GOP Extremism Poses Existential Threat To America; Democrats Must Not Let Voters Forget In 2022


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Nonetheless, Democrats don't have to be 100% at the mercy of the pandemic politically. What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that whatever challenges the pandemic poses under Democratic rule, our country would be a raging dumpster fire under Republican rule. It would truly be every person for themselves without any help whatsoever from the federal government in making lifesaving vaccines and rapid testing available, not to mention any scientifically based guidance from a functional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Biden administration has done relatively well in this rapidly changing public health environment, though it certainly hasn't been perfect. But just imagine where we would be under Donald Trump or a GOP-controlled Congress after not a single Republican lawmaker voted this year to provide critical pandemic relief to American families and local and state governments. As we already know, even in red states GOP governors and lawmakers are jumping at the chance to tout their "historic" investments in local resources and infrastructure that resulted from the Democrats-only American Rescue Plan.

Republicans are good at taking credit for Democrats accomplishments, aren't they.
OMG. You seem to have forgotten WTF the democrats record of utter failure is.

Everything Xiden touches turns to shit, here's a partial list:
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT
The French pulled their ambassador
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline
He sold us out to Putin by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent the Bidens
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
The southern border is another Xiden catastrophe after Trump had it SOLVED
Runaway inflation will just get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs.
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (domestic terrorists) who ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe

drama queen 2.jpg
Nonetheless, Democrats don't have to be 100% at the mercy of the pandemic politically. What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that whatever challenges the pandemic poses under Democratic rule, our country would be a raging dumpster fire under Republican rule. It would truly be every person for themselves without any help whatsoever from the federal government in making lifesaving vaccines and rapid testing available, not to mention any scientifically based guidance from a functional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Biden administration has done relatively well in this rapidly changing public health environment, though it certainly hasn't been perfect. But just imagine where we would be under Donald Trump or a GOP-controlled Congress after not a single Republican lawmaker voted this year to provide critical pandemic relief to American families and local and state governments. As we already know, even in red states GOP governors and lawmakers are jumping at the chance to tout their "historic" investments in local resources and infrastructure that resulted from the Democrats-only American Rescue Plan.

Republicans are good at taking credit for Democrats accomplishments, aren't they.
The country has never been in this condition before. These people are literally existing within their own reality and going after our election process on this cultish jihad of theirs.

That said, the Democrats still have to present a better alternative. There are things they do that don't help them.
Nonetheless, Democrats don't have to be 100% at the mercy of the pandemic politically. What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that whatever challenges the pandemic poses under Democratic rule, our country would be a raging dumpster fire under Republican rule. It would truly be every person for themselves without any help whatsoever from the federal government in making lifesaving vaccines and rapid testing available, not to mention any scientifically based guidance from a functional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Biden administration has done relatively well in this rapidly changing public health environment, though it certainly hasn't been perfect. But just imagine where we would be under Donald Trump or a GOP-controlled Congress after not a single Republican lawmaker voted this year to provide critical pandemic relief to American families and local and state governments. As we already know, even in red states GOP governors and lawmakers are jumping at the chance to tout their "historic" investments in local resources and infrastructure that resulted from the Democrats-only American Rescue Plan.

Republicans are good at taking credit for Democrats accomplishments, aren't they.
I don’t expect everyone to vote Democrat. I just expect there to be no one moronic enough to vote Republican instead. God help us come 2022. We will be fucked.
As long as Biden doesn’t try to end the democratic election of presidents, it puts him above Trump.
Agreed. I'm no Trump fan.
I like his policies, but as General Kelly said, "Trump is a very flawed man".
The democrats and Biden have horrible and catastrophic policies.
2022 and 2024 had better get us back on the right track.
quote=billie]I don’t expect everyone to vote Democrat. I just expect there to be no one moronic enough to vote Republican instead. God help us come 2022. We will be fucked.[/quote] will be. If not in 2022 then in 2024 or some time. The left keep pulling this crap and then you get handed your heads...literally. It won't stop until.... But okay, you keep doing it and then one day the time WILL run out and that will be it. I know you don't grasp what i'm saying.
Nonetheless, Democrats don't have to be 100% at the mercy of the pandemic politically. What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that whatever challenges the pandemic poses under Democratic rule, our country would be a raging dumpster fire under Republican rule. It would truly be every person for themselves without any help whatsoever from the federal government in making lifesaving vaccines and rapid testing available, not to mention any scientifically based guidance from a functional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Biden administration has done relatively well in this rapidly changing public health environment, though it certainly hasn't been perfect. But just imagine where we would be under Donald Trump or a GOP-controlled Congress after not a single Republican lawmaker voted this year to provide critical pandemic relief to American families and local and state governments. As we already know, even in red states GOP governors and lawmakers are jumping at the chance to tout their "historic" investments in local resources and infrastructure that resulted from the Democrats-only American Rescue Plan.

Republicans are good at taking credit for Democrats accomplishments, aren't they.

You are absolutely right about one thing: American conservatism, true no-shit conservatism, poses a "you're not joking" "fuck around and find out" threat to radical woke Leftism. Sooner or later, child of woke, conservative Americans will go full medieval crusader on all tenets of the radical left woke religion. I'm talking burning witches at the stake and the whole rest of the nine yards. Ultimately, you and your kind will have no one to blame but yourselves. Good people can only be pushed so far, and the rubber band of civilizational survival can only be stretched so far, before monolithic, ass-kicking snap back ensues. You want to provoke us until we explode? Keep going with all your insane woke religion radical leftist madness; keep on pushing, prodding, agitating and find out what happens. Radical leftism is a dark vampiric tide sweeping across America, yes, but it is and will be no match for the incoming blood red tide of reprisal.
Nonetheless, Democrats don't have to be 100% at the mercy of the pandemic politically. What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that whatever challenges the pandemic poses under Democratic rule, our country would be a raging dumpster fire under Republican rule. It would truly be every person for themselves without any help whatsoever from the federal government in making lifesaving vaccines and rapid testing available, not to mention any scientifically based guidance from a functional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Biden administration has done relatively well in this rapidly changing public health environment, though it certainly hasn't been perfect. But just imagine where we would be under Donald Trump or a GOP-controlled Congress after not a single Republican lawmaker voted this year to provide critical pandemic relief to American families and local and state governments. As we already know, even in red states GOP governors and lawmakers are jumping at the chance to tout their "historic" investments in local resources and infrastructure that resulted from the Democrats-only American Rescue Plan.

Republicans are good at taking credit for Democrats accomplishments, aren't they.

Wear your face diaper like a good little boy
Nonetheless, Democrats don't have to be 100% at the mercy of the pandemic politically. What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that whatever challenges the pandemic poses under Democratic rule, our country would be a raging dumpster fire under Republican rule. It would truly be every person for themselves without any help whatsoever from the federal government in making lifesaving vaccines and rapid testing available, not to mention any scientifically based guidance from a functional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Biden administration has done relatively well in this rapidly changing public health environment, though it certainly hasn't been perfect. But just imagine where we would be under Donald Trump or a GOP-controlled Congress after not a single Republican lawmaker voted this year to provide critical pandemic relief to American families and local and state governments. As we already know, even in red states GOP governors and lawmakers are jumping at the chance to tout their "historic" investments in local resources and infrastructure that resulted from the Democrats-only American Rescue Plan.

Republicans are good at taking credit for Democrats accomplishments, aren't they.
Democrats are trying to usurp democracy under the false rhetoric of "systemic racism" and "voter suppression." Both are lies. What they do in China with false propaganda,
Nonetheless, Democrats don't have to be 100% at the mercy of the pandemic politically. What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that whatever challenges the pandemic poses under Democratic rule, our country would be a raging dumpster fire under Republican rule. It would truly be every person for themselves without any help whatsoever from the federal government in making lifesaving vaccines and rapid testing available, not to mention any scientifically based guidance from a functional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Biden administration has done relatively well in this rapidly changing public health environment, though it certainly hasn't been perfect. But just imagine where we would be under Donald Trump or a GOP-controlled Congress after not a single Republican lawmaker voted this year to provide critical pandemic relief to American families and local and state governments. As we already know, even in red states GOP governors and lawmakers are jumping at the chance to tout their "historic" investments in local resources and infrastructure that resulted from the Democrats-only American Rescue Plan.

Republicans are good at taking credit for Democrats accomplishments, aren't they.
Nope, not taking credit for the record number of leftyflu deaths in 2021, thats all on Poopeypants. Or the highest inflation in 20 years, nor the higest gas prices or worst deficit in history at all. Its all on Diaperman and his Dimmer patrol.
Skews has lost his screws.
Nope, not taking credit for the record number of leftyflu deaths in 2021, thats all on Poopeypants. Or the highest inflation in 20 years, nor the higest gas prices or worst deficit in history at all. Its all on Diaperman and his Dimmer patrol.

They (democrats) are well aware their hallowed zombified leader Biden is fully responsible for the collapse of American civilization. Democrats must also be aware, on some low IQ lizard brain level, that their plan to destroy America is running full steam ahead of schedule. These people (democrat true believers) are soul-taken and brainwashed to the extent they cheer for all policies which openly destroy America, their cities, counties and neighborhoods. There's just no getting through to them nor bringing them back from the point of no return. Doing that would require a shitload of exorcists and cult deprogrammers, and I hear James Woods is already booked for the holidays.

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