GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

The state has the right to replace the Elector.

What 39 electors can do is abstain on that day with no notice before hand. I expect as many as 12 have plans to do that. There may be more.

12 faithless voters, looks like Hillary had more than Trump. Looks like your expectations fell way short. You also lost the prediction of the Senate turning blue.

As usual you were wrong.

Hillary's didn't matter as much as Trump's did, as they knew not enough Trump ones would vote for her instead. In fact, from what they did, they gave the people they voted for an opportunity to be elected by the House had it gone there. Colin Powell could have been elected President of the U.S. without him having even run for office.

None of it mattered, 7 out of 538, it happens almost every election. It would never have went to the House, it was a Democratic Party's wet dream.

...and you fail to see the point. Their votes weren't going to matter if they voted Clinton, so why not at least vote for a few other people to at least give those people a shot at getting the Presidency in the House? Powell, Sanders... whomever. Was it likely that many people would change their vote from Trump? No... but at least those Democratic Electors had the wherewith-to to vote for other people to at least expand the field if it did go to the House.

The field would have been Clinton, Trump or Powell. Doubtful the House Republicans would have voted for Powell or Clinton.

...and Sanders. Why would Republicans not vote for Powell? He's bipartisan?
Give it a rest already
However to make you feel better,,,

There were five faithless electors - defined as electors who vote for someone other than the candidate that won their state - among Democrats. Four were from Washington state, with three casting ballots for Colin Powell, who served as Secretary of State under Republican President George W. Bush, and one for Faith Spotted Eagle, a tribal activist opposed to the Dakota Access Pipeline.

One other faithless elector, David Mulinix, a Democrat from Hawaii, cast a ballot for Vermont Senator and Clinton challenger Bernie Sanders.

Three more Democratic electors - one each in Colorado, Maine and Minnesota - attempted to cast a ballot for someone other than Clinton but were rebuffed.
12 faithless voters, looks like Hillary had more than Trump. Looks like your expectations fell way short. You also lost the prediction of the Senate turning blue.

As usual you were wrong.

Hillary's didn't matter as much as Trump's did, as they knew not enough Trump ones would vote for her instead. In fact, from what they did, they gave the people they voted for an opportunity to be elected by the House had it gone there. Colin Powell could have been elected President of the U.S. without him having even run for office.

None of it mattered, 7 out of 538, it happens almost every election. It would never have went to the House, it was a Democratic Party's wet dream.

...and you fail to see the point. Their votes weren't going to matter if they voted Clinton, so why not at least vote for a few other people to at least give those people a shot at getting the Presidency in the House? Powell, Sanders... whomever. Was it likely that many people would change their vote from Trump? No... but at least those Democratic Electors had the wherewith-to to vote for other people to at least expand the field if it did go to the House.

The field would have been Clinton, Trump or Powell. Doubtful the House Republicans would have voted for Powell or Clinton.

...and Sanders. Why would Republicans not vote for Powell? He's bipartisan?

Sanders is out he would have to finish in the top three and that would be Powell. The Republicans would not allow their candidate to lose to anyone, so Powell would get a few however Trump would get the majority.

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