Golden Dawn?

Yea, I did it on that site 1st and I ended up nowhere near where they place Hitler...I even sent them an email and asked how they got that result using the same questions or if they even did use the same questions? Surprise....No reply. Political compass is a left biased site to begin with, a little research is needed to prove this. Don't take my word for it...I think everybody should go do it. Infact, let me go get take that one again. I've never tried to take screenshots with my phone, but If I can, I will record both my answers & back shortly.
I've done a little experiment by taking a mulitude of political quizzes and answering the questions as I would expect Hitler and Nazis wouldve answered them.

Every time I end up on the far left, authoritarian. And yes, I own and have both read & studied Mein Kampf, so I know how they would answer on most questions if they existed today. I also did the same with communism(Own all of Marx & Engels works I can find), and fascists.

History shows that groups that are very similiar tend to be the worst of enemies, which makes perfect sense since they're fighting for the allegiance of the same types of constituants.


Political Compass - Analysis
Yea, I did it on that site 1st and I ended up nowhere near where they place Hitler...I even sent them an email and asked how they got that result using the same questions or if they even did use the same questions? Surprise....No reply. Political compass is a left biased site to begin with, a little research is needed to prove this. Don't take my word for it...I think everybody should go do it. Infact, let me go get take that one again. I've never tried to take screenshots with my phone, but If I can, I will record both my answers & back shortly.
I've done a little experiment by taking a mulitude of political quizzes and answering the questions as I would expect Hitler and Nazis wouldve answered them.

Every time I end up on the far left, authoritarian. And yes, I own and have both read & studied Mein Kampf, so I know how they would answer on most questions if they existed today. I also did the same with communism(Own all of Marx & Engels works I can find), and fascists.

History shows that groups that are very similiar tend to be the worst of enemies, which makes perfect sense since they're fighting for the allegiance of the same types of constituants.


Political Compass - Analysis

I have seen a couple of graphs with similar results
I don't know why, but this site won't let me do direct uploads from my phone. I'll go sign up for a photo sharing site & try that. But I took the test again...still far left, authoritarian. Granted, there are some questions that aren't easy to answer because they're based in today's political climate...but I answer them to the best of my knowledge. Hitler would be pro-abortion in cases of the possibility that an "inferior" German would be born. He was anti-gay, somewhat misogynist, a sexual prude, anti-capitalist though favor some private property so long as it's following the directives of the state. Contrary to the lies, he was not a Christian, but ultimately a pagan Odin worshipped, an enviromentalist, pro-worker, pro-universal healthcare, anti-drug for sure. And that's how I answered the questions. Still far left, still authoritarian.

Go ahead and see for yourself, Nutz. I'm not pulling anyone leg.
Yea, I did it on that site 1st and I ended up nowhere near where they place Hitler...I even sent them an email and asked how they got that result using the same questions or if they even did use the same questions? Surprise....No reply. Political compass is a left biased site to begin with, a little research is needed to prove this. Don't take my word for it...I think everybody should go do it. Infact, let me go get take that one again. I've never tried to take screenshots with my phone, but If I can, I will record both my answers & back shortly.

I have seen a couple of graphs with similar results
I don't know why, but this site won't let me do direct uploads from my phone. I'll go sign up for a photo sharing site & try that. But I took the test again...still far left, authoritarian. Granted, there are some questions that aren't easy to answer because they're based in today's political climate...but I answer them to the best of my knowledge. Hitler would be pro-abortion in cases of the possibility that an "inferior" German would be born. He was anti-gay, somewhat misogynist, a sexual prude, anti-capitalist though favor some private property so long as it's following the directives of the state. Contrary to the lies, he was not a Christian, but ultimately a pagan Odin worshipped, an enviromentalist, pro-worker, pro-universal healthcare, anti-drug for sure. And that's how I answered the questions. Still far left, still authoritarian.

Go ahead and see for yourself, Nutz. I'm not pulling anyone leg.

I'm not saying you are pulling anyone's leg...I am just saying that other sites get different results. I have seen a couple far left as you state and a couple like this one. See how they label their graph, that could be why.

As for answering for would think he would be pro-abortion...but what about abortion among Aryans, would that be acceptable under Hitler? If he were to answer the questions would it be centered around his world or the rest of the world?
Also, on the obvious Marxist question "From each according to their ability to each according to their need", I answered "Disagree", #1 reason is he would be for that if he had his "master race", but he wouldn't as far as "undesirables"... So I was not disingenuos when answering the question.
Also, on the obvious Marxist question "From each according to their ability to each according to their need", I answered "Disagree", #1 reason is he would be for that if he had his "master race", but he wouldn't as far as "undesirables"... So I was not disingenuos when answering the question.

Even the undesirables had their place with Hitler. I would think the answer would be affirmative.
Also, on the obvious Marxist question "From each according to their ability to each according to their need", I answered "Disagree", #1 reason is he would be for that if he had his "master race", but he wouldn't as far as "undesirables"... So I was not disingenuos when answering the question.

Even the undesirables had their place with Hitler. I would think the answer would be affirmative.

Alright, you don't mind me asking you to qualify that affirmative, right? Because I honestly don't see it but am willing to hear you out.
Also, on the obvious Marxist question "From each according to their ability to each according to their need", I answered "Disagree", #1 reason is he would be for that if he had his "master race", but he wouldn't as far as "undesirables"... So I was not disingenuos when answering the question.

Even the undesirables had their place with Hitler. I would think the answer would be affirmative.

Alright, you don't mind me asking you to qualify that affirmative, right? Because I honestly don't see it but am willing to hear you out.
Maybe in German society, non-aryans would handle the menial jobs...would Hitler want the superior race to clean toilets?

I don't know, was abortion legal in all the states during the Jim Crow era? Wouldn't racists want black babies to be aborted?
Even the undesirables had their place with Hitler. I would think the answer would be affirmative.

Alright, you don't mind me asking you to qualify that affirmative, right? Because I honestly don't see it but am willing to hear you out.
Maybe in German society, non-aryans would handle the menial jobs...would Hitler want the superior race to clean toilets?

I don't know, was abortion legal in all the states during the Jim Crow era? Wouldn't racists want black babies to be aborted?
Haha! They already been aborting black babies, and the people trying to stop it are labeled racist for no other reason than being Christian & majority white. But that's another subject altogether.

For a short time I suppose your stance is possible, but once technology got to the point where they didn't need "undesirables", they'd off us & make lampshades & soap out of us in all in the end...I'm sticking with pro-abortion Nazis.
Wait...I am wrong. One of the first things Hitler did was legalize abortion in Gwemany and he encouraged it in conquered states.
Wouldn't racists want black babies to be aborted?

They do now. They're called democrats, and they have built upon the work of Goebbels a hundredfold. The SS has become the PP.
Wouldn't racists want black babies to be aborted?

They do now. They're called democrats, and they have built upon the work of Goebbels a hundredfold. The SS has become the PP.

And...they are probably of German heritage. Definitely influenced by German blood lust and institutionalized hate hidden in public policy disguised as choice.
Wouldn't racists want black babies to be aborted?

They do now. They're called democrats, and they have built upon the work of Goebbels a hundredfold. The SS has become the PP.

And...they are probably of German heritage. Definitely influenced by German blood lust and institutionalized hate hidden in public policy disguised as choice.

You can cram your racist bullshit straight back up your hypocrite-hole. You're as bad as any other racist. You ARE Tank and Shitshisspeedos, and 52nd Street and Asslikius and Guno the rest.
They do now. They're called democrats, and they have built upon the work of Goebbels a hundredfold. The SS has become the PP.

And...they are probably of German heritage. Definitely influenced by German blood lust and institutionalized hate hidden in public policy disguised as choice.

You can cram your racist bullshit straight back up your hypocrite-hole. You're as bad as any other racist. You ARE Tank and Shitshisspeedos, and 52nd Street and Asslikius and Guno the rest.
You are the one who made the German connection. I just connected the dots.

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