Goodbye Cuomo!

By default....
I have no love for Andy boy. Actually it's disdain.
I can only shudder at who will win the election for the governorship next year.... There are many Republicans, conservatives and moderates in the state of New York, but Democrats are too strong.
Let's see if there is an upset in New York City... and a Republican.
I don't trust Eric Adams a Democrat to make New York City a better place as mayor.
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Ya' see, Dems don't turn a blind eye like you fucking "Party of Family Values" hypocrites do.

They are expected to act irrationally with no evidence. What's your excuse?
The facts are covid positive people were put into nursing homes and assisted living facilities where we knew the most vulnerable people to covid the elderly were on his order. I’m not acting like a partisan asshole you should give it a try sometime until then fuck off.

This propaganda didn’t age too well.

Shouldnt the media be held responsible for luring these victims to him?

"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Tuesday he was resigning after a withering report from the state's attorney general alleged he'd sexually harassed multiple women leading to calls from top Democrats, including President Joe Biden, that he step down."

In 14 more days he is out of there.....luckily Republicans in his state stepped up and put pressure on him to resign......something Dems refused to do.....why won't the mainstream media report this?? Watch them try to minimize this and pretend this isn't a big deal.

Next, his sh**head brother needs to depart CNN for the about to be formed BS network.
"New Yorkers are a loving, giving, inviting community" - Cuomo

as a New Yorker, i say: farewell and go fuck yourself, Andrew!
JFK had his own brother as A.G. to cover his philandering ass. Andy Cuomo had his brother as an anchor in CNN and CNN covered for him as best they could. Maybe some honest members of the NY justice dept will have the courage to address allegations of thousands of nursing home deaths that happened as a result of Cuomo's executive order.

This propaganda didn’t age too well.

Shouldnt the media be held responsible for luring these victims to him?

In British media, a double whammy of guaranteed one-way bias.
JFK had his own brother as A.G. to cover his philandering ass. Andy Cuomo had his brother as an anchor in CNN and CNN covered for him as best they could. Maybe some honest members of the NY justice dept will have the courage to address allegations of thousands of nursing home deaths that happened as a result of Cuomo's executive order.
This is all being done to cover that up.

The media was just calling him a single sexy hunk. Now he’s a rapist
Nope...he is in the wrong party. He'd have been welcomed with open arms by the trump worshippers. Cut from the same cloth.

Nice fantasy. Cuomo was a HUGE star in the DemoKKKrat party for decades. He was praised and endorsed by every major national DemoKKKrat and their media felchers throughout the pandemic. You're not going to live this one down quickly or easily.
he did sign into law marriage equality and gun safety for all New Yorkers...his only "Achievements"

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