Goofy Elizabeth Warren is out of her mind

Wonderful Donald said she's lyin about that and i agree with him.

Perhaps you don' read too good.

I said --- "Link?"
Perhaps you've missed her entire career? It was all based on claiming to be a fake indian.

Perhaps you don't read too good either.
I asked the OP. He's the lush who started the thread with no link to anything whatsoever.
I've given you a link, it's google and warren. She's always been a fake indian.

I don't give a fuck what you've given. Nobody's even talking to you.
And I don't need a link to the issue -- I know it inside out. That's exactly why I'm asking the guy who actually DID start the thread.

He ran away. And I suspect I know why.
Then why are you asking for a link when you know she's a lying piece of shit?
Whinin Pogo can shut up now!,d.d2s,d.d2s,d.d2s,d.d2s,d.d2s

You're not getting it. Do you have a family? Is there no family oral history you believe to be true even though there's no paper trail to those events? I'm not lying when I tell people my bloodlines are mostly Irish even tho I can't prove that with paper. Her family oral history has informed her and her brothers sense of who they are. You are the one calling her a liar. An article pointing out that she doesn't have absolute proof of her ancestry is no proof of your claims. Also the lead article proves she never sought any type of advantage in claiming native ancestors. Now come up with some real proof or stop the slander.

"David Herring of Norman, Okla., one of Warren’s three brothers, said in an interview that even when he was a child his relatives were reluctant to talk about the family’s Native American heritage because “it was not popular in my family.” Only when he begged his grandparents, said Herring, did they finally explain to him: “Your grandfather is part Delaware, a little bitty bit, way back, and your grandmother is part Cherokee. It was not the most popular thing to do in Oklahoma. [Indians] were degraded, looked down on.”

"Warren’s brothers, Don, John, and David Herring, also issued a joint statement supporting their sister. “The people attacking Betsy and our family don’t know much about either. We grew up listening to our mother and grandmother and other relatives talk about our family’s Cherokee and Delaware heritage. They’ve passed away now, but they’d be angry if they were around today listening to all this.”
Whinin Pogo readin my links:

Perhaps you don' read too good.

I said --- "Link?"
Perhaps you've missed her entire career? It was all based on claiming to be a fake indian.

Perhaps you don't read too good either.
I asked the OP. He's the lush who started the thread with no link to anything whatsoever.
I've given you a link, it's google and warren. She's always been a fake indian.

I don't give a fuck what you've given. Nobody's even talking to you.
And I don't need a link to the issue -- I know it inside out. That's exactly why I'm asking the guy who actually DID start the thread.

He ran away. And I suspect I know why.
Then why are you asking for a link when you know she's a lying piece of shit?

I don't know the OP's gender, nor is it relevant. I'm asking for a link because he/she made a statement with nothing behind it.

In effect all I'm doing is pointing out that there IS in fact nothing behind it. I like to watch the dishonest twist themselves into pretzels. Or in this case run away, which is even more hapless.
And two days on....Whinin Pogo will not shut up.

I GAVE YOU FIVE FUCKING LINKS! FIVE. FIVE. FIVE. FIVE. just google "the bitch is a fucking fake indian"
And two days on....Whinin Pogo will not shut up.

I GAVE YOU FIVE FUCKING LINKS! FIVE. FIVE. FIVE. FIVE. just google "the bitch is a fucking fake indian"

No actually you gave me zero zero zero zero and ...... lemme check..... ah yes--- zero.

A Googly image is not a "link", Dumbass. You can find a generator to create any Googly Image to say anything you want. Doesn't prove jack shit.

So again --------------------------------------- Link??
SoooooooooooooooOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo........................... nothing.

You lose.


you're just a wonderful donald hater who whines the whole time.

"claiming Cherokee status, which minority status was used to promote her at Harvard" --- Bullshit.

>>The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate’s heritage didn’t come up during the course of her hiring. “It simply played no role in the appointments process,” he said. “It was not mentioned and I didn’t mention it to the faculty.”

The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, “I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.” << ---- here's my link, and it's been out there for four years.

--- but that isn't the question ..... is it?

Your OP said this:
she's lyin about bein a Native American!

---- which this video does not even pretend to address.

So I'm still waiting.

---------------------------------------------- Link?
Elizabeth Warren On "Are You Dumber Than A Fifth Grader".....Jeff: Ok, Senator Warren, What State lies north of "North Dakota",,,,,,{Pause},,,,,10 seconds later:
Warren: Ahh, North Carolina?

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