Goofy Elizabeth Warren is out of her mind

Yr Wonkette ran a story about Elizabeth Warren counter-trolling Donald Trump on Twitter, and we learned one very important thing from the now-deleted visitors from the Trumposphere: Jokes about Elizabeth Warren being a Native American are the funniest goddamned thing in the world. As you recall, Warren once checked off a box on a form at Harvard saying she had partial Cherokee ancestry, based on old family lore. While her claim turned out not to be backed by anything but family stories, she also never received any affirmative action benefit from it, either — although on the right, the myth has now arisen that she got her job as an affirmative action hire.

Deleted Comments: Wingnuts Have ONE Joke About Elizabeth Warren. Guess What It Is? Guess!
Oh man! I'll take a guess! Is it because she's a liar and fake indian? What do I win?

Win? I should say so sir, you win an 8 x 10 color glossy photo of Elizabeth Warren's ancestors taken in 1795.
You wouldn't happen to have a rain dance video of her ancestors from 1800 would you? I'm hoping these kick ass technological wonderous indians even had color by 1810. I'd like those as well.

Check that page Wonkette was quoting. I'm sure you can find some rube who believes it exists.

Hey, you could just make one up, post it on YouTube and title it whatever you want, and some gullible schmuck here will create a thread about it here thinking it's real.
Wonderful Donald said she's lyin about that and i agree with him.

Perhaps you don' read too good.

I said --- "Link?"

Common knowledge. Not the only thing she lies about but among the most obvious. She used it to cheat others out a position at Harvard both as a student and then on the staff where she was promoted as being a Native American to help their image.
Wonderful Donald said she's lyin about that and i agree with him.

Perhaps you don' read too good.

I said --- "Link?"

Common knowledge. Not the only thing she lies about but among the most obvious. She used it to cheat others out a position at Harvard both as a student and then on the staff where she was promoted as being a Native American to help their image.

And yet ---- you can't document any of that mythology. The same mythology that Wonkette page is mocking.
The OP can't document it either. Nobody can. That's the point.

"Common knowledge" is not an argument. It's an admission that you don't have one.
Wonderful Donald said she's lyin about that and i agree with him.

Perhaps you don' read too good.

I said --- "Link?"
Perhaps you've missed her entire career? It was all based on claiming to be a fake indian.

Perhaps you don't read too good either.
I asked the OP. He's the lush who started the thread with no link to anything whatsoever.
I've given you a link, it's google and warren. She's always been a fake indian.

Yr Wonkette ran a story about Elizabeth Warren counter-trolling Donald Trump on Twitter, and we learned one very important thing from the now-deleted visitors from the Trumposphere: Jokes about Elizabeth Warren being a Native American are the funniest goddamned thing in the world. As you recall, Warren once checked off a box on a form at Harvard saying she had partial Cherokee ancestry, based on old family lore. While her claim turned out not to be backed by anything but family stories, she also never received any affirmative action benefit from it, either — although on the right, the myth has now arisen that she got her job as an affirmative action hire.

Deleted Comments: Wingnuts Have ONE Joke About Elizabeth Warren. Guess What It Is? Guess!
Oh man! I'll take a guess! Is it because she's a liar and fake indian? What do I win?

Win? I should say so sir, you win an 8 x 10 color glossy photo of Elizabeth Warren's ancestors taken in 1795.
If you could provide that prize I would be more than thrilled since it would be 35 years earlier than the first recorded photographs known.

Pssst, it was a joke.


I'm new on this forum but I do know that sarcasm does not translate well to the written page. Hemmingway was a master but I've not seen anyone on this forum that is quite in his league.

Why not admit that it wasn't a joke you just screwed up. Remember Vice President Joe Biden and his having seen something on TV years before they began being sold.
Wonderful Donald said she's lyin about that and i agree with him.

Perhaps you don' read too good.

I said --- "Link?"

Common knowledge. Not the only thing she lies about but among the most obvious. She used it to cheat others out a position at Harvard both as a student and then on the staff where she was promoted as being a Native American to help their image.

And yet ---- you can't document any of that mythology. The same mythology that Wonkette page is mocking.
The OP can't document it either. Nobody can. That's the point.

"Common knowledge" is not an argument. It's an admission that you don't have one.

You're funny!
Wonderful Donald said she's lyin about that and i agree with him.

Perhaps you don' read too good.

I said --- "Link?"
Perhaps you've missed her entire career? It was all based on claiming to be a fake indian.

Perhaps you don't read too good either.
I asked the OP. He's the lush who started the thread with no link to anything whatsoever.
I've given you a link, it's google and warren. She's always been a fake indian.


Win? I should say so sir, you win an 8 x 10 color glossy photo of Elizabeth Warren's ancestors taken in 1795.
If you could provide that prize I would be more than thrilled since it would be 35 years earlier than the first recorded photographs known.

Pssst, it was a joke.


I'm new on this forum but I do know that sarcasm does not translate well to the written page. Hemmingway was a master but I've not seen anyone on this forum that is quite in his league.

Why not admit that it wasn't a joke you just screwed up. Remember Vice President Joe Biden and his having seen something on TV years before they began being sold.

You didn't bother clicking on the Wonkette link, did you?

Lighten up, Francis.

Wonderful Donald said she's lyin about that and i agree with him.

Perhaps you don' read too good.

I said --- "Link?"
Perhaps you've missed her entire career? It was all based on claiming to be a fake indian.

Perhaps you don't read too good either.
I asked the OP. He's the lush who started the thread with no link to anything whatsoever.
I've given you a link, it's google and warren. She's always been a fake indian.


Win? I should say so sir, you win an 8 x 10 color glossy photo of Elizabeth Warren's ancestors taken in 1795.
If you could provide that prize I would be more than thrilled since it would be 35 years earlier than the first recorded photographs known.

Pssst, it was a joke.


I'm new on this forum but I do know that sarcasm does not translate well to the written page. Hemmingway was a master but I've not seen anyone on this forum that is quite in his league.

Why not admit that it wasn't a joke you just screwed up. Remember Vice President Joe Biden and his having seen something on TV years before they began being sold.

It's technically not a "joke" but a direct quote reported on the Wonkette link. Somebody actually posted about photographic evidence on Elizabeth Warren going back to 1795. Seriously.

This is how far the self-delusion of "it's common knowledge" will take the gullible.
Wonderful Donald said she's lyin about that and i agree with him.

Perhaps you don' read too good.

I said --- "Link?"
Perhaps you've missed her entire career? It was all based on claiming to be a fake indian.
What a pile of RW crap. She said her family lore was that she had a tiny bit of NA blood- Had nothing to do with her career DUHHHH. Experts say she can't be proven either way. Hater dupes!! What a disgrace, just like Trump.
she's lyin about bein a Native American!

----- and your proof?

----- Exactly.

Her claim, where is your link to her proof?

I didn't make a claim here. The OP did.
And then I asked him for proof of that assertion.... which he does not have.

This ain't rocket surgery.

She made the claim, where is your link she is Native American?

Again, I made no such assertion. NOR do I have the info required to make it anyway.

Neither does the OP to make his.

Only difference is --- he went ahead and made a claim anyway. I didn't.
she's lyin about bein a Native American!

----- and your proof?

----- Exactly.

Her claim, where is your link to her proof?

I didn't make a claim here. The OP did.
And then I asked him for proof of that assertion.... which he does not have.

This ain't rocket surgery.
No, it's not. Warren claimed to be native American. So you admit she lied?

I "admit" no such thing, since I have no way to know that.
Nor do you, nor does the OP.

I've got this weird habit --- if I don't have the evidence to make a claim ............... then I don't make that claim.

Your lieeage may vary.

By the way this question was directed not to you, but to the OP who actually made the assertion. You can sort of get a clue about that by reading the names on the posts. I asked him the same thing when he opened the thread, as you can see from the dates. He ran away until he thought the coast was clear.

But it's kinda interesting you jumping in on an assertion you didn't even make, demanding evidence for assertions I didn't even make.
she's lyin about bein a Native American!

----- and your proof?

----- Exactly.

Her claim, where is your link to her proof?

I didn't make a claim here. The OP did.
And then I asked him for proof of that assertion.... which he does not have.

This ain't rocket surgery.
No, it's not. Warren claimed to be native American. So you admit she lied?

I "admit" no such thing, since I have no way to know that.
Nor do you, nor does the OP.

I've got this weird habit --- if I don't have the evidence to make a claim ............... then I don't make that claim.

Your lieeage may vary.

You admitted she can't prove her lie that she's part native Indian

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