Goodbye Cuomo!

If he were a Republican, all Democrats in America would be repeating endlessly how typical and normal this is for "Repugs." Their generalizations are sickening as "America is systemically racist."
But point out how many Democrats have done what Cuomo did, and Leftists scream "You can't generalize, you can't generalize (only we can do that)."
Hochul has described herself as an "independent Democrat." In 2012 she was one of 17 Democrats who joined with Republicans in finding U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for withholding some documents related to a failed gun-running investigation known as Operation Fast and Furious.
Nope...he is in the wrong party. He'd have been welcomed with open arms by the trump worshippers. Cut from the same cloth.

You're a coward. Your own prove sex predators and you point into the other direction, because you're a liar too.
Why 2 weeks? Is it a favor to the DNC to drag it out as a distraction for Biden's bumbling? Maybe CNN will get rid of his arrogant little prick brother too.

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