GOP Goes Off The Image Cliff


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2009
The clock is ticking over whether President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner can avoid going over the so-called fiscal cliff at the beginning of next year. But our new NBC/WSJ poll shows that the Republican Party has already gone off one cliff, per co-pollster Peter Hart (D) -- the image cliff.

The GOP’s fav/unfav rating in the poll now stands at 30%/45% (minus-15), which is down from 36%/43% (minus-7) right before the election. That’s compared with the Democratic Party’s 44%/35% rating (plus-9). And other than self-described Republicans and conservatives, just two other groups have a net positive view of the GOP: folks who live in rural America (39%/33%) and folks who live in the South (39%/38%), that’s it.

What’s more, asked to give a word or short phrase to describe the Republican Party, 65% offered a negative comment, including MORE THAN HALF of Republicans. The top responses: “Bad,” “weak,” “negative,” “uncompromising,” “need to work together,” “broken,” “disorganized” and “lost.”

By contrast, 37% gave negative descriptions of the Democratic Party, while 35% were positive. A Republican politician or operative might look at our poll and say, “Well, the good news is that our numbers can’t get any lower.” That might be true, and they could very well drag Democrats down with them if there isn’t a deal. But there’s another way to look at the poll: Republicans have a lot to gain, too. And if they want to be a competitive national party again and not simply a regional, rural party, they need to make gains.

First Thoughts: GOP goes off the image cliff - First Read
Seriously, it's obvious when you guys are just parroting talking points when you come on and start posting virtually identical thread titles with your threads and don't even bother looking.
Seriously, it's obvious when you guys are just parroting talking points when you come on and start posting virtually identical thread titles with your threads and don't even bother looking.

Oh, here we go. I read an article and liked it, so I posted it. :chillpill:
Seriously, it's obvious when you guys are just parroting talking points when you come on and start posting virtually identical thread titles with your threads and don't even bother looking.

What if we did not get the talking points. Then what are we saying?
I say give Obama his tax rates of Clintons years but demand spending rates to be the from the 90's as well.
What was the last thing the Republicans actually did well that benefitted Americans and they didn't fumble the ball hilariously on?

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