GOP Budget Offers First-Rate Vision for First-Rate Country


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Ryan is one of the few politicians brave enough to tell us what we 'need' to hear, not what we 'want' to hear.
The American Spectator : Now That's Leadership!

In the first moments of reading House Budget Committee's Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Resolution, entitled "The Path to Prosperity" (and subtitled "A Blueprint for American Renewal"), you realize that this is no business-as-usual document.

The first page of text is a "Statement of Constitutional and Legal Authority," which states that Committee's budget "is committed to the timeless principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution -- liberty, limited government, and equality under the rule of law" and that it "seeks to guide the nation's policies by those principles, freeing it from the crushing burden of debt now threatening its future."

Paul Ryan again: "[W]hen taxation is carried to injurious excess to fund activities outside the proper sphere of government, it not only harms the general welfare, but also suppresses revenue itself. As Alexander Hamilton -- whose fiscal plan brought national prosperity while eliminating America's first federal debt -- once observed, 'the most productive system of finance will always be the least burdensome.'"

National Defense: Eliminates $55 billion in "indiscriminate" cuts to the defense budget currently slated to hit in January, 2013 while implementing targeted spending reductions...

Free Enterprise: Ends corporate welfare, "stop[ping] Washington from picking winners and losers," rolling back energy company subsidies, ending bailouts of financial institutions, and repealing Obamacare...

Social Safety Net: Block grants Medicaid to the states, changing the welfare system so that it "does not entrap able-bodied citizens into lives of complacency and dependency."

Health and Retirement Programs: Adds a range of Medicare coverage options, including "traditional Medicare fee-for service," creates competition between health plans, offers tort reform, and implements a premium-support model to keep the system from bankrupting the nation. Provides "increased assistance for lower-income beneficiaries and those with greater health risks" while not reducing benefits for anyone in or near retirement.

Tax Code: Reforms the individual income tax code so there are just two tax brackets, 10 percent and 25 percent, "while clearing out the burdensome tangle of loopholes that distort economic activity." Cuts the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent while "shifting to a territorial system" so that U.S. corporate tax only applies to profits earned in the U.S.

Government spending and budgeting: Implements enforceable spending caps, gives Congress more oversight over "wasteful Washington spending," and increases spending transparency.

The goal of the Ryan budget is to put the nation on a path to reducing our federal deficit and national debt. Over the next decade, it cuts spending by more than $5 trillion compared to Obama's budget, and offers more than $3 trillion in lower aggregate deficits.

CBO scoring of the Ryan budget "estimates that this budget will balance and begin to produce annual surpluses by 2040, and will start paying down the national debt after that."
...which is WAY faster and better than the Obama plan.

read the whole article... this was just the highlights.
The sound of all those Democratic anal sphincters snapping shut in unison on the Democratic side of the aisle must have sounded like a thunderclap when Ryan produced his budget.
Just kiddin! Thats reserved for the night of Tuesday, November 6th, when ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC simultaneously proclaim Obama's Republican opponent the winner.
"I want my Obama Money!"
'How are we gonna get our Obamabucks now?"
While I agree Ryan's plan is superior to that offered by the President, I find it incomprehensible that we would continue to spend more than we take in for another 18 years...until 2040. There are NO cuts in this plan, only slight reductions in the planned rates of increased spending...yet we hear screams of "slashing" the funding to "essential" programs. This is insane.

The only budget plan I've heard that made any sense to me is the Mack/Penny plan. Balances the budget in 6 years with a relatively painless 1% per year cut in total federal actual CUT in spending:

Press Releases - Press Office - Congressman Connie Mack
While I agree Ryan's plan is superior to that offered by the President, I find it incomprehensible that we would continue to spend more than we take in for another 18 years...until 2040. There are NO cuts in this plan, only slight reductions in the planned rates of increased spending...yet we hear screams of "slashing" the funding to "essential" programs. This is insane.

The only budget plan I've heard that made any sense to me is the Mack/Penny plan. Balances the budget in 6 years with a relatively painless 1% per year cut in total federal actual CUT in spending:

Press Releases - Press Office - Congressman Connie Mack

I love Ryan but I have to agree with ya.
Same old idiocy from the same old idiot.

yes, by all means, lets spread the fixing of our financial picture out over the next 50 or 60 years. Lets let everything just sit as is until then. Fucking brilliant idea.
While I agree Ryan's plan is superior to that offered by the President, I find it incomprehensible that we would continue to spend more than we take in for another 18 years...until 2040. There are NO cuts in this plan, only slight reductions in the planned rates of increased spending...yet we hear screams of "slashing" the funding to "essential" programs. This is insane.

The only budget plan I've heard that made any sense to me is the Mack/Penny plan. Balances the budget in 6 years with a relatively painless 1% per year cut in total federal actual CUT in spending:

Press Releases - Press Office - Congressman Connie Mack

Not a bad plan. The RP budget plan cuts 1 trillion the first year and a balance out in 3. So far the most superior plan to slash federal spending and bring fiscal sanity to washington. Too bad he'll retire this year and leave the inmates to run the asylum. Last doctors leaving. Bar the doors!!! :badgrin:
Mysteriously, though Ryan relies on the CBO to vouch for his plan, he appears to ignore CBO estimates that a repeal of the health care law would lead to an increase in the deficit. Instead, a substantial part of his claimed deficit reduction — $1.4 trillion over the next 10 years — comes from repealing the health care law. Where do those numbers come from? Ryan does not explain, and his spokesman did not respond to a query.

Once again, imaginary numbers from the RepubliCONs and the right wing zombies fall into line.
Mysteriously, though Ryan relies on the CBO to vouch for his plan, he appears to ignore CBO estimates that a repeal of the health care law would lead to an increase in the deficit. Instead, a substantial part of his claimed deficit reduction — $1.4 trillion over the next 10 years — comes from repealing the health care law. Where do those numbers come from? Ryan does not explain, and his spokesman did not respond to a query.

Fact-checking the Ryan budget plan - The Washington Post

Once again, imaginary numbers from the RepubliCONs and the right wing zombies fall into line.

So are you also saying it doesn't cut enough? Or are you just attacking the other side for the sake of...what?
GOP Budget Offers First-Rate Vision for First-Rate Country

We are making budgets for Sweden now?

I guess that is one way to get back in first place, lower the playing field :)
Ryan is one of the few politicians brave enough to tell us what we 'need' to hear, not what we 'want' to hear.

by failing to raise revenue Ryan simply has reinforced his own ideology that caused the fiscal crisis rather than the necessary steps he himself does not want to hear that would reconcile and solve the problem.
Capital flight is what the left fails to realize about placing heavier taxation on people with actual capital. The answer is not more taxation. Especially since it will not even dent the deficit spending. The negatives adn unseen consequences from such a move are going to far out weigh any benefit.
Both the right and left only have a problem on what the money is spent on.
Neither side has any problem spending it.
That is true. But the right at least plays the card game using the no more taxation card. I think Obama ran on that, but of course we all knew that was hogwash. At the end of the day, both sides are big govt., big spending statists that wish to secure their own agendas with our money.
I don't suppose it's ever occurred to any of you dolts that wages stagnated at the same time tax cuts for the rich went into effect? In cuts were a MASSIVE REDISTRIBUTION of wealth UPWARD. As rich people were able to keep more, they took it out of the pockets of their employees.
They used to use that money to GROW their business. Hire more people. Build more factories. Pay their workers more.
Now it goes into their pockets and no where else.



Spending isn't any higher as a percentage of GDP than it was under that dottering old fuck Reagan.
usgs_chart2p21.png Past Spending Briefing

Cutting medical care for old people so rich people LIKE RYAN HIMSELF can get a tax cut isn't courageous in the least. It's OUTRIGHT COWARDICE and a BETRAYAL of his oath of office.
We dont have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.

We have a Fiscal problem ...

Wow, did you hurt yourself thining that up? No shit. The answer is not taxation unless this already decrepid economy wants to see massive capital flight. Exacerbating the problem ten fold. The federal govt. needs to make serious spending cuts, not raise more revenue to waste in this fiscal "problem".

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