Gone- But Not Forgotten

Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!
You are a nutter.
Please explain how wanting a fair trial shows support for anything other than the rule of law.

Or do you believe that not everyone is entitled to a fair trial ?
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?

They had their Brexit moment and retreated; they never had their Trump, and mock ours.

I have let them go. Meaning, I no longer consider them a sister nation and have not for some time. They are really no allies of ours and I am not alone in thinking that.

The Atlantic from here to there has grown considerably chilly. They have always believed it's all on their side. They are wrong.
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?

They had their Brexit moment and retreated; they never had their Trump, and mock ours.

I have let them go. Meaning, I no longer consider them a sister nation and have not for some time. They are really no allies of ours and I am not alone in thinking that.

The Atlantic from here to there has grown considerably chilly. They have always believed it's all on their side. They are wrong.

You'd be surprised how many of them support Trump. It's just not reported.

There's a power vacuum in the UK. Not a good sign.
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?

They had their Brexit moment and retreated; they never had their Trump, and mock ours.

I have let them go. Meaning, I no longer consider them a sister nation and have not for some time. They are really no allies of ours and I am not alone in thinking that.

The Atlantic from here to there has grown considerably chilly. They have always believed it's all on their side. They are wrong.

You'd be surprised how many of them support Trump. It's just not reported.

There's a power vacuum in the UK. Not a good sign.

I was in Europe prior to the Brexit vote, and met an English couple that could have been Tea Party folks.

And.....England did seize the Iranian ship per America's request.

I'd count on their foreign policy before Germany's.
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?

They had their Brexit moment and retreated; they never had their Trump, and mock ours.

I have let them go. Meaning, I no longer consider them a sister nation and have not for some time. They are really no allies of ours and I am not alone in thinking that.

The Atlantic from here to there has grown considerably chilly. They have always believed it's all on their side. They are wrong.

You'd be surprised how many of them support Trump. It's just not reported.

There's a power vacuum in the UK. Not a good sign.

I was in Europe prior to the Brexit vote, and met an English couple that could have been Tea Party folks.

And.....they did seize the Iranian ship per America's request.

I'd count on their foreign policy before Germany's.

Oh there's no doubt about that. Germany is long gone as an ally as far as I'm concerned; they haven't been our ally for years. Statistically even way back in the Obama years they gave America about a 50% "approval" rating. They don't like us. Their population doesn't like us. With Trump now it's open season.

Traveling here in the US about ten years or so ago we met a fine British couple in the heartland. Their children lived in the US and they were moving too. Even then, they said, they barely recognized their country. I shared that I had been there in the late 80s and they said I wouldn't even recognize it now. They were getting out before it all got worse. So yes there are conservative liberty-loving people there....but sadly, I guess, not enough.
Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!
You can simply call us people who oppose the frothing-at-the-mouth hysteria you present when confronted with rational arguments contradicting your irrational hatred towards any and all Muslims. Or...maybe you can refer to us by any of the above expressions of childish name calling while we sit back, incredulous, watching you make ridiculous assertions such as implying Christian males raping children in England is rare or, as in another argument, trying to claim the infamous American child rapist, Larry Nasser, is a Muslim. Child rape and trafficking are huge problems around the world, but rather than combating these horrific crimes you consistently shift the focus onto the religion of some of the perpetrators. What is more important to you? The victims? Or the fact that Muslims were involved in some of the crimes? When you consistently defend and elevate a common thug, with a history of assault, and close association with neonazi groups, to Sainthood, because he falsely claimed to have focused the spotlight on abuses that had been well covered in the media long before he took up the anti Muslim banner, one has to ask why? His self serving antics could have jeopardized a trial. The trial of those very criminals you claim to oppose! You simply can’t seem to understand this.

Now carry on with the silly name calling in lieu of any sort of substantive argument.
Last edited:
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?

They had their Brexit moment and retreated; they never had their Trump, and mock ours.

I have let them go. Meaning, I no longer consider them a sister nation and have not for some time. They are really no allies of ours and I am not alone in thinking that.

The Atlantic from here to there has grown considerably chilly. They have always believed it's all on their side. They are wrong.

You'd be surprised how many of them support Trump. It's just not reported.

There's a power vacuum in the UK. Not a good sign.

I was in Europe prior to the Brexit vote, and met an English couple that could have been Tea Party folks.

And.....they did seize the Iranian ship per America's request.

I'd count on their foreign policy before Germany's.

Oh there's no doubt about that. Germany is long gone as an ally as far as I'm concerned; they haven't been our ally for years. Statistically even way back in the Obama years they gave America about a 50% "approval" rating. They don't like us. Their population doesn't like us. With Trump now it's open season.

Traveling here in the US about ten years or so ago we met a fine British couple in the heartland. Their children lived in the US and they were moving too. Even then, they said, they barely recognized their country. I shared that I had been there in the late 80s and they said I wouldn't even recognize it now. They were getting out before it all got worse. So yes there are conservative liberty-loving people there....but sadly, I guess, not enough.

I don't live there either.
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?

They had their Brexit moment and retreated; they never had their Trump, and mock ours.

I have let them go. Meaning, I no longer consider them a sister nation and have not for some time. They are really no allies of ours and I am not alone in thinking that.

The Atlantic from here to there has grown considerably chilly. They have always believed it's all on their side. They are wrong.

You'd be surprised how many of them support Trump. It's just not reported.

There's a power vacuum in the UK. Not a good sign.

I was in Europe prior to the Brexit vote, and met an English couple that could have been Tea Party folks.

And.....they did seize the Iranian ship per America's request.

I'd count on their foreign policy before Germany's.

Oh there's no doubt about that. Germany is long gone as an ally as far as I'm concerned; they haven't been our ally for years. Statistically even way back in the Obama years they gave America about a 50% "approval" rating. They don't like us. Their population doesn't like us. With Trump now it's open season.

Traveling here in the US about ten years or so ago we met a fine British couple in the heartland. Their children lived in the US and they were moving too. Even then, they said, they barely recognized their country. I shared that I had been there in the late 80s and they said I wouldn't even recognize it now. They were getting out before it all got worse. So yes there are conservative liberty-loving people there....but sadly, I guess, not enough.

There is some sort of insanity that possessed the elites, here, but especially in Britain.

If you ever get the chance, this is quite an expose...

England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?

They had their Brexit moment and retreated; they never had their Trump, and mock ours.

I have let them go. Meaning, I no longer consider them a sister nation and have not for some time. They are really no allies of ours and I am not alone in thinking that.

The Atlantic from here to there has grown considerably chilly. They have always believed it's all on their side. They are wrong.

You'd be surprised how many of them support Trump. It's just not reported.

There's a power vacuum in the UK. Not a good sign.

I was in Europe prior to the Brexit vote, and met an English couple that could have been Tea Party folks.

And.....they did seize the Iranian ship per America's request.

I'd count on their foreign policy before Germany's.

Oh there's no doubt about that. Germany is long gone as an ally as far as I'm concerned; they haven't been our ally for years. Statistically even way back in the Obama years they gave America about a 50% "approval" rating. They don't like us. Their population doesn't like us. With Trump now it's open season.

Traveling here in the US about ten years or so ago we met a fine British couple in the heartland. Their children lived in the US and they were moving too. Even then, they said, they barely recognized their country. I shared that I had been there in the late 80s and they said I wouldn't even recognize it now. They were getting out before it all got worse. So yes there are conservative liberty-loving people there....but sadly, I guess, not enough.

There is some sort of insanity that possessed the elites, here, but especially in Britain.

If you ever get the chance, this is quite an expose...


Melanie Phillips; one of my favourite journalists.

She was harassed and harangued on a BBC political talk show, just for being Melanie Phillips. Before she'd even opened her mouth.
Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!

I can't speak for Coyote or Tommy Tainant, but keeping a rational perspective on a problem that is not restricted to just one segment of a population, is hardly creating a protective barrier around anyone. All perpertators of these vile deeds should be caught and brought to justice, but that doesn't mean demonising one group.

What Stephen Yaxley-Lennon does now, is what Der Sturmer did in the 1930's and 40's in Germany- when it raged against Jewish "child sex grooming gangs"; it destorts the genuine picture and, at least in the UK, risks allowing the guilty getting away with their crimes.

You and your kind are not opposing child rape and I'm certainly NOT defending it, but by focusing on one small group, you and your kind just end up deflecting attention to the majority of child abusers who are white "christian" men. And children continue to suffer as a result.

Must you bring up Godwin's Law?

You know nothing about life in 1930's/40's Germany.

Perhaps not, but I suspect this group may well do: Der Stürmer! www.HolocaustResearchProject.org

You're offensive. To Jews on this forum.

Looks like grammar and syntax are not your strong points, but anyway. OK I'll play, given I have no way of distinguishing who is and who is not Jewish, how and to whom have I been offensive?
Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!

I can't speak for Coyote or Tommy Tainant, but keeping a rational perspective on a problem that is not restricted to just one segment of a population, is hardly creating a protective barrier around anyone. All perpertators of these vile deeds should be caught and brought to justice, but that doesn't mean demonising one group.

What Stephen Yaxley-Lennon does now, is what Der Sturmer did in the 1930's and 40's in Germany- when it raged against Jewish "child sex grooming gangs"; it destorts the genuine picture and, at least in the UK, risks allowing the guilty getting away with their crimes.

You and your kind are not opposing child rape and I'm certainly NOT defending it, but by focusing on one small group, you and your kind just end up deflecting attention to the majority of child abusers who are white "christian" men. And children continue to suffer as a result.

Must you bring up Godwin's Law?

You know nothing about life in 1930's/40's Germany.

Perhaps not, but I suspect this group may well do: Der Stürmer! www.HolocaustResearchProject.org

You're offensive. To Jews on this forum.

Looks like grammar and syntax are not your strong points, but anyway. OK I'll play, given I have no way of distinguishing who is and who is not Jewish, how and to whom have I been offensive?

You want this to be about you?

The grammar thingy has been tried before. Never worked.
Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!
You can simply call us people who oppose the frothing-at-the-mouth hysteria you present when confronted with rational arguments contradicting your irrational hatred towards any and all Muslims. Or...maybe you can refer to us by any of the above expressions of childish name calling while we sit back, incredulous, watching you make ridiculous assertions such as implying Christian males raping children in England is rare or, as in another argument, trying to claim the infamous American child rapist, Larry Nasser, is a Muslim. Child rape and trafficking are huge problems around the world, but rather than combating these horrific crimes you consistently shift the focus onto the religion of some of the perpetrators. What is more important to you? The victims? Or the fact that Muslims were involved in some of the crimes? When you consistently defend and elevate a common thug, with a history of assault, and close association with neonazi groups, to Sainthood, because he falsely claimed to have focused the spotlight on abuses that had been well covered in the media long before he took up the anti Muslim banner, one has to ask why? His self serving antics could have jeopardized a trial. The trial of those very criminals you claim to oppose! You simply can’t seem to understand this.

Now carry on with the silly name calling in lieu of any sort of substantive argument.
You're missing the real point here.This isn't about Muslims..Never has been. Nor is it about the reporting on individual cases

The issue is the impact on violent crime -- the most heinous of which is child rape -- that the importation of massive numbers of non-English to England and non-Europeans to Europe has had. And the issue is that information about this impact is being suppressed. This has been happening on a smaller scale since the 1970's.

Saying that Whites or so-called "Christians" commit child rape so sensationalist reporting on Muslim child rape gangs is hate, or saying that it's only a small percentage of Muslims who commit these crimes, or saying that Robinson is associated with purported "neonazi" groups is all beside the point. The point is that government -- British, EU, plus the UN -- has been flooding England (et al) with people from foreign lands and cultures, this has brought a large increase in horrible crimes, and the government is forbidding acknowledgment of the problem it inflicted upon the citizens. Tommy's circumstances are a noisy symptom of the problem.
Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!

I can't speak for Coyote or Tommy Tainant, but keeping a rational perspective on a problem that is not restricted to just one segment of a population, is hardly creating a protective barrier around anyone. All perpertators of these vile deeds should be caught and brought to justice, but that doesn't mean demonising one group.

What Stephen Yaxley-Lennon does now, is what Der Sturmer did in the 1930's and 40's in Germany- when it raged against Jewish "child sex grooming gangs"; it destorts the genuine picture and, at least in the UK, risks allowing the guilty getting away with their crimes.

You and your kind are not opposing child rape and I'm certainly NOT defending it, but by focusing on one small group, you and your kind just end up deflecting attention to the majority of child abusers who are white "christian" men. And children continue to suffer as a result.

Must you bring up Godwin's Law?

You know nothing about life in 1930's/40's Germany.

Perhaps not, but I suspect this group may well do: Der Stürmer! www.HolocaustResearchProject.org

You're offensive. To Jews on this forum.

Looks like grammar and syntax are not your strong points, but anyway. OK I'll play, given I have no way of distinguishing who is and who is not Jewish, how and to whom have I been offensive?

When you compare the opposition of ideologically and racially motivated mass child rape to those who imposed genocide upon a small ethnic minority, you insult a whole lot more than just the victims of the genocide.

You insult the very notion of humanity, so twisted and diabolical is your attempt to support the rape of thousands of children through this ruse.
England. Our sister nation.
Gone in so very many ways.

We can’t forget how much of our heritage we gained, took, from England,…Great Britain after 1707….

1.Our legal system…. In 528 Tribonian was selected, with John the Cappodocian, to prepare the new imperial legal code, the Codex Juris Civilis, or the Code of Justinian.. Rome had a legal system dating back to the ‘Twelve Tables,’ written in 451 BCE, based on the 6th century BCE work of Solon of Athens. Rome, unlike Greece, treated the interpretation of law (statutes and precedents) as a profession. In 530 a second commission led by Tribonian had the objective of revising the way lawyers were educated. Fifteen centuries later, the Codex still exerts its influence on Europe and is known as the Civil Law tradition.

The Inquisition, Renaissance, the Napoleonic Code, and the Holocaust are all, in part, an outgrowth of the lex regia: “The will of the prince has the force of law.”( Quod principi placuit, legis haget vigorem) Today, European law gives preeminence to legislatures, the institution that drafted the statute prevails. In Anglo-American Common Law tradition, the institution that interprets and adjudicates the statute has the final word. Due to the absence of a jury, and the deference to whomever writes the laws, Civil Law tradition is friendlier to tyrannical regimes than the Common Law tradition. Under Justinians’ code the emperor is named nomos empsychos, “law incarnate.” [See “Justinian’s Flea,” Rosen]

2. The Magna Carta….Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

3. But, alas, the great and once noble nation has thrown in the towel, bowed to the threats and behavior of a 7th century barbarian cult.

“When the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced in October 2005 that he intended to "wipe Israel off the map," Britain, along with the rest of the civilized world, expressed shock and revulsion. Yet, two days later, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London to demand that Israel meet precisely such a fate.

While shocked demonstrators in Italy, Hungary, Austria and France waved around placards asking "Israel today, Europe tomorrow?", London resounded instead to shouts for Israel's destruction. Thousands of demonstrators marched through the city to mark "Al-Quds day"—when Muslims express solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs— on what was effectively a British march for genocide.

The crowd chanted: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," "Zionism, terrorism" and "We are all Hezbollah"; and no one turned a hair.”
Phillips, “Londonistan,” P. 116

How to explain the reversal from the people who braved the Nazi bombings….”We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Churchill….

…..to a people ready to don the headscarf and grab the ankles?

And….is this a sign of our future, as well?

They had their Brexit moment and retreated; they never had their Trump, and mock ours.

I have let them go. Meaning, I no longer consider them a sister nation and have not for some time. They are really no allies of ours and I am not alone in thinking that.

The Atlantic from here to there has grown considerably chilly. They have always believed it's all on their side. They are wrong.

You'd be surprised how many of them support Trump. It's just not reported.

There's a power vacuum in the UK. Not a good sign.

I was in Europe prior to the Brexit vote, and met an English couple that could have been Tea Party folks.

And.....they did seize the Iranian ship per America's request.

I'd count on their foreign policy before Germany's.

Oh there's no doubt about that. Germany is long gone as an ally as far as I'm concerned; they haven't been our ally for years. Statistically even way back in the Obama years they gave America about a 50% "approval" rating. They don't like us. Their population doesn't like us. With Trump now it's open season.

Traveling here in the US about ten years or so ago we met a fine British couple in the heartland. Their children lived in the US and they were moving too. Even then, they said, they barely recognized their country. I shared that I had been there in the late 80s and they said I wouldn't even recognize it now. They were getting out before it all got worse. So yes there are conservative liberty-loving people there....but sadly, I guess, not enough.

There is some sort of insanity that possessed the elites, here, but especially in Britain.

If you ever get the chance, this is quite an expose...


Have you noticed how often those who support child rape indicate a serious post is funny to them?

This is cult behavior in action.
Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!
You can simply call us people who oppose the frothing-at-the-mouth hysteria you present when confronted with rational arguments contradicting your irrational hatred towards any and all Muslims. Or...maybe you can refer to us by any of the above expressions of childish name calling while we sit back, incredulous, watching you make ridiculous assertions such as implying Christian males raping children in England is rare or, as in another argument, trying to claim the infamous American child rapist, Larry Nasser, is a Muslim. Child rape and trafficking are huge problems around the world, but rather than combating these horrific crimes you consistently shift the focus onto the religion of some of the perpetrators. What is more important to you? The victims? Or the fact that Muslims were involved in some of the crimes? When you consistently defend and elevate a common thug, with a history of assault, and close association with neonazi groups, to Sainthood, because he falsely claimed to have focused the spotlight on abuses that had been well covered in the media long before he took up the anti Muslim banner, one has to ask why? His self serving antics could have jeopardized a trial. The trial of those very criminals you claim to oppose! You simply can’t seem to understand this.

Now carry on with the silly name calling in lieu of any sort of substantive argument.
You're missing the real point here.This isn't about Muslims..Never has been. Nor is it about the reporting on individual cases

The issue is the impact on violent crime -- the most heinous of which is child rape -- that the importation of massive numbers of non-English to England and non-Europeans to Europe has had. And the issue is that information about this impact is being suppressed. This has been happening on a smaller scale since the 1970's.

Saying that Whites or so-called "Christians" commit child rape so sensationalist reporting on Muslim child rape gangs is hate, or saying that it's only a small percentage of Muslims who commit these crimes, or saying that Robinson is associated with purported "neonazi" groups is all beside the point. The point is that government -- British, EU, plus the UN -- has been flooding England (et al) with people from foreign lands and cultures, this has brought a large increase in horrible crimes, and the government is forbidding acknowledgment of the problem it inflicted upon the citizens. Tommy's circumstances are a noisy symptom of the problem.
Actually, no, I am not missing the real point.

There was a catostrophic failure of government and police in protecting a vulnerable population. The failure was due to multiple factors such as pc over good policing and the fact that these kids were poor and lower class.
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Lets summarize, shall we. If a person opposes the rape of thousands and thousands of British children by Muslim men motivated by ethnicity and Islamic ideology, they are thugs, knuckle draggers, uncivilized, hysterical and hateful.

If they dedicate themselves to protecting, supporting and facilitating these rapists, however, they are simply reacting rationally.

The world has truly gone mad.
Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!
You can simply call us people who oppose the frothing-at-the-mouth hysteria you present when confronted with rational arguments contradicting your irrational hatred towards any and all Muslims. Or...maybe you can refer to us by any of the above expressions of childish name calling while we sit back, incredulous, watching you make ridiculous assertions such as implying Christian males raping children in England is rare or, as in another argument, trying to claim the infamous American child rapist, Larry Nasser, is a Muslim. Child rape and trafficking are huge problems around the world, but rather than combating these horrific crimes you consistently shift the focus onto the religion of some of the perpetrators. What is more important to you? The victims? Or the fact that Muslims were involved in some of the crimes? When you consistently defend and elevate a common thug, with a history of assault, and close association with neonazi groups, to Sainthood, because he falsely claimed to have focused the spotlight on abuses that had been well covered in the media long before he took up the anti Muslim banner, one has to ask why? His self serving antics could have jeopardized a trial. The trial of those very criminals you claim to oppose! You simply can’t seem to understand this.

Now carry on with the silly name calling in lieu of any sort of substantive argument.
You're missing the real point here.This isn't about Muslims..Never has been. Nor is it about the reporting on individual cases

The issue is the impact on violent crime -- the most heinous of which is child rape -- that the importation of massive numbers of non-English to England and non-Europeans to Europe has had. And the issue is that information about this impact is being suppressed. This has been happening on a smaller scale since the 1970's.

Saying that Whites or so-called "Christians" commit child rape so sensationalist reporting on Muslim child rape gangs is hate, or saying that it's only a small percentage of Muslims who commit these crimes, or saying that Robinson is associated with purported "neonazi" groups is all beside the point. The point is that government -- British, EU, plus the UN -- has been flooding England (et al) with people from foreign lands and cultures, this has brought a large increase in horrible crimes, and the government is forbidding acknowledgment of the problem it inflicted upon the citizens. Tommy's circumstances are a noisy symptom of the problem.
Actually, no, I am not missing the real point.

There was a catostrophic failure of government and police in protecting a vulnerable population. The failure was due to muktiole factors such as pc over hood policing and the fact that these kids were poor and lower class.

And the main failure being: government and police did not want to be seen as Islamaphobic.
Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!
You can simply call us people who oppose the frothing-at-the-mouth hysteria you present when confronted with rational arguments contradicting your irrational hatred towards any and all Muslims. Or...maybe you can refer to us by any of the above expressions of childish name calling while we sit back, incredulous, watching you make ridiculous assertions such as implying Christian males raping children in England is rare or, as in another argument, trying to claim the infamous American child rapist, Larry Nasser, is a Muslim. Child rape and trafficking are huge problems around the world, but rather than combating these horrific crimes you consistently shift the focus onto the religion of some of the perpetrators. What is more important to you? The victims? Or the fact that Muslims were involved in some of the crimes? When you consistently defend and elevate a common thug, with a history of assault, and close association with neonazi groups, to Sainthood, because he falsely claimed to have focused the spotlight on abuses that had been well covered in the media long before he took up the anti Muslim banner, one has to ask why? His self serving antics could have jeopardized a trial. The trial of those very criminals you claim to oppose! You simply can’t seem to understand this.

Now carry on with the silly name calling in lieu of any sort of substantive argument.
You're missing the real point here.This isn't about Muslims..Never has been. Nor is it about the reporting on individual cases

The issue is the impact on violent crime -- the most heinous of which is child rape -- that the importation of massive numbers of non-English to England and non-Europeans to Europe has had. And the issue is that information about this impact is being suppressed. This has been happening on a smaller scale since the 1970's.

Saying that Whites or so-called "Christians" commit child rape so sensationalist reporting on Muslim child rape gangs is hate, or saying that it's only a small percentage of Muslims who commit these crimes, or saying that Robinson is associated with purported "neonazi" groups is all beside the point. The point is that government -- British, EU, plus the UN -- has been flooding England (et al) with people from foreign lands and cultures, this has brought a large increase in horrible crimes, and the government is forbidding acknowledgment of the problem it inflicted upon the citizens. Tommy's circumstances are a noisy symptom of the problem.
Actually, no, I am not missing the real point.

There was a catostrophic failure of government and police in protecting a vulnerable population. The failure was due to muktiole factors such as pc over hood policing and the fact that these kids were poor and lower class.
That's definitely a component of the problem, yes. IMO, the larger and more pressing issue is the impact of a mass influx of non-native peoples, an impact the rulers who created the situation don't want addressed by the people they rule.
Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!
You can simply call us people who oppose the frothing-at-the-mouth hysteria you present when confronted with rational arguments contradicting your irrational hatred towards any and all Muslims. Or...maybe you can refer to us by any of the above expressions of childish name calling while we sit back, incredulous, watching you make ridiculous assertions such as implying Christian males raping children in England is rare or, as in another argument, trying to claim the infamous American child rapist, Larry Nasser, is a Muslim. Child rape and trafficking are huge problems around the world, but rather than combating these horrific crimes you consistently shift the focus onto the religion of some of the perpetrators. What is more important to you? The victims? Or the fact that Muslims were involved in some of the crimes? When you consistently defend and elevate a common thug, with a history of assault, and close association with neonazi groups, to Sainthood, because he falsely claimed to have focused the spotlight on abuses that had been well covered in the media long before he took up the anti Muslim banner, one has to ask why? His self serving antics could have jeopardized a trial. The trial of those very criminals you claim to oppose! You simply can’t seem to understand this.

Now carry on with the silly name calling in lieu of any sort of substantive argument.
You're missing the real point here.This isn't about Muslims..Never has been. Nor is it about the reporting on individual cases

The issue is the impact on violent crime -- the most heinous of which is child rape -- that the importation of massive numbers of non-English to England and non-Europeans to Europe has had. And the issue is that information about this impact is being suppressed. This has been happening on a smaller scale since the 1970's.

Saying that Whites or so-called "Christians" commit child rape so sensationalist reporting on Muslim child rape gangs is hate, or saying that it's only a small percentage of Muslims who commit these crimes, or saying that Robinson is associated with purported "neonazi" groups is all beside the point. The point is that government -- British, EU, plus the UN -- has been flooding England (et al) with people from foreign lands and cultures, this has brought a large increase in horrible crimes, and the government is forbidding acknowledgment of the problem it inflicted upon the citizens. Tommy's circumstances are a noisy symptom of the problem.
Actually, no, I am not missing the real point.

There was a catostrophic failure of government and police in protecting a vulnerable population. The failure was due to muktiole factors such as pc over hood policing and the fact that these kids were poor and lower class.

And the main failure being: government and police did not want to be seen as Islamaphobic.

At its heart, it is simply a conditioned response -- Pavlov rings the dinner bell and the rape defenders salivate.

Leftists have been trained to see Islam as an identity rather than an ideology, and this identity demands protection. if one opposes the behavior of a person of this identity or opposes the tenets of the ideology they follow, they are called racist, Islamophobe, bigots or any of the other accusations the rape supporters in this thread are tossing about. If they defend the same behavior, they are hailed as tolerant and "rational".

This is what political correctness is all about -- a simple matter of reward/punishment instilled through repetition and reinforced at ever opportunity. It is the product of a culture that no longer believes in itself and so has elevated the other to a position of highest honor. It is the very primitive nature of Islam that makes it inviolate to the left as they indulge in their nihilistic hatred of their own.
Tommy, Coyote and Vagabond - I realize something in your heads has gone completely catywampus as the three of you all confuse evil for virtue. Because of this, you all wish to create a protective verbal barrier around child rapists to help them out as they rape the children of Britain to show the same sort of utter contempt towards Western society as you all show towards any who do not join you as you protect child rapists.

Being the sensitive fellow I am, however, I am wondering what to call this all? Should I call you child rape defenders, Child rape supporters, child rape apologists, child rape cheerleaders or child rape fanbois and girls? Would your attitudes be captures more skillfully by child rape enablers, child rape facilitators or child rape maximizers? Do you fancy another name that expresses why you hate those who oppose rape with this obvious passion and dedication?

Heaven forbid anybody oppose the rape of children on your watch!!!
You can simply call us people who oppose the frothing-at-the-mouth hysteria you present when confronted with rational arguments contradicting your irrational hatred towards any and all Muslims. Or...maybe you can refer to us by any of the above expressions of childish name calling while we sit back, incredulous, watching you make ridiculous assertions such as implying Christian males raping children in England is rare or, as in another argument, trying to claim the infamous American child rapist, Larry Nasser, is a Muslim. Child rape and trafficking are huge problems around the world, but rather than combating these horrific crimes you consistently shift the focus onto the religion of some of the perpetrators. What is more important to you? The victims? Or the fact that Muslims were involved in some of the crimes? When you consistently defend and elevate a common thug, with a history of assault, and close association with neonazi groups, to Sainthood, because he falsely claimed to have focused the spotlight on abuses that had been well covered in the media long before he took up the anti Muslim banner, one has to ask why? His self serving antics could have jeopardized a trial. The trial of those very criminals you claim to oppose! You simply can’t seem to understand this.

Now carry on with the silly name calling in lieu of any sort of substantive argument.
You're missing the real point here.This isn't about Muslims..Never has been. Nor is it about the reporting on individual cases

The issue is the impact on violent crime -- the most heinous of which is child rape -- that the importation of massive numbers of non-English to England and non-Europeans to Europe has had. And the issue is that information about this impact is being suppressed. This has been happening on a smaller scale since the 1970's.

Saying that Whites or so-called "Christians" commit child rape so sensationalist reporting on Muslim child rape gangs is hate, or saying that it's only a small percentage of Muslims who commit these crimes, or saying that Robinson is associated with purported "neonazi" groups is all beside the point. The point is that government -- British, EU, plus the UN -- has been flooding England (et al) with people from foreign lands and cultures, this has brought a large increase in horrible crimes, and the government is forbidding acknowledgment of the problem it inflicted upon the citizens. Tommy's circumstances are a noisy symptom of the problem.
Actually, no, I am not missing the real point.

There was a catostrophic failure of government and police in protecting a vulnerable population. The failure was due to muktiole factors such as pc over hood policing and the fact that these kids were poor and lower class.
That's definitely a component of the problem, yes. IMO, the larger and more pressing issue is the impact of a mass influx of non-native peoples, an impact the rulers who created the situation don't want addressed by the people they rule.

One should read about policewoman Maggie Oliver. The only police person with the courage to listen, and do something about it.

Maggie Oliver

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