Goofy Elizabeth Warren is out of her mind

From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

Now that you have finally accepted that she claimed to be of Indian Ancestry, all YOU have to do is read the rest of the very first link. I am not going to post it for you, but there was no proof whatsoever that she has any Indian blood.
I don't have to prove she is not part Indian since she made the claim and has to prove that she is.
Can't be proven either way, even with DNA. Never asked for or got anything for it. End of story except for brainwashed functional morons.
Yes, it can be proven with DNA, dumbass. It's done all the time.
They wouldn't know where it came from...

How do they know it's Indian DNA, dumbass?
None of those links prove your negative. Not a single one.

Can you articulate your point, or are you just illiterate?

You apparently need someone to read the articles and explain them to you. Here are some of the lies she told:

"Warren, now running as a Democrat to unseat incumbent Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, has been embroiled in the controversy since reports surfaced that she described herself as a minority in a law school directory and was touted as a Native American faculty member while tenured at Harvard Law School in the mid-1990s. Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry. Brown's campaign has seized on the story to raise questions about whether Warren misled Harvard or sought to use distant Native American ties for professional gain, and hammered on the propriety of a blonde, blue-eyed white woman describing herself as a minority. But the biggest question raised during the fracas is the one no one has been able to answer: whether she has Native American ancestry at all."

If you read the rest of the article you will find that she, nor anyone else can prove that she is native American.

I assume that's supposed to read "neither she....". No shit, that's what we've been saying.

The question is not, and has never been "prove she's got Indian blood". The question is, and always was, "prove she's lying". Which was the assertion made here, all the way back to post number one. And which you've foolishly just repeated.

That can't be done.

From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

She has no Indian ancestors, they're all white.

Did she ever take that DNA test? What? No? Hmmm odd

Did YOU ever come up with a way to prove the negative?

No? Poor baby. What's it been now, a year? Two?

"DNA test"? What the fuck for? So you can deny it on a message board?
I took one of those DNA tests once. It put my genes in eastern Europe -- Serbia. A place I have absolutely no ancestry whatsoever on any side.

Nor does she "need" to undertake any such documentation -- she didn't make a claim here. YOU did.

None of those links prove your negative. Not a single one.

Can you articulate your point, or are you just illiterate?

You apparently need someone to read the articles and explain them to you. Here are some of the lies she told:

"Warren, now running as a Democrat to unseat incumbent Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, has been embroiled in the controversy since reports surfaced that she described herself as a minority in a law school directory and was touted as a Native American faculty member while tenured at Harvard Law School in the mid-1990s. Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry. Brown's campaign has seized on the story to raise questions about whether Warren misled Harvard or sought to use distant Native American ties for professional gain, and hammered on the propriety of a blonde, blue-eyed white woman describing herself as a minority. But the biggest question raised during the fracas is the one no one has been able to answer: whether she has Native American ancestry at all."

If you read the rest of the article you will find that she, nor anyone else can prove that she is native American.

I assume that's supposed to read "neither she....". No shit, that's what we've been saying.

The question is not, and has never been "prove she's got Indian blood". The question is, and always was, "prove she's lying". Which was the assertion made here, all the way back to post number one. And which you've foolishly just repeated.

That can't be done.

From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

Now that you have finally accepted that she claimed to be of Indian Ancestry, all YOU have to do is read the rest of the very first link. I am not going to post it for you, but there was no proof whatsoever that she has any Indian blood.
I don't have to prove she is not part Indian since she made the claim and has to prove that she is.

FUCK THE FUCK YOU. I've been posting that history myself longer than you've been here Hunior. And once again, the question is not, and never was proving "she is part Indian" --- it is proving "SHE LIED".

And yes you sure the fuck *DID* make that claim, to wit:

Here are some of the lies she told:

--- which is sitting right in your post above.

Now the onus is on you, dishonest hack ---- prove that they're lies. It's YOUR assertion -- now back it up or back away.
Last edited:
You apparently need someone to read the articles and explain them to you. Here are some of the lies she told:

"Warren, now running as a Democrat to unseat incumbent Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, has been embroiled in the controversy since reports surfaced that she described herself as a minority in a law school directory and was touted as a Native American faculty member while tenured at Harvard Law School in the mid-1990s. Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry. Brown's campaign has seized on the story to raise questions about whether Warren misled Harvard or sought to use distant Native American ties for professional gain, and hammered on the propriety of a blonde, blue-eyed white woman describing herself as a minority. But the biggest question raised during the fracas is the one no one has been able to answer: whether she has Native American ancestry at all."

If you read the rest of the article you will find that she, nor anyone else can prove that she is native American.

I assume that's supposed to read "neither she....". No shit, that's what we've been saying.

The question is not, and has never been "prove she's got Indian blood". The question is, and always was, "prove she's lying". Which was the assertion made here, all the way back to post number one. And which you've foolishly just repeated.

That can't be done.

From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

She has no Indian ancestors, they're all white.

Did she ever take that DNA test? What? No? Hmmm odd

Did YOU ever come up with a way to prove the negative?

No? Poor baby. What's it been now, a year? Two?

"DNA test"? What the fuck for? So you can deny it on a message board?
I took one of those DNA tests once. It put my genes in eastern Europe -- Serbia. A place I have absolutely no ancestry whatsoever on any side.

Nor does she "need" to undertake any such documentation -- she didn't make a claim here. YOU did.

You apparently need someone to read the articles and explain them to you. Here are some of the lies she told:

"Warren, now running as a Democrat to unseat incumbent Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, has been embroiled in the controversy since reports surfaced that she described herself as a minority in a law school directory and was touted as a Native American faculty member while tenured at Harvard Law School in the mid-1990s. Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry. Brown's campaign has seized on the story to raise questions about whether Warren misled Harvard or sought to use distant Native American ties for professional gain, and hammered on the propriety of a blonde, blue-eyed white woman describing herself as a minority. But the biggest question raised during the fracas is the one no one has been able to answer: whether she has Native American ancestry at all."

If you read the rest of the article you will find that she, nor anyone else can prove that she is native American.

I assume that's supposed to read "neither she....". No shit, that's what we've been saying.

The question is not, and has never been "prove she's got Indian blood". The question is, and always was, "prove she's lying". Which was the assertion made here, all the way back to post number one. And which you've foolishly just repeated.

That can't be done.

From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

Now that you have finally accepted that she claimed to be of Indian Ancestry, all YOU have to do is read the rest of the very first link. I am not going to post it for you, but there was no proof whatsoever that she has any Indian blood.
I don't have to prove she is not part Indian since she made the claim and has to prove that she is.

FUCK THE FUCK YOU. I've been posting that history myself longer than you've been here Hunior. And once again, the question is not, and never was proving "she is part Indian" --- it is proving "SHE LIED".

And yes you sure the fuck *DID* make that claim, to wit:

Here are some of the lies she told:

--- which is sitting right in your post above.

Now the onus is on you, dishonest hack ---- prove that they're lies. It's YOUR assertion -- now back it up or back away.

There's no way to prove a negative, dumbass. Warren has to prove she does have Indian blood. Otherwise she's a fraud.
You apparently need someone to read the articles and explain them to you. Here are some of the lies she told:

"Warren, now running as a Democrat to unseat incumbent Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, has been embroiled in the controversy since reports surfaced that she described herself as a minority in a law school directory and was touted as a Native American faculty member while tenured at Harvard Law School in the mid-1990s. Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry. Brown's campaign has seized on the story to raise questions about whether Warren misled Harvard or sought to use distant Native American ties for professional gain, and hammered on the propriety of a blonde, blue-eyed white woman describing herself as a minority. But the biggest question raised during the fracas is the one no one has been able to answer: whether she has Native American ancestry at all."

If you read the rest of the article you will find that she, nor anyone else can prove that she is native American.

I assume that's supposed to read "neither she....". No shit, that's what we've been saying.

The question is not, and has never been "prove she's got Indian blood". The question is, and always was, "prove she's lying". Which was the assertion made here, all the way back to post number one. And which you've foolishly just repeated.

That can't be done.

From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

She has no Indian ancestors, they're all white.

Did she ever take that DNA test? What? No? Hmmm odd

Did YOU ever come up with a way to prove the negative?

No? Poor baby. What's it been now, a year? Two?

"DNA test"? What the fuck for? So you can deny it on a message board?
I took one of those DNA tests once. It put my genes in eastern Europe -- Serbia. A place I have absolutely no ancestry whatsoever on any side.

Nor does she "need" to undertake any such documentation -- she didn't make a claim here. YOU did.

You apparently need someone to read the articles and explain them to you. Here are some of the lies she told:

"Warren, now running as a Democrat to unseat incumbent Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, has been embroiled in the controversy since reports surfaced that she described herself as a minority in a law school directory and was touted as a Native American faculty member while tenured at Harvard Law School in the mid-1990s. Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry. Brown's campaign has seized on the story to raise questions about whether Warren misled Harvard or sought to use distant Native American ties for professional gain, and hammered on the propriety of a blonde, blue-eyed white woman describing herself as a minority. But the biggest question raised during the fracas is the one no one has been able to answer: whether she has Native American ancestry at all."

If you read the rest of the article you will find that she, nor anyone else can prove that she is native American.

I assume that's supposed to read "neither she....". No shit, that's what we've been saying.

The question is not, and has never been "prove she's got Indian blood". The question is, and always was, "prove she's lying". Which was the assertion made here, all the way back to post number one. And which you've foolishly just repeated.

That can't be done.

From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

Now that you have finally accepted that she claimed to be of Indian Ancestry, all YOU have to do is read the rest of the very first link. I am not going to post it for you, but there was no proof whatsoever that she has any Indian blood.
I don't have to prove she is not part Indian since she made the claim and has to prove that she is.

FUCK THE FUCK YOU. I've been posting that history myself longer than you've been here Hunior. And once again, the question is not, and never was proving "she is part Indian" --- it is proving "SHE LIED".

And yes you sure the fuck *DID* make that claim, to wit:

Here are some of the lies she told:

--- which is sitting right in your post above.

Now the onus is on you, dishonest hack ---- prove that they're lies. It's YOUR assertion -- now back it up or back away.

All we know for certain is that all her ancestors are listed as "White" The only Indian blood came from one of her ancestors murdering an Indian
I assume that's supposed to read "neither she....". No shit, that's what we've been saying.

The question is not, and has never been "prove she's got Indian blood". The question is, and always was, "prove she's lying". Which was the assertion made here, all the way back to post number one. And which you've foolishly just repeated.

That can't be done.

From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

She has no Indian ancestors, they're all white.

Did she ever take that DNA test? What? No? Hmmm odd

Did YOU ever come up with a way to prove the negative?

No? Poor baby. What's it been now, a year? Two?

"DNA test"? What the fuck for? So you can deny it on a message board?
I took one of those DNA tests once. It put my genes in eastern Europe -- Serbia. A place I have absolutely no ancestry whatsoever on any side.

Nor does she "need" to undertake any such documentation -- she didn't make a claim here. YOU did.

I assume that's supposed to read "neither she....". No shit, that's what we've been saying.

The question is not, and has never been "prove she's got Indian blood". The question is, and always was, "prove she's lying". Which was the assertion made here, all the way back to post number one. And which you've foolishly just repeated.

That can't be done.

From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

Now that you have finally accepted that she claimed to be of Indian Ancestry, all YOU have to do is read the rest of the very first link. I am not going to post it for you, but there was no proof whatsoever that she has any Indian blood.
I don't have to prove she is not part Indian since she made the claim and has to prove that she is.

FUCK THE FUCK YOU. I've been posting that history myself longer than you've been here Hunior. And once again, the question is not, and never was proving "she is part Indian" --- it is proving "SHE LIED".

And yes you sure the fuck *DID* make that claim, to wit:

Here are some of the lies she told:

--- which is sitting right in your post above.

Now the onus is on you, dishonest hack ---- prove that they're lies. It's YOUR assertion -- now back it up or back away.

All we know for certain is that all her ancestors are listed as "White" The only Indian blood came from one of her ancestors murdering an Indian

The key phrase, of course, being "listed as" --- in an era when self-reporting on a census as "Indian" was outright self-destructive --- as we've noted many times before, and those who could "passed" as white. It was after all the most blatantly racist time in our existence as a nation. You can't deny any of that.

And your assertion remains the active "she lied". That means you have to DISprove that she, her brothers and her cousins on the Reed side were NOT given the family stories they were. That she just made it up. Even though it's been corroborated by family Warren has never even met.

That's why you're in this hole you can't get out of. You dug it for yourself.

How's the view down there? Dirty I expect.
From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

She has no Indian ancestors, they're all white.

Did she ever take that DNA test? What? No? Hmmm odd

Did YOU ever come up with a way to prove the negative?

No? Poor baby. What's it been now, a year? Two?

"DNA test"? What the fuck for? So you can deny it on a message board?
I took one of those DNA tests once. It put my genes in eastern Europe -- Serbia. A place I have absolutely no ancestry whatsoever on any side.

Nor does she "need" to undertake any such documentation -- she didn't make a claim here. YOU did.

From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

Now that you have finally accepted that she claimed to be of Indian Ancestry, all YOU have to do is read the rest of the very first link. I am not going to post it for you, but there was no proof whatsoever that she has any Indian blood.
I don't have to prove she is not part Indian since she made the claim and has to prove that she is.

FUCK THE FUCK YOU. I've been posting that history myself longer than you've been here Hunior. And once again, the question is not, and never was proving "she is part Indian" --- it is proving "SHE LIED".

And yes you sure the fuck *DID* make that claim, to wit:

Here are some of the lies she told:

--- which is sitting right in your post above.

Now the onus is on you, dishonest hack ---- prove that they're lies. It's YOUR assertion -- now back it up or back away.

All we know for certain is that all her ancestors are listed as "White" The only Indian blood came from one of her ancestors murdering an Indian

The key phrase, of course, being "listed as" --- in an era when self-reporting on a census as "Indian" was outright self-destructive --- as we've noted many times before, and those who could "passed" as white. It was after all the most blatantly racist time in our existence as a nation. You can't deny any of that.

And your assertion remains the active "she lied". That means you have to DISprove that she, her brothers and her cousins on the Reed side were NOT given the family stories they were. That she just made it up. Even though it's been corroborated by family Warren has never even met.

That's why you're in this hole you can't get out of. You dug it for yourself.

How's the view down there? Dirty I expect.

I posted this:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

You posted:

"That is a lie."

That is not a lie, and it is obvious that you don't know what the truth is.
Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

She has no Indian ancestors, they're all white.

Did she ever take that DNA test? What? No? Hmmm odd

Did YOU ever come up with a way to prove the negative?

No? Poor baby. What's it been now, a year? Two?

"DNA test"? What the fuck for? So you can deny it on a message board?
I took one of those DNA tests once. It put my genes in eastern Europe -- Serbia. A place I have absolutely no ancestry whatsoever on any side.

Nor does she "need" to undertake any such documentation -- she didn't make a claim here. YOU did.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

Now that you have finally accepted that she claimed to be of Indian Ancestry, all YOU have to do is read the rest of the very first link. I am not going to post it for you, but there was no proof whatsoever that she has any Indian blood.
I don't have to prove she is not part Indian since she made the claim and has to prove that she is.

FUCK THE FUCK YOU. I've been posting that history myself longer than you've been here Hunior. And once again, the question is not, and never was proving "she is part Indian" --- it is proving "SHE LIED".

And yes you sure the fuck *DID* make that claim, to wit:

Here are some of the lies she told:

--- which is sitting right in your post above.

Now the onus is on you, dishonest hack ---- prove that they're lies. It's YOUR assertion -- now back it up or back away.

All we know for certain is that all her ancestors are listed as "White" The only Indian blood came from one of her ancestors murdering an Indian

The key phrase, of course, being "listed as" --- in an era when self-reporting on a census as "Indian" was outright self-destructive --- as we've noted many times before, and those who could "passed" as white. It was after all the most blatantly racist time in our existence as a nation. You can't deny any of that.

And your assertion remains the active "she lied". That means you have to DISprove that she, her brothers and her cousins on the Reed side were NOT given the family stories they were. That she just made it up. Even though it's been corroborated by family Warren has never even met.

That's why you're in this hole you can't get out of. You dug it for yourself.

How's the view down there? Dirty I expect.

I posted this:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

You posted:

"That is a lie."

That is not a lie, and it is obvious that you don't know what the truth is.


*YOU* posted that line. It's even still sitting in your own quote above. *I* am the one challenging *YOU* to back up your shit.
Which you obviously can't do, preferring to look like a moron.

Go learn to fucking read.
From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

She has no Indian ancestors, they're all white.

Did she ever take that DNA test? What? No? Hmmm odd

Did YOU ever come up with a way to prove the negative?

No? Poor baby. What's it been now, a year? Two?

"DNA test"? What the fuck for? So you can deny it on a message board?
I took one of those DNA tests once. It put my genes in eastern Europe -- Serbia. A place I have absolutely no ancestry whatsoever on any side.

Nor does she "need" to undertake any such documentation -- she didn't make a claim here. YOU did.

From the article:

"Warren has described herself as having Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry."

That is a lie.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

Now that you have finally accepted that she claimed to be of Indian Ancestry, all YOU have to do is read the rest of the very first link. I am not going to post it for you, but there was no proof whatsoever that she has any Indian blood.
I don't have to prove she is not part Indian since she made the claim and has to prove that she is.

FUCK THE FUCK YOU. I've been posting that history myself longer than you've been here Hunior. And once again, the question is not, and never was proving "she is part Indian" --- it is proving "SHE LIED".

And yes you sure the fuck *DID* make that claim, to wit:

Here are some of the lies she told:

--- which is sitting right in your post above.

Now the onus is on you, dishonest hack ---- prove that they're lies. It's YOUR assertion -- now back it up or back away.

All we know for certain is that all her ancestors are listed as "White" The only Indian blood came from one of her ancestors murdering an Indian

The key phrase, of course, being "listed as" --- in an era when self-reporting on a census as "Indian" was outright self-destructive --- as we've noted many times before, and those who could "passed" as white. It was after all the most blatantly racist time in our existence as a nation. You can't deny any of that.

And your assertion remains the active "she lied". That means you have to DISprove that she, her brothers and her cousins on the Reed side were NOT given the family stories they were. That she just made it up. Even though it's been corroborated by family Warren has never even met.

That's why you're in this hole you can't get out of. You dug it for yourself.

How's the view down there? Dirty I expect.

All her ancestors were listed as white. White. White. No Cherokee anywhere except when grandpappy murdered an Indian. You're making up an imaginary scenario when many real Indians actually registered as such.

She said her cheekbones make her Cherokee, she's a nut. And a nut who refuses to take a DNA test.
Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

She has no Indian ancestors, they're all white.

Did she ever take that DNA test? What? No? Hmmm odd

Did YOU ever come up with a way to prove the negative?

No? Poor baby. What's it been now, a year? Two?

"DNA test"? What the fuck for? So you can deny it on a message board?
I took one of those DNA tests once. It put my genes in eastern Europe -- Serbia. A place I have absolutely no ancestry whatsoever on any side.

Nor does she "need" to undertake any such documentation -- she didn't make a claim here. YOU did.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

Now that you have finally accepted that she claimed to be of Indian Ancestry, all YOU have to do is read the rest of the very first link. I am not going to post it for you, but there was no proof whatsoever that she has any Indian blood.
I don't have to prove she is not part Indian since she made the claim and has to prove that she is.

FUCK THE FUCK YOU. I've been posting that history myself longer than you've been here Hunior. And once again, the question is not, and never was proving "she is part Indian" --- it is proving "SHE LIED".

And yes you sure the fuck *DID* make that claim, to wit:

Here are some of the lies she told:

--- which is sitting right in your post above.

Now the onus is on you, dishonest hack ---- prove that they're lies. It's YOUR assertion -- now back it up or back away.

All we know for certain is that all her ancestors are listed as "White" The only Indian blood came from one of her ancestors murdering an Indian

The key phrase, of course, being "listed as" --- in an era when self-reporting on a census as "Indian" was outright self-destructive --- as we've noted many times before, and those who could "passed" as white. It was after all the most blatantly racist time in our existence as a nation. You can't deny any of that.

And your assertion remains the active "she lied". That means you have to DISprove that she, her brothers and her cousins on the Reed side were NOT given the family stories they were. That she just made it up. Even though it's been corroborated by family Warren has never even met.

That's why you're in this hole you can't get out of. You dug it for yourself.

How's the view down there? Dirty I expect.

All her ancestors were listed as white. White. White. No Cherokee anywhere except when grandpappy murdered an Indian. You're making up an imaginary scenario when many real Indians actually registered as such.

She said her cheekbones make her Cherokee, she's a nut. And a nut who refuses to take a DNA test.
if Sasquatch has high cheekbones, does that mean he is related to Warren?
Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

She has no Indian ancestors, they're all white.

Did she ever take that DNA test? What? No? Hmmm odd

Did YOU ever come up with a way to prove the negative?

No? Poor baby. What's it been now, a year? Two?

"DNA test"? What the fuck for? So you can deny it on a message board?
I took one of those DNA tests once. It put my genes in eastern Europe -- Serbia. A place I have absolutely no ancestry whatsoever on any side.

Nor does she "need" to undertake any such documentation -- she didn't make a claim here. YOU did.

Then ------------------- prove it's a lie. :banghead:


Do you not understand that you haven't established a "lie" by going on the internet and posting the words "That is a lie"?
Or is that over your head?

Now that you have finally accepted that she claimed to be of Indian Ancestry, all YOU have to do is read the rest of the very first link. I am not going to post it for you, but there was no proof whatsoever that she has any Indian blood.
I don't have to prove she is not part Indian since she made the claim and has to prove that she is.

FUCK THE FUCK YOU. I've been posting that history myself longer than you've been here Hunior. And once again, the question is not, and never was proving "she is part Indian" --- it is proving "SHE LIED".

And yes you sure the fuck *DID* make that claim, to wit:

Here are some of the lies she told:

--- which is sitting right in your post above.

Now the onus is on you, dishonest hack ---- prove that they're lies. It's YOUR assertion -- now back it up or back away.

All we know for certain is that all her ancestors are listed as "White" The only Indian blood came from one of her ancestors murdering an Indian

The key phrase, of course, being "listed as" --- in an era when self-reporting on a census as "Indian" was outright self-destructive --- as we've noted many times before, and those who could "passed" as white. It was after all the most blatantly racist time in our existence as a nation. You can't deny any of that.

And your assertion remains the active "she lied". That means you have to DISprove that she, her brothers and her cousins on the Reed side were NOT given the family stories they were. That she just made it up. Even though it's been corroborated by family Warren has never even met.

That's why you're in this hole you can't get out of. You dug it for yourself.

How's the view down there? Dirty I expect.

All her ancestors were listed as white. White. White. No Cherokee anywhere except when grandpappy murdered an Indian. You're making up an imaginary scenario when many real Indians actually registered as such.

She said her cheekbones make her Cherokee, she's a nut. And a nut who refuses to take a DNA test.

Uh ------ no Frank, she didn't. You made that up.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

She doesn't *need* to "take a DNA test". YOU need to take a lie detector test.

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