Good News For Democrats! ‘Old, White’ Voters Who Swept GOP To Power Will All Die Soon

Fortunately we won't run out of old people any time soon.

what a dumb ass it's the old people now, its generational and with more non whites coming of voting age and with the millennials it doesn't bode well the the tea bagging old half dead cracker geezers
The youth are socially liberal until they start experiencing the consequences of liberalism. That's why the GOP got the millenial vote this time.
That, and a lot of old guys like me threatening to disinherit the little bastards if they didn't show some civic duty.
Poor guno. His dreams aren't going to come true.


Not many look like they have one foot in the grave. I see a lot of women as well.

Republican supporters cheer as a television broadcast declares the Republicans had taken control of the Senate at the Colorado Republican party's election night event at the Denver Tech Center Hyatt on November 4, 2014. (Photo by Marc Piscotty/Getty Images)

The Demographics That Sank The Democrats In The Midterm Elections - Forbes
You never know with democrat politics (the Feds take note) but when the radical left promises that the republicans who swept the GOP to victory in the mid term 2014 elections "won't freaking live long" I consider it a threat.
“Old, white” voters swung Tuesday’s midterm elections to the Republican party, allowing the GOP to take control of both houses of the U.S. Congress for the first time since 2008, a Democratic political consultant said in an MSNBC interview Wednesday. But Democrats should take heart, Jimmy Williams said in the interview.

“Those old, white people,” Williams told interviewer Krystal Ball. “They’re going to die someday. And who’s going to be there to replace them? People that want you to be for them, not against them.”

Read more at Good News For Democrats Old White Voters Who Swept GOP To Power Will All Die Soon
yep, just like Lindsay Graham (R-SC) says. They're the Fox News demographic- white fossils (white men > 60 yrs old)
Poor guno. His dreams aren't going to come true.


Not many look like they have one foot in the grave. I see a lot of women as well.

Republican supporters cheer as a television broadcast declares the Republicans had taken control of the Senate at the Colorado Republican party's election night event at the Denver Tech Center Hyatt on November 4, 2014. (Photo by Marc Piscotty/Getty Images)

The Demographics That Sank The Democrats In The Midterm Elections - Forbes
In sharp contrast to the Democrats.

Poor guno. His dreams aren't going to come true.


Not many look like they have one foot in the grave. I see a lot of women as well.

Republican supporters cheer as a television broadcast declares the Republicans had taken control of the Senate at the Colorado Republican party's election night event at the Denver Tech Center Hyatt on November 4, 2014. (Photo by Marc Piscotty/Getty Images)

The Demographics That Sank The Democrats In The Midterm Elections - Forbes
In sharp contrast to the Democrats.


The people in both those pictures

need to get a life.
More white people died than were born, GOP policies whittling them down :uhoh3:

Deaths exceeded births among non-Hispanic white Americans for the first time in at least a century, according to new census data, a benchmark that heralds profound demographic change.

'The disparity between deaths and births in the year that ended last July surprised experts. They expected that the aging white population would eventually shrink, as it has done in many European countries, but not for another decade or so.So we're 10 years ahead of schedule of the extinction of the white race, or the "demographic winter" as the white supremacists see it. Boy will this give them reason to freak out even further!":smoke:

More white people died than were born GOP policies whittling them down
More white people died than were born, GOP policies whittling them down :uhoh3:

Deaths exceeded births among non-Hispanic white Americans for the first time in at least a century, according to new census data, a benchmark that heralds profound demographic change.

'The disparity between deaths and births in the year that ended last July surprised experts. They expected that the aging white population would eventually shrink, as it has done in many European countries, but not for another decade or so.So we're 10 years ahead of schedule of the extinction of the white race, or the "demographic winter" as the white supremacists see it. Boy will this give them reason to freak out even further!":smoke:

More white people died than were born GOP policies whittling them down
Guno, you have to be the most despicable poster in history. If you could, you would swim in the blood of your perceived enemies with orgasmic pleasure.

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