Goodbye Hydroxychloroquine. Hello disinfectant and sunlight

Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

Where's the original quote?
A Tweet?
A video.

And yes, when Pelosi is 3rd hand "quoted", I also want the source.

Look above you--Post 15.


In fairness, ultraviolet light has been used as a therapy for cancer treatment.

But for a virus?

He sounded like a rambling out of touch old man.

Just like half the posters here!
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

So let me get this straight...
You are stating that MDs can inject trace amount of deadly radioactive material into a human to destroy harmful cells, but not trace amount of a disinfectant.
If you are truly posting this, you are an idiot.

Dr. Bryant was talking about Clorox and isopropyl alcohol. You gonna try it? Let us know how it goes.
I'd tread very, very carefully about irradiating the inside of the body with UV light. UV light damages DNA. It's why skin becomes wrinkly and old-looking; and the skin has lots of protective mechanisms to deal with it -- only a tiny fraction of UV light from the sun penetrates more than about 2 milimeters:

High-intensity UV light deep inside the body, past those outer defenses, might cause cancer, and still might not kill the virus. It might also damage intestinal bacteria.

Ionizing radiation, also, is bad for you. Even a few doses from a CT-scan might shorten your lifespan.
Trump is playing 6D chess, as usual.... ingesting fish tank cleaner and/or injecting sunshine/bleach or whatever in your body is exactly the portion of the herd that needs to be thinned out.... it's nature.... it's Darwinism... it keeps the Universe in balance...

Sometimes I forget how brilliant that man is.....
I missed it. Was he being serious or just making a joke?
Dear friggin God...somebody needs to get him out from behind the podium when he starts rambling like that. It's a MAGA rally without the ignorant red hat wearing deplorables. It's worse than embarrassing, but I have to admit, for me, it's downright funny. He really has lost it. :)
I proved it's fake. You can stop pretending your irrational hatred makes it true.
“Supposing we hit the body with ultraviolet or very powerful light. Or inject, suppose you brought the light inside the body or some other way, and I think you’re going to test that too, and disinfectant by injection inside,”

~Donald J Trump

Link to quote please.

It's in the video...and the OP.
Have you ever had a nuclear cardiac scan?
Is that when they inject you with Lysol?
That's when they inject me with a carefully measured dose of deadly radioactive material.
Do you wish to continue to demonstrate that you know zero about medical procedures?
ZOMG. a carefully measured dose of a deadly radioactive material. lol
From which university did you receive your MD?
Today President Trump suggested that injecting disinfectant into one's body would fight coronavirus.
Also UV light.
I think Trump supporters should give it a shot and swallow some sunlight (Don't do the disinfectant thing please).

Someone's unsourced tweet is not a source. Please provide a quote with what he actually said

I just watched it on his presser--Trump was speaking to Dr. Bryant, NIH, who had just reported on their findings about sunlight being a great killer of the virus--humidity helps, too. Also rubbing alcohol and (2) clorox. Trump rambled just like it has been reported and Trump did ask if disinfectant could be injected some way to "clean it out," and he did say they were trying to get the sunlight "inside the skin."

If you find a presser, just ff to Dr. Bryant--he's on less than ten minutes, and Trump's remarks on injecting disinfectant are immediately after that.

No wonder you fools believe anything the media tells you. Can't you tell when you're being made a fool of?

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