GOP Florida Debate Tonight on FOX

like 10 fucking people, get over yourself.

Fucking people? Damn, Fox didn't show that in my area.

Yeah, NOT a crowd.

I'm not a "Republican" and one of the reasons is because I'm not a homophobe nor am I religious and when candidates play to that "it's like super ewe!"

I was *shocked* if anything at the fact that so FEW people made any "boo's." I thought for a second it would grow but it really was just a handful of people. So get fucked you dumb ass, you didn’t even watch the debate but you are trying to attack it, now that deserves a crowd of boo's.
Like I said, the only thing more annoying than a Ron Paul fanboy is a Ron Paul hater.

Dude, in addition to being a whackjob, you're an idiot! Let's see. I've started posts entitled "Why I respect Ron Paul Supporters", I've started post about how I like a lot about Ron Paul and his honesty buuuut like any whackjob, if someone doesn't completely agree with you, you label them.
In this case, I stated Ron Paul got booed by an audience in Florida and that he said some whacky stuff. Result? The whackjob labels me a "RP Hater" :lol:
Dude, in addition to being a whackjob, you're an idiot! Let's see. I've started posts entitled "Why I respect Ron Paul Supporters", I've started post about how I like a lot about Ron Paul and his honesty buuuut like any whackjob, if someone doesn't completely agree with you, you label them.
In this case, I stated Ron Paul got booed by an audience in Florida and that he said some whacky stuff. Result? The whackjob labels me a "RP Hater" :lol:

Then maybe try not quoting me, then making youur quote about Ron Paul and call him a whack job when nothing I was talking about had anything to do with RP?


And for the record, you took something RP said IN DEBATE BEFORE THIS ONE. Yeah, you were not trying to stir shit up or anything....
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Then maybe try not quoting me, then making youur quote about Ron Paul and call him a whack job when nothing I was talking about had anything to do with RP?


Nah. Too bad. You were dissing Romney and Perry in the post I quoted. I didn't even know you were a Ron Pauler but rather just commented on the debate - and Ron Paul. So you're like really sensitive and stuff. Myaybe you should try a message board about feelings or poetry or something?

And for the record, you took something RP said IN DEBATE BEFORE THIS ONE. Yeah, you were not trying to stir shit up or anything....

Now you realize you've told a few people to get over themselves in this same thread. Hmmm. Maybe it's not everyone else who get over themselves. BTW, that's a phrase most commonly used by teen-age girls and gays. I'm not judgin though. I don't care which you are!
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Now you realize you've told a few people to get over themselves in this same thread. Hmmm. Maybe it's not everyone else who get over themselves. BTW, that's a phrase most commonly used by teen-age girls and gays. I'm not judgin though. I don't care which you are!

You nailed it I'm a teenager and Gay… Both must be horrible things to you, maybe not but for some reason neither seem like a “haha gotcha” to me, maybe because I’m not a homophobe or thinks someone’s age disqualifies them .

As I said and you avoided, you used a line that Ron Paul said from a different debate and claimed he was just now being all 'whacky" n shit. So sorry if you were just adding the conversation but maybe you should try watching the same debate as the rest of us first.
You nailed it I'm a teenager and Gay… Both must be horrible things to you, maybe not but for some reason neither seem like a “haha gotcha” to me, maybe because I’m not a homophobe or thinks someone’s age disqualifies them .

Aww gee. Ya got me! Yup. Homophobe! Why if you look at the thread on Gays in the military and read all about why I think that it's great that DADT was repealed that will prove that .... hmmm. NM.
Okay, so you're a gay teen-ager. That would explain the immaturity / hysterics in your posts.

As I said and you avoided, you used a line that Ron Paul said from a different debate and claimed he was just now being all 'whacky" n shit. So sorry if you were just adding the conversation but maybe you should try watching the same debate as the rest of us first.

Um wrong. He was asked about it right after Perry was asked about his not wanting to build one - albeit for saner reasons. Now you wanna just like, so get over yourself! OMG!
Bachmann can just go ahead and kiss her ass goodbye. She said it, everybody knows she said, and she lied in front of God and Country tonight.

Michele Bachmann: The darling of the Tea Party was virtually non-existent in Thursday's debate. And when she did get her time in the limelight, she notably gave a non-sensical answer and a whopper. Asked what the ideal tax rate should be, she said Americans should not have to pay any taxes. But then she added that the government had to collect something, without saying how much. Asked about her claim that HPV causes retardation among young women, Bachmann incredulously claimed she never made the charge. "I didn't make that claim nor did I make that statement," she said when moderator Chris Wallace asked if she stood by a quotation he read verbatim to her.
Prepare to watch Ron Paul shatter the pandering empty suit puppets.

Gary Johnson will also be participating but he will likely add nothing to the debate and will be ignored.

This debate may make or break Perry because he has underperformed the last two debates and he has to step it up this time to prove himself to be a frontrunner with actual ideas how to fix this country. Don't get your hopes up though Perry sheeple, his campaign said he will not change his debate strategy thus remaining a weak debater.

The beautiful Megyn Kelly will be a debate moderator joined by Chris Wallace and Brett Baier. Kelly and Chris are brutal so expect the candidates to all be grilled.

Ron Paul will come out the winner as usual. Libertarians have become a big base in the Republican party and they can see through the pandering and empty lies of these Illuminati puppets.


Illuminati puppets? So they are all master masons to the higher degree?
I expect a fair and balanced debate, anchored by fair and balanced moderators who fairly disperse the questions so and equal number of fair questions are asked of each participant providing a balance of opinions to the listeners.

Actually I expect just the opposite. I will not be surprised if the first question is phrased by this lead in: " Candidate X, some people are saying ..."

Of course it's not fair, the best candidate up there is Herman Cain, but they wont give him shit to talk about. They will pander to Romney or Perry because that is who the elites want to win because they can control them. My vote is still with Cain, fuck romney and perry.
[ame=]Herman Cain: "Stupid People Are Ruining America" - YouTube[/ame]
Ladies and gentleman, herman cain. Please watch this before passing judgement.
[ame=]Herman Cain to Obama at CPAC: "U.S. Will Not Become U.S. of Europe on our Watch" - YouTube[/ame]
Brett Baier is the only one that sucks. Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace tend to be good, but do at times have their biased moments.


Whereas you are completely unbiased, right? :lol:

Nope, I'm not unbiased, I am biased towards Ron Paul and biased against the establishment of course.

FYI: Paul can not win the election in '12, you know that too, right?

FYI: Ron Paul is polling solid double digits, in 3rd place, passed the former frontrunner Bachmann, and his suport has been solid all the way through and has made gradual increases as opposed to the fluctuating polling position of other candidates. Not to mention the Tea Party elected his son Rand Paul to Senate.


Bachmann was never the front runner, it was Romney before perry showed up. In my mind Cain is the man, and he is definitely the man that the establishment doesn't want to be elected, the proof is in the minimal coverage he gets.
In the primary, Cain wins my vote, in the general...whoever runs against Obama does.
Regardless of how well Perry and Romney will perform tonight, PMSNBC will still make both of them out to be the next Adolf or Castro. MSNBC just hates when a conservative tells the truth about the economy.

Who cares what they think? Really. Vote for who you think will do the best for this country. Fuck BSNBC and the like, they are so far gone slanted left there is no return, that's why they have the least amount of viewers among people with half a brain.
Regardless of how well Perry and Romney will perform tonight, PMSNBC will still make both of them out to be the next Adolf or Castro. MSNBC just hates when a conservative tells the truth about the economy.

Perry and Romney tell the truth?! Hahahaha! Since when??

Not that I agree with MSNBC, but Romney and Perry are like Adolf and Castro. Neither Romney nor Perry wants to abolish the Patriot Act, abolish the IRS, abolish the Fed, and legalize freedom.

None of those things will ever be abolished, better get used to that. We will never have a congress and senate and white house that would be willing to do that much, as much as I would love to see it happen, it just never will.
FYI: Ron Paul is polling solid double digits, in 3rd place, passed the former frontrunner Bachmann, and his suport has been solid all the way through and has made gradual increases as opposed to the fluctuating polling position of other candidates. Not to mention the Tea Party elected his son Rand Paul to Senate.

Rand Paul is nothing like his old man, we should make that clear right now. Rand would have a shot at president, but not ron. I like rons ideas, but he is weak on foriegn policy, he does not have the balls to protect America. He has great domestic policies though , I give him that much.
I dont think he's listened to anyone. That might prove him wrong on something.

I listened to them talk about reinstating "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". At least they don't want to make them criminals, like Republicans want to do in Texas. Or maybe they do. I lose track of who Republicans hate.

Then you clearly weren't listening Because "They" was Rick Santorum.

Come on now, you cant expect him to actually pay attention to the debate and focus in on the substance now can you? We are talking about dean here, the one and only.
SANTORUM: I would say any type of sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military. The fact they are making a point to include it as a provision within the military that we are going to recognize a group of people and give them a special privilege to, and removing don't ask don’t tell. I think tries to inject social policy into the military. And the military's job is to do one thing: to defend our country...

The right’s idiotic ‘special privilege’ argument – disposed of by the Court in Romer. Interesting conservatives consider equal access to the law a ‘privilege.’

Thanks for posting that, I did not know that he said that, but now that you posted it, I support him even more. :clap2:
Bachmann can just go ahead and kiss her ass goodbye. She said it, everybody knows she said, and she lied in front of God and Country tonight.

Michele Bachmann: The darling of the Tea Party was virtually non-existent in Thursday's debate. And when she did get her time in the limelight, she notably gave a non-sensical answer and a whopper. Asked what the ideal tax rate should be, she said Americans should not have to pay any taxes. But then she added that the government had to collect something, without saying how much. Asked about her claim that HPV causes retardation among young women, Bachmann incredulously claimed she never made the charge. "I didn't make that claim nor did I make that statement," she said when moderator Chris Wallace asked if she stood by a quotation he read verbatim to her.

Like you atheists care about god. Get over yourself already. :D

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