"Good kid with a gun fatally shoots 9 month old"

That's why people like yourself shouldn't own a gun.

Using the death of a baby to toss around childish insults. How typical of you.

I believe we should keep children safe.
But using the death of a baby to push your antigun agenda is cool

I guess the pro gun people want to ignore the tragedies rather than try to avoid them?

It can be avoided with proper training. Would you advocate taking welfare money and using it for free firearms training for parents with guns?

How much training does it take to know you don't leave loaded guns where children can get them?
That's why people like yourself shouldn't own a gun.

Using the death of a baby to toss around childish insults. How typical of you.

I believe we should keep children safe.
But using the death of a baby to push your antigun agenda is cool

I guess the pro gun people want to ignore the tragedies rather than try to avoid them?
Not at all.
What law, not already in place, would've prevented this senseless death?
That's why people like yourself shouldn't own a gun.

Using the death of a baby to toss around childish insults. How typical of you.

I believe we should keep children safe.
But using the death of a baby to push your antigun agenda is cool

I guess the pro gun people want to ignore the tragedies rather than try to avoid them?
Not at all.
What law, not already in place, would've prevented this senseless death?

Haven't suggested a law. But people need to know stuff like this happens as a safety reminder. People bashing poster when it should be looked at as a safety reminder.

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

If citizens were held to the same standards that police and military officers are,
in terms of gun safety, procedures and mental health/personality screening,
how many of these cases could be avoided? And better yet, how many
criminally sick people could be diagnosed to get help in advance?
The screening would serve multiple purposes.
Why not unite around a practical solution instead of dividing over blame for the problems?

One good thing I've seen come out of these horrible shooting tragedies
is when the parents unite and call for better screening and help for mental health issues.

Why not focus there, since people actually AGREE on that.

I guess that is asking too much?
Like asking people to stop arguing for and against global warming,
and focus on common solutions of preserving environment, saving endangered wildlife,
and stopping pollution and destruction, which people AGREE would solve the same problems
instead of fighting over global warming which isn't the only way to focus.
I'm waiting to hear how a helpless 9 month old shot dead is Darwinism.
Where do you live that you are so scared you need so many loaded guns? Sounds like you are lucky nobody was accidently shot.

No luck involved. Despite what you liberals believe, loaded guns don't mean people are going to be shot.

Sure despite all the stories like this too right? Think you just documented yourself as a moron. Glad nobody ever got shot though.

Meh, you have proven yourself to be an idiot many times over. I don't give a rats ass what you think.

Of course you don't, you are a moron. I think most the pro gun people would agree you don't leave loaded guns laying around if you have kids.

If you take the time to educate your child , assuming your child isn't a libera...um I mean a moron, you don't to fear having loaded guns in the house. Like Predfan, my children were also raised in a house with loaded firearms. No one was ever shot, accidently or otherwise.
Me three.

This tragedy is one of poor parenting
No luck involved. Despite what you liberals believe, loaded guns don't mean people are going to be shot.

Sure despite all the stories like this too right? Think you just documented yourself as a moron. Glad nobody ever got shot though.

Meh, you have proven yourself to be an idiot many times over. I don't give a rats ass what you think.

Of course you don't, you are a moron. I think most the pro gun people would agree you don't leave loaded guns laying around if you have kids.

If you take the time to educate your child , assuming your child isn't a libera...um I mean a moron, you don't to fear having loaded guns in the house. Like Predfan, my children were also raised in a house with loaded firearms. No one was ever shot, accidently or otherwise.
Me three.

This tragedy is one of poor parenting

It's just collateral damage, Luddy. Why make a big deal about it? Why make a big deal about the death of one child when the universal right to own guns is in question?

Because teaching people respect for Constitutional rights and duty to enforce laws not break them,
is the best deterrent against crime and negligence that causes people to die every day, due to lack of respect for these very laws and the shared responsibility people have for consistent govt and public safety and security.
No luck involved. Despite what you liberals believe, loaded guns don't mean people are going to be shot.

Sure despite all the stories like this too right? Think you just documented yourself as a moron. Glad nobody ever got shot though.

Meh, you have proven yourself to be an idiot many times over. I don't give a rats ass what you think.

Of course you don't, you are a moron. I think most the pro gun people would agree you don't leave loaded guns laying around if you have kids.

If you take the time to educate your child , assuming your child isn't a libera...um I mean a moron, you don't to fear having loaded guns in the house. Like Predfan, my children were also raised in a house with loaded firearms. No one was ever shot, accidently or otherwise.
Me three.

This tragedy is one of poor parenting

Ok so is there a way to blame this on prolife groups
that don't allow abortions, but then don't support enough
help for poor parents to bring their children up responsibly?

If you can find a way to blame it on the right,
then maybe the left will listen.
That's why people like yourself shouldn't own a gun.

Using the death of a baby to toss around childish insults. How typical of you.

I believe we should keep children safe.
But using the death of a baby to push your antigun agenda is cool

I guess the pro gun people want to ignore the tragedies rather than try to avoid them?

It can be avoided with proper training. Would you advocate taking welfare money and using it for free firearms training for parents with guns?

How much training does it take to know you don't leave loaded guns where children can get them?

No more than one welfare check.
Using the death of a baby to toss around childish insults. How typical of you.

I believe we should keep children safe.
But using the death of a baby to push your antigun agenda is cool

I guess the pro gun people want to ignore the tragedies rather than try to avoid them?

It can be avoided with proper training. Would you advocate taking welfare money and using it for free firearms training for parents with guns?

How much training does it take to know you don't leave loaded guns where children can get them?

No more than one welfare check.

Think it should be something you need to know before buying a gun.
But using the death of a baby to push your antigun agenda is cool

I guess the pro gun people want to ignore the tragedies rather than try to avoid them?

It can be avoided with proper training. Would you advocate taking welfare money and using it for free firearms training for parents with guns?

How much training does it take to know you don't leave loaded guns where children can get them?

No more than one welfare check.

Think it should be something you need to know before buying a gun.

How exactly are you going to check someone's knowledge?
I guess the pro gun people want to ignore the tragedies rather than try to avoid them?

It can be avoided with proper training. Would you advocate taking welfare money and using it for free firearms training for parents with guns?

How much training does it take to know you don't leave loaded guns where children can get them?

No more than one welfare check.

Think it should be something you need to know before buying a gun.

How exactly are you going to check someone's knowledge?

Have them read and sign something at time of purchase.
I guess the pro gun people want to ignore the tragedies rather than try to avoid them?

It can be avoided with proper training. Would you advocate taking welfare money and using it for free firearms training for parents with guns?

How much training does it take to know you don't leave loaded guns where children can get them?

No more than one welfare check.

Think it should be something you need to know before buying a gun.

How exactly are you going to check someone's knowledge?
We have all sorts of laws covering child neglect, and many specifically covering reckless storing of a gun in reach of kids.

Parents should do hard jail time.

The law is there; it is seldom applied in "accidental shooting" cases.

It should be.

There is no excuse for a kid being able to access a weapon.
That's why people like yourself shouldn't own a gun.

Using the death of a baby to toss around childish insults. How typical of you.

I believe we should keep children safe.
But using the death of a baby to push your antigun agenda is cool

I guess the pro gun people want to ignore the tragedies rather than try to avoid them?
Not at all.
What law, not already in place, would've prevented this senseless death?
If the laws were enforced, perhaps these parents would have read of some other dumbass parents being sentenced to rot in jail for letting their kids get at guns, and, learned a lesson and safely stored theirs.

We have the laws; prosecutors just will not use them against "grieving parents" of "accident victims".

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.
Ah! Handguns! Is there nothing they can't do? They make ya safe, doncha know. The make you feel powerful, to quote Homer Simpson at a shooting range, "This must be what God feels like when He holds a gun!"

Wonderful apparatuses, lethal weapons! Is it any wonder why the least knowledgeable want them in every home?
It can be avoided with proper training. Would you advocate taking welfare money and using it for free firearms training for parents with guns?

How much training does it take to know you don't leave loaded guns where children can get them?

No more than one welfare check.

Think it should be something you need to know before buying a gun.

How exactly are you going to check someone's knowledge?
We have all sorts of laws covering child neglect, and many specifically covering reckless storing of a gun in reach of kids.

Parents should do hard jail time.

The law is there; it is seldom applied in "accidental shooting" cases.

It should be.

There is no excuse for a kid being able to access a weapon.

Yes I agree it's on the parents. There are no such things as "accidents".
It can be avoided with proper training. Would you advocate taking welfare money and using it for free firearms training for parents with guns?

How much training does it take to know you don't leave loaded guns where children can get them?

No more than one welfare check.

Think it should be something you need to know before buying a gun.

How exactly are you going to check someone's knowledge?
We have all sorts of laws covering child neglect, and many specifically covering reckless storing of a gun in reach of kids.

Parents should do hard jail time.

The law is there; it is seldom applied in "accidental shooting" cases.

It should be.

There is no excuse for a kid being able to access a weapon.

I'm not sure I've ever agreed with you before, but you are spot on this time! Agree completely.

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