Gofundme is cracking down on anti vaccination campaigns

GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.
Good for GFM...you are an anti-vaxxer...move to Madagascar. It's perfect for you.
You mean you're anti-choice?

I thought Leftists didn't like men telling women what to do with their bodies.

They don't realize their own hypocrisy when your an idiot being a hypocrites begin training right out of the birth canal. They're so good the dumbasses don't ever see it.
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.
People are all waking up. If Big Pharma says that their product is safe.So then why they wouldn't take full responsibility of their products? But why the tax-payers have to be responsible for the side-effects that these vaccines causes? If the vaccines causes death or mental or physical problems. The parents cannot sue the makers, but only can sue the government. And so if they are trying to mandate that parents to vaccinate their children. So then they should remove the law that doesn't allows the parents to sue the vaccine makers.

The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a federal law prohibits lawsuits against drug makers over serious side effects from childhood vaccines.
Supreme Court vaccine ruling: parents can't sue drug makers for kids' health problems

Red Alert: Medical Martial Law Begins In New York
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.
People are all waking up. If Big Pharma says that their product is safe.So then why they wouldn't take full responsibility of their products? But why the tax-payers have to be responsible for the side-effects that these vaccines causes? If the vaccines causes death or mental or physical problems. The parents cannot sue the makers, but only can sue the government. And so if they are trying to mandate that parents to vaccinate their children. So then they should remove the law that doesn't allows the parents to sue the vaccine makers.

The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a federal law prohibits lawsuits against drug makers over serious side effects from childhood vaccines.
Supreme Court vaccine ruling: parents can't sue drug makers for kids' health problems

Red Alert: Medical Martial Law Begins In New York

People are all waking up

Stupid people are mobilizing.
It's important to understand that vaccinations are intrusive medical procedures. If I were a doctor I'd certainly advise people to get vaccinated, but at the same time giving the federal government new powers to force intrusive medical procedures and to force consumption of certain products is treading dangerous waters. The merge of corporation and state is called fascism.

Do we really think the federal government and the drug lobbyists will limit itself to these new powers once they aquire them? Pffft. Please. When has that ever happened? If you give the feds an inch they'll take a mile and a half.

This is one of those issues where we'll get government forced consumption of corporate products courtesy of the leftists on both sides of the theoretical politcal aisle.

What's next, citations for not covering our noses when we sneeze?
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GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.
Yea, a lot of sites are trying to get rid of or hide anti vaccination awareness.

A legal challenge against forced vaccination filed in New York City
So, most of you are in favor of government run healthcare? You're all okay with giving the government new powers to force Individuals to undego invasive medical procedures? Do you all think they'll limit themselves to just forcing us to undergo those intrusive medical procedures like vaccination, rather than force us to do everything they say in terms of our healthcare? lol.

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No one should be bullied into getting vaccines

Except for you, Rustic. Thanks for openly speaking in favor of the fundamental right to freedom of choice in terms of our own bodies.

The rest of em are statists, if you ever see em in a thread fronting like conservatives and bashing 'lefties' for wanting nationalized healthcare, chime in and put a fukin mirror in front of their mugs. I sure will. Gare awn teed. Ha.

At least the admitted statists are intellectually honest enough to say they're lefties. That's at least respectable. They're not sending men with guns from the government to force us to undergo invasive medical procedures under the disguise of being conservative like so many here are openly doing.

New phrase, Rustic. Fake conservatism! lol. Spread it far and wide.
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Japan stopped using the MMR vaccine seven years ago - virtually the only developed nation to turn its back on the jab.
Government health chiefs claim a four-year experiment with it has had serious financial and human costs.
Of the 3,969 medical compensation claims relating to vaccines in the last 30 years, a quarter had been made by those badly affected by the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, they say.
The triple jab was banned in Japan in 1993 after 1.8 million children had been given two types of MMR and a record number developed non-viral meningitis and other adverse reactions.
Why Japan banned MMR vaccine | Daily Mail Online

This is America morons
You're damn well right it is, and we don't want our kids dying of diseases we eradicated decades ago because you believe conspiracy theory bullshit.

Now vaccinate your children for their own and America's good.
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.
Good for GFM...you are an anti-vaxxer...move to Madagascar. It's perfect for you.
Whether anybody gets vaccinated or not it’s none of your fucking business

I'm with big government on this one. If we can eradicate Polio or whatever, let's go for it. If the anti-vaxers don't get vaccinated, they're counting on the folks taking the minimal risk of vaccinating themselves to avoid whatever disease.

Obamacare and I, we don't like freeloaders.
Millions of Americans cannot survive vaccines
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.
What will you do when the next polio epidemic hits?
Vaccinations should be 100% choice, anything else is communism

I once thought you were stupid, and I was not wrong, but now it seems you are INSANE too.
If vaccines were 100% safe, 100% affective and 100% affordable maybe I could see… No there is still no reason for.


If polio or measles were 100% safe there would be no need for vaccines. They're not, and rational people with a working brain understand that the quarantines needed this week in SoCal would not be necessary.

I'm not responding to Rustic, since he is not rational nor does he have a working brain.

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