Goodbye Cuomo!

"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Tuesday he was resigning after a withering report from the state's attorney general alleged he'd sexually harassed multiple women leading to calls from top Democrats, including President Joe Biden, that he step down."

In 14 more days he is out of there.....luckily Republicans in his state stepped up and put pressure on him to resign......something Dems refused to do.....why won't the mainstream media report this?? Watch them try to minimize this and pretend this isn't a big deal.

Funny how it's the liberal Media and the Liberals that have pushed the hardest for this outcome. But your lying talking heads have you convinced into yet another lie.
He is a typical demscum.

If he's demscum, what does that make Duh Donald?

The 26 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct

Ya' see, dickhead, Dems don't turn a blind eye like you fucking "Party of Family Values" hypocrites do.
And I paid $20 for that glass that had him as a saint when he was having his daily covid lie a thon on TV....

What am I going to do????

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