of you progressive assholes as I am homos

I know, these horrible people trying to be treated as equals under the law are sickening. Because we all know over time, bigotry wins out.

Go away, freak.

Aww, I made SassyIrishLass mad. Its okay girl, I got a secret remedy for your consistent anger. It's called GET THE F**K OVER STUPID SHIT and stop taking away people's rights.

Here is an analogy. You "Christians" claiming to be "under attack" would be like Japanese getting mad at America for attacking them after Pearl Harbor. YOU TOOK THE FIRST SHOTS and now gay rights supporters have taken Midway and you're mad at them for fighting back? GTFO.
That couple chose to be gay and the other couple owning the store chose to not serve to gays. It's a violation of the freedom of that business. This is communist China now apparently.

Who the hell chooses to be gay? Family disowns you, laws created to demean and degrade you, and constant bullying? Yeah someone "chooses" that. Please.
Being gay is comparable to child molestation only the act of being gay does not hurt a helpless individual. People do weird shit. You can say I didn't choose to hate gays, gay hating chose me. Same idea.
people always had the Right to practice religion of their choice , also had the Right of freedom association . Its the lefties that are removing those original American Rights and replacing them with 'civll rights' laws and legislation . Its been going on for the last 50 - 60 or so years 'JFK' !!
Eventually one hopes the progressive dingbats that are targeting these businesses will get the message. Alternately, we should run a couple of them out of business and watch their gofundme accounts flop. They are the extremist fringe element, and the people aren't going to be slaves to them. Eventually, they're going to have to come to terms with it. It doesn't matter how many bad laws they manage to get into place, we're not going to endorse their stupidity.
yeah, like the liberals would give a dollar to help one of their own...:haha:
And they are called ANTI-DISCRIMINATION laws. If you are accommodating the public, you accommodate the ENTIRE PUBLIC.

Yes there are anti-discrimination laws, but there is also the 1st Amendment. Your tactics are making people angry. Each time you attack someone for expressing their faith, more and more people rise up against you. If you want to fight fire with fire, our fire is bigger than yours.

You idiots said the same thing 50 years ago during Segregation and look like complete fools today. The same thing will occur 50 years from now.
Oh save it, freak. I'm as sick of you progressive assholes as I am homos

I know, these horrible people trying to be treated as equals under the law are sickening. Because we all know over time, bigotry wins out.

Go away, freak.

Aww, I made SassyIrishLass mad. Its okay girl, I got a secret remedy for your consistent anger. It's called GET THE F**K OVER STUPID SHIT and stop taking away people's rights.

Here is an analogy. You "Christians" claiming to be "under attack" would be like Japanese getting mad at America for attacking them after Pearl Harbor. YOU TOOK THE FIRST SHOTS and now gay rights supporters have taken Midway and you're mad at them for fighting back? GTFO.
That couple chose to be gay and the other couple owning the store chose to not serve to gays. It's a violation of the freedom of that business. This is communist China now apparently.

Who the hell chooses to be gay? Family disowns you, laws created to demean and degrade you, and constant bullying? Yeah someone "chooses" that. Please.

Been listening to the Bruce Jenner interview. I think I just heard him say that he's/she is attracted to WOMEN.

Who chooses to be gay was apparently answered.

Did I actually hear that right?
Here's a typical comment left by a lib on the GoFundMe page:

Lorenzo Hodges

1 min ago
Do these "Christians" also not serve divorced people because Jesus actually talked about divorce but not gays? Or do they serve those people who eat pork or people who allow women into the church while on their period? cause that's in the same antiquated book of the bible as gay "laws"...Of course they do. But every once of you bigots paying for this "cause" aren't Christians; you're spiteful people picking and choosing scripture in order to hate on people your Jesus asked you to love. You're all sick and hateful excuses for christians.

Makes an excellent point. Why don't you follow ALL bibical law like selling your daugther into sex slavery. I mean a true Christian who follows the literal word of God (aka The Bible) would do so. Or are you just picking and choosing which "laws" to follow.
:boohoo:lots of butthurt on the left due to this thread. :crybaby:

does it bother the left that they couldn't raise 10k in 10 days to support their own?
And they are called ANTI-DISCRIMINATION laws. If you are accommodating the public, you accommodate the ENTIRE PUBLIC.

Yes there are anti-discrimination laws, but there is also the 1st Amendment. Your tactics are making people angry. Each time you attack someone for expressing their faith, more and more people rise up against you. If you want to fight fire with fire, our fire is bigger than yours.

You idiots said the same thing 50 years ago during Segregation and look like complete fools today. The same thing will occur 50 years from now.

Gays will be in prison by a higher percentage than straights?
You idiots said the same thing 50 years ago during Segregation and look like complete fools today. The same thing will occur 50 years from now.

And how is this related to Segregation? Gay people can ride on any part of the bus they want, they can buy anything they want, they can do anything they want. They can go to school, learn in the same classroom as any of their peers.

You really need to pick up a history book, my friend.
I wonder if this is a sustainable strategy for republicans to be able to keep hating teh gheys. Break the law, lose in court, ask for money to bail you out.

I'm all for it! Help pay for that state budget you rubes! :laugh:
And they are called ANTI-DISCRIMINATION laws. If you are accommodating the public, you accommodate the ENTIRE PUBLIC.

Yes there are anti-discrimination laws, but there is also the 1st Amendment. Your tactics are making people angry. Each time you attack someone for expressing their faith, more and more people rise up against you. If you want to fight fire with fire, our fire is bigger than yours.

You idiots said the same thing 50 years ago during Segregation and look like complete fools today. The same thing will occur 50 years from now.
Wrong. I wasn't alive 50 years ago idiot. You simply aren't born gay. Gays just say that so they get preferential treatment over every other fucked up person in the world. I wish I could be delusional so I wouldn't be discriminated against by all you lefties but I can't simply ignore the fact that gays are fucked up.
I made my point and these civil rights laws are just granted 'favors' granted back and forth at the whim of government and special interest groups . Thing is that until RIGHTS are once again recognized there will be battles such as these money wars JFK !!
The gaystapo at work again. This is getting tiresome

I know, how horrible is it to treat people equally under the law? Whoever came up with that is a liberal commie hippie.

Oh save it, freak. I'm as sick of you progressive assholes as I am homos

I know, these horrible people trying to be treated as equals under the law are sickening. Because we all know over time, bigotry wins out.

Go away, freak.

Aww, I made SassyIrishLass mad. Its okay girl, I got a secret remedy for your consistent anger. It's called GET THE F**K OVER STUPID SHIT and stop taking away people's rights.

Here is an analogy. You "Christians" claiming to be "under attack" would be like Japanese getting mad at America for attacking them after Pearl Harbor. YOU TOOK THE FIRST SHOTS and now gay rights supporters have taken Midway and you're mad at them for fighting back? GTFO.

You mean like the rights you want to take away from a business owner, who simply wants the right to decline to be part of a gay wedding ?
And they are called ANTI-DISCRIMINATION laws. If you are accommodating the public, you accommodate the ENTIRE PUBLIC.

Yes there are anti-discrimination laws, but there is also the 1st Amendment. Your tactics are making people angry. Each time you attack someone for expressing their faith, more and more people rise up against you. If you want to fight fire with fire, our fire is bigger than yours.

You idiots said the same thing 50 years ago during Segregation and look like complete fools today. The same thing will occur 50 years from now.
Wrong. I wasn't alive 50 years ago idiot. You simply aren't born gay. Gays just say that so they get preferential treatment over every other fucked up person in the world. I wish I could be delusional so I wouldn't be discriminated against by all you lefties but I can't simply ignore the fact that gays are fucked up.

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