GOP farm bill is a disaster! cuts 23 billion dollars in food assistance to low income children

Exactly. Once they are born just let the little bastards starve.

If you don't want your children to starve then buy them food.
Yes, I hear what you are saying. "Once they are born they can starve for all we care". You come through loud and clear.

an aborted fetus only lasts for a few minutes - a starving kid can last a couple of weeks. Conservative Christians want to get their moneys worth !

Christians believe in the teachings of the Bible.

Charity comes from the heart, family and church.

It doesn't say a damn thing about Caesar taking the money by force and then doling it out to his welfare state plantation in exchange for votes.

If Christians were fulfilling their charge from Jesus to care to the poor and the hungry, the government would not need to be doing it

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I am doing my part. Are you doing yours?

The Liberals created the welfare sate in order to get a dependent voting base.

Very few people in this country would go to bed hungry if they would take responsibility for their own welfare instead of being dependent upon government freebies. Very few children would go to bed hungry if their parents would take responsibility for the welfare of their children.

The best way to stop poverty in the US is for these stupid Moon Bats to stop electing Liberals with failed Left economic polices that screws up the economy and have destroyed countries all over the world.

Just like the idiots electing that moron Left Wing Obama resulted in increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.
This is the best thing that's happened to the chillens in a long, long time.

Next, defund the schools.

The government is horrible at parenting, like everything else. Maybe more people will get married now. Actual parents > It takes a village. Again I highly doubt anyone is going to starve.
This is the best thing that's happened to the chillens in a long, long time.

Next, defund the schools.

How about first we fund the children, and needy, and defund demonic Zionists who love looting, and shooting the Mid-East.

That's the true Christian way.

I don't know where Hicks get their views from, but it sure sounds more like from Satan, rather than Jesus.

Man, you manage to work an anti-Jew rant into every post.
This is the best thing that's happened to the chillens in a long, long time.

Next, defund the schools.

The government is horrible at parenting, like everything else. Maybe more people will get married now. Actual parents > It takes a village. Again I highly doubt anyone is going to starve.
They won't.

Except for children who are somehow embroiled in sex/human trafficking. The pigs use foodstamps and welfare money to provide for their upkeep.
If the parents of these low income children simply cut out the cigarettes, lottery tickets, booze, and tattoos -these children would have plenty of food. Shame on them.
Shame on you for talking in stereotypes. IF is a pretty big word, and IF you think you can dictate how these low income folks live their lives and spend their money, go for it. I think you might find it difficult. In the meantime, their kids aren't getting the groceries they need for healthy brain development and sturdy bones, etc. Malnutrition is absolutely unforgivable in this nation. Yes, I agree that we need to make a serious effort to get some folks off perpetual welfare; that starts by making sure the current children living in poverty have the best start we can give them. THAT is what changes the situation, eventually. There is no overnight magic wand solution.

I don't care how they live their lives.

You need to develop critical thinking skills.

You're falling prey to emotional blackmail. boo hooo...."those poor children!"
First off they didn't cut SNAP spending, they simply strengthened the work/school requirements. If SNAP recipients refuse to comply with the work or school requirements to qualify for SNAP well that's on them. If they comply not $1 dollar in SNAP spending will be cut.

That said, government is dumb as a post. I get what the GOP is trying to do, their plan to me seems stupid and likely to fail. Lets start with raising the age limit to 59, I think that's too high. Next, those who violate the requirements would be cut off from benefits for an entire year and could be cut off from benefits for up to three years for repeat violations. That seems pretty harsh.
If the parents of these low income children simply cut out the cigarettes, lottery tickets, booze, and tattoos -these children would have plenty of food. Shame on them.
Shame on you for talking in stereotypes. IF is a pretty big word, and IF you think you can dictate how these low income folks live their lives and spend their money, go for it. I think you might find it difficult. In the meantime, their kids aren't getting the groceries they need for healthy brain development and sturdy bones, etc. Malnutrition is absolutely unforgivable in this nation. Yes, I agree that we need to make a serious effort to get some folks off perpetual welfare; that starts by making sure the current children living in poverty have the best start we can give them. THAT is what changes the situation, eventually. There is no overnight magic wand solution.

I don't care how they live their lives.

You need to develop critical thinking skills.

You're falling prey to emotional blackmail. boo hooo...."those poor children!"
Can she name these children, even one of them
If the parents of these low income children simply cut out the cigarettes, lottery tickets, booze, and tattoos -these children would have plenty of food. Shame on them.
Shame on you for talking in stereotypes. IF is a pretty big word, and IF you think you can dictate how these low income folks live their lives and spend their money, go for it. I think you might find it difficult. In the meantime, their kids aren't getting the groceries they need for healthy brain development and sturdy bones, etc. Malnutrition is absolutely unforgivable in this nation. Yes, I agree that we need to make a serious effort to get some folks off perpetual welfare; that starts by making sure the current children living in poverty have the best start we can give them. THAT is what changes the situation, eventually. There is no overnight magic wand solution.

I don't care how they live their lives.

You need to develop critical thinking skills.

You're falling prey to emotional blackmail. boo hooo...."those poor children!"
Can she name these children, even one of them

Of course not, nobody can because they don't exist.

Poverty is a choice- the parents choose to get high or drunk over being responsible.
This is one of the many issues on which fundamentalist libertarian thinking makes people look just awful.

As a society, we make decisions on who we should help as a group. Children who are poor and undernourished through no fault of their own would be an example.

So we help. Even if the help isn't perfectly efficient. Even if systems don't always work the way they should. We just do it.

One of the many nasty symptoms of commitment to an ideology is an intellectual paralysis that robs the afflicted of a connection with fundamental human nature.

Tax accordingly to the state and local government need to feed the people of the region and remove it from the Federal Hands which is digging deeper into your pocket...
It's the conservative conundrum on children:

Abortion is murder, but once they are born let the little bastards starve.

Actually I support the right to abort children because most people should not be breeding in the first place!
If the parents of these low income children simply cut out the cigarettes, lottery tickets, booze, and tattoos -these children would have plenty of food. Shame on them.
Shame on you for talking in stereotypes. IF is a pretty big word, and IF you think you can dictate how these low income folks live their lives and spend their money, go for it. I think you might find it difficult. In the meantime, their kids aren't getting the groceries they need for healthy brain development and sturdy bones, etc. Malnutrition is absolutely unforgivable in this nation. Yes, I agree that we need to make a serious effort to get some folks off perpetual welfare; that starts by making sure the current children living in poverty have the best start we can give them. THAT is what changes the situation, eventually. There is no overnight magic wand solution.

I don't care how they live their lives.

You need to develop critical thinking skills.

You're falling prey to emotional blackmail. boo hooo...."those poor children!"
Can she name these children, even one of them

Of course not, nobody can because they don't exist.

Poverty is a choice- the parents choose to get high or drunk over being responsible.

For some poverty is not a choice, lets not broad brush like the left does.
If the parents of these low income children simply cut out the cigarettes, lottery tickets, booze, and tattoos -these children would have plenty of food. Shame on them.
Shame on you for talking in stereotypes. IF is a pretty big word, and IF you think you can dictate how these low income folks live their lives and spend their money, go for it. I think you might find it difficult. In the meantime, their kids aren't getting the groceries they need for healthy brain development and sturdy bones, etc. Malnutrition is absolutely unforgivable in this nation. Yes, I agree that we need to make a serious effort to get some folks off perpetual welfare; that starts by making sure the current children living in poverty have the best start we can give them. THAT is what changes the situation, eventually. There is no overnight magic wand solution.

I don't care how they live their lives.

You need to develop critical thinking skills.

You're falling prey to emotional blackmail. boo hooo...."those poor children!"
Food stamps and welfare are slave traps. They are the democrats' modern version of big game pits.

It is also the means by which the left infiltrates our rural communities and schools.

End it. I would love to see the entire USDA go..or at least be pruned back to the root.
If the parents of these low income children simply cut out the cigarettes, lottery tickets, booze, and tattoos -these children would have plenty of food. Shame on them.
Shame on you for talking in stereotypes. IF is a pretty big word, and IF you think you can dictate how these low income folks live their lives and spend their money, go for it. I think you might find it difficult. In the meantime, their kids aren't getting the groceries they need for healthy brain development and sturdy bones, etc. Malnutrition is absolutely unforgivable in this nation. Yes, I agree that we need to make a serious effort to get some folks off perpetual welfare; that starts by making sure the current children living in poverty have the best start we can give them. THAT is what changes the situation, eventually. There is no overnight magic wand solution.

I don't care how they live their lives.

You need to develop critical thinking skills.

You're falling prey to emotional blackmail. boo hooo...."those poor children!"
If the parents of these low income children simply cut out the cigarettes, lottery tickets, booze, and tattoos -these children would have plenty of food. Shame on them
You don't care how they live their lives, you just want to tell them what choices to make and what to spend their money on, am I right?
It isn't emotional blackmail to want children to have a decent diet in their early years. It is actually a good investment. It's proven science.
If the parents of these low income children simply cut out the cigarettes, lottery tickets, booze, and tattoos -these children would have plenty of food. Shame on them.
Shame on you for talking in stereotypes. IF is a pretty big word, and IF you think you can dictate how these low income folks live their lives and spend their money, go for it. I think you might find it difficult. In the meantime, their kids aren't getting the groceries they need for healthy brain development and sturdy bones, etc. Malnutrition is absolutely unforgivable in this nation. Yes, I agree that we need to make a serious effort to get some folks off perpetual welfare; that starts by making sure the current children living in poverty have the best start we can give them. THAT is what changes the situation, eventually. There is no overnight magic wand solution.

I don't care how they live their lives.

You need to develop critical thinking skills.

You're falling prey to emotional blackmail. boo hooo...."those poor children!"
Can she name these children, even one of them
Why don't we start with the names of your children, Rosy?
What kind of comment was that, anyway?
If the parents of these low income children simply cut out the cigarettes, lottery tickets, booze, and tattoos -these children would have plenty of food. Shame on them.
Shame on you for talking in stereotypes. IF is a pretty big word, and IF you think you can dictate how these low income folks live their lives and spend their money, go for it. I think you might find it difficult. In the meantime, their kids aren't getting the groceries they need for healthy brain development and sturdy bones, etc. Malnutrition is absolutely unforgivable in this nation. Yes, I agree that we need to make a serious effort to get some folks off perpetual welfare; that starts by making sure the current children living in poverty have the best start we can give them. THAT is what changes the situation, eventually. There is no overnight magic wand solution.

I don't care how they live their lives.

You need to develop critical thinking skills.

You're falling prey to emotional blackmail. boo hooo...."those poor children!"
Food stamps and welfare are slave traps. They are the democrats' modern version of big game pits.

It is also the means by which the left infiltrates our rural communities and schools.

End it. I would love to see the entire USDA go..or at least be pruned back to the root.

I have to disagree. I grew up poor, single mother of 5, we ate government cheese and powdered government milk. My mom worked full time while raising us and did the best she could with some help from the government on rent and food. She eventually earned a college degree going to school part time, took her like 8-10 years but she did it.

Do some defraud and abuse government assistance programs absolutely, but I hate to see people broad brushing everyone on assistance as drug addicts, alcoholics, or lazy because that is not true.
This country needs another half a million abortions a years. Anybody that produces offspring without assets or desire to provide for them has committed a crime against humanity and needs to be punished accordingly.
If the parents of these low income children simply cut out the cigarettes, lottery tickets, booze, and tattoos -these children would have plenty of food. Shame on them.
Shame on you for talking in stereotypes. IF is a pretty big word, and IF you think you can dictate how these low income folks live their lives and spend their money, go for it. I think you might find it difficult. In the meantime, their kids aren't getting the groceries they need for healthy brain development and sturdy bones, etc. Malnutrition is absolutely unforgivable in this nation. Yes, I agree that we need to make a serious effort to get some folks off perpetual welfare; that starts by making sure the current children living in poverty have the best start we can give them. THAT is what changes the situation, eventually. There is no overnight magic wand solution.

I don't care how they live their lives.

You need to develop critical thinking skills.

You're falling prey to emotional blackmail. boo hooo...."those poor children!"
Can she name these children, even one of them
Why don't we start with the names of your children, Rosy?
What kind of comment was that, anyway?
My kids are well fed, can you name even one child who will not eat because of trump

nope, thus you stand corrected old maid...

why did you never have kids, did you abort them?

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