Golden Dawn?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
SS songs and antisemitism: the week Golden Dawn turned openly Nazi | World news | The Observer

There seems to be a growing movement towards fascism in Greece. The people are tired of the status quo of socialism, so they wish to have socialism Hitler style now.

My only question is, why do we allow the notion that these fascists are on the "right"? Since when did those on the "right" corner the market on bigotry and racism and hate?

Just look at the Occupy Wall Street gang to see this. They are most definitely on the left, as we see Barak Obama and Nancy Pelosi give them praise for their efforts. However, what you never see in the media are the signs bashing "Jewish bankers" and the Jew haters wanting all Jews to "go back to Israel", harkening back to the days of Hitler. In fact, pretty much the entire left hates Israel itself.

Least we forget, the term Nazi has the word Socialist in it. Why then do we continue this charade that Hitler was on the "far right"?

The movement in Greece is simply socialism turning harder to the left in my opinion. That is, those who wish for the state to increase in it's power and continue to diminish our freedoms, all for the sake of our "collective salvation".

Really, these folks in Greece are doing what they have been brainwashed to do. They look to the state to solve all their problems for them by giving them more power over their lives.
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So are we to also view the Occupy Wall Street gang as those on the "far right"?

[ame=]Occupy Wall Street Hitler Youth, "Jew Bashing"......Mark Levin - YouTube[/ame]

The Nazi's hated capitalism as well. They said it was a Jewish invention to control the masses.
Fascism and Nazism are far right politics, they always have been and they always will be. The politics of extremism have some similarities to the far right and far left as both of them when practiced indulge in morally indefensible actions. The quibbling about how you wish to pigeon hole them so they don’t come anywhere near you is futile, meaningless and frankly a bit pathetic.
Fascism and Nazism are far right politics, they always have been and they always will be. The politics of extremism have some similarities to the far right and far left as both of them when practiced indulge in morally indefensible actions. The quibbling about how you wish to pigeon hole them so they don’t come anywhere near you is futile, meaningless and frankly a bit pathetic.

Pathetic? Maybe your retort was pathetic.

I asked how this group was right wing? Your response was that fascism and Nazism are far right positions and that it has always been that way and always will be that way.

If that is the case, the the Tea Party is not right wing.

My question is, who put fasicists and Nazi's on the far righ of the political spectrum?

Why do Progressives control the terms of our political discourse?
Fascism and Nazism are far right politics, they always have been and they always will be. The politics of extremism have some similarities to the far right and far left as both of them when practiced indulge in morally indefensible actions. The quibbling about how you wish to pigeon hole them so they don’t come anywhere near you is futile, meaningless and frankly a bit pathetic.

Who is that in your avatar?
Fascism and Nazism are far right politics, they always have been and they always will be. The politics of extremism have some similarities to the far right and far left as both of them when practiced indulge in morally indefensible actions. The quibbling about how you wish to pigeon hole them so they don’t come anywhere near you is futile, meaningless and frankly a bit pathetic.

Pathetic? Maybe your retort was pathetic.

I asked how this group was right wing? Your response was that fascism and Nazism are far right positions and that it has always been that way and always will be that way.

If that is the case, the the Tea Party is not right wing.

My question is, who put fasicists and Nazi's on the far righ of the political spectrum?

Why do Progressives control the terms of our political discourse?

As I keep posting, Communism, in practice, and Fascism, are the two sides of the same coin. National Socialism stresses the NATION as superior to all else. Communism pretends to desire all nations be one. National Socialism does not pretend "all are equal" however, which Marxism does. The designations of left and right are due the ALL ARE EQUAL false premise of Communism. Fascists want state control of all aspects of life by the few. In reality, at least in the Soviet Union, the same ideology applied.
SS songs and antisemitism: the week Golden Dawn turned openly Nazi | World news | The Observer

There seems to be a growing movement towards fascism in Greece. The people are tired of the status quo of socialism, so they wish to have socialism Hitler style now.

My only question is, why do we allow the notion that these fascists are on the "right"? Since when did those on the "right" corner the market on bigotry and racism and hate?

Just look at the Occupy Wall Street gang to see this. They are most definitely on the left, as we see Barak Obama and Nancy Pelosi give them praise for their efforts. However, what you never see in the media are the signs bashing "Jewish bankers" and the Jew haters wanting all Jews to "go back to Israel", harkening back to the days of Hitler. In fact, pretty much the entire left hates Israel itself.

Least we forget, the term Nazi has the word Socialist in it. Why then do we continue this charade that Hitler was on the "far right"?

The movement in Greece is simply socialism turning harder to the left in my opinion. That is, those who wish for the state to increase in it's power and continue to diminish our freedoms, all for the sake of our "collective salvation".

Really, these folks in Greece are doing what they have been brainwashed to do. They look to the state to solve all their problems for them by giving them more power over their lives.

Do it really matter what we call it?

We all know totalitarianism when we see it, right?

Sometimes it pretends to be left, sometimes right.

In either case its a government run for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many.

side note..whats with the word "benefit" getting highlighted?

Addendum to the side note...and what's with that highlighting disappearing after I posted that side note?

This place gets creepier all the time.
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Fascism and Nazism are far right politics, they always have been and they always will be. The politics of extremism have some similarities to the far right and far left as both of them when practiced indulge in morally indefensible actions. The quibbling about how you wish to pigeon hole them so they don’t come anywhere near you is futile, meaningless and frankly a bit pathetic.

Who is that in your avatar?

The man behind the Ipod logo.

Golden dawn are a far right party because they say they are a far right party. That and this being their flag sorta give it away.

Fascism and Nazism are far right politics, they always have been and they always will be. The politics of extremism have some similarities to the far right and far left as both of them when practiced indulge in morally indefensible actions. The quibbling about how you wish to pigeon hole them so they don’t come anywhere near you is futile, meaningless and frankly a bit pathetic.

Who is that in your avatar?

The man behind the Ipod logo.

Golden dawn are a far right party because they say they are a far right party. That and this being their flag sorta give it away.


not a very good flag at a that...
Fascism and Nazism are far right politics, they always have been and they always will be. The politics of extremism have some similarities to the far right and far left as both of them when practiced indulge in morally indefensible actions. The quibbling about how you wish to pigeon hole them so they don’t come anywhere near you is futile, meaningless and frankly a bit pathetic.

Who is that in your avatar?

The man behind the Ipod logo.

Golden dawn are a far right party because they say they are a far right party. That and this being their flag sorta give it away.


And what if he were to say that he was Santa Clause? :badgrin:

Again, this poo is more than I can bear. Someone decided to put Hilter at the far right of the political spectrum. Who cares?

Keep in mind Hitler despised capitalism, was an environmentalist and championed animal rights, hated jews, brought about gun control, he was continuously focused on race, created wars abroad, used corporate Germany as his tool, created massive debt and then forbad the German government from passing budgets for fear of the German people would protest, created a massive welfare state to quell a war weary populace that produced a higher quality of life than in the US and her allies.

Hitler sounds a lot more like Obama than the Tea Party. :badgrin:
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Most of the votes went to the left, the far right isn't running the country regardless of the chaos it tries to cause.
Who is that in your avatar?

The man behind the Ipod logo.

Golden dawn are a far right party because they say they are a far right party. That and this being their flag sorta give it away.


And what if he were to say that he was Santa Clause? :badgrin:

Again, this poo is more than I can bear. Someone decided to put Hilter at the far right of the political spectrum. Who cares?

Keep in mind Hitler despised capitalism, was an environmentalist and championed animal rights, hated jews, brought about gun control, he was continuously focused on race, created wars abroad, used corporate Germany as his tool, created massive debt and then forbad the German government from passing budgets for fear of the German people would protest, created a massive welfare state to quell a war weary populace that produced a higher quality of life than in the US and her allies.

Hitler sounds a lot more like Obama than the Tea Party. :badgrin:

Hitler didn't do all of that without the help of the German people. It wasn't one man's hate and desire for war and was the effort of an entire country and her citizenry.
Damn page refreshed and I lost a huge post in reply to this...I'm not going through that again. So I will just say I agree with you 100%.
SS songs and antisemitism: the week Golden Dawn turned openly Nazi | World news | The Observer

There seems to be a growing movement towards fascism in Greece. The people are tired of the status quo of socialism, so they wish to have socialism Hitler style now.

My only question is, why do we allow the notion that these fascists are on the "right"? Since when did those on the "right" corner the market on bigotry and racism and hate?

Just look at the Occupy Wall Street gang to see this. They are most definitely on the left, as we see Barak Obama and Nancy Pelosi give them praise for their efforts. However, what you never see in the media are the signs bashing "Jewish bankers" and the Jew haters wanting all Jews to "go back to Israel", harkening back to the days of Hitler. In fact, pretty much the entire left hates Israel itself.

Least we forget, the term Nazi has the word Socialist in it. Why then do we continue this charade that Hitler was on the "far right"?

The movement in Greece is simply socialism turning harder to the left in my opinion. That is, those who wish for the state to increase in it's power and continue to diminish our freedoms, all for the sake of our "collective salvation".

Really, these folks in Greece are doing what they have been brainwashed to do. They look to the state to solve all their problems for them by giving them more power over their lives.
SS songs and antisemitism: the week Golden Dawn turned openly Nazi | World news | The Observer

There seems to be a growing movement towards fascism in Greece. The people are tired of the status quo of socialism, so they wish to have socialism Hitler style now.

My only question is, why do we allow the notion that these fascists are on the "right"? Since when did those on the "right" corner the market on bigotry and racism and hate?

Just look at the Occupy Wall Street gang to see this. They are most definitely on the left, as we see Barak Obama and Nancy Pelosi give them praise for their efforts. However, what you never see in the media are the signs bashing "Jewish bankers" and the Jew haters wanting all Jews to "go back to Israel", harkening back to the days of Hitler. In fact, pretty much the entire left hates Israel itself.

Least we forget, the term Nazi has the word Socialist in it. Why then do we continue this charade that Hitler was on the "far right"?

The movement in Greece is simply socialism turning harder to the left in my opinion. That is, those who wish for the state to increase in it's power and continue to diminish our freedoms, all for the sake of our "collective salvation".

Really, these folks in Greece are doing what they have been brainwashed to do. They look to the state to solve all their problems for them by giving them more power over their lives.

So let me see if I understand these leftist.

Mass control by the government and extensive welfare caused Greece to be set on fire.

So their idea of fixing it is;

More control by the government and more welfare. paid by, I assume, higher taxes on the wealthy

This is why welfare is bad, you forget how to care for yourself and become dependent.
I've done a little experiment by taking a mulitude of political quizzes and answering the questions as I would expect Hitler and Nazis wouldve answered them.

Every time I end up on the far left, authoritarian. And yes, I own and have both read & studied Mein Kampf, so I know how they would answer on most questions if they existed today. I also did the same with communism(Own all of Marx & Engels works I can find), and fascists.

History shows that groups that are very similiar tend to be the worst of enemies, which makes perfect sense since they're fighting for the allegiance of the same types of constituants.
I've done a little experiment by taking a mulitude of political quizzes and answering the questions as I would expect Hitler and Nazis wouldve answered them.

Every time I end up on the far left, authoritarian. And yes, I own and have both read & studied Mein Kampf, so I know how they would answer on most questions if they existed today. I also did the same with communism(Own all of Marx & Engels works I can find), and fascists.

History shows that groups that are very similiar tend to be the worst of enemies, which makes perfect sense since they're fighting for the allegiance of the same types of constituants.

Essentually collectivist states are war making machines. Both President Wilson and FDR used their world wars to tranform the US into a collectivist state in order to fight off other collectivist states.

The problem is, you tend to become what you are fighting.
I've done a little experiment by taking a mulitude of political quizzes and answering the questions as I would expect Hitler and Nazis wouldve answered them.

Every time I end up on the far left, authoritarian. And yes, I own and have both read & studied Mein Kampf, so I know how they would answer on most questions if they existed today. I also did the same with communism(Own all of Marx & Engels works I can find), and fascists.

History shows that groups that are very similiar tend to be the worst of enemies, which makes perfect sense since they're fighting for the allegiance of the same types of constituants.

History shows Churchill & FDR to be very different in their political beliefs, and policies. Yet their understanding of Hitler as a danger was on point long before many in the world realized it. Likewise, Stain & Hitler shared only one similiar trait, the desire to subjugate percieved enemies, which included phantom enemies(.) Hitler spoke of the need, Stalin believed it. Read about Hitler in the Bunker, until the very end, with Allied soldiers in Berlin, he refused to accept Germany had lost its war.
I've done a little experiment by taking a mulitude of political quizzes and answering the questions as I would expect Hitler and Nazis wouldve answered them.

Every time I end up on the far left, authoritarian. And yes, I own and have both read & studied Mein Kampf, so I know how they would answer on most questions if they existed today. I also did the same with communism(Own all of Marx & Engels works I can find), and fascists.

History shows that groups that are very similiar tend to be the worst of enemies, which makes perfect sense since they're fighting for the allegiance of the same types of constituants.


Political Compass - Analysis
And here I thought this topic was gonna be about the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn :-(

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