Gone- But Not Forgotten

The lying child rape ena
As there's effectively two Yaxley-Lennon "threads" going on at the moment, here's a link to the facts as opposed to the RWNJ fantasies out there. FACT CHECK: Was a Far-Right Activist Jailed for Breaching a Court Order Designed to 'Protect Muslim Pedophiles'?
Thank you for a post that tries to distinguish facts from hearsay.

However, while the link is technically correct, it skirts the main issue and fails to include relevant information. Some of that information is in my post #250 above. As noted by someone else, the bias of the linked site is clear from the use of terms such as "far-right" and "conspiracy-mongering" -- these are opinions, not facts.

Yaxley-Lennon is hardly a completely innocent victim here. He stirred the pot intentionally and must have known there could be consequences. Regardless, information about child rapes and other crimes, often organized, being committed by certain among the recent mass influx of "migrants" to England is being suppressed by government decree. Yaxley-Lennon tried to spread the information. His treatment subsequent to arrest defied normal procedure in a number of ways. Taking this as an effort to silence independent reporting re: "migrants" and to make an example of Tommy is not unreasonable. Calling it government tyranny is also not unreasonable.

No-one else was reporting on these trials, nor do they report on any of them out side charges for one day and then sentences for one day -- no details of the trial at all.Look through all of the court's diaries and you will find hundreds ( on average 500) of Muslims on trial for the gang rape and torture of minors every single week. This is only because of Tommy's vigilance in keeping it in the public awareness, Otherwise it would, as it has been for nigh on 50 yrs, still be being swept under the carpet.

The one Tommy reported on had 29 defendants. There was supposedly a reporting restriction on publishing the verdicts but there were no notices up anywhere in the court; there should, by law, have been notices of any reporting restriction. The Court Officer of Leeds Crown Court told the Old Bailey court that 'through a failure' of her office no notice of a reporting restriction was posted anywhere nor given to the media. Tommy asked the Court Officers and the Police if there was a reporting restriction in place and where he could stand. They answered him 'No there is no reporting restriction and you are ok standing there.' Even so, Tommy did not break any law pertaining to contempt; he did not report on the trial but did read ( from the BBC website) that which was already in the public domain and he did ask defendants going into court 'hey, lads what do you feel about your verdict,' etc.

He later addressed, on camera, the media, explicitly the media. At the same time, a young English gay man was being hounded by the press and Antifa and had had serious death threats from radical Muslims for speaking out against Sharia law pertaining to homosexuality. He had lost his job and was in hiding, his family were in hiding, but still the media would not lay off him. Tommy explicitly asked the media why they were hounding men like that boy, and others, and not the alleged pedo-rapists. He was not saying they should hound them but calling out the hypocrisy of the media in their choices about whose life they shall destroy this week. The AG's prosecutor spliced one sentence out of that section of the live feed and alleged that Tommy was talking to and inciting his followers to hound the alleged pedos, causing the said defendants anxiety, fear of molestation (oh, the irony), and thus fear of coming to court and therefore blaa blaa blaa justice because the defendants through fear might need police protections to make them feels safe in order to participate fully in their trial. The trial was over!. Even though the whole hour long live feed was shown in court, so that anyone could see that Tommy was not inciting anyone, the man-hating judge, Victoria Sharp, didn't query the splicing and found Tommy guilty of Substantive Recklessness.

Which neatly takes us into another irony: substantive law and how it can possibly be in the public interest not to know about these predators, for often they're given bail between verdict and sentence. Secret trials are going on every single day.

I stopped reading after the first sentence which is a blatant lie.

No surprise. Your mind is obviously closed on this issue and you've no interest in information -- directly from my friend in England -- that might be contrary your preconceived notions. Fortunately, others are reading this thread.

You are the one living in ignorance. All of these cases has been widely reported and commented on by local and national media.A google search on the trial that Yaxley nearly derailed returns 20000 results.

Here is a page from his own vile website listing the various trials.

Muslim grooming gangs and other rape jihad convictions – English Defence League

As you can see each instance is accompanied by a report from the main stream media that are apparently following a secret government decree to cover up these stories. The facts do not support your conspiracy theory.

In light of this can you now admit that you have been misinformed ?

The Times and the Telegraph were reporting on the problems of Child sex gangs four years before Yaxley-Lennon appeared on the scene, concentrating solely on Asian/Muslim gangs while ignoring the home grown white/Christian gangs.

You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.
Last edited:
The lying child rape ena
As there's effectively two Yaxley-Lennon "threads" going on at the moment, here's a link to the facts as opposed to the RWNJ fantasies out there. FACT CHECK: Was a Far-Right Activist Jailed for Breaching a Court Order Designed to 'Protect Muslim Pedophiles'?
Thank you for a post that tries to distinguish facts from hearsay.

However, while the link is technically correct, it skirts the main issue and fails to include relevant information. Some of that information is in my post #250 above. As noted by someone else, the bias of the linked site is clear from the use of terms such as "far-right" and "conspiracy-mongering" -- these are opinions, not facts.

Yaxley-Lennon is hardly a completely innocent victim here. He stirred the pot intentionally and must have known there could be consequences. Regardless, information about child rapes and other crimes, often organized, being committed by certain among the recent mass influx of "migrants" to England is being suppressed by government decree. Yaxley-Lennon tried to spread the information. His treatment subsequent to arrest defied normal procedure in a number of ways. Taking this as an effort to silence independent reporting re: "migrants" and to make an example of Tommy is not unreasonable. Calling it government tyranny is also not unreasonable.

No-one else was reporting on these trials, nor do they report on any of them out side charges for one day and then sentences for one day -- no details of the trial at all.Look through all of the court's diaries and you will find hundreds ( on average 500) of Muslims on trial for the gang rape and torture of minors every single week. This is only because of Tommy's vigilance in keeping it in the public awareness, Otherwise it would, as it has been for nigh on 50 yrs, still be being swept under the carpet.

The one Tommy reported on had 29 defendants. There was supposedly a reporting restriction on publishing the verdicts but there were no notices up anywhere in the court; there should, by law, have been notices of any reporting restriction. The Court Officer of Leeds Crown Court told the Old Bailey court that 'through a failure' of her office no notice of a reporting restriction was posted anywhere nor given to the media. Tommy asked the Court Officers and the Police if there was a reporting restriction in place and where he could stand. They answered him 'No there is no reporting restriction and you are ok standing there.' Even so, Tommy did not break any law pertaining to contempt; he did not report on the trial but did read ( from the BBC website) that which was already in the public domain and he did ask defendants going into court 'hey, lads what do you feel about your verdict,' etc.

He later addressed, on camera, the media, explicitly the media. At the same time, a young English gay man was being hounded by the press and Antifa and had had serious death threats from radical Muslims for speaking out against Sharia law pertaining to homosexuality. He had lost his job and was in hiding, his family were in hiding, but still the media would not lay off him. Tommy explicitly asked the media why they were hounding men like that boy, and others, and not the alleged pedo-rapists. He was not saying they should hound them but calling out the hypocrisy of the media in their choices about whose life they shall destroy this week. The AG's prosecutor spliced one sentence out of that section of the live feed and alleged that Tommy was talking to and inciting his followers to hound the alleged pedos, causing the said defendants anxiety, fear of molestation (oh, the irony), and thus fear of coming to court and therefore blaa blaa blaa justice because the defendants through fear might need police protections to make them feels safe in order to participate fully in their trial. The trial was over!. Even though the whole hour long live feed was shown in court, so that anyone could see that Tommy was not inciting anyone, the man-hating judge, Victoria Sharp, didn't query the splicing and found Tommy guilty of Substantive Recklessness.

Which neatly takes us into another irony: substantive law and how it can possibly be in the public interest not to know about these predators, for often they're given bail between verdict and sentence. Secret trials are going on every single day.

I stopped reading after the first sentence which is a blatant lie.

No surprise. Your mind is obviously closed on this issue and you've no interest in information -- directly from my friend in England -- that might be contrary your preconceived notions. Fortunately, others are reading this thread.

You are the one living in ignorance. All of these cases has been widely reported and commented on by local and national media.A google search on the trial that Yaxley nearly derailed returns 20000 results.

Here is a page from his own vile website listing the various trials.

Muslim grooming gangs and other rape jihad convictions – English Defence League

As you can see each instance is accompanied by a report from the main stream media that are apparently following a secret government decree to cover up these stories. The facts do not support your conspiracy theory.

In light of this can you now admit that you have been misinformed ?

The Times and the Telegraph were reporting on the problems of Child sex gangs four years before Yaxley-Lennon appeared on the scene, concentrating solely on Asian/Muslim gangs while ignoring the home grown white/Christian gangs.

You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.
The lying child rape ena
As there's effectively two Yaxley-Lennon "threads" going on at the moment, here's a link to the facts as opposed to the RWNJ fantasies out there. FACT CHECK: Was a Far-Right Activist Jailed for Breaching a Court Order Designed to 'Protect Muslim Pedophiles'?
Thank you for a post that tries to distinguish facts from hearsay.

However, while the link is technically correct, it skirts the main issue and fails to include relevant information. Some of that information is in my post #250 above. As noted by someone else, the bias of the linked site is clear from the use of terms such as "far-right" and "conspiracy-mongering" -- these are opinions, not facts.

Yaxley-Lennon is hardly a completely innocent victim here. He stirred the pot intentionally and must have known there could be consequences. Regardless, information about child rapes and other crimes, often organized, being committed by certain among the recent mass influx of "migrants" to England is being suppressed by government decree. Yaxley-Lennon tried to spread the information. His treatment subsequent to arrest defied normal procedure in a number of ways. Taking this as an effort to silence independent reporting re: "migrants" and to make an example of Tommy is not unreasonable. Calling it government tyranny is also not unreasonable.

I stopped reading after the first sentence which is a blatant lie.

No surprise. Your mind is obviously closed on this issue and you've no interest in information -- directly from my friend in England -- that might be contrary your preconceived notions. Fortunately, others are reading this thread.

You are the one living in ignorance. All of these cases has been widely reported and commented on by local and national media.A google search on the trial that Yaxley nearly derailed returns 20000 results.

Here is a page from his own vile website listing the various trials.

Muslim grooming gangs and other rape jihad convictions – English Defence League

As you can see each instance is accompanied by a report from the main stream media that are apparently following a secret government decree to cover up these stories. The facts do not support your conspiracy theory.

In light of this can you now admit that you have been misinformed ?

The Times and the Telegraph were reporting on the problems of Child sex gangs four years before Yaxley-Lennon appeared on the scene, concentrating solely on Asian/Muslim gangs while ignoring the home grown white/Christian gangs.

You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.

try to understand the DILEMMA the Koran supports MAWT AL YAHOOD------therefore any complaint against the hatred of jews
IS ISLAMOPHOBIA and an INSULT TO AL NABI. You want to see love?-----go to a corner near a mosque-----with a megaphone and shout
The lying child rape ena
Thank you for a post that tries to distinguish facts from hearsay.

However, while the link is technically correct, it skirts the main issue and fails to include relevant information. Some of that information is in my post #250 above. As noted by someone else, the bias of the linked site is clear from the use of terms such as "far-right" and "conspiracy-mongering" -- these are opinions, not facts.

Yaxley-Lennon is hardly a completely innocent victim here. He stirred the pot intentionally and must have known there could be consequences. Regardless, information about child rapes and other crimes, often organized, being committed by certain among the recent mass influx of "migrants" to England is being suppressed by government decree. Yaxley-Lennon tried to spread the information. His treatment subsequent to arrest defied normal procedure in a number of ways. Taking this as an effort to silence independent reporting re: "migrants" and to make an example of Tommy is not unreasonable. Calling it government tyranny is also not unreasonable.

No surprise. Your mind is obviously closed on this issue and you've no interest in information -- directly from my friend in England -- that might be contrary your preconceived notions. Fortunately, others are reading this thread.

You are the one living in ignorance. All of these cases has been widely reported and commented on by local and national media.A google search on the trial that Yaxley nearly derailed returns 20000 results.

Here is a page from his own vile website listing the various trials.

Muslim grooming gangs and other rape jihad convictions – English Defence League

As you can see each instance is accompanied by a report from the main stream media that are apparently following a secret government decree to cover up these stories. The facts do not support your conspiracy theory.

In light of this can you now admit that you have been misinformed ?

The Times and the Telegraph were reporting on the problems of Child sex gangs four years before Yaxley-Lennon appeared on the scene, concentrating solely on Asian/Muslim gangs while ignoring the home grown white/Christian gangs.

You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.

try to understand the DILEMMA the Koran supports MAWT AL YAHOOD------therefore any complaint against the hatred of jews
IS ISLAMOPHOBIA and an INSULT TO AL NABI. You want to see love?-----go to a corner near a mosque-----with a megaphone and shout

Puts me in mind of the Hook guy, in Finsbury Park mosque.

I used to live there.

Not the mosque, I hasten to add.
The lying child rape ena
You are the one living in ignorance. All of these cases has been widely reported and commented on by local and national media.A google search on the trial that Yaxley nearly derailed returns 20000 results.

Here is a page from his own vile website listing the various trials.

Muslim grooming gangs and other rape jihad convictions – English Defence League

As you can see each instance is accompanied by a report from the main stream media that are apparently following a secret government decree to cover up these stories. The facts do not support your conspiracy theory.

In light of this can you now admit that you have been misinformed ?

The Times and the Telegraph were reporting on the problems of Child sex gangs four years before Yaxley-Lennon appeared on the scene, concentrating solely on Asian/Muslim gangs while ignoring the home grown white/Christian gangs.

You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.

try to understand the DILEMMA the Koran supports MAWT AL YAHOOD------therefore any complaint against the hatred of jews
IS ISLAMOPHOBIA and an INSULT TO AL NABI. You want to see love?-----go to a corner near a mosque-----with a megaphone and shout

Puts me in mind of the Hook guy, in Finsbury Park mosque.

I used to live there.

Not the mosque, I hasten to add.

you is a limey? I have distant relatives there----never met them-----
the hook Imam did his thing there? anyone know how he lost his hands?
The lying child rape ena
The Times and the Telegraph were reporting on the problems of Child sex gangs four years before Yaxley-Lennon appeared on the scene, concentrating solely on Asian/Muslim gangs while ignoring the home grown white/Christian gangs.

You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.

try to understand the DILEMMA the Koran supports MAWT AL YAHOOD------therefore any complaint against the hatred of jews
IS ISLAMOPHOBIA and an INSULT TO AL NABI. You want to see love?-----go to a corner near a mosque-----with a megaphone and shout

Puts me in mind of the Hook guy, in Finsbury Park mosque.

I used to live there.

Not the mosque, I hasten to add.

you is a limey? I have distant relatives there----never met them-----
the hook Imam did his thing there? anyone know how he lost his hands?

Yes I'm a Limey. lol.

Yes, he was kicked out of the Mosque, and did his thing on the streets.

He's in US custody right now.
The lying child rape ena
You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.

try to understand the DILEMMA the Koran supports MAWT AL YAHOOD------therefore any complaint against the hatred of jews
IS ISLAMOPHOBIA and an INSULT TO AL NABI. You want to see love?-----go to a corner near a mosque-----with a megaphone and shout

Puts me in mind of the Hook guy, in Finsbury Park mosque.

I used to live there.

Not the mosque, I hasten to add.

you is a limey? I have distant relatives there----never met them-----
the hook Imam did his thing there? anyone know how he lost his hands?

Yes I'm a Limey. lol.

Yes, he was kicked out of the Mosque, and did his thing on the streets.

He's in US custody right now.

oh good----but hard on the prison guards
The lying child rape ena
As there's effectively two Yaxley-Lennon "threads" going on at the moment, here's a link to the facts as opposed to the RWNJ fantasies out there. FACT CHECK: Was a Far-Right Activist Jailed for Breaching a Court Order Designed to 'Protect Muslim Pedophiles'?
Thank you for a post that tries to distinguish facts from hearsay.

However, while the link is technically correct, it skirts the main issue and fails to include relevant information. Some of that information is in my post #250 above. As noted by someone else, the bias of the linked site is clear from the use of terms such as "far-right" and "conspiracy-mongering" -- these are opinions, not facts.

Yaxley-Lennon is hardly a completely innocent victim here. He stirred the pot intentionally and must have known there could be consequences. Regardless, information about child rapes and other crimes, often organized, being committed by certain among the recent mass influx of "migrants" to England is being suppressed by government decree. Yaxley-Lennon tried to spread the information. His treatment subsequent to arrest defied normal procedure in a number of ways. Taking this as an effort to silence independent reporting re: "migrants" and to make an example of Tommy is not unreasonable. Calling it government tyranny is also not unreasonable.

I stopped reading after the first sentence which is a blatant lie.

No surprise. Your mind is obviously closed on this issue and you've no interest in information -- directly from my friend in England -- that might be contrary your preconceived notions. Fortunately, others are reading this thread.

You are the one living in ignorance. All of these cases has been widely reported and commented on by local and national media.A google search on the trial that Yaxley nearly derailed returns 20000 results.

Here is a page from his own vile website listing the various trials.

Muslim grooming gangs and other rape jihad convictions – English Defence League

As you can see each instance is accompanied by a report from the main stream media that are apparently following a secret government decree to cover up these stories. The facts do not support your conspiracy theory.

In light of this can you now admit that you have been misinformed ?

The Times and the Telegraph were reporting on the problems of Child sex gangs four years before Yaxley-Lennon appeared on the scene, concentrating solely on Asian/Muslim gangs while ignoring the home grown white/Christian gangs.

You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.
And to top even that, they send Robinson to Belmarsh prison, a well- known Islamist stronghold known for its high concentration of Islamist terrorists.

They want him dead .

If the authorities get what they wish and he is, indeed, killed, I would consider that a watershed event. If the British people stand by meekly, it does not bide well for your future
The lying child rape ena
Thank you for a post that tries to distinguish facts from hearsay.

However, while the link is technically correct, it skirts the main issue and fails to include relevant information. Some of that information is in my post #250 above. As noted by someone else, the bias of the linked site is clear from the use of terms such as "far-right" and "conspiracy-mongering" -- these are opinions, not facts.

Yaxley-Lennon is hardly a completely innocent victim here. He stirred the pot intentionally and must have known there could be consequences. Regardless, information about child rapes and other crimes, often organized, being committed by certain among the recent mass influx of "migrants" to England is being suppressed by government decree. Yaxley-Lennon tried to spread the information. His treatment subsequent to arrest defied normal procedure in a number of ways. Taking this as an effort to silence independent reporting re: "migrants" and to make an example of Tommy is not unreasonable. Calling it government tyranny is also not unreasonable.

No surprise. Your mind is obviously closed on this issue and you've no interest in information -- directly from my friend in England -- that might be contrary your preconceived notions. Fortunately, others are reading this thread.

You are the one living in ignorance. All of these cases has been widely reported and commented on by local and national media.A google search on the trial that Yaxley nearly derailed returns 20000 results.

Here is a page from his own vile website listing the various trials.

Muslim grooming gangs and other rape jihad convictions – English Defence League

As you can see each instance is accompanied by a report from the main stream media that are apparently following a secret government decree to cover up these stories. The facts do not support your conspiracy theory.

In light of this can you now admit that you have been misinformed ?

The Times and the Telegraph were reporting on the problems of Child sex gangs four years before Yaxley-Lennon appeared on the scene, concentrating solely on Asian/Muslim gangs while ignoring the home grown white/Christian gangs.

You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.
And to top even that, they send Robinson to Belmarsh prison, a well- known Islamist stronghold known for its high concentration of Islamist terrorists.

They want him dead .

If the authorities get what they wish and he is, indeed, killed, I would consider that a watershed event. If the British people stand by meekly, it does not bide well for your future

The Muslim prisoner population of Belmarsh prison is around 5% of the total https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct...Web-2018.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1wRz1Wm6DGu0Mjotsd7kB7
The lying child rape ena
You are the one living in ignorance. All of these cases has been widely reported and commented on by local and national media.A google search on the trial that Yaxley nearly derailed returns 20000 results.

Here is a page from his own vile website listing the various trials.

Muslim grooming gangs and other rape jihad convictions – English Defence League

As you can see each instance is accompanied by a report from the main stream media that are apparently following a secret government decree to cover up these stories. The facts do not support your conspiracy theory.

In light of this can you now admit that you have been misinformed ?

The Times and the Telegraph were reporting on the problems of Child sex gangs four years before Yaxley-Lennon appeared on the scene, concentrating solely on Asian/Muslim gangs while ignoring the home grown white/Christian gangs.

You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.
And to top even that, they send Robinson to Belmarsh prison, a well- known Islamist stronghold known for its high concentration of Islamist terrorists.

They want him dead .

If the authorities get what they wish and he is, indeed, killed, I would consider that a watershed event. If the British people stand by meekly, it does not bide well for your future

The Muslim prisoner population of Belmarsh prison is around 5% of the total https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&ved=2ahUKEwjihf_rsbnjAhVHTxUIHbt3BaoQFjANegQIBBAB&url=https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmiprisons/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/06/Belmarsh-Web-2018.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1wRz1Wm6DGu0Mjotsd7kB7

Your report says 25.5% liar.

They are controlled by the Akhi, the place having been described as "a jihadi training camp".
The lying child rape ena
The Times and the Telegraph were reporting on the problems of Child sex gangs four years before Yaxley-Lennon appeared on the scene, concentrating solely on Asian/Muslim gangs while ignoring the home grown white/Christian gangs.

You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.
And to top even that, they send Robinson to Belmarsh prison, a well- known Islamist stronghold known for its high concentration of Islamist terrorists.

They want him dead .

If the authorities get what they wish and he is, indeed, killed, I would consider that a watershed event. If the British people stand by meekly, it does not bide well for your future

The Muslim prisoner population of Belmarsh prison is around 5% of the total https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&ved=2ahUKEwjihf_rsbnjAhVHTxUIHbt3BaoQFjANegQIBBAB&url=https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmiprisons/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/06/Belmarsh-Web-2018.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1wRz1Wm6DGu0Mjotsd7kB7

Your report says 25.5% liar.

They are controlled by the Akhi, the place having been described as "a jihadi training camp".

Oops, typo. My mistake.
here is a little article on the nature of rape facilitators and has many good links.

How Anti-Fascists Helped Muslim Grooming Gangs in the UK

Here is an example of the Guarding running interference for the Rape gangs

Grooming and our ignoble tradition of racialising crime
Hmm, to paraphrase your post on Snopes- if Jay Knott's "the jay report" blog is truly unbiased, why is it framing it's agument "How anti-fascists helped Muslim grooming gangs in the UK"; "anti-fascists"? Such framing is part and parcel of an agenda to create an impression.

Does Jay Knott ever categorizes people as "far right" activists, thus the blog completely compromises any claim that it is presenting an unbiased account. .
The lying child rape ena
The Times and the Telegraph were reporting on the problems of Child sex gangs four years before Yaxley-Lennon appeared on the scene, concentrating solely on Asian/Muslim gangs while ignoring the home grown white/Christian gangs.

You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.
And to top even that, they send Robinson to Belmarsh prison, a well- known Islamist stronghold known for its high concentration of Islamist terrorists.

They want him dead .

If the authorities get what they wish and he is, indeed, killed, I would consider that a watershed event. If the British people stand by meekly, it does not bide well for your future

The Muslim prisoner population of Belmarsh prison is around 5% of the total https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&ved=2ahUKEwjihf_rsbnjAhVHTxUIHbt3BaoQFjANegQIBBAB&url=https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmiprisons/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/06/Belmarsh-Web-2018.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1wRz1Wm6DGu0Mjotsd7kB7

Your report says 25.5% liar.

They are controlled by the Akhi, the place having been described as "a jihadi training camp".
It still doesnt show that they control the prison. "Islamic Stronghold" my arse.
The lying child rape ena
You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.
And to top even that, they send Robinson to Belmarsh prison, a well- known Islamist stronghold known for its high concentration of Islamist terrorists.

They want him dead .

If the authorities get what they wish and he is, indeed, killed, I would consider that a watershed event. If the British people stand by meekly, it does not bide well for your future

The Muslim prisoner population of Belmarsh prison is around 5% of the total https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&ved=2ahUKEwjihf_rsbnjAhVHTxUIHbt3BaoQFjANegQIBBAB&url=https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmiprisons/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/06/Belmarsh-Web-2018.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1wRz1Wm6DGu0Mjotsd7kB7

Your report says 25.5% liar.

They are controlled by the Akhi, the place having been described as "a jihadi training camp".
It still doesnt show that they control the prison. "Islamic Stronghold" my arse.
Anything with more than one Muslim is an Islamic Stronghold.
The lying child rape ena
You vile child rape facilitators are beneath contempt.

Until the Jack Straw report in 2011 and Alexis Jay report in 2014, there was little, if any reporting on the issues and that was BECAUSE the rapists are Muslim and the children white.

You can pretend all you want that there are "Christian gangs" out raping children, but as ALL the reposts indicate, this phenomenon is almost entirely Muslim in nature. The girls are called "easy meat" because the perps are racists who select British girls as victims and because the perps are safe in the knowledge that they have the support of repulsive creatures such as yourself.

The occasional white male pedophile works alone, selects victims from his own community, is not motivated by race and Christianity has nothing to do with his pattern of behavior. These Muslim rapists work as a group, select victims from a community NOT their own, very much ARE motived by ethnicity, and their being Muslim is central to their pattern of behavior.

The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.
And to top even that, they send Robinson to Belmarsh prison, a well- known Islamist stronghold known for its high concentration of Islamist terrorists.

They want him dead .

If the authorities get what they wish and he is, indeed, killed, I would consider that a watershed event. If the British people stand by meekly, it does not bide well for your future

The Muslim prisoner population of Belmarsh prison is around 5% of the total https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&ved=2ahUKEwjihf_rsbnjAhVHTxUIHbt3BaoQFjANegQIBBAB&url=https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmiprisons/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/06/Belmarsh-Web-2018.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1wRz1Wm6DGu0Mjotsd7kB7

Your report says 25.5% liar.

They are controlled by the Akhi, the place having been described as "a jihadi training camp".
It still doesnt show that they control the prison. "Islamic Stronghold" my arse.
Tommy, we already knew that your arse has been the recipient of many an Islamic stronghold.

The powers that be have assigned him to a prison known for its jihadist activities. They did so as a warning to any who oppose rape jihad and in order to make his life as miserable as possible - provided he even survives
The Establishment is terrified of being labelled as Islamophobic.

Yet permits anti semitism with impunity.
And to top even that, they send Robinson to Belmarsh prison, a well- known Islamist stronghold known for its high concentration of Islamist terrorists.

They want him dead .

If the authorities get what they wish and he is, indeed, killed, I would consider that a watershed event. If the British people stand by meekly, it does not bide well for your future

The Muslim prisoner population of Belmarsh prison is around 5% of the total https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&ved=2ahUKEwjihf_rsbnjAhVHTxUIHbt3BaoQFjANegQIBBAB&url=https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmiprisons/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/06/Belmarsh-Web-2018.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1wRz1Wm6DGu0Mjotsd7kB7

Your report says 25.5% liar.

They are controlled by the Akhi, the place having been described as "a jihadi training camp".
It still doesnt show that they control the prison. "Islamic Stronghold" my arse.
Tommy, we already knew that your arse has been the recipient of many an Islamic stronghold.

The powers that be have assigned him to a prison known for its jihadist activities. They did so as a warning to any who oppose rape jihad and in order to make his life as miserable as possible - provided he even survives
Or he was sent to a prison near his home so that his family could visit.

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