Good reason why liberals mislabel nothing burgers as T-bone steaks

Based on past history, whenever a conservative says "nothingburger", it means a new indictment will soon follow.

And it won't matter. Every time they get proven wrong, conservatives go right back to making the exact same mistake. But then, if they were capable of learning from experience, they'd be liberals.
Based on past history, whenever a conservative says "nothingburger", it means a new indictment will soon follow.

And it won't matter. Every time they get proven wrong, conservatives go right back to making the exact same mistake. But then, if they were capable of learning from experience, they'd be liberals.

Liberals are so smart.

That's why they control the House, the Senate, the Presidency, The Supreme Court, more state houses and Governorships, ....oh wait.........

Based on past history, whenever a conservative says "nothingburger", it means a new indictment will soon follow.

And it won't matter. Every time they get proven wrong, conservatives go right back to making the exact same mistake. But then, if they were capable of learning from experience, they'd be liberals.

This moron thinks that indictments prove guilt. Hell, if he believes that, he’s probably dumb enough to believe that man’s activity is affecting the climate.
Based on past history, whenever a conservative says "nothingburger", it means a new indictment will soon follow.

And it won't matter. Every time they get proven wrong, conservatives go right back to making the exact same mistake. But then, if they were capable of learning from experience, they'd be liberals.
A new meaningless indictment for someone who doesn't work in the administration......

Hey everybody....let's play dueling indictments!!!!
Hey everybody....let's play dueling indictments!!!!

That's gong to be difficult for you, since there aren't any Democrats lying to the FBI, obstructing justice, laundering Russian money or committing treason.

Sure, you keep saying there are, and that indictments for Clinton and Obama are imminent, but it never happens. You're being played.
They really thought they had something, and to-date they still have nothing. If the truth isn't what you'd hope for, just dress it up and fabricate.

ABC's Brian Ross again under fire for explosive error on Trump, Flynn

Yeah these are fun......LOL

This moron thinks that indictments prove guilt.

NO, idiot........a PLEA BARGAIN signifies guilt.....Ask Flynn what he had to tell a judge yesterday.......You morons are way too UN-educated.
They don't have a winning platform. Identity politics has been a monumental failure for the left. They have to do something, flinging shit and hoping it sticks is all they got.

Hey everybody....let's play dueling indictments!!!!

That's gong to be difficult for you, since there aren't any Democrats lying to the FBI, obstructing justice, laundering Russian money or committing treason.

Sure, you keep saying there are, and that indictments for Clinton and Obama are imminent, but it never happens. You're being played.
Well maybe it's because the FBI refuses to investigate any motherfucking Democrats right now.
Well maybe it's because the FBI refuses to investigate any motherfucking Democrats right now.

Yes, yes....the FBI is full of democrats ....and the CIA is full of liberals......(the only spy agency you morons can trust is the FSB (formerly KGB)........

Paranoia has settled in......Britain is against us, the EU mocks the clown, Mexico refused to write us a check......All that you folks have is Alabama (maybe) and Mississippi and perhaps Arkansas........LOL
This moron thinks that indictments prove guilt.

NO, idiot........a PLEA BARGAIN signifies guilt.....Ask Flynn what he had to tell a judge yesterday.......You morons are way too UN-educated.

How can anyone ever believe you or even listen to what oh say? You make idiotic statements that you refuse to back up. You are nothing but a blathering idiot.
Two guilty pleas, one of them from the treasonous fat senile old orange clown's Security Advisor is not a burger, that is a large steak. And the fact that he singing like a canary is large roast. LOL
Based on past history, whenever a conservative says "nothingburger", it means a new indictment will soon follow.

And it won't matter. Every time they get proven wrong, conservatives go right back to making the exact same mistake. But then, if they were capable of learning from experience, they'd be liberals.


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