Good Read - Terror in the Skies again...last month

i started reading it, but when I clicked on page two, it lost the link and now I can't even get back to page 1.
For some reason, I lost the article before I completed it (piece of crap work computer).

That is terrifying. No one decided to look in the McDonalds bag before this guy boarded the flight?

I'll be flying cross-country for the first time in years in 19 days. You can bet your ass I'll be scoping for suspicious activity. Call me a racial profiler or what-have-you, but I'll be looking for Middle Eastern people in particular. last time I checked, the Asians werent looking to blow us out of the sky.
There are those who would say that this whole story was based on racial profiling. Then again, it is not 80 year old little Irish nuns who seem to be carrying implements for IEDs. Hmmm, given that, whom should we be looking for?
CSM said:
There are those who would say that this whole story was based on racial profiling. Then again, it is not 80 year old little Irish nuns who seem to be carrying implements for IEDs. Hmmm, given that, whom should we be looking for?

My point exactly! :clap:

Did anyone write down that Flight number before the link was lost? Id like to do some research on this and check its validity...
lilcountriegal said:
That is terrifying. No one decided to look in the McDonalds bag before this guy boarded the flight?

I don't understand that, when I took a flight from Chicago back to my air station in North Carolina I had a small paper bag that had twinkies and chocolate milk in it and the screeners made me empty the whole damn bag.

kind of embarassing to dump your twinkies and milk on the security age 22. :eek:
DKSuddeth said:
I don't understand that, when I took a flight from Chicago back to my air station in North Carolina I had a small paper bag that had twinkies and chocolate milk in it and the screeners made me empty the whole damn bag.

kind of embarassing to dump your twinkies and milk on the security age 22. :eek:

It's the long hair! You know, profiling! :poke:
the link is back up... Did any of you know about this rule (from the article linked above):

Apparently not. Due to our rules against discrimination, it can't be done. During the 9/11 hearings last April, 9/11 Commissioner John Lehman stated that …it was the policy (before 9/11) and I believe remains the policy today to fine airlines if they have more than two young Arab males in secondary questioning because that's discriminatory.

So even if Northwest Airlines searched two of the men on board my Northwest flight, they couldn't search the other 12 because they would have already filled a government-imposed quota.
I thought you could only dump your twinkies legally if you were breast feeding!:baby4:
Kathianne said:
It's the long hair! You know, profiling! :poke:

that would have REALLY pissed me off. :dev1:

however, this is when I was a marine. no long hair for me then. :tank:
DKSuddeth said:
that would have REALLY pissed me off. :dev1:

however, this is when I was a marine. no long hair for me then. :tank:

It was a "Conspiracy"! They 'knew' you were going to grow it! dah dah! :dev1: :p:
I have a hard time believing this story. Sounds to "made up" for me. I hope it ain't true either way.
freeandfun1 said:
I have a hard time believing this story. Sounds to "made up" for me. I hope it ain't true either way.

I'm trying to check the flight number with the dates/destinations, just to see if that much fits. All I can seem to find so far is that Flight 327 is currently delayed due to inbound traffic. :rolleyes:
I dont know if this story is true or not, but I can say that I fly VERY often and have not seen anything like this. I fly all over the country and occassionally internationally.

The can relate at least one story about airline security. I was traveling on Army business with a fellow soldier and we had to make several stops at various Army posts within the US. Each stop we would leave the airport, go conduct our business and then return to catch a flight within hours. At each stop, my fellow soldier was pulled out of line and thoroughly searched (I do mean thoroughly!). Finally, in exasperation, my travelling companion went into the rest room and changed into a pair of gym shorts and T-shirt complete with sandals. He was still searched several more times.

Please note: this particular soldier does not look anything but WASP. We knew that soldiers on orders are not subject to search, but he failed to bring a copy of his orders to the airport so, even though he presented an Army ID, he was still selected for search. We did not travel in uniform.
CSM said:
I dont know if this story is true or not, but I can say that I fly VERY often and have not seen anything like this. I fly all over the country and occassionally internationally.

The can relate at least one story about airline security. I was traveling on Army business with a fellow soldier and we had to make several stops at various Army posts within the US. Each stop we would leave the airport, go conduct our business and then return to catch a flight within hours. At each stop, my fellow soldier was pulled out of line and thoroughly searched (I do mean thoroughly!). Finally, in exasperation, my travelling companion went into the rest room and changed into a pair of gym shorts and T-shirt complete with sandals. He was still searched several more times.

Please note: this particular soldier does not look anything but WASP. We knew that soldiers on orders are not subject to search, but he failed to bring a copy of his orders to the airport so, even though he presented an Army ID, he was still selected for search. We did not travel in uniform.

Hey CSM, just what I said to DK, :p: It's a 'Conspiracy'.

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