Good news for once! Inflation at lowest point in 13 years!

Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?


supply and demand cause inflation

Demand > supply

what do prices do?
You misread. I asked about the 5% price surge. The largest factor in price surges is supply and demand. The op didn’t mention S&D and seems to be blaming it all on inflation.

You misread.

Too many (free gubermint) dollars chasing too few goods causes what?
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Not surprising, along with extremely loose monetary policy, we had massive injections of (created out of thin air) currency into the economy from the Federal Government and major disruptions in global supply chains induced by the pandemic.

The Fed is getting nervous and is already moving to curtail open market purchases and considering interest rate increases sooner than previously expected. I suspect that once the labor market stabilizes, supply chains are restored and the false wealth effect begins to wear off inflation will stabilize, but I also suspect that it's going to take action from the Fed to get it back fully under control.
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?
I would think shortages from shutdowns have something to do with it.
Probably a pretty large part to do with it right?
I cant figure out where you are going with this.
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?
I would think shortages from shutdowns have something to do with it.
Probably a pretty large part to do with it right?
I cant figure out where you are going with this.

Neither can he. Circular argument.
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?


supply and demand cause inflation

Demand > supply

what do prices do?
You misread. I asked about the 5% price surge. The largest factor in price surges is supply and demand. The op didn’t mention S&D and seems to be blaming it all on inflation.
It's also a money supply factor. Too many printed dollars chasing fewer goods is a recipe for a big price increase.
That crypto currency is looking mighty tempting. The FedSupremicists are masturbating to the thought of gaining control over it.
IMHO crypto currency has fantastic potential, the underlying technology is simply beautiful (Blockchain), however at this point it's still too far off in the speculator weeds and we haven't yet seen a viable product that can scale to the point where it starts to really replace fiat currency as legal tender, Bitcoin (along with a few others) is good but it still has kinks to be worked out (scalability). We also have the problem that Government will fight it tooth and nail because control of the currency is a cornerstone of maintaining power and a truly democratized system of currency threatens that control.

A bit of good news on that front:
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?


supply and demand cause inflation

Demand > supply

what do prices do?
You misread. I asked about the 5% price surge. The largest factor in price surges is supply and demand. The op didn’t mention S&D and seems to be blaming it all on inflation.

You misread.

Too many (free gubermint) dollars chasing too few goods causes what?

A year of all non-essential production being shutdown worldwide causes what?

(Clue - Every guitar I want to buy has to be bought on 'back order')
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?


supply and demand cause inflation

Demand > supply

what do prices do?
You misread. I asked about the 5% price surge. The largest factor in price surges is supply and demand. The op didn’t mention S&D and seems to be blaming it all on inflation.

You misread.

Too many (free gubermint) dollars chasing too few goods causes what?
Increasing the money supply causes inflation. I’m not debating or denying that. If that’s the point you thought I was making then you misread
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?


supply and demand cause inflation

Demand > supply

what do prices do?
You misread. I asked about the 5% price surge. The largest factor in price surges is supply and demand. The op didn’t mention S&D and seems to be blaming it all on inflation.

You misread.

Too many (free gubermint) dollars chasing too few goods causes what?
Increasing the money supply causes inflation. I’m not debating or denying that. If that’s the point you thought I was making then you misread
What is your point?
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?
I would think shortages from shutdowns have something to do with it.
Probably a pretty large part to do with it right?
I cant figure out where you are going with this.
Not going anywhere just filling in a big gap. Your OP was blaming the price surge on inflation when the primary cause was S&D post shutdown. You didn’t mention S&D so I thought I’d make the point
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?


supply and demand cause inflation

Demand > supply

what do prices do?
You misread. I asked about the 5% price surge. The largest factor in price surges is supply and demand. The op didn’t mention S&D and seems to be blaming it all on inflation.
It's also a money supply factor. Too many printed dollars chasing fewer goods is a recipe for a big price increase.
I think we are seeing it more in the real estate and stock markets. Prices of basic goods are being more directly impacted by supply and demand at this point
I might be a bleeding heart liberal ... but first and foremost I'm a capitalist ... what's good for the rich is good for the rich ... who cares about everyone else? ...

Not many bleeding heart liberals are also capitalists, not sure how you managed that.

"who cares about everyone else? ..."

I gotta tell you, I don't see the democrats caring more about everyone else than the repubs do, and I can make an argument to support that. Starting with the way our democrat-run big cities allow riots, death, and destruction to continue unless of course it's somebody on the Right that does it. If you don't have public safety and security then you basically got anarchy, and almost all of it is in blue cities and states. That doesn't say much for caring about everybody but the rich.

When the democrats want to raise corporate taxes from 21% to 28%, who do you think pays for that? The rich guys do surely, a big chunk of it but so do the employees and consumers out there. When they try to raise the minimum wage to $15, who do you think will pay the higher labor costs? You guys talk about the poorly paid employee, but what about everyone else? Are the democrats really helping the non-rich when they do that? You saw were the CBO came out and said that 1.3 million jobs could be lost, right? How many small businesses won't be able to absorb the higher costs of labor, and they close up. You don't think that'll happen?

Now let's talk about Trump. When he was in office, wages went up and so did employment for minorities and women, at least until the pandemic hit. His policies show more caring than what Biden wants to do these days, IMHO. You say you are a capitalist, the you know that the lifeblood of capital is is capital, i.e., money that gets invested in an enterprise somewhere, or in research and development than results in innovative new products and procedures that improve our quality and way of life. I don't know how anyone can argue that taxing the rich doesn't result in less capital investment, which means less innovation and less new or expanding enterprises. IOW, you can't fuck the golden goose and expect the same number of golden eggs. Sooner or later, that goose is going to fly off elsewhere.
Last edited:
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?
Profit taking after production and transportation disruptions of the last year. It is definitely inflationary. A certain amount, not being necessarily a bad thing, depending on which side of the counter you are on, uncontrolled inflation is always a bad thing. I am curious to see how it comes out, but not particularly worried about me and mine. I am on the right side of the counter this time.
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?


supply and demand cause inflation

Demand > supply

what do prices do?
You misread. I asked about the 5% price surge. The largest factor in price surges is supply and demand. The op didn’t mention S&D and seems to be blaming it all on inflation.

You misread.

Too many (free gubermint) dollars chasing too few goods causes what?
Increasing the money supply causes inflation. I’m not debating or denying that. If that’s the point you thought I was making then you misread
What is your point?

Casey Anthony?

Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?


supply and demand cause inflation

Demand > supply

what do prices do?
You misread. I asked about the 5% price surge. The largest factor in price surges is supply and demand. The op didn’t mention S&D and seems to be blaming it all on inflation.

You misread.

Too many (free gubermint) dollars chasing too few goods causes what?
Increasing the money supply causes inflation. I’m not debating or denying that. If that’s the point you thought I was making then you misread
What is your point?

Casey Anthony?

Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?
Profit taking after production and transportation disruptions of the last year. It is definitely inflationary. A certain amount, not being necessarily a bad thing, depending on which side of the counter you are on, uncontrolled inflation is always a bad thing. I am curious to see how it comes out, but not particularly worried about me and mine. I am on the right side of the counter this time.
True, owners and investors are drooling right now
Our resident expert economist danielpalos should be along anytime to tell everyone how this is a good thing.
That’s a given,lol the rump haters are all going to say it’s his fault as well. :rofl:
There is no denying that the vast majority of stimulus spending was done under Trump. The difference is the Trumpsters will say that it was necessary under Trump and not necessary under Biden and then will proceed to try and blame all the negative economic effects on Biden while crediting any economic successes to Trump. It’s getting booorrrrriiinnnng
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?


supply and demand cause inflation

Demand > supply

what do prices do?
You misread. I asked about the 5% price surge. The largest factor in price surges is supply and demand. The op didn’t mention S&D and seems to be blaming it all on inflation.

You misread.

Too many (free gubermint) dollars chasing too few goods causes what?
Increasing the money supply causes inflation. I’m not debating or denying that. If that’s the point you thought I was making then you misread
What is your point?

Casey Anthony?


That is what I asked you first?
Highest in 13 years. Prices surge 5%. Largest price surge since right before the 08 recession.
Gotta love America and her corrupt, ignorant pols, that ruin everyones lives!
Do you think the 5% price surge has anything to do with supply and demand or is it all inflation?


supply and demand cause inflation

Demand > supply

what do prices do?
You misread. I asked about the 5% price surge. The largest factor in price surges is supply and demand. The op didn’t mention S&D and seems to be blaming it all on inflation.

You misread.

Too many (free gubermint) dollars chasing too few goods causes what?
Increasing the money supply causes inflation. I’m not debating or denying that. If that’s the point you thought I was making then you misread
What is your point?

Casey Anthony?


If I didn't know how evil she was yes.

Even knowing I might.

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