GOP Fails!

So the WSJ (the current print version of fox noise) claims voter ID requirements didn't make a difference in NC. Not surprising, considering the source, but here are several other studies that disagree.
How Much of a Difference Did New Voting Restrictions Make in Yesterday s Close Races
Voter ID North Carolina Law Hurts Democrats The New Republic
Photo ID laws do hurt voter turnout study - Washington Times

I guess you can just believe the info from inside the fox bubble, or you can take a wider view and include credible sources. I do agree that the GOP strategies are failing, but that's mostly in ways you don't recognize, and would never admit.
The New Republic article was from 2013.
You are a complete dolt.

So? You're saying that voter ID requirements have a different result now than they did in 2013? Please elaborate.
Wow. I really have to explain this to you?
Moron, shit for brains: There was an election in 2014. 2014 is comparable to 2010 in that both were off years for elections. In 2010 voter ID had not been passed. In 2014 voter ID had been passed. Minority voting INCREASED from 2010 to 2014. So there was no suppression at all.

You poor feeble minded teabagger. How many states did your little study cover? Do you not understand that any increase in numbers was in spite of, and probably as a response to the ridiculous ID laws? That increase was not seen across the entire country. 2010 turnout was 41% 2014 was 36.3% . 2014 was the lowest midterm turnout since 1942
The 2014 voter turnout looked more like 1930 or 1942
Deflect, change the subject, move the goalposts.
Face it, you lost this one and you look like a moron.

Well, one of us looks like a moron, and putting a pair of glasses on an idiot doesn't make you or him look smarter.
So the WSJ (the current print version of fox noise) claims voter ID requirements didn't make a difference in NC. Not surprising, considering the source, but here are several other studies that disagree.
How Much of a Difference Did New Voting Restrictions Make in Yesterday s Close Races
Voter ID North Carolina Law Hurts Democrats The New Republic
Photo ID laws do hurt voter turnout study - Washington Times

I guess you can just believe the info from inside the fox bubble, or you can take a wider view and include credible sources. I do agree that the GOP strategies are failing, but that's mostly in ways you don't recognize, and would never admit.
The New Republic article was from 2013.
You are a complete dolt.

So? You're saying that voter ID requirements have a different result now than they did in 2013? Please elaborate.
Wow. I really have to explain this to you?
Moron, shit for brains: There was an election in 2014. 2014 is comparable to 2010 in that both were off years for elections. In 2010 voter ID had not been passed. In 2014 voter ID had been passed. Minority voting INCREASED from 2010 to 2014. So there was no suppression at all.

You poor feeble minded teabagger. How many states did your little study cover? Do you not understand that any increase in numbers was in spite of, and probably as a response to the ridiculous ID laws? That increase was not seen across the entire country. 2010 turnout was 41% 2014 was 36.3% . 2014 was the lowest midterm turnout since 1942
The 2014 voter turnout looked more like 1930 or 1942
Deflect, change the subject, move the goalposts.
Face it, you lost this one and you look like a moron.

Nope Not going to let you go that easy this time. What did I deflect, and how? What was the subject you claim I changed, and what do you claim I changed it to? Something about that silly goalpost thing too. Come on dumbass......back up your shit.
For those maintaining the GOP wanted voter ID requirements in order to suppress the black vote, the evidence is in: The GOP failed. Black voter turnout was higher in NC in a midterm after voter ID became law than before.
So I guess the GOP will need another strategy to suppress minority votes for Dems. Maybe pointing out they are worse off today than 6 years ago might be a starting point.
The Voter Suppression Myth Takes Another Hit - WSJ

Damn it! I told you this was a stupid idea! Everyone knows you need ID for anything in America in 2014!
For those maintaining the GOP wanted voter ID requirements in order to suppress the black vote, the evidence is in: The GOP failed. Black voter turnout was higher in NC in a midterm after voter ID became law than before.
So I guess the GOP will need another strategy to suppress minority votes for Dems. Maybe pointing out they are worse off today than 6 years ago might be a starting point.
The Voter Suppression Myth Takes Another Hit - WSJ

No problem with the idea of voter ID when it is clearly not designed to suppress valid voting.

Too many court cases overthrowing bad laws (think PA in 2012) means that an issue of voter suppression does exist.

NC's increase means that minorities, perceiving the GOP attempting to suppress their right to votes, punish the GOP by coming out in even greater numbers.
Voter suppression efforts almost always blow up in the face of the suppressors. Just ask the guys who tried to make blacks pass a literacy test before being allowed to vote. Their efforts helped to get Obama elected all these years later.

Suppression efforts tend to make those who are being oppressed rise up.
When did anyone make blacks pass a literacy test in the last 40 years?

I will throw this back in your face when you talk about conservatives (supposedly liberals, according to your wierdness) suppressing backs 150 to 40 years ago.
NC's increase means that minorities, perceiving the GOP attempting to suppress their right to votes, punish the GOP by coming out in even greater numbers.
You're saying that voter ID laws, supposedly enacted to suppress minority voters, actually serve as get-out-the-vote campaigns?

Perhaps they should pass more voter ID laws and minority voters would vote in larger numbers than ever before.
The New Republic article was from 2013.
You are a complete dolt.

So? You're saying that voter ID requirements have a different result now than they did in 2013? Please elaborate.
Wow. I really have to explain this to you?
Moron, shit for brains: There was an election in 2014. 2014 is comparable to 2010 in that both were off years for elections. In 2010 voter ID had not been passed. In 2014 voter ID had been passed. Minority voting INCREASED from 2010 to 2014. So there was no suppression at all.

You poor feeble minded teabagger. How many states did your little study cover? Do you not understand that any increase in numbers was in spite of, and probably as a response to the ridiculous ID laws? That increase was not seen across the entire country. 2010 turnout was 41% 2014 was 36.3% . 2014 was the lowest midterm turnout since 1942
The 2014 voter turnout looked more like 1930 or 1942
Deflect, change the subject, move the goalposts.
Face it, you lost this one and you look like a moron.

Nope Not going to let you go that easy this time. What did I deflect, and how? What was the subject you claim I changed, and what do you claim I changed it to? Something about that silly goalpost thing too. Come on dumbass......back up your shit.
The article dealt with NC specifically. You posted crap articles published prior to the 2014 election. Then you wondered how voter ID laws were different in 2014 from 2013 and I had to explain it to you. Then you deflected to elections outside of NC. Then you claimed the increase (at least you admit it) was in response to the voter ID laws. Then you claimed voter turnout was lower in 2014, which is a deflection.
Your posts are a series of pathetic failures reflecting your poor knowledge base and inability to debate.
The New Republic article was from 2013.
You are a complete dolt.

So? You're saying that voter ID requirements have a different result now than they did in 2013? Please elaborate.
Wow. I really have to explain this to you?
Moron, shit for brains: There was an election in 2014. 2014 is comparable to 2010 in that both were off years for elections. In 2010 voter ID had not been passed. In 2014 voter ID had been passed. Minority voting INCREASED from 2010 to 2014. So there was no suppression at all.

You poor feeble minded teabagger. How many states did your little study cover? Do you not understand that any increase in numbers was in spite of, and probably as a response to the ridiculous ID laws? That increase was not seen across the entire country. 2010 turnout was 41% 2014 was 36.3% . 2014 was the lowest midterm turnout since 1942
The 2014 voter turnout looked more like 1930 or 1942
Deflect, change the subject, move the goalposts.
Face it, you lost this one and you look like a moron.

Well, one of us looks like a moron, and putting a pair of glasses on an idiot doesn't make you or him look smarter.
I didnt know you wore glasses.
Now we'll see what kind of poster you are. If you admit you were wrong, then things will be fine. If you go away and abandon the thread, that's OK too. If you make some ludicrous claim, hurl insults, or try to spin your failure then I'll know you're a clueless asshole and you'll be headed to Iggy.
So? You're saying that voter ID requirements have a different result now than they did in 2013? Please elaborate.
Wow. I really have to explain this to you?
Moron, shit for brains: There was an election in 2014. 2014 is comparable to 2010 in that both were off years for elections. In 2010 voter ID had not been passed. In 2014 voter ID had been passed. Minority voting INCREASED from 2010 to 2014. So there was no suppression at all.

You poor feeble minded teabagger. How many states did your little study cover? Do you not understand that any increase in numbers was in spite of, and probably as a response to the ridiculous ID laws? That increase was not seen across the entire country. 2010 turnout was 41% 2014 was 36.3% . 2014 was the lowest midterm turnout since 1942
The 2014 voter turnout looked more like 1930 or 1942
Deflect, change the subject, move the goalposts.
Face it, you lost this one and you look like a moron.

Nope Not going to let you go that easy this time. What did I deflect, and how? What was the subject you claim I changed, and what do you claim I changed it to? Something about that silly goalpost thing too. Come on dumbass......back up your shit.
The article dealt with NC specifically. You posted crap articles published prior to the 2014 election. Then you wondered how voter ID laws were different in 2014 from 2013 and I had to explain it to you. Then you deflected to elections outside of NC. Then you claimed the increase (at least you admit it) was in response to the voter ID laws. Then you claimed voter turnout was lower in 2014, which is a deflection.
Your posts are a series of pathetic failures reflecting your poor knowledge base and inability to debate.

It's your OP dumbass. Read what you wrote. I don't care what the article said. You wrote the OP, and didn't limit your remarks to that one state. Just because your link didn't justify your claim isn't my fault you big baby. You said the strategy didn't work. I guess you thought the results from one state proved that, but you didn't say it didn't work in that state. You said it didn't work. I gave you examples of how it did work.
I didn't deflect anything you idiot. Your own post didn't define it as just in that state. You're just trying to find something to hide behind. Here's a clue.......Your big dumb ass is too big to hide that easily.
I mentioned the increase in that one state idiot. You mentioned that yourself. I never said there was an increase across the country as you implied. Your entire theory was that turnout increased because of voter ID. I showed you it only increased in small pockets.
Come on you big tub of lies. Show me where any bit of that isn't true and relevant.
Wow. I really have to explain this to you?
Moron, shit for brains: There was an election in 2014. 2014 is comparable to 2010 in that both were off years for elections. In 2010 voter ID had not been passed. In 2014 voter ID had been passed. Minority voting INCREASED from 2010 to 2014. So there was no suppression at all.

You poor feeble minded teabagger. How many states did your little study cover? Do you not understand that any increase in numbers was in spite of, and probably as a response to the ridiculous ID laws? That increase was not seen across the entire country. 2010 turnout was 41% 2014 was 36.3% . 2014 was the lowest midterm turnout since 1942
The 2014 voter turnout looked more like 1930 or 1942
Deflect, change the subject, move the goalposts.
Face it, you lost this one and you look like a moron.

Nope Not going to let you go that easy this time. What did I deflect, and how? What was the subject you claim I changed, and what do you claim I changed it to? Something about that silly goalpost thing too. Come on dumbass......back up your shit.
The article dealt with NC specifically. You posted crap articles published prior to the 2014 election. Then you wondered how voter ID laws were different in 2014 from 2013 and I had to explain it to you. Then you deflected to elections outside of NC. Then you claimed the increase (at least you admit it) was in response to the voter ID laws. Then you claimed voter turnout was lower in 2014, which is a deflection.
Your posts are a series of pathetic failures reflecting your poor knowledge base and inability to debate.

It's your OP dumbass. Read what you wrote. I don't care what the article said. You wrote the OP, and didn't limit your remarks to that one state. Just because your link didn't justify your claim isn't my fault you big baby. You said the strategy didn't work. I guess you thought the results from one state proved that, but you didn't say it didn't work in that state. You said it didn't work. I gave you examples of how it did work.
I didn't deflect anything you idiot. Your own post didn't define it as just in that state. You're just trying to find something to hide behind. Here's a clue.......Your big dumb ass is too big to hide that easily.
I mentioned the increase in that one state idiot. You mentioned that yourself. I never said there was an increase across the country as you implied. Your entire theory was that turnout increased because of voter ID. I showed you it only increased in small pockets.
Come on you big tub of lies. Show me where any bit of that isn't true and relevant.
Just as I thought. Spin, deflection, and ad homs.
You're a fucking waste of time and bandwidth. You're dismissed.
So? You're saying that voter ID requirements have a different result now than they did in 2013? Please elaborate.
Wow. I really have to explain this to you?
Moron, shit for brains: There was an election in 2014. 2014 is comparable to 2010 in that both were off years for elections. In 2010 voter ID had not been passed. In 2014 voter ID had been passed. Minority voting INCREASED from 2010 to 2014. So there was no suppression at all.

You poor feeble minded teabagger. How many states did your little study cover? Do you not understand that any increase in numbers was in spite of, and probably as a response to the ridiculous ID laws? That increase was not seen across the entire country. 2010 turnout was 41% 2014 was 36.3% . 2014 was the lowest midterm turnout since 1942
The 2014 voter turnout looked more like 1930 or 1942
Deflect, change the subject, move the goalposts.
Face it, you lost this one and you look like a moron.

Well, one of us looks like a moron, and putting a pair of glasses on an idiot doesn't make you or him look smarter.
I didnt know you wore glasses.
Now we'll see what kind of poster you are. If you admit you were wrong, then things will be fine. If you go away and abandon the thread, that's OK too. If you make some ludicrous claim, hurl insults, or try to spin your failure then I'll know you're a clueless asshole and you'll be headed to Iggy.

You're almost as funny as Bigreb was before he ran and hid, and he had a fake badge.
You poor feeble minded teabagger. How many states did your little study cover? Do you not understand that any increase in numbers was in spite of, and probably as a response to the ridiculous ID laws? That increase was not seen across the entire country. 2010 turnout was 41% 2014 was 36.3% . 2014 was the lowest midterm turnout since 1942
The 2014 voter turnout looked more like 1930 or 1942
Deflect, change the subject, move the goalposts.
Face it, you lost this one and you look like a moron.

Nope Not going to let you go that easy this time. What did I deflect, and how? What was the subject you claim I changed, and what do you claim I changed it to? Something about that silly goalpost thing too. Come on dumbass......back up your shit.
The article dealt with NC specifically. You posted crap articles published prior to the 2014 election. Then you wondered how voter ID laws were different in 2014 from 2013 and I had to explain it to you. Then you deflected to elections outside of NC. Then you claimed the increase (at least you admit it) was in response to the voter ID laws. Then you claimed voter turnout was lower in 2014, which is a deflection.
Your posts are a series of pathetic failures reflecting your poor knowledge base and inability to debate.

It's your OP dumbass. Read what you wrote. I don't care what the article said. You wrote the OP, and didn't limit your remarks to that one state. Just because your link didn't justify your claim isn't my fault you big baby. You said the strategy didn't work. I guess you thought the results from one state proved that, but you didn't say it didn't work in that state. You said it didn't work. I gave you examples of how it did work.
I didn't deflect anything you idiot. Your own post didn't define it as just in that state. You're just trying to find something to hide behind. Here's a clue.......Your big dumb ass is too big to hide that easily.
I mentioned the increase in that one state idiot. You mentioned that yourself. I never said there was an increase across the country as you implied. Your entire theory was that turnout increased because of voter ID. I showed you it only increased in small pockets.
Come on you big tub of lies. Show me where any bit of that isn't true and relevant.
Just as I thought. Spin, deflection, and ad homs.
You're a fucking waste of time and bandwidth. You're dismissed.

And you are a big bag of wind.
For those maintaining the GOP wanted voter ID requirements in order to suppress the black vote, the evidence is in: The GOP failed. Black voter turnout was higher in NC in a midterm after voter ID became law than before.
So I guess the GOP will need another strategy to suppress minority votes for Dems. Maybe pointing out they are worse off today than 6 years ago might be a starting point.
The Voter Suppression Myth Takes Another Hit - WSJ
Holyfuckingshit!! :eusa_doh:

This may be the dumbest thread ever.

Here we have the dumbest poster, the :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2:, bragging about how black voter turnout in 2014 was high after voter ID became the law than before it was law -- only the law hasn't gone into effect yet!

Voter suppression efforts almost always blow up in the face of the suppressors. Just ask the guys who tried to make blacks pass a literacy test before being allowed to vote. Their efforts helped to get Obama elected all these years later.

Suppression efforts tend to make those who are being oppressed rise up.

Or the Democrats lied to you about it. :rolleyes:
For those maintaining the GOP wanted voter ID requirements in order to suppress the black vote, the evidence is in: The GOP failed. Black voter turnout was higher in NC in a midterm after voter ID became law than before.
So I guess the GOP will need another strategy to suppress minority votes for Dems. Maybe pointing out they are worse off today than 6 years ago might be a starting point.
The Voter Suppression Myth Takes Another Hit - WSJ
Holyfuckingshit!! :eusa_doh:

This may be the dumbest thread ever.

Here we have the dumbest poster, the :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2:, bragging about how black voter turnout in 2014 was high after voter ID became the law than before it was law -- only the law hasn't gone into effect yet!


Passed in 2013 but
It goes into effect in 2016.
Just another lie by Democrats to divide the people in the country. It's all they have left

You said: Just another lie by Democrats to divide the people in the country. It's all they have left

POS. All you have to do is a quick Google search:

gop admits voter id - Google Search

What is it with these screwball right wingers. They tell us something and then call us the liars. They said it. Not us. What pinheads.
The New Republic article was from 2013.
You are a complete dolt.

So? You're saying that voter ID requirements have a different result now than they did in 2013? Please elaborate.
Wow. I really have to explain this to you?
Moron, shit for brains: There was an election in 2014. 2014 is comparable to 2010 in that both were off years for elections. In 2010 voter ID had not been passed. In 2014 voter ID had been passed. Minority voting INCREASED from 2010 to 2014. So there was no suppression at all.

You poor feeble minded teabagger. How many states did your little study cover? Do you not understand that any increase in numbers was in spite of, and probably as a response to the ridiculous ID laws? That increase was not seen across the entire country. 2010 turnout was 41% 2014 was 36.3% . 2014 was the lowest midterm turnout since 1942
The 2014 voter turnout looked more like 1930 or 1942
Deflect, change the subject, move the goalposts.
Face it, you lost this one and you look like a moron.

Well, one of us looks like a moron, and putting a pair of glasses on an idiot doesn't make you or him look smarter.

and you have a problem with voter id because why?
For those maintaining the GOP wanted voter ID requirements in order to suppress the black vote, the evidence is in: The GOP failed. Black voter turnout was higher in NC in a midterm after voter ID became law than before.
So I guess the GOP will need another strategy to suppress minority votes for Dems. Maybe pointing out they are worse off today than 6 years ago might be a starting point.
The Voter Suppression Myth Takes Another Hit - WSJ
Holyfuckingshit!! :eusa_doh:

This may be the dumbest thread ever.

Here we have the dumbest poster, the :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2:, bragging about how black voter turnout in 2014 was high after voter ID became the law than before it was law -- only the law hasn't gone into effect yet!


Passed in 2013 but
It goes into effect in 2016.
I already showed that was not the case.
For those maintaining the GOP wanted voter ID requirements in order to suppress the black vote, the evidence is in: The GOP failed. Black voter turnout was higher in NC in a midterm after voter ID became law than before.
So I guess the GOP will need another strategy to suppress minority votes for Dems. Maybe pointing out they are worse off today than 6 years ago might be a starting point.
The Voter Suppression Myth Takes Another Hit - WSJ
Holyfuckingshit!! :eusa_doh:

This may be the dumbest thread ever.

Here we have the dumbest poster, the :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2:, bragging about how black voter turnout in 2014 was high after voter ID became the law than before it was law -- only the law hasn't gone into effect yet!

For those maintaining the GOP wanted voter ID requirements in order to suppress the black vote, the evidence is in: The GOP failed. Black voter turnout was higher in NC in a midterm after voter ID became law than before.
So I guess the GOP will need another strategy to suppress minority votes for Dems. Maybe pointing out they are worse off today than 6 years ago might be a starting point.
The Voter Suppression Myth Takes Another Hit - WSJ
Holyfuckingshit!! :eusa_doh:

This may be the dumbest thread ever.

Here we have the dumbest poster, the :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2:, bragging about how black voter turnout in 2014 was high after voter ID became the law than before it was law -- only the law hasn't gone into effect yet!


Passed in 2013 but
It goes into effect in 2016.
I already showed that was not the case.
Yeah, suuuuure ya did, :laugh2: forum jester :laugh2: ... suuuure ya did ....


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