GOP Budget Offers First-Rate Vision for First-Rate Country

We dont have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.

We have a Fiscal problem ...

Wow, did you hurt yourself thining that up? No shit. The answer is not taxation unless this already decrepid economy wants to see massive capital flight. Exacerbating the problem ten fold. The federal govt. needs to make serious spending cuts, not raise more revenue to waste in this fiscal "problem".

Why wasn't there capital flight back when the top tax rate was 91%???

Riddle me that.
Spending isn't any higher as a percentage of GDP than it was under that dottering old fuck Reagan
The only nugget in that whole post worth discussing. You're right, so what is the difference? The difference is that DEBT is now ~101% of GDP. Leaving the country with limited options to conquer a massive fiscal crisis that will meet its end long before 2040 if allowed to be pursued.

let the currency wars commence. (they already have)
We have a Fiscal problem ...

Wow, did you hurt yourself thining that up? No shit. The answer is not taxation unless this already decrepid economy wants to see massive capital flight. Exacerbating the problem ten fold. The federal govt. needs to make serious spending cuts, not raise more revenue to waste in this fiscal "problem".

Why wasn't there capital flight back when the top tax rate was 91%???

Riddle me that.

In the 1940s? Flight to where? I'm sure there was some flight at that time, and Im sure there will be a shit ton more of it in the globalized world of today should such a burden of taxation fall down on people now. Which will not help the economy.

Ding bat.
That is true. But the right at least plays the card game using the no more taxation card. I think Obama ran on that, but of course we all knew that was hogwash. At the end of the day, both sides are big govt., big spending statists that wish to secure their own agendas with our money.

But the right at least plays the card game using the no more taxation card.

no, the right plays the card game with the I cut my taxes and kept spending card.
Ryan is one of the few politicians brave enough to tell us what we 'need' to hear, not what we 'want' to hear.
The American Spectator : Now That's Leadership!

In the first moments of reading House Budget Committee's Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Resolution, entitled "The Path to Prosperity" (and subtitled "A Blueprint for American Renewal"), you realize that this is no business-as-usual document.

The first page of text is a "Statement of Constitutional and Legal Authority," which states that Committee's budget "is committed to the timeless principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution -- liberty, limited government, and equality under the rule of law" and that it "seeks to guide the nation's policies by those principles, freeing it from the crushing burden of debt now threatening its future."

Paul Ryan again: "[W]hen taxation is carried to injurious excess to fund activities outside the proper sphere of government, it not only harms the general welfare, but also suppresses revenue itself. As Alexander Hamilton -- whose fiscal plan brought national prosperity while eliminating America's first federal debt -- once observed, 'the most productive system of finance will always be the least burdensome.'"

The goal of the Ryan budget is to put the nation on a path to reducing our federal deficit and national debt. Over the next decade, it cuts spending by more than $5 trillion compared to Obama's budget, and offers more than $3 trillion in lower aggregate deficits.

CBO scoring of the Ryan budget "estimates that this budget will balance and begin to produce annual surpluses by 2040, and will start paying down the national debt after that."
...which is WAY faster and better than the Obama plan.

read the whole article... this was just the highlights.
What is the cutoff between his 10% and 25% income tax rates?

At which dollar amount do you go to 25%?
How any one thinks the GOP budget which eliminates Medicare/caid, energy efficiency spending, science research, medical research, pre-schools funding, transportation funding, clean energy production funding, preventative health funding, nutritional funding for children, workplace safety rules/inspections, environmental protections (such as preventing mercury from going into drinking, water), raising taxe son poor people and giving millionaires 6trillion more in tax breaks are good things si beyond mme
The republican Budget eliminates medicare/aid?

LMFAO that will not fly, even the righties want to get re-elected and a large percentage or rightie voters are on medicare.

And those 40% of babies born in the USA are to unwed mothers and need the medicaid.
How any one thinks the GOP budget which eliminates Medicare/caid, energy efficiency spending, science research, medical research, pre-schools funding, transportation funding, clean energy production funding, preventative health funding, nutritional funding for children, workplace safety rules/inspections, environmental protections (such as preventing mercury from going into drinking, water), raising taxe son poor people and giving millionaires 6trillion more in tax breaks are good things si beyond mme

Yes, any program that might help the working poor is eliminated in the world of the GOP while corporations and the wealthy continue to reap their record seting, windfall profits.

End the GOP's class warfare now!!!
If you steal more money from the public for these clowns, they will spend it and more. That is the whole point. They can not help but spend ALL the revenue and another 1.3 trillion on their failing, economically inept programs. The only way to hold them accountable is to force them to cut waste adn do it in a big way.

Go ahead though, raise the tax rate to 90% on the 200,000+ income crowd and see what happens.
If you steal more money from the public for these clowns, they will spend it and more. That is the whole point. They can not help but spend ALL the revenue and another 1.3 trillion on their failing, economically inept programs. The only way to hold them accountable is to force them to cut waste adn do it in a big way.

Go ahead though, raise the tax rate to 90% on the 200,000+ income crowd and see what happens.

Fair taxation of disposable income is stealing? You're a fucking loon.
If you steal more money from the public for these clowns, they will spend it and more. That is the whole point. They can not help but spend ALL the revenue and another 1.3 trillion on their failing, economically inept programs. The only way to hold them accountable is to force them to cut waste adn do it in a big way.

Go ahead though, raise the tax rate to 90% on the 200,000+ income crowd and see what happens.

Fair taxation of disposable income is stealing? You're a fucking loon.

First, nice ad hominem. Ironic those that use such attacks come off as, shall we say, 'fucking loons'...

Anyway, define "fair". Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income tax. That fair? Or are you going to suggest half of American's have NO disposable income?
If you steal more money from the public for these clowns, they will spend it and more. That is the whole point. They can not help but spend ALL the revenue and another 1.3 trillion on their failing, economically inept programs. The only way to hold them accountable is to force them to cut waste adn do it in a big way.

Go ahead though, raise the tax rate to 90% on the 200,000+ income crowd and see what happens.

Fair taxation of disposable income is stealing? You're a fucking loon.

First, nice ad hominem. Ironic those that use such attacks come off as, shall we say, 'fucking loons'...

Anyway, define "fair". Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income tax. That fair? Or are you going to suggest half of American's have NO disposable income?

Exactly. "Fair" is arbitrarily decided on. But telling a bleeding heart progressive that less government is better for everyone is like telling a child on Halloween that they can only have one piece of candy. Get ready for the tears.
If you steal more money from the public for these clowns, they will spend it and more. That is the whole point. They can not help but spend ALL the revenue and another 1.3 trillion on their failing, economically inept programs. The only way to hold them accountable is to force them to cut waste adn do it in a big way.

Go ahead though, raise the tax rate to 90% on the 200,000+ income crowd and see what happens.

Fair taxation of disposable income is stealing? You're a fucking loon.

First, nice ad hominem. Ironic those that use such attacks come off as, shall we say, 'fucking loons'...

Anyway, define "fair". Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income tax. That fair? Or are you going to suggest half of American's have NO disposable income?

If you are going to post on USMB, grow a thicker skin, Nancy.

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