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GOP Fascists in Colorado

What is happening with the USA?

the democratic vote.....the bastions of Democracy?????

what has the USA become?

this is very scary and disturbing!

We are not a democracy. We never have been. Educate yourself

Well nowadays it's a Dictatorship.....it's very ugly and messy....

People and patriots will not like this. And with reason.

What are they going to do? Demand that the government seize control of and run the political parties? Wake their fat, lazy, under-informed asses up enough to form their own damned political parties, instead of sitting on the couch, grousing and making impotent demands about the ones other people put together?
LOL. The government already seized control of the parties, that's the problem. We have corporations in bed with politicians and they pick our candidates so they can continue their merry path to extreme wealth and power. BOTH sides. Small business and the middle class are getting hosed in the process.

The government does not control the political parties. The political parties control the government to a large extent, but only because the people are content to sit around like fat, ignorant sheep and let them.

This is a nice collection of panic-inducing buzzwords, but it's essentially meaningless. Corporations are owned and run by people, who have the same right as anyone else to interact with the government for their benefit. Do they have more clout than people who don't own large, revenue-generating businesses? Yes, but that's not different from any human interaction anywhere, and it's not something that's ever going to change significantly.

If someone other than you is picking your candidate, then whose fault is that? No one forces you to vote for the people they put forward. No one stops you or anyone else from running for office, or getting together with like-minded people and putting forth your own candidate. Is it difficult to do? Sure, but there are always excuses why you have to sit, immobile and impotent, and just go with the flow you don't like. There's also no one stopping you from getting involved with the political party of your choice and making changes to IT, but again, it's easier to bitch and whine than it is to get off your ass and take the control you're ceding to others.
What happened in Colorado is almost unbelievable

Think about it!

Nobody voted and Cruz Bush wins????

America goes down the drain

Please show me where it is written ANYWHERE that political parties are obligated to have people vote on their candidates.
Their candidates. That's the problem. The system is corrupt on both sides, the Dems even worse but when people don't elected candidate, appointed people do it isn't even really a republic. This election cycle is good for that much at least, it reveals how much the establishment is selecting the government for us.

The actions of private entities has diddly squat to do with "republic".

The establishment is not "selecting the government". They're selecting their own party's candidate, for whom you may vote or not in the election. You can object to and dislike their methods, but please stop trying to drape some noble cloak of "freedom" and "the people" around your objections as though political parties are part of the government.
The candidates aren't running for a ceo position of a corporation, they are running to head the government. The fact that you recognize it a private group acting in their own best interest should speak to you. Sorry it doesn't. Political parties aren't part of the government? Jesus Christ, you went full retard on us.

The candidates are running for President, that's true. But so what? Until such time as they actually BECOME President, they have no obligation to you whatsoever, any more than I would if I just took it into my head to put myself forward as a candidate. Running for a election is nothing more or less than simply offering voters the option of hiring them for the job. And running for nomination of a political party is nothing more than basically asking a group of private citizens to become that job applicant's references for that job. There's no obligation on the part of that group of private citizens to support one applicant over another, or to ask your opinion over which one they should support, or why. The fact that they're a large group of people, with a lot of money and influence, doesn't change their lack of obligation to you.

Again, there's a difference between "I don't like their motives and intentions" and "I have a right to demand that they do what I want". Sorry you don't see that.

No, political parties are not part of the government. They're private entities, clubbing together to influence the government as per their First Amendment rights.
Corporate media doing their propaganda, and Avatar4321 buying it. Voting is not meant to be a hard thing. One shouldn't have to be up on this and that. The system had a fiduciary duty to allow all parties voting in good faith. But Avi's buying BS like this; that it's on Trump's "disorganization":

Cruz Sweeps Colorado as Trump Campaign Issues Error-Filled Ballots

Which prating horse's ass did you cut-and-paste this from, and can he prove it? I know you didn't come up with a multi-syllable word like "fiduciary" on your own.

No, it's my own thought. And the reality is the party is betraying the people if you must have it in simpler terms to believe this is coming from me.

Hey, you want to be your own prating horse's ass, you go with that.

Meanwhile, prove it.

Watch the people flock from the party.

Blah blah "We're so POWERFUL!"

Still waiting on you to prove this alleged "fiduciary duty" you claim, which is hilarious on the face of it to anyone who knows what "fiduciary" actually means.

You said it, Chuckles. Now substantiate it, or admit you were talking out your ass.

Lol, you are such an ignoramus.

(fĭ-do͞o′shē-ĕr′ē, -shə-rē, -dyo͞o′-, fī-)
a. Of or relating to a duty of acting in good faith with regard to the interests of another: a company's fiduciaryresponsibility to investors.
b. Of or being a trustee or trusteeship.
c. Held in trust.

2. Of or consisting of fiat money.
3. Of, relating to, or being a system of marking in the field of view of an optical instrument that is used as a referencepoint or measuring scale.

Again, Gatsby got it exactly right and you just cant process it in your quarter amp brain of yours, lol.
The government does not control the political parties. The political parties control the government to a large extent, but only because the people are content to sit around like fat, ignorant sheep and let them.

Yeah, like 'fat ignorant sheep' who dont know what the hell 'fiduciary duty' means?

Last edited:
What is happening with the USA?

the democratic vote.....the bastions of Democracy?????

what has the USA become?

this is very scary and disturbing!

We are not a democracy. We never have been. Educate yourself

Well nowadays it's a Dictatorship.....it's very ugly and messy....

People and patriots will not like this. And with reason.

What are they going to do? Demand that the government seize control of and run the political parties? Wake their fat, lazy, under-informed asses up enough to form their own damned political parties, instead of sitting on the couch, grousing and making impotent demands about the ones other people put together?
LOL. The government already seized control of the parties, that's the problem. We have corporations in bed with politicians and they pick our candidates so they can continue their merry path to extreme wealth and power. BOTH sides. Small business and the middle class are getting hosed in the process.

The government does not control the political parties. The political parties control the government to a large extent, but only because the people are content to sit around like fat, ignorant sheep and let them.

This is a nice collection of panic-inducing buzzwords, but it's essentially meaningless. Corporations are owned and run by people, who have the same right as anyone else to interact with the government for their benefit. Do they have more clout than people who don't own large, revenue-generating businesses? Yes, but that's not different from any human interaction anywhere, and it's not something that's ever going to change significantly.

If someone other than you is picking your candidate, then whose fault is that? No one forces you to vote for the people they put forward. No one stops you or anyone else from running for office, or getting together with like-minded people and putting forth your own candidate. Is it difficult to do? Sure, but there are always excuses why you have to sit, immobile and impotent, and just go with the flow you don't like. There's also no one stopping you from getting involved with the political party of your choice and making changes to IT, but again, it's easier to bitch and whine than it is to get off your ass and take the control you're ceding to others.
Politicians run the government and they damn sure do control the parties. I didn't say corporations had no voice or shouldn't have. My point is the bigger government gets the more involved in business it gets and visa versa. They contribute heavily to politicians, as do unions.

And I'll bitch about it as much as I care to but you're the one getting all pissy about it.
Clowns don't win

Trump’s last-minute organizing effort did not go well. The leaflet his campaign handed out listed a slate of 26 delegates. But in many cases the numbers indicating their ballot position — more than 600 delegates are running for 13 slots — were off, meaning that Trump’s team was mistakenly directing votes toward other candidates’ delegates.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/donald-trump-colorado-south-carolina-delegates-221762#ixzz45WxNDx2o
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook
The candidates are running for President, that's true. But so what? Until such time as they actually BECOME President, they have no obligation to you whatsoever, any more than I would if I just took it into my head to put myself forward as a candidate. Running for a election is nothing more or less than simply offering voters the option of hiring them for the job. And running for nomination of a political party is nothing more than basically asking a group of private citizens to become that job applicant's references for that job. There's no obligation on the part of that group of private citizens to support one applicant over another, or to ask your opinion over which one they should support, or why. The fact that they're a large group of people, with a lot of money and influence, doesn't change their lack of obligation to you.

Again, there's a difference between "I don't like their motives and intentions" and "I have a right to demand that they do what I want". Sorry you don't see that.

No, political parties are not part of the government. They're private entities, clubbing together to influence the government as per their First Amendment rights.
If the party is doing the pickins then no, they aren't letting the voters have their say. I never said I have the right to demand they do what I want, you're medicine ain't cutting it. And yes, political parties are very much a part of government. I can't believe you think otherwise.
The GOP is in it's final days. We don't need two Democratic Parties.

I left the Republican party because they stood for nothing and over TPP. But where is a fellow to go? It is a vast wasteland of useless candidates. OMG how did we get to the point where Clinton/Sanders/Trump/Cruz will be our choices?
The GOP is in it's final days. We don't need two Democratic Parties.

I left the Republican party because they stood for nothing and over TPP. But where is a fellow to go? It is a vast wasteland of useless candidates. OMG how did we get to the point where Clinton/Sanders/Trump/Cruz will be our choices?

Welcome to the duopoly where the only thing you get to pick is your poison. ;)
Which prating horse's ass did you cut-and-paste this from, and can he prove it? I know you didn't come up with a multi-syllable word like "fiduciary" on your own.

No, it's my own thought. And the reality is the party is betraying the people if you must have it in simpler terms to believe this is coming from me.

Hey, you want to be your own prating horse's ass, you go with that.

Meanwhile, prove it.

Watch the people flock from the party.

Blah blah "We're so POWERFUL!"

Still waiting on you to prove this alleged "fiduciary duty" you claim, which is hilarious on the face of it to anyone who knows what "fiduciary" actually means.

You said it, Chuckles. Now substantiate it, or admit you were talking out your ass.

Lol, you are such an ignoramus.

(fĭ-do͞o′shē-ĕr′ē, -shə-rē, -dyo͞o′-, fī-)
a. Of or relating to a duty of acting in good faith with regard to the interests of another: a company's fiduciaryresponsibility to investors.
b. Of or being a trustee or trusteeship.
c. Held in trust.

2. Of or consisting of fiat money.
3. Of, relating to, or being a system of marking in the field of view of an optical instrument that is used as a referencepoint or measuring scale.

Again, Gatsby got it exactly right and you just cant process it in your quarter amp brain of yours, lol.

I didn't ask you what "fiduciary" means, fucknut. I didn't ask YOU anything at all. I asked Gatsby to prove HIS statement that the GOP has a "fiduciary duty" to him.

Again, telling me the definition of "fiduciary" in no way proves that he's "exactly right" about claiming that there is such a duty. The fact that YOU can't process the difference between defining the word and proving that it applies just demonstrates your need to yammer mindlessly about your hero, whether you have something worth saying or not.
The GOP is in it's final days. We don't need two Democratic Parties.

I left the Republican party because they stood for nothing and over TPP. But where is a fellow to go? It is a vast wasteland of useless candidates. OMG how did we get to the point where Clinton/Sanders/Trump/Cruz will be our choices?

Welcome to the duopoly where the only thing you get to pick is your poison. ;)
Colo is more of a caucus on steroids. In a typical closed caucus, you not only have to be a pre-registered voter, but you have to be willing to pretty much give up a Saturday to vote. It's not like a quick stop at a polling place. In Colorado you had to be a party activist, but ANYONE can be a party activist if they put forth the effort. I don't see that as really anti-democratic. At least not more so than the framers initially giving the franchise only to property owning men, and openly condoning slavery. It does insure that some 70 year old rich guy can't wake up in the Spring of 2015 and say, "I think I'll run for president." LOL
The government does not control the political parties. The political parties control the government to a large extent, but only because the people are content to sit around like fat, ignorant sheep and let them.

Yeah, like 'fat ignorant sheep' who dont know what the hell 'fiduciary duty' means?


"You asked for proof that it exists. That means you don't know what it means, because I'm a fucking cult member whose brain is paralyzed by my hardon for Donald Trump!"

Or is it your hardon for Gatsby, forcing you to interject yourself into the conversation?
We are not a democracy. We never have been. Educate yourself

Well nowadays it's a Dictatorship.....it's very ugly and messy....

People and patriots will not like this. And with reason.

What are they going to do? Demand that the government seize control of and run the political parties? Wake their fat, lazy, under-informed asses up enough to form their own damned political parties, instead of sitting on the couch, grousing and making impotent demands about the ones other people put together?
LOL. The government already seized control of the parties, that's the problem. We have corporations in bed with politicians and they pick our candidates so they can continue their merry path to extreme wealth and power. BOTH sides. Small business and the middle class are getting hosed in the process.

The government does not control the political parties. The political parties control the government to a large extent, but only because the people are content to sit around like fat, ignorant sheep and let them.

This is a nice collection of panic-inducing buzzwords, but it's essentially meaningless. Corporations are owned and run by people, who have the same right as anyone else to interact with the government for their benefit. Do they have more clout than people who don't own large, revenue-generating businesses? Yes, but that's not different from any human interaction anywhere, and it's not something that's ever going to change significantly.

If someone other than you is picking your candidate, then whose fault is that? No one forces you to vote for the people they put forward. No one stops you or anyone else from running for office, or getting together with like-minded people and putting forth your own candidate. Is it difficult to do? Sure, but there are always excuses why you have to sit, immobile and impotent, and just go with the flow you don't like. There's also no one stopping you from getting involved with the political party of your choice and making changes to IT, but again, it's easier to bitch and whine than it is to get off your ass and take the control you're ceding to others.
Politicians run the government and they damn sure do control the parties. I didn't say corporations had no voice or shouldn't have. My point is the bigger government gets the more involved in business it gets and visa versa. They contribute heavily to politicians, as do unions.

And I'll bitch about it as much as I care to but you're the one getting all pissy about it.

Not denying you the right to bitch. Denying the validity of your bitching. There's a difference.

Feel free to spew all the liberal victimhood slogans you like. Won't make them true, won't make you any less bitter and impotent.
Clowns don't win

Trump’s last-minute organizing effort did not go well. The leaflet his campaign handed out listed a slate of 26 delegates. But in many cases the numbers indicating their ballot position — more than 600 delegates are running for 13 slots — were off, meaning that Trump’s team was mistakenly directing votes toward other candidates’ delegates.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/donald-trump-colorado-south-carolina-delegates-221762#ixzz45WxNDx2o
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

Seems to me that Trump is continuing his long string of failures and lack of follow-through. Big talk, grand ideas, no frigging clue how to accomplish them.

Thank God this gasbag will never be President.
Clowns don't win

Trump’s last-minute organizing effort did not go well. The leaflet his campaign handed out listed a slate of 26 delegates. But in many cases the numbers indicating their ballot position — more than 600 delegates are running for 13 slots — were off, meaning that Trump’s team was mistakenly directing votes toward other candidates’ delegates.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/donald-trump-colorado-south-carolina-delegates-221762#ixzz45WxNDx2o
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

But somehow trump campaign incompetence means the system is unfair.

He knew the rules. Heck, he blasted Santorum for not doing these things in 2012. But he couldn't even get his guys there in time to get the delegates listed, their numbers out accurately, and didn't bother to show up. Why the heck would they vote for someone with such contempt for them that they don't bother showing up
The candidates are running for President, that's true. But so what? Until such time as they actually BECOME President, they have no obligation to you whatsoever, any more than I would if I just took it into my head to put myself forward as a candidate. Running for a election is nothing more or less than simply offering voters the option of hiring them for the job. And running for nomination of a political party is nothing more than basically asking a group of private citizens to become that job applicant's references for that job. There's no obligation on the part of that group of private citizens to support one applicant over another, or to ask your opinion over which one they should support, or why. The fact that they're a large group of people, with a lot of money and influence, doesn't change their lack of obligation to you.

Again, there's a difference between "I don't like their motives and intentions" and "I have a right to demand that they do what I want". Sorry you don't see that.

No, political parties are not part of the government. They're private entities, clubbing together to influence the government as per their First Amendment rights.
If the party is doing the pickins then no, they aren't letting the voters have their say. I never said I have the right to demand they do what I want, you're medicine ain't cutting it. And yes, political parties are very much a part of government. I can't believe you think otherwise.

To say "not letting the voters have their say" is to imply that the voters have some right to a say at all, which is still not true, and never going to be, no matter how many times you try to claim it is.

Bottom line: you, and Trump, made no effort to find out how things actually worked, instead relying on some vague notion of how you THOUGHT they worked and your ability to kick your little feet and wave your tiny hands and scream and hold your breath until Mommy gave you your way.

Didn't work. Sucks to be you.

Political parties are not part of the government. They're organizations of private citizens attempting to influence the government to their benefit. Look it up. The Internet is good for more than just porn and watching Trump videos.

Here, I'll even help. It'll be my good deed for the month. You're welcome.

"A political party is a group of voters organized to support certain public policies. The aim of a political party is to elect officials who will try to carry out the party's policies."

The Origins and Functions of Political Parties | Scholastic.com

Political party, a group of persons organized to acquire and exercise political power.

political party
They write the rules as we go along....
Both party's will get a lot of heat when all is said and done....

Democrat party wants Hillary....
Republican party wants anyone but Trump....
Fascists abolish choice. That is exactly what happened; and then fascists like you make lame rationalizations and accusations.
That has nothing to do with Fascism and there was no "abolition of choice". There WAS a choice made in Colorado, just not by the rank & file GOP sheeple.

As I understand it, Colorado normally has a caucus, but their state GOP is in complete disarray and disorganization right now - which to some extent is demonstrated by the kerfuffle over the convention ballots. There was a movement to switch from a caucus to a primary, but they apparently couldn't get their shit together enough to make the switch, and so they were left with doing it this way, instead.

In a normal primary season, it probably wouldn't have been much more than a blip on the radar of the news cycle. Under normal circumstances, there would already have been a clear candidate-designee by now.
No, it's my own thought. And the reality is the party is betraying the people if you must have it in simpler terms to believe this is coming from me.

Hey, you want to be your own prating horse's ass, you go with that.

Meanwhile, prove it.

Watch the people flock from the party.

Blah blah "We're so POWERFUL!"

Still waiting on you to prove this alleged "fiduciary duty" you claim, which is hilarious on the face of it to anyone who knows what "fiduciary" actually means.

You said it, Chuckles. Now substantiate it, or admit you were talking out your ass.

Lol, you are such an ignoramus.

(fĭ-do͞o′shē-ĕr′ē, -shə-rē, -dyo͞o′-, fī-)
a. Of or relating to a duty of acting in good faith with regard to the interests of another: a company's fiduciaryresponsibility to investors.
b. Of or being a trustee or trusteeship.
c. Held in trust.

2. Of or consisting of fiat money.
3. Of, relating to, or being a system of marking in the field of view of an optical instrument that is used as a referencepoint or measuring scale.

Again, Gatsby got it exactly right and you just cant process it in your quarter amp brain of yours, lol.

I didn't ask you what "fiduciary" means, fucknut. I didn't ask YOU anything at all. I asked Gatsby to prove HIS statement that the GOP has a "fiduciary duty" to him.

Again, telling me the definition of "fiduciary" in no way proves that he's "exactly right" about claiming that there is such a duty. The fact that YOU can't process the difference between defining the word and proving that it applies just demonstrates your need to yammer mindlessly about your hero, whether you have something worth saying or not.

IT is basic civics that the parties and the government have a basic duty to have legit elections/votes for the public whether it is a cuacus or primary and to not simply toss out the results and do whatever the hell they want to.

Damn, I was giving you credit for not being THAT stupid, but I guess I was wrong.

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