Goodbye to bad theology - Workers quietly remove Ten Commandments from Oklahoma Capitol

Having 'In God We Trust' as a national motto, these continued challenges by atheists to deny the country it's heritage and faith on which this nation was founded reminds me of the douche several years ago who moved to Los Cruces then sued the town because of its name - The Crosses.

The mayor began to concede then decided to fight it. It went to court and the Judge immediately threw it out on the basis that the town had been named such for a LONG time, much longer than this douche was alive, that it had been that way before he moved there, and that his complaint was bogus - it you don't like it you shouldn't have moved there / you can go elsewhere.

"In God We Trust" was added in 1956 by the Eisenhower administration.

In God we trust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I do indeed insist on freedom from religion. If you find that troublesome, then so be it.

That makes you an intolerant bigot then. Enjoy.

I'm not sure why you say that, since I tolerate you, but, if that is the way you feel, I find that tolerable to me!

My brother's wife has been preaching to me by email for 30 years. About a year ago, I told my computer to send it all to "spam" and delete it. When people leave their tracts on my car, they go into the trash, unread. When missionaries ring my door bell, they meet my german sheppard. I'm not going to sue anybody because "In God We Trust" is on my money, but I wish they would take if off. If Westboro Baptist church would show up at my house with their loudspeakers, they will get to hear "Lola" from my stereo at 110 decibels until they leave.

Don't want it. Don't have to listen to it, and insist that it not be a part of the government which I support with my taxes (which is more than one can say about religions, since they pay no taxes at all).

The problem is when government becomes hostile to religion, it becomes accommodating to Atheism, which is of course a religion.

Agnosticism is not a Religion, Atheism is.

...and the earth burns, while the sun freezes.....

If you profess a belief that there is no God, you are actively taking a position the question of a deity, that is a religious belief (or non-belief).

If you take the position that god may or may not exist, but you don't care, that is a lack of belief, and not a religious belief.

If you say so, Marty....Although there are more twists and turns in your logic than I care to try to unravel!
That makes you an intolerant bigot then. Enjoy.

I'm not sure why you say that, since I tolerate you, but, if that is the way you feel, I find that tolerable to me!

My brother's wife has been preaching to me by email for 30 years. About a year ago, I told my computer to send it all to "spam" and delete it. When people leave their tracts on my car, they go into the trash, unread. When missionaries ring my door bell, they meet my german sheppard. I'm not going to sue anybody because "In God We Trust" is on my money, but I wish they would take if off. If Westboro Baptist church would show up at my house with their loudspeakers, they will get to hear "Lola" from my stereo at 110 decibels until they leave.

Don't want it. Don't have to listen to it, and insist that it not be a part of the government which I support with my taxes (which is more than one can say about religions, since they pay no taxes at all).

The problem is when government becomes hostile to religion, it becomes accommodating to Atheism, which is of course a religion.

Agnosticism is not a Religion, Atheism is.

...and the earth burns, while the sun freezes.....

If you profess a belief that there is no God, you are actively taking a position the question of a deity, that is a religious belief (or non-belief).

If you take the position that god may or may not exist, but you don't care, that is a lack of belief, and not a religious belief.

If you say so, Marty....Although there are more twists and turns in your logic than I care to try to unravel!

It's actually pretty straightforward.
Having 'In God We Trust' as a national motto, these continued challenges by atheists to deny the country it's heritage and faith on which this nation was founded reminds me of the douche several years ago who moved to Los Cruces then sued the town because of its name - The Crosses.

The mayor began to concede then decided to fight it. It went to court and the Judge immediately threw it out on the basis that the town had been named such for a LONG time, much longer than this douche was alive, that it had been that way before he moved there, and that his complaint was bogus - it you don't like it you shouldn't have moved there / you can go elsewhere.

"In God We Trust" was added in 1956 by the Eisenhower administration.

In God we trust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ike also put god into the pledge. His golf game immediately improved!
It would have made much more sense to put a Monument for the 10 Bill of Right Amendments in front of a government courthouse.

Do you think it was placed there by Bush and Cheney? Would a double dipped cone of butter pecan ice cream make it all better?
I'm not sure why you say that, since I tolerate you, but, if that is the way you feel, I find that tolerable to me!

My brother's wife has been preaching to me by email for 30 years. About a year ago, I told my computer to send it all to "spam" and delete it. When people leave their tracts on my car, they go into the trash, unread. When missionaries ring my door bell, they meet my german sheppard. I'm not going to sue anybody because "In God We Trust" is on my money, but I wish they would take if off. If Westboro Baptist church would show up at my house with their loudspeakers, they will get to hear "Lola" from my stereo at 110 decibels until they leave.

Don't want it. Don't have to listen to it, and insist that it not be a part of the government which I support with my taxes (which is more than one can say about religions, since they pay no taxes at all).

The problem is when government becomes hostile to religion, it becomes accommodating to Atheism, which is of course a religion.

Agnosticism is not a Religion, Atheism is.

...and the earth burns, while the sun freezes.....

If you profess a belief that there is no God, you are actively taking a position the question of a deity, that is a religious belief (or non-belief).

If you take the position that god may or may not exist, but you don't care, that is a lack of belief, and not a religious belief.

If you say so, Marty....Although there are more twists and turns in your logic than I care to try to unravel!

It's actually pretty straightforward.

Ok, Marty. I don't believe in god, so my religion is godless......or something.,,
I wonder if I can get a tax exemption on that?
Atheism is not a religion.

It is the absence of religion and an embracing of reality.
Yes, Marty. It does.

You are not being forced behind closed, locked doors. You can do all the worship you want right on the street. Wear your religious symbols.......put your wife in a burka.....put little fishy bumber stickers on your pick up. Nobody gives a rats ass. may not use any publicly funded property or institution to advertise your faith. This is a SECULAR nation. We do not have A god in charge.

You, being a victim, think my telling you this is an attack on your faith and an infringement on your rights. THE OPPOSITE is true. I have a right......where government is be free of your faith. It is not welcome.

The fact that your god is on my money.....and in my bullshit and an infringement on my rights. How about you trying a little empathy.

Actually, I don't really have much faith, what I don't have is the progressive loathing of people of faith.

You get freedom of religion, not freedom from religion, that you want the US government to be Atheistic, and not Agnostic is telling.

I do indeed insist on freedom from religion. If you find that troublesome, then so be it.

That makes you an intolerant bigot then. Enjoy.

I'm not sure why you say that, since I tolerate you, but, if that is the way you feel, I find that tolerable to me!

My brother's wife has been preaching to me by email for 30 years. About a year ago, I told my computer to send it all to "spam" and delete it. When people leave their tracts on my car, they go into the trash, unread. When missionaries ring my door bell, they meet my german sheppard. I'm not going to sue anybody because "In God We Trust" is on my money, but I wish they would take if off. If Westboro Baptist church would show up at my house with their loudspeakers, they will get to hear "Lola" from my stereo at 110 decibels until they leave.

Don't want it. Don't have to listen to it, and insist that it not be a part of the government which I support with my taxes (which is more than one can say about religions, since they pay no taxes at all).

The problem is when government becomes hostile to religion, it becomes accommodating to Atheism, which is of course a religion.

Agnosticism is not a Religion, Atheism is.

Don't be silly. Nobody is closing down your place of worship.
Which specific commandments, other than perhaps what I call the "vanity commandments" do you believe are "bad theology" and why?
The problem is when government becomes hostile to religion, it becomes accommodating to Atheism, which is of course a religion.

Agnosticism is not a Religion, Atheism is.

...and the earth burns, while the sun freezes.....

If you profess a belief that there is no God, you are actively taking a position the question of a deity, that is a religious belief (or non-belief).

If you take the position that god may or may not exist, but you don't care, that is a lack of belief, and not a religious belief.

If you say so, Marty....Although there are more twists and turns in your logic than I care to try to unravel!

It's actually pretty straightforward.

Ok, Marty. I don't believe in god, so my religion is godless......or something.,,
I wonder if I can get a tax exemption on that?

haven't atheist groups tried that already?
The argument for "In God We Trust" was always that "God" could represent any religion's God. It was only later that the Christian believer's pushed the statement to be a support of /their/ religion alone. It is because of the Christian insistence that /their/ God was /the/ God spoken of on money and in the pledge, that these other religious folks wish such things removed. As for the non-religious, they might want such things removed regardless because they dislike being excluded simply because they cast off the belief in the supernatural realm of religion. It is only the religious who turn it into a "war against" /their/ religion.

And those like me, look upon it and shrug for the most part, because, in all honestly, I consider it childish bickering akin to my young children fighting over who's picture might get hung upon the fridge. As if the hanging of all of them, or only one of them, could or would affect my love and/or support for each of them somehow. Reality is that I love all my boys, regardless of their individual strengths or weaknesses, it was not until they grew up that they understood this.

Oh! I get it. You are the mature adult and those of us who want to have the Christian God removed from the public is the law.....are behaving like so many children wanting mommy's attention.

That's so awesome. When I grow up, I'll learn to accept that God is infused into our government like you have. Because you have matured.

Eat shit, please.

Actually I'm an agnostic. I don't think any religion has any place in government, but for little shit like "In God We Trust" or the placing of religious idols, I care not. I only really get riled up about the religious' folks discrimination; as in LGBT, or the exclusion of the religious beliefs of polygamists, etc. I am not against religion because I see benefit in the psyche for the "mentally weak" - this is not an insult, though I'm sure many would take it as such and for that I apologize. We are either leaders, or followers, and for followers, religion provides a generally good basis of societal behavior, there are extremists of course, but I do not blame the followers themselves for their "transgressions" rather I blame their leaders for leading them "improperly." It is the leaders onus to lead their people not for personal gain, but for the good of their people; many leaders are not mentally strong enough to recognize that they allow themselves to fall pray to "being lead" which means they are merely followers falsely leading followers.

Thus, I support religion, and the absence of religion alike. Does this make me more "mature"? Perhaps, or perhaps, as I stated, that is simply how it is how it seems to me. I'm sorry if my "feeling" that I have a more open mind than others offends you, though it actually should not, because in reality I support your ideals of anti-religion as well...
Good stuff.

This appears to be just another example in which a specific group of people has decided that it is "offended" by what is obviously a huge part of both our history and our present, and they want to leverage as much control as they can to control it.

These are the same people, of course, who very much dislike the history of this country, and seeing them wanting to eliminate remnants of that history is not terribly surprising.

Those of us who are agnostic on religion (and Christianity in specific) can see the good and the bad, but we don't feel a need to ignore the (obviously) significant role it occupies in this country.

It's the "victim" mentality again. These folks have to bitch about everything. Big corporations, you have more money than I do so that's not fair, George Bush did it, it's all his fault, etc. They're professional crybabies.
Well...isn't THAT ironic!!! :rofl:

Those aren't MY views. Those are ESTABLISHED FACTS. Go back and redo the second grade.

Just knowing that monument has been removed will make it easier to sleep at night.

'Cuz if I were walking along in Oklahoma City (for some reason) and saw that I'd get real "offended" 'n stuff.

So that's one less thing to get offended over, you betcha.


They caught a woman wearing a cross around her neck, and burned her at that stake, so now we can all sleep better.
Oh! I get it. You are the mature adult and those of us who want to have the Christian God removed from the public is the law.....are behaving like so many children wanting mommy's attention.

That's so awesome. When I grow up, I'll learn to accept that God is infused into our government like you have. Because you have matured.

Eat shit, please.

So, you Communists have passed a law against Christianity then?

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