Gone with the wind gone

Were they given the land by the UK? What should they have done as they were kicked out of their homelands?

Ask the US or UK to take them in. The UK had no business giving away someone else's land. (Then again, the British kind of fuck up everything.)
It was their land not someone else’s?

It was the Palestinians' land. Not Israel's. Not the United Kingdom's. Not the Ottoman Empire.

The biggest mistake after World War One was abandoning the concept of "Self-Determination" and instead trying to impose yet more colonialism.
Then America is not our land either?

We have to settle up with the Native Americans, yes. The ones we haven't genocided.

The thing is, most Americans will admit a great wrong was done there, and restitution should be made.

There's no excuse for that kind of thing to be going on today in Palestine.
If we're going to start banning let's include that disgusting rap shit about killing cops, abusing women, using the N word, etc

Fair is fair
If we're going to start banning let's include that disgusting rap shit about killing cops, abusing women, using the N word, etc

Fair is fair

I wouldn't miss any of them.

But since no one has banned Gone with the Wind, it's kind of a moot point. One Streaming Service said it wouldn't offer it.

Check it out, you can rent it on Amazon


Actually, what bothers me a lot more... how physical media like DVD's and Blue Rays are becoming harder to come by. This means that if all you own is a digital copy, they can modify it any time they like.

For instance, if they Hired George Lucas to go all "Greedo Shot First" on GWTW, that would be the only version available, which might not be the intent.

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