GOP Congressman Wears ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Mask on House Floor

No, the country is going down the toilet because of tribalism and the fact that party comes before country. We are being divided by design and you people not only go along with it, you cheer it on. Everything they do is designed to divide us further so that the Fed Govt can do anything and everything they want and we will be fighting each other instead of them.
An interesting twist on the usual idea that the division in the populace comes first. I'll have to think about that.
An interesting twist on the usual idea that the division in the populace comes first. I'll have to think about that.

Dividing the populace has been by design ever since 1992 when a little guy with big ears scared the shit out of the Duopoly. They were going to make sure we never again united behind a 3rd party candidate.
Dividing the populace has been by design ever since 1992 when a little guy with big ears scared the shit out of the Duopoly. They were going to make sure we never again united behind a 3rd party candidate.
....and we rebelled by nominating Trump, but the duopoly got the support of a whole bunch of people claiming to NOT be part of the duopoly, and now we have people chanting "Let's Go, Brandon" at sporting events.
You mean, after losing both Houses of Congress and the presidency, all you have left are empty slogans? I hear you. My sympathies. :itsok:
Mid terms are coming, Magnus and the people are angry. I think you'll find that it's the left that only have empty slogans as they flounder trying to run the nation. A border crisis getting worse by the day with ZERO solutions being proposed by Biden? Inflation hitting poor and middle class families in the wallet every time they go to the store? Empty shelves because of a transportation bottleneck while the Secretary of Transportation sits at home on maternity leave?
I'd give you my sympathies in advance for what's coming next November but let's be've EARNED what's coming! :)
Up a bit....but I'm smart enough to know about shipping issues.....and that's how supply and demand rolls.

Sorry to disappoint you, but President Biden is happily and faithfully married.
Seeing you type anything about supply and demand makes me laugh my ass off.
....and we rebelled by nominating Trump, but the duopoly got the support of a whole bunch of people claiming to NOT be part of the duopoly, and now we have people chanting "Let's Go, Brandon" at sporting events.

you rebelled by nominating a guy that has been mixed in with the establishment of both parities for most of his adult life!

I guess P. T. Barnum was correct
So, you morons think that independents are going to be won over with these dumb slogans? No wonder you idiots follow a loser.
Have you not been paying attention to the polls, Magnus? Biden is down something like 27% with independents since he first took office! The guy looking at the pump and saying "Fuck you, Joe Biden!" when he sees how much it costs him to fill up his families SUV doesn't really need to be "won over"! He's already made that call!
Dividing the populace has been by design ever since 1992 when a little guy with big ears scared the shit out of the Duopoly. They were going to make sure we never again united behind a 3rd party candidate.
Perot, yeah, I voted for him. Pretty disappointing he dropped out and lost his chance (before coming back in --- by then everyone was disgusted with him).
Perot, yeah, I voted for him. Pretty disappointing he dropped out and lost his chance (before coming back in --- by then everyone was disgusted with him).

I am with you, and even with that he still got almost 20% of the vote. It was at that point the two parties started working to divide us to make sure it never happened again
I am with you, and even with that he still got almost 20% of the vote. It was at that point the two parties started working to divide us to make sure it never happened again
What you say has the ring of truth because of the horror and outrage when the unvetted Trump burst out of nowhere and started climbing in the polls. The behavior of the neverTrumpers was the most interesting ---- they ruined themselves fighting their lack of control. I subscribed to Bill Kristol's Weekly Standard until he went wildly out of orbit trying to destroy Trump; what Kristol destroyed turned out to be his magazine (I cancelled, so did most subscribers). The episode did make me think.

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