Goodbye, Columbus


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
The United States, among the largest countries on earth, from sea to shining sea was carved out of lands seized from native peoples by Spanish, British, French, and Russian conquerors first, then taken by us.

We are the heirs of marauders, pirates, conquerors, colonizers, colonialists, and imperialists. And such knowledge is why so many have guilty consciences and seek to salve them by repudiating Columbus.

As they say in Seattle, Happy Indigenous People’s Day.

Goodbye Columbus - Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website
barry, Columbus is worth 100 of you and your spineless liberal pals. He is still remembered 500 years after his death as the greatest explorer of all time.
The United States, among the largest countries on earth, from sea to shining sea was carved out of lands seized from native peoples by Spanish, British, French, and Russian conquerors first, then taken by us.

We are the heirs of marauders, pirates, conquerors, colonizers, colonialists, and imperialists. And such knowledge is why so many have guilty consciences and seek to salve them by repudiating Columbus.

As they say in Seattle, Happy Indigenous People’s Day.

Goodbye Columbus - Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website

People will continue to call it Columbus Day. We're not going to stop calling it Columbus Day no matter what others come up with. Columbus Day is part of our heritage.
Columbus Day
Has faded away
That's okay
I never did celebrate
That worthless holiday

Let's face it, American Indians, or "Native Indians" are history's losers. They owned two continents and they lost it all within a few hundred years. They could not compete with Europeans, so they did not survive. Darwin would say this is part of the evolutionary process. We can honor their memory with team names, but now the liberals don't want us to do even that.
I refuse to buy into white guilt. History is full of examples of one people invading a country and wiping out the people who lived there before, starting when homo sapiens wiped out the Neaderthals.
The Natives chose to live in harmony with Nature, at the expense of less technological power... whereas the White man with his technology ravages the land and destroys Nature everywhere he goes.
The Natives chose to live in harmony with Nature, at the expense of less technological power... whereas the White man with his technology ravages the land and destroys Nature everywhere he goes.
Did you know that the Paleo-Indians altered the nature they encountered? They wiped out almost all the largest mammals in the Americas - the giant beaver, giant ground sloth, mammoth, mastodon, horses, and camels.

The Siberians migrated to and colonized the Americas, just like the Europeans did later, though they did it with intention. With or without intention, colonizing is what people do.

Space is next.
That does not mean that we should not be aware of the cost in lives and cultures.
NOVA End of the Big Beasts

Who or what killed off North America's mammoths and other megafauna 13,000 years ago?

It takes a certain kind of person to tackle this question in earnest. You have to be itching to know the answer yet patient as a Buddha, for the answer is frustratingly elusive. I know I'm not the type. I'm intrigued by the question but far too anxious to calmly accept, as some experts suggest, that it might be years or decades, if ever, that a definitive, widely accepted solution will come.

The four people I spoke to about the megafaunal or "large-animal" extinctions possess this sort of edgy sangfroid. While keeping an open mind, they also stand in four decidedly different camps regarding why America's rich complement of big beasts went extinct quite suddenly at the end of the Ice Age. The four camps are known tongue-in-cheek as "overkill," "overchill," "overill," and "overgrill" *:

  • Archeologist Gary Haynes, University of Nevada Reno, and others think that the continent's first human hunters, fresh from Siberia, killed the megafauna off as they colonized the newly discovered land.
  • Donald Grayson, an archeologist at the University of Washington, Seattle, along with colleague David Meltzer of Southern Methodist University, believes that climate changes at the end of the Pleistocene epoch triggered the collapse.
  • Mammalogist Ross MacPhee of the American Museum of Natural History has advanced the idea, with virologist Preston Marx, that a virulent "hyperdisease" brought by the first Americans might have raced through species with no natural immunity, bringing about their demise.
  • And, in the newest hypothesis advanced, geologist James Kennett, U.C. Santa Barbara, and colleagues propose that a comet impact or airburst over North America did it.
So why is the answer so elusive? As often happens in the paleosciences, it largely comes down to lack of empirical evidence, something all four hypotheses arguably suffer from. (There's a fifth hypothesis, actually—that a combination of overkill and overchill did it.)
I had a very happy Columbus Day. Me and George Zimmerman firing our fully automatc weapons we bought from some dude with a van. We ate veal cooked over a fire from burning tires, I was wearing my Redskins jersey while my buddy GZ was wearing his "I support Darren Wilson" T-shirt. Later on the Koch Brothers stopped by with some Chic-Fil-A. It was a grand old time. I felt so good about the occasion I broke into my stash of incandescent light bulbs and passed them out. Before we all went home, we burned a Koran, beat some homeless people, talked a woman out of an abortion, and pissed on a picture of Obama. A good time was had by all.

Here's to ya Chris old boy!

Every time I hear Pat Buchanan, I get the following image.

The Natives chose to live in harmony with Nature, at the expense of less technological power... whereas the White man with his technology ravages the land and destroys Nature everywhere he goes.

certainly like burning hundreds of thousands of acres of grassland

to force the buffalo into certain areas

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