Good news, Trump has agreed to be a dictator for ONLY one day

We proudly and openly hate Dems, for good reasons. How did you think Americans would react to your SHIT policies that hurt the poor, working class, and wealthy? You people are parasites.
Trump said Clinton ruled. So it must be Bush's policies that fucked us. Because he caused a great recession in 2007. Remember?

I say the beginning of the end was Reagan but that's another conversation. But based on Trump's praise of Bill Clinton, you have to put the blame on his predecessor for the mess we are in today.

Trump also won by telling Republicans Bush lied us into war. How come Trump can say it and get their votes but they'll argue with me when I say it?
What did we do that made Trump go from this

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" shortly after the 2008 presidential election

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

So was Trump lying back then or now? I say he's lying now because he needs to lie to you to get your vote.
Trump is the product of Dem SHIT policies, lies and corruption. That came first, followed by our growing hatred of Dem scum, following by our electing Trump. Wake up, nobody likes you people.
Because loads of people have been politically prosecuted for doing nothing more than walking through the Capitol.

No, they were prosecuted for entering a building closed to the public.

Coronavirus: Congress Shutting Down US Capitol, All ...​

Business Insider › Politics › News

Mar 12, 2020 — Congress is shutting down the US Capitol and all House and Senate offices to the public until April 1 due to the novel coronavirus, the .

Capitol, symbol of democracy, off-limits on Independence ...​

AP News › article

Jul 3, 2021 — The Capitol has endured crises before. The public galleries were shut down for about a month during the 1918 pandemic. The grounds were ...
Why don't teabaggers just move to Russia, then you can have 365 days every year, of dictatorship?


View attachment 868863
Aeroflot › us-en
Welcome to the official website of the Russian airline Aeroflot! On our website you can buy a plane ticket at a bargain price.

Trump loves Putin.
FOX loves Putin.
Carlson loves Putin.

Just go.

Russians don't have a sense of humor, and apparently neither do you. So I'll pass on getting a seat on your flight, thanks
Right. Like, what do you hate? Do you hate that we went on strike this summer and got raises? Do you hate us for insisting we go green? Hate it that 70% of us want gun background checks? Hate that we want abortion to remain legal? Hate that we want rich people to pay their taxes? Hate that we like social security?
Good questions.
No, they were prosecuted for entering a building closed to the public.

Coronavirus: Congress Shutting Down US Capitol, All ...

View attachment 868911
Business Insider › Politics › News
Mar 12, 2020 — Congress is shutting down the US Capitol and all House and Senate offices to the public until April 1 due to the novel coronavirus, the .

Capitol, symbol of democracy, off-limits on Independence ...

View attachment 868912
AP News › article
Jul 3, 2021 — The Capitol has endured crises before. The public galleries were shut down for about a month during the 1918 pandemic. The grounds were ...

Funny, the video shows security letting them in, MAGA man. Lying is your way. Constant dishonesty
The 2000 insurrection, I mean election, was close enough to steal. They were doing a recount when Republican operatives led by Roger Stone started a "small" riot (sound familiar?) and they were successful in stopping the recount. Let's just say they were not confident or they wouldn't have stopped the recount.

Similar to how Republicans sent operatives "poll watchers" to fill out affidavits on election night so they had "evidence" something shady went on. But those affidavits were bullshit right? Trump wanted what George Bush got in 2000. He wanted the Supreme Court, which is so right wing it's sick, to decide who won. Trump or Biden. He wanted them to "go along".

You're a nazi traitor. I will never forget this. It's sad because I have family and friends who are nazi's. I can't believe what happened in Germany is so close to happening here.
Sounds like you need a vacation
The EOs will already be written... he will just have to sign them.
Trump is if nothing else ... well prepared.
Maybe a little bit too prepared.But always American
to the core.The Most recognized Name on Planet Earth.
He dint acheive that stupendous feat by slouching around.
I see where Trump also used a Teddy Kennedy factoid.
Explained to Hannity the time he talked to Florida resident
Teddy { they had a Kennedy compound in Palm Beach }
Asked about whose the Smartest Pol { senator } in
his { Teddy Kennedy's } opinion.Trump wasn't about to
cite the name Teddy gave.Then Trump asked whose the
Dumbest Senator in Teddy's opinion.
The answer Teddy gave was Joe.As in Joe Biden.
Not " Lunchpail Joe ". Sometimes inquiry are a piece
of cake.No wonder Biden loves silly sweet stuff like
Ice Cream cones with sprinkes on top.
No Wonder.
So breaking the Constitution for one day, is not breaking his oath of office and duty and the constitution, if only for 1 day?

Once a dictator, always a dictator.....1 day just doesn't cut it....and he knows wouldn't be just one day....

He's testing you with the comment....

If you give excuses for him on it now for just 1 day of breaking the constitution for the things you WANT, then he KNOWS he can get it for life....

We know him, and his mass brainwashing skills Votto.... And we know his acolytes, and his ability to get them to believe his lies and shenanigans....
Mark Levin went thru an almost exhaustive accounting of what
Trump managed as Potus.All the Pro-Jewish things he managed
as President.I believe it was from Mark levin's Iheart podcast of
Monday.It may have been from his Fox Sunday night show.
Live,Liberty and levin.
Talk about Proof in the Pudding.
Every person running for president claims to want to do all this shit with EOs on the first day.
Biden did the EXACT same, he just didnt use that word. But people will eat that shit up. Because they are fucking STUPID.

What makes Democrats particularly stupid is their complete lack of grasp of what their endless support of tyranny will lead to.

I would NEVER give Republican politicians the blind trust they give to their Democrat politicians. Democrats aren't that smart, they just aren't.

Killed by leftists: 100 million
Freed by leftists: 0

Count is still ongoing ...
Poor Trump, he just cannot do the right thing
Even if he knows what it is

All he had to say was…….Of course I will not act as a dictator

Actually, he is confirming what everyone suspected
LOL he's got you claiming he's going on a crime spree, Care4all ranting about him trashing the Constitution, when all he said was that he'd secure the border and start drilling.

The man certainly knows how to work the loon crown.
What makes Democrats particularly stupid is their complete lack of grasp of what their endless support of tyranny will lead to.

I would NEVER give Republican politicians the blind trust they give to their Democrat politicians. Democrats aren't that smart, they just aren't.

Killed by leftists: 100 million
Freed by leftists: 0

Count is still ongoing ...

LOL, and Smokin' OP agrees with Richard-H that Trump's content is better than theirs. LOL. I mean no duh, but glad they admitted it. Good stuff
So, you agree that your orange fuhrer is going to be a dictator? Good.

Now, for your next question. Prove that Biden broke his oath. Go.

Don't come back till you can prove it. Go.
You have a reading comprehension issue, I never said that President Trump was going to be an Dictator.
Is he or is he not allowing foreign trespassers to cross our border illegally?

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